Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

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in Dutch : tjok - same sound, only used in combination with full - tjokvol = filled to the brim”

That’s very interesting!
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Exit wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:16 am “chocka

in Dutch : tjok - same sound, only used in combination with full - tjokvol = filled to the brim”

That’s very interesting!
now you mention this
and the Liverpool orgins of that word
and the uniqueness in the Dutch language
only for full

could indicate a Beatlemania origin, the word sounds like coming from that era, like not originally old Dutch (which my grandparents learned in pre1954 spellings) and not modern also, I know the word since the 80s and it was in older books.

But a 1960s Beatlemania origin enhancing how full

a Beatle concert
or spin-off cover bands (the vast majority of gigs in the world!)

would become

makes total sense
in my cheesy mind

but may also be completely wrong.
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by rachel »

Because Liverpool is a port city, major to the Americas in the 1800s, likely it is from Dutch. A lot of Liverpool's uniqueness in language comes from Irish and Welsh coming to the city with the idea of starting a new life in America, Canada, South Africa, then not getting that far and settling in Liverpool. Could be the same with Dutch people wanting to head to the new world, but only getting as far as Liverpool, then deciding to stay.

I believe generally, people would save enough to get passage to Liverpool, then work in Liverpool until they had enough for passage to wherever they were intending to sail to. Hence why so many people finding work and boarding in Liverpool ended up staying.
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Yeah, I would like to have visited Liverpool, have not been anywhere north in England.

Rotterdam, Holland's(America Line) biggest port city also had this stepping history. Even with non-marine travel migrants, in your own family history you see such things.

I just looked up "etymologie tjokvol" and it apparently comes indeed from English:


But I was wrong about the age of the word, it's much older
Het Etymologisch woordenboek van het Nederlands (EWN) vermeldt dat tjokvol een leenvertaling is uit het Engels. Chock-full betekent 'helemaal vol, stampvol'. Het eerste deel gaat waarschijnlijk terug op het Middelengelse werkwoord chokken (togeder), dat 'samenstampen' betekende. Dit werkwoord was ontleend aan het Oudfranse choquier ('drukken, stoten, botsen'). En dit Franse werkwoord gaat weer terug op het Middelnederlandse schocken ('schokken'), aldus het EWN.

Het Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal vermeldt dat onder andere Louis Couperus de vorm tjopvol gebruikte, misschien onder invloed van propvol. "De geheele zaal is uitverkocht; het wordt tjopvol", schreef Couperus in Korte Arabesken uit 1911.
So from Middle Dutch to Old French to Middle English back to Dutch.
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

My favorite Youtuber has made an end of year video, which is hilarious as always.

RocketPoweredMohawk drops some bits and pieces in his videos revealing a more awake position than yer typical YTer.

His "do you know what that is, a psyop" and other references I have mixed at Eye AM Eye Radio, will start working on this content later.

Even if you're not into Formula One, the bloke is incredibly funny to watch.
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

this is an open pub

on Ab's platform

and via via I am informed I am being talked aBOUT.

which is nice I guess, but I'd rather talk WITH, as human beings, as we are, as we are in Rachel's Pub, she serves anything from the local crafted beers you drink to the cheesy combination for isntance I prefer which is Colombian coffee, whole milk, about 60-40 cheese-cheapest ciggies...

but this is also a place for the teetotalers, like Ab

cause better talk together, not?

also to recommend to talk about in your podcasts, these excellent breakthrough mentalverse insights into the long old questions what those strange trails in the skies COULD BE ??


and how The Conspiracy Conspiracy (at least in that base Unreal is right, but real bears are more common than dressed up ones...) tries to make people loco with all kinds of fantastical narratives


in the case of "chem"trails

simtrails fits better
cause satellite data in the end is a simulated, derived, not purely analog version of reality


good one

"everything is laced with graphene turning you into a bot" is also still one of those narratives. But not entirely impossible, more the agenda (((they))) work towards, yes, and just the cocktail of fuckery makes the thing

5G towers don't exist here
yet we have 5G internet

but the beauty of my little balcony is

that 5G doesn't reach here, I can """"just"""" use our 2.4GHz signal....

but the 5G towers that are definitely real

are in the richest, most luxurious neighborhood

the one I lived in landing in this tropical paradise, the irony

so if they use 5G as an electromagnetic weapon

and as a handy by-effect or the real intent dressed up as such

certainly possible

then they are especially focusing on

the most Elite of crowds

here in Colombia

how is that in your environments ?

share your stories here
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Eye AM Eye Radio not only provides us all with beautifully mixed audios

also photos from travels long and longer ago are there


select media type "images" and enjoy beauties like


Pripyat, Ukraine



Kiev, idem

NOTE . the fact something is on the website Patreon, does NOT mean something is "behind a paywall", capiche ?
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »


after the farewell message which was totally meant and sincere, as only reinforced by what I am gonna share here, back in the pub, the bar, the kroeg, the Kneipe, that what will be opened here. Literally opposite the police station of the village.

where many Fakeologists

will be heard

as my absence here, only means more motivated musiversal activity elsewhere, forming it around me, as true philosophy should be.

my reasons for the comeback will be addressed in the dedicated Discordia thread, where wise words by an Ozzie Bulgy, have been expressed. That deserve extra support from not only my side (subjectivity, i.e. ideology) but mainly and most importantly the THERE for ALL side ; objectivity ; philosophy

a big word of thanks to the Real and Only Authority Here, on the forum, the longest style of online interaction I've had in my life, more than 1 million posts on all combined...

it is ridiculous to leave the forum when the Discord management is the problem

and Fakeopedia is THRIVING as never before, with lots of separate short wiki should be articles of Newspeech, and expansion and enhancement of the musicaversity - musiversidad

but here the forum is only and justly

adminstered by


gracias. You do a great job, we dun need nobody else. Please have this pub for talk out stuff, thats what it is meant for, and great cause shielded from the blog, yaknow, weetjewelweetjeniet ?

keep the World War 3, sorry Wild Times 3, out, capiche

the Manicouagan Candidate :lol: will be addressed in that Deadcord thread...

I have too many fans
I have a lot of new and improved insights to share

for those who care

to WORK together

cause only

we matter

to gather

we better

from a sunny Sunday Bogotá savanna...
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by rachel »

I was hoping you'd be back after a break. @aSHIFT.

Forum posts require a bit more effort than Discord. I don't know how planned my posts seem, but they just grow organically. My mind never really took to wiki.
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Re: Fakeo Homie Hangout - a plazzy place for chocka chats

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

rachel wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:59 pm I was hoping you'd be back after a break.
this is sincerely heartwarming to hear; when I read this, my heart literally warmed up, I felt that happening, that exact phenomenon.

So thank you

That's why I do what I do

I am totally myself
but I represent many more others ; the mentalversity and musiversity (got already 2 fans !) mean that my points are not ONLY mine, so shouldn't be treated as such. Mentalversity is a form of obvjectivist philosophy, always has been my focus.

simply because of my increased first awareness and then aworkness (why not?) ; actively working on yourself is very much Eye am Eye ; observe and learn, and be your best self you CAN be, cause I have seen/known/observed/heard(read you like that. Behave like that, is for me thus a logical next step

you do, you are grounded

not so many
they are

gusanos lámparas

comes back, no worries, no hurries

Forum posts require a bit more effort than Discord.
Yes, and please keep doing what you're doing, I have been reading along without posting, like the vast majority of Eyes on US, please do bear that in mind,

foruming is the most public form of soapboaxing

By Discord I mean the free-flowing "who has something interesting and novel to share and ponder about in this sometimes rocky but never bullied pub" that Fakeologist Discord used to be

from November 2017
to October 2022


I have witnessed that first and with varying very vibing Eye am Eyes...

THAT has changed

that what I describe and will expand on in that thread better

Discord texting is total WASTE of TIME

so good that at least is out of the picture

Ab, Rachel, please do return, both of you have been there before, to Eye AM Eye Radio

We can talk also without Wild Times 3 (I didn't like part 1, why even have sequels, what is this, Hollywould....
I don't know how planned my posts seem, but they just grow organically. My mind never really took to wiki.
Let me, as a 22 year forum
and 19 year wiki

experienced Eye

give you a perspective, ok ?

"desktop publishing" you see in my designs I suck at, but also used to be part of my career jobs..

1 - your research factual points are little WIKI articles but then written and thus hidden on a forum - it is exactly THOSE you should make on the wiki and expand THERE and refere to THAT on a forum, that's how all forums work. It is either eternal or expandable content suited for a

documented collection
lists of links


Wiki is MADE for that. It is EXCELLENT- The concept, not Jimby Wales, the Wikimedia Founder. no the functionality, phenomenon and power TO us

2 - platform diversity is A) Fakeologist's trademark (no other alternative focused thing has this!) and a huge strength, also in cases of data losses and restarts. Lessons from the past all over, innit ?

3 - wiki is working together, always has been made for that - and that is why I helped make that happen. Not only for Fakeologist, thanks and only thanks to Ab's work and platform, but my initiative and expertise, but for the back then BIGGEST corruptoration (Nah, but you get my point) IN THE WORLD

I was part of their leaderboard, a bit higher up than mod on Deadcord, hahahaha, houseclowns, you nailed it there Napoleon, must say !

well, if those ranks of people took me seriously, I must have something. That's mere logic, not bragging, not necessary, I never was their direct employee, so....

but you should take SOME of your work to the wiki, those parts exactly fit for it

and then your forumposts, linking to wiki articles is WAY easier and more attractive for the reader than linking to certain posts back in threads.


9 - you can edit posts, as admin.

we cannot

the whole purpose of wiki is

it's never finished. so maintaining that editing capability is the whole point of it.
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

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