NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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the millenium falcon is all three temples combined that fall and will fall on 911 ,this is after all a stylised rosicrucian hijacking of the holy books from antiquity
so herods temple ,solomons temple and the twin towers all make the millenium fall-con space ship ,babylon and new jerusalem under one spell or psipher that is rosicrucianism
“locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas

when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar on 911,and herrods temple destroyed on 911 with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which were also destroyed on 911 through narrative that sadam hussein funding of terra-ism, sadam declared himself the reincarnation of nebudchadnezzar in the 70s
,,,,,,,,,,,,, you get solo-hans temple ...................the millenium fall-con
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Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, 🌈and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion as lukes companions . Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, 🌈and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
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you see the reason i can predict the blog being ignored and whos a houseclown is because the alternative is solving 911 and showing the world the masonic solo-mans temple is americas favourite toy ,and them fakeologist masons cannot divulge or be unbiased, it is fun because ab is honest,but as i said the lads hes been chatting to for years needed a boogieman and a wildtimes to save the veteran fakeologists ,they won't save you ladies
pussies i told you what i was gonna do,i even told you what you tarts were gonna do !! 5 years ago
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imagine how feeble the masonic houseclowns are that they cant even read the mans blog on air they are occupying ,that is pathetic ,and i was not gonna interupt ab's time to shine during covaids ,that was the best part watching the main man hit homeruns weekly for three plus years ,
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Unread post by napoleon »

the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. filter don’t get any easier than sadam hussein
watch and pay attention
lets give you girls something easy to understand ,i know my ideas will never be discussed by cgi fucks or judy wood fans and 911 toys are still the final nail in the duplicitous houseclowns coffin

but i do like to show off,…

so with the understanding that the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. in the chamber of reflection ,rosicrucian in origin and spawned the childs book wizard of oz (ruby rosicrucians) 100 years later the theosophical alchemical journey manifests it’s self via frank l baums book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,
published in 1900, and was the first fantasy written by an American to enjoy an immediate success upon publication.

so we shall assume everyone knows 911 and the theatre was all agreed upon in the 70s minimum,and also assume that self any respecting fakeologists understands ozma bin laden was invented for this in the same way the c.i.a put saddam in charge of babylon a new nebudchadnezzar to be blamed for the destruction of solomons temple recreating babylon at ground zero
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the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. filter don’t get any easier than sadam hussein
watch and pay attention,

they knew they was gonna blame their asset sadam hussein ,and say he was responsible for the funding of 911 attacks in new york carried out by ozama bin laden ,put that through the george lucas v.i.t.r.i.o.l. psi fi filter before it can be put into the childs space opera taking all the rainbow and oz v.t.r.i.o.l. used to generate dorothy's journey ,we get lukes space wizard of oz adventure meeting the carachters from the terra event (luke is a good terraist )
sadam hussein will now be filtered through the same process v.i.t.r.i.o.l. in the oz chamber of reflection that gave you dorothy following the yellow brick road to green shards basic rosicrucian chamber of reflection v.i.t.r.i.o.l. beep boop beep beep ………………..
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awaiting caharacter bio…………
sadam husseins name now becomes lando calrizzian (land of oz) calrizzian ,sadam lookalike
so crafty george named him after the land of oz ,in fitting with the chamber of reflection ruby rosicrucian ceremony ,which openly blamed ozma bin laden on 911,ergo blaming ozama puts you in the land of oz . with lando being admin for cloud city mirroring sadam being blamed for funding cloud city,,,with ruby slipper flying machines .
you see how gullible you are ive took 911 star wars and kubrick
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masons and houseclowns have rules you see,masons and houseclowns control the audio by retarding the audience with gimmicks like hoax and no one died no one got hurt ,but let me ask you this ,would masons or paid shills explain how they come to that conclusion
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would cointel divulge new light on 911 ,no they wouldn't ,and futhermore they would distract from shedding light on 911
liber oz
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the millenial kingdom will invert the truth of scripture
millenium fall-con
solo-mans temple

Revelation 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: This angel is described as “another” angel. The word “another” or “allos” in Greek means “another of the same kind”. Another mighty angel translated “strong”
What does Oz mean in Hebrew? "strong"strength
Oz is a masculine name of Hebrew origin, meaning “strength” and “courage.” It is primarily a nickname derived from Hebrew names such as Ozni and Ozias. However, Oz is most well known in western culture for its association with the cult classic fantasy musical The Wizard of Oz, based on the literature by L. Frank Baum.
Genesis 10:1
What does Genesis 10:1 mean?
This verse introduces what is sometimes called the table of nations. In addition to listing some of the descendants of Noah's sons, the chapter also mentions the lands and nations that formed among these descendants. This is the purpose God intended for mankind in His commands after the flood: to repopulate the earth (Genesis 9:7). As part of His will, God had promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood (Genesis 9:11).
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The New Atlantis describes a utopian society governed by a scientific institution, the House of Salomon, which, serving the principle of Christian charity, is devoted to expanding knowledge of the world and converting that knowledge into measures that improve the human condition: “for the finding out of the true nature of all things, whereby God might have the more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them.” The people are described as embodying the qualities of “generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit”.

Bacon’s vision of the House of Salomon
The House of Salomon was named after the biblical King Solomon who was known for his wisdom and justice; the House of Salomon was thus a House of Justice in which spiritual principles and material knowledge would be integrated for the judicious and equitable government of the commonwealth. In the philosophical speculations of the Renaissance, whose symbolism can be found throughout the work of Francis Bacon, the Temple of Solomon symbolises the union of the transcendental divine wisdom,
( hear that i found solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con ,devine wisdom haaha all i got for solving this riddle was the fakeologist website full of houseclowns and they still manage to talk bollocks to ab every week ,without addressing the main topic - 911 - literally ignoring the blog they are on ,that was expected though)
serenity and detached selflessness of the spiritually enlightened, with the quest for practical knowledge of the masters of metal-working, arts, and sciences. [In the Rosicrucian and esoteric alchemical traditions,sounds like the force and jedi's school of teaching

Bacon’s vision of the House of Salomon inspired the foundation of the Royal Society and other academic societies that began to sprout throughout Europe in the mid and late 17th centuries,

In the New Atlantis, The House of Salomon was also called the College of the Six Days. This is also an allusion to how Bacon named his entire body of writings, as the “Great Instauration” or “Six Days Work”, which he envisioned as a step-by-step restoration of paradise on earth, in imitation of the Six Days of God’s work before the Seventh Day of rest
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[traditional views held by many Seventh-day Adventists concerning the “open space” in Orion, in the light of the historical documents of the 1840’s. Joseph Bates was the first to associate the Orion Nebula with the return of the Holy City. This was in 1846, two years before Ellen White had her vision concerning Orion, reported in Early Writings. Other Adventist authors, including J. N. Loughborough, provided additional details concerning the vision and its interpretation.

“Then this ‘Holy City, new Jerusalem, the Zion of God, the Tabernacle of God, the Bride the Lamb’s Wife, the Mother of us all,’ is a City, enclosed with a wall one hundred and forty-four cubits high, which embraces the ‘garden of Eden, the Paradise of God.’ And God calls it his ‘SANCTUARY.’ I suppose that it will be conceded by all, that the Garden of Eden at the time of the fall, was a literal place, and was planted eastward.”
Kesil (??????? K?s?l), usually understood to be Orion, a giant angel. Kimah (?????? ??m?), which may be the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Arcturus, or Sirius. ‘Ash or ‘Ayish (???? ‘?š), possibly the Hyades, Arcturus or Ursa Major, or even the Evening Star (Venus when seen at dusk)
kesil run is the same as the kessel run han solo made in his spaceship made from j tobin plaza herods and solomons temple all three fell on 911 /size]
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(kesil)-orion nebula is a mirror image of the kessel run!!!- made by the millenium fall-con
solo-mans temple
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THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ORION nebula were obtained in the 1880s, 1 more than 30 years after Ellen White’s vision. For photographic evidence of an “open space in Orion,” several Seventh-day Adventist authors quote from a California astronomer, Edgar Lucien Larkin, director of the Mount Lowe Observatory. Professor Larkin, in 1910, wrote a glowing description of the Orion nebula in the San Francisco Examiner and later wrote an article for the Signs of the Times, apparently at the request of the associate editor, Lucas A. Reed. In his book, Reed quotes extensively from this article in support of his theory that the open space is in the Trapezium (our solo-mans temple is a trapezoid buildin7)region of the nebula.
the fakeologist might let you off without reading the blog ,i won't and you aint fakeologists ,just houseclowns as i said,and very pathetic ones ,911 toys are the best
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Unread post by napoleon »

i'm listening to fakeologist radio live you know the lads that ignore the blog talk about how the airports have changed after 911 ,these lads that can't address the spaceship toys films and masonic ceremony but complain ,i get a kick out of the falseness of the lads that invaded because abs not a mason
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remember controlled opposition cannot address the solution to 911 ,or even bring it up ,ahahhhhhhhhhhaahhaahahaha ,cannot even read the blog they occupy ,
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pathetic what has happened since i solved this masonic riddle ,but i did say houseclowns and i left them
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Unread post by napoleon »

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In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said. Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, is their mentor
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A symbol which is to be found in every Masonic Lodge is the representation of a blazing star. Masons, apparently not knowing its true origin, claim it is the symbol of prudence. In fact, it represents the dog star, Sirius.

basically the nativity reenacted with an antichrist on 911 is one thing ,and inverting the three wise men in osiris belt to line up with sirius the dog star indicating the birth of their antichrist on 911 does fit the rosicrucian doctrine making jesus a normal man that lived on as an alchemist etc etc

thats why all the masons have to ignore the basics of 911 even to an absurd degree by hiding in a discord with other masons and ignoring the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. of the wizard of oz mythology which runs through american masons mind control cult ................and it is a cult i prove that with every chat the fakeologist has with the audiochatters that ignore the fucking wizard of oz being blamed for 911
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my favourite part of knowing the audios and talking heads cannot address ab's blog is the characters ,whos your favourites ?
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Unread post by napoleon »

Indicators that the World Trade Center represented the Temple of Solomon

The Temple of Solomon’s most salient architectural feature; its signature element is the twin pillars. The World Trade Center featured twin pillars.
The pillars of Solomon’s Temple are at North and South. The twin towers of the World Trade Center are at North and South.

The World Trade Center As The Temple of Solomon

Solomon's Temple along with these twin pillars were destroyed on Tisha B'Av 586 BCE, the 9th day of the 11th month of the Hebrew calendar. Additionally, building #7, collapsed despite never having been hit by a plane, it did however have it's interior gutted just a few years earlier by it's new owners, the Salomon Brothers, in what was described as the most extensive alterations ever made to a new Manhattan office building. ... llion.html

The owners of Salomon Brothers are themselves descendants of Haym Salomon, a Freemason and the primary financier of the American Revolutionary War. ... evolution/ ... d-patriot/
The Temple of Solomon is represented in symbol form by the pillars Jachin and Boaz in Freemasonry; Chesed and Geburah in Kabbala. The Masonic pillars are at North and South.

In Freemasonry and Kabbala there is a third pillar; a middle pillar.
The middle pillar of the World Trade Center was Building 7 known as the Salomon Brothers Building. The name “SALOMON” is the most overt reference to Solomon.

When the Freemason Entered Apprentice tracing board is turned horizontally — with the cardinal directions in their appropriate locations — the North pillar becomes the Tropic of Capricorn. The South pillar becomes the Tropic of Cancer. The middle pillar becomes the equator.

The World Trade Center North Tower (Building 1) is the Tropic of Cancer. The South Tower (Building 2) is the Tropic of Capricorn.

The North Tower (Building 1) was topped out on December 23rd, 1970; a date in CAPRICORN.

The South Tower (Building 2) was topped out on July 19th, 1971; a date in CANCER.

The Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer are separated by 47 degrees. The third pillar Salomon Brothers Building, the equator had 47 stories to further cement the twin towers as the tropics, and the pillars of Solomon.
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The original 7 World Trade Center was 47 stories tall, clad in red granite masonry, and occupied a trapezoidal footprint.the Trapezium (our solo-mans temple is a trapezoid like buildin7)the region of the nebula of the trigger for 911 was Kesil (??????? K?s?l), usually understood to be Orion, a giant angel. Kimah (?????? ??m?), which may be the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Arcturus, or Sirius. ‘Ash or ‘Ayish (???? ‘?š), possibly the Hyades, Arcturus or Ursa Major, or even the Evening Star (Venus when seen at dusk)
kesil run is the same as the kessel run han solo made in his spaceship made from j tobin plaza! herods!and solomons temple !all three fell on 911 they were destroyed on Tisha B'Av 586 BCE, the 9th day of the 11th month of the Hebrew calendar ,in keeping with bacons black monolith mirror prophecy ,new atlantis governed by the house of solomon,,,,,ergo ab must never ask the masons why they don't read the blog shh this has been the only constant since jan 2018 /size].

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7 World Trade Center (7 WTC, WTC-7, or Tower 7) refers to two buildings that have existed at the same location within the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The original structure, part of the original World Trade Center, was completed in 1987 and was destroyed in the September 11 attacks in 2001. The current structure opened in May 2006. Both buildings were developed by Larry Silverstein, who holds a ground lease for the site from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

"Essentially, Salomon is constructing a building within a building (47 story building with euclids 47 problem built in – and it's an occupied building, which complicates the situation", said a district manager of Silverstein Properties.[27] According to Larry Silverstein, the unusual task was possible because it could allow "entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building's structural integrity, https://www.masonic-lodge-of-education. ... uclid.html
https://www.masonic-lodge-of-education. ... uclid.html
47th PROBLEM OF EUCLID - What is the meaning of this ...
Masonic Lodge of Education › 47th-...
The 47th Problem of Euclid, also called the 47th Proposition of Euclid, or the Pythagorean Theorem, is represented by what appear to be 3 squares.
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Solomon's Temple along with these twin pillars were destroyed on Tisha B'Av 586 BCE, the 9th day of the 11th month of the Hebrew calendar. Additionally, building #7, collapsed despite never having been hit by a plane, it did however have it's interior gutted just a few years earlier by it's new owners, the Salomon Brothers, in what was described as the most extensive alterations ever made to a new Manhattan office building.
remember if you are a threat to their paid gigs and idiotic oaths you are a fakeologist ,if you let them speil the same bullshit over and over again year in year out ,see if they will hire you xxxx
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Unread post by napoleon »

so our salomon brothers building 7 trapezoid matches orionis trapezoid and han solos trapezoid of carbonite ,that why im thrice as good ,as above so below n all that What is Orion in Bible?
Orion [N] [S] Heb. Kesil; i.e., "the fool", the name of a constellation ( Job 9:9 ; 38:31 ; Amos 5:8 ) consisting of about eighty stars.
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The Trapezium or Orion Trapezium Cluster, also known by its Bayer designation of Theta1 Orionis (θ1 Orionis), is a tight open cluster of stars in the heart of the Orion Nebula, in the constellation of Orion. It was discovered by Galileo Galilei.
Appendix 5: The “open space in Orion” › appendix-5-the-op...
orion trapezoid new jerusalem from
“Then this 'Holy City, new Jerusalem, the Zion of God, the Tabernacle of God, the Bride the Lamb's Wife, the Mother of us all,' is a City, enclosed with a wall ...
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so a spaceship made of the abrahamic religions temples and the twin towers , does the kessel run ,or the third temple to fall on 911 historically as having its foorprint made into the orion belt kesil trapezoid on both ,both have a solo-man ,as i say 911 toys of solo-mans temple pretty much procludes me from interacting with illiterate fakeologists or masons since they embargoed the place ,but i do like to show of the millenium fall-con
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Han Solo, piloting the Millennium Falcon, made the infamous kessel run in slightly over 12 parsecs, boasting about his ship's ability to endure shorter but more hazardous routes through hyperspace.
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Unread post by napoleon »

On April 3, 1968, two all-time greats of the science fiction genre were released
Planet of the Apes and 2001: A Space Odyssey,
al qa eda no no no ,ape ap la net
———ape ap la ——net——
---------al qa eda----------
------ape a planet-----
you were a schema == you had plans
and look where that got you!!
the towers were always represented as a spaceship
solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con
unfortunately 911 toys are not part of the script
i had to solve that myself
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you are now seeing a reflection of the 911 fiction in the chamber of refelction decades before the celebration that was 911 the masonic initiation ,origin rosicrucianism rainbow and oz schema ,liber oz you entered the chamber of reflection on 911,your scared ass is still there
after the miniature towers collapse,and you know what collapsed was not steel or concrete ,salomon brothers building gets enveloped in dust or frozen in cloud city ,so literally the twins became cloud city or went to cloud city and solo-man gets frozen
i have no idea how george lucas extrapolated the sarlacc pitt and han solo man getting frozen
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in star wars cloud city is where han solo gets frozen ,into a block of carbonite the same shape as the solo-mon brothers building 7,in cloud city new york
after our hero is thawed in return of the jedi ,he has temporary blindness ,his first sight is the sarlacc pit which looks remarkably simmilar to the hole left from the collapse miniatures , han solo awakes to see the sarlacc pitt which is a mirror of the holes left by the twins collapse ,and looks exactly the same as what you would see from building 7 i solved 911 in a gif classy as fuck ,all the rosicrucian ceremony and invisible college degree back engineered in half a second ,i am a fakeologist ,not a mason ,or a platespinner ,i solve shit
don't worry truman is waking up