It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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rachel wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:25 pm That's a woman's hand. The bump just below the wrist, that's what they do to give the impression the person is male. You see it all the time on Jimmy Savile.


It's fake. That's why it looks so creepy weird.

Just on this image of Jimmy Savile, I selected it at random, I didn't realise how clearly it actually showed what I was suggesting.

Jimmy Savile wrist detail.jpg

This is the real reason he wore those big heavy (imitation) gold chains and watch, to hide the demarcation line/sleeve. But then, did the fakery just get better?

mbe a2.jpeg

Savile looks different, but that could be accounted for by the fake bits being altered over time; else maybe it's a stand-in? Or maybe more than one person played the character, that would make my crude mathematics on how many DJs would one actually need to employ in 1967 to man Radio One a better fit if they were working full-time. I don't know, but we can see the fake arm skin in the original detail, and why was that even necessary if we are really looking at a man in that image?

I'd saved this other picture quite a while back and I hadn't got a clue who it was, so looking it up, I found this story, 2023, that tells us it's his brother. So they are still milking it for all it's worth. ... nored.html
How Jimmy Savile's sexual depravity ran in the family: BBC DJ's older brother Johnny was accused of trading off his sibling's fame to rape to abuse hospital patients whose complaints were repeatedly ignored

PUBLISHED: 12:09, 17 October 2023

Paedophile presenter Jimmy Savile’s older brother Johnny was also a predatory sex offender who stalked a hospital for his victims.

The chilling echo of Savile's own deranged crimes paints a disturbing picture of a family line in depraved attacks and assaults.

Johnny, five years his famous brother's senior, only had his reign of terror brought to an end when he was sacked from his 'entertainments officer' job in 1980 over allegations.

But an investigation by South West London and St. George's Mental Health NHS Trust in 2015 says he may have attacked as many as seven between 1978 and 1980.

While he worked at Tooting's Springfield Hospital from 1974 he is thought to have targeted five patients, one visitor and a member of staff.


And then I've just noticed this other picture, turns out to be his sister...

Marjorie Marsden.JPG

Right...they are pictures of the same person...and I know someone might say, well they are brother and sister. They have identical face proportions and neither of them look like Jimmy. It's just a big sick grift.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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The Prince of Wales fake plastic head.


Did you ever wonder why it was such a strange shape?

Unsurprising that Matt is knighting Sajid. Though, is it real or just a GAN-set?

Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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Actually, while I'm on the subject of Sajid Javid, I think it's worth pointing out this, because I saw it, it dawned on me what the significance, but up to this point I haven't mentioned it. So, a reminder...
rachel wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:21 am Konstantin Kissin total change of heart on taking the COVID vaccine

As I say, the PoliticoYT chap couldn't understand why Konstantin Kissin changed his opinion. I couldn't find the original video to check its date, it appears to have been live, but no longer exists on youtube. So we'll have to make do with a grab from the video above working on the principle it was created within days of the original video.


In the video PoliticoYT says the video was from July last year, and we see from the grab, his tweet was 10 July 2021, and it was at least billed as a live clip. But, it could have been pre-recorded and played live. It would have been nice to know if it was actually filmed around the beginning of June.

From the video, probably on the 9 July 2021, Konstantin states:
"I'm never taking the vaccine, and the more they push it the less likely I am to take it."
"I'm not taking the vaccine on principle."
Then fast-forward to the 9 Jan 2022, Konstantin states:
"The reason I am thinking about getting vaccinated, is your natural immunity can't be boosted, so when it waines, the only way you can boost it is by getting covid again."
Even though PoliticoYT can't work out Konstantin Kissin's change of heart, I think we can.

Matt Hancock resigned as Health Secretary on 26 June 2021, Sajid Javid is announced as his replacement the same day. Sajid Javid remains in post for just over a year until 5 July 2022, at which point he resigns.

The PoliticoYT guy, who I very much suspect knows exactly who Konstantin Kissin is, because I'm pretty sure he's ex-BBC; so the bit about "he must of caught COVID in the meantime" is BS. He knows exactly why Kissin caved. Anyway, he says, "Fast-forward five months to the present day...", so to be clear, the first video of Konstantin Kissin was released on 10th of July 2021, the second video of Konstantin Kissin was released on 10th January 2022. Do you notice something odd about Kissin from the first clip to the second?

It's harder to tell on the first video grab, but I'm pretty sure that's his natural hair. But roll around five months later, and that's not his natural hair, he's wearing a wig. The give away is kind of the way his forehead creases as he speaks, and the change in hair texture which I have a better idea about from other interviews he's done.


So why is he wearing a wig in the second video? ...I know why.

Because I realise what exactly coincided with that second video. If the same person plays both Konstantin Kissin and Sajid Javid, he would have had to shave his head for this date. That's opposed to him wearing his bald cap in the House of Commons, because none of the MPs are going to give the game away, because they are all in on it.


You perhaps can't see the date on that grab, but it is the Sky News report dated the 7 January 2022 where Sajid Javid is visiting an NHS hospital to push the vaccines. He's meeting real people, so no plastic cap, instead a real shaved head...which means he has no real hair for the livestream on the 10th January 2022, three days later. And what do you know, Konstantin Kissin is wearing a wig. Fancy that.

Here's the video...

NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won't get jabbed - Sky News, 7 Jan 2022
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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Hydroxychloroquine reduced COVID19 deaths by almost half

Because I mentioned the PoliticoYT Guy, let's be a bit more specific. When I first saw him, I had that feeling I get that I already knew him. The problem is, most of the time I can't recall who. But eventually, when looking at something else, because it's always in the same circles, his original incarnation pops up...and the penny drops.

The more people I spot, the clearer the picture gets. I don't know about the US, but in the UK, every alternative talking head we saw on Youtube over the Covid period, I guarantee you, you have watched them on the BBC in the 1980s or 90s. And the PoliticoYT Guy is no exception. He went to Cambridge University, and he was in the Footlights. He calls Vernon Coleman out as a snake oil salesman in this video; maybe he is, but that's a bit rich coming from someone who is sitting in front of us in a disguise, not declaring the fact he's part of the click, and that he worked (still works?) at the BBC to actually influence the way people vote.

So given that, clearly he's going to tell us COVID-19 was real. And not mention the DNRs, and the none treatment of people who had positive COVID tests. The mistreatment of the elderly, the Midazolam that was used to end their lives. The people put on ventilators as the only treatment offered, and then NHS doctors phoning up wanting to switch off because there was no change, and your loved one will know nothing anyway because they're in a medically induced coma. These things really happened in the UK, they really did. And this guy is flippant about people being killed because they were purposely overdosed with Hydroxychloroquine so the Government had an excuse to roll out the vaccines, and now we have excess deaths that they are hiding by changing the methodology of reporting. And this guy continues to prop up the narrative that any of it had to happen. When it didn't, because it was planned to happen in 2020, back in 2009. You know, the time of the Swine Flu, when they rolled out all the same measures, but not all in the same countries at the same time; that had nothing to do with pigs, as COVID-19 has nothing to do with bats.

From this Guy's university, using the One Health methodology, that's Darwinist Zoonotic fake science to you and me. ... d-variants
New vaccine technology could protect from future viruses and variants
25 Sep 2023


Studies of a ‘future-proof’ vaccine candidate have shown that just one antigen can be modified to provide a broadly protective immune response in animals. The studies suggest that a single vaccine with combinations of these antigens – a substance that causes the immune system to produce antibodies against it – could protect against an even greater range of current and future coronaviruses.

The vaccine antigen technology, developed by the University of Cambridge and spin-out DIOSynVax in early 2020, provided protection against all known variants of SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – as well as other major coronaviruses, including those that caused the first SARS epidemic in 2002.

The studies in mice, rabbits and guinea pigs – an important step before beginning human clinical trials, currently underway in Southampton and Cambridge – found that the vaccine candidate provided a strong immune response against a range of coronaviruses by targeting the parts of the virus that are required for replication. The vaccine candidate is based on a single digitally designed and immune-optimised antigen.

Even though the vaccine was designed before the emergence of the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, it provided a strong protection against all of these and against more recent variants, suggesting that vaccines based on DIOSynVax antigens may also protect against future SARS-CoV-2 variants.

DIOSynVax (Digitally Immune Optimised Synthetic Vaccines) uses a combination of computational biology, protein structure, immune optimisation, and synthetic biology to maximise and widen the spectrum of protection that vaccines can provide against global threats including existing and future virus outbreaks. Its vaccine candidates can be deployed in a variety of vaccine delivery and manufacturing platforms. The results are reported in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering.

Since the SARS outbreak in 2002, coronavirus ‘spillovers’ from animals to humans have been a threat to public health, and require vaccines that provide broad-based protection. “In nature, there are lots of these viruses just waiting for an accident to happen,” said Professor Jonathan Heeney from Cambridge’s Department of Veterinary Medicine, who led the research. “We wanted to come up with a vaccine that wouldn’t only protect against SARS-CoV-2, but all its relatives.”

All currently available vaccines, such as the seasonal flu vaccine and existing Covid-19 vaccines, are based on virus strains or variants that arose at some point in the past. “However, viruses are mutating and changing all the time,” said Heeney. “Current vaccines are based on a specific isolate or variant that occurred in the past, it’s possible that a new variant will have arisen by the time we get to the point that the vaccine is manufactured, tested and can be used by people.”

Heeney’s team has been developing a new approach to coronavirus vaccines, by targeting their ‘Achilles heel’. Instead of targeting just the spike proteins on the virus that change to evade our immune system, the Cambridge vaccine targets the critical regions of the virus that it needs to complete its virus life cycle. The team identifies these regions through computer simulations and selecting conserved structurally engineered antigens. “This approach allows us to have a vaccine with a broad effect that viruses will have trouble getting around,” said Heeney.

Using this approach, the team identified a unique antigen structure that gave a broad-based immune responses against different Sarbeco coronaviruses, the large group of SARS and SARS-CoV-2 related viruses that occur in nature. The optimised antigen is compatible with all vaccine delivery systems: the team administered it as a DNA immunogen (in collaboration with the University of Regensburg), a weakened version of a virus (Modified Vaccinia Ankara, supported by ProBiogen), and as an mRNA vaccine (in collaboration with Ethris). In all cases, the optimised antigen generated a strong immune response in mice, rabbits and guinea pigs against a range of coronaviruses. Based on a strong safety profile, the "first-in-human" clinical trials are ongoing at Southampton and Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facilities. The last booster immunisations will conclude by the end of September.

“Unlike current vaccines that use wild-type viruses or parts of viruses that have caused trouble in the past, this technology combines lessons learned from nature’s mistakes and aims to protect us from the future,” said Heeney. “These optimised synthetic antigens generate broad immune responses, targeted to the key sites of the virus that can’t change easily. It opens the door for vaccines against viruses that we don’t yet know about. This is an exceptionally different vaccine technology – it’s a real turning point.”

The research was initially funded by the DHSC UK Vaccine Network programme and later in part by the Innovate UK DIOS-CoVax programme. The DIOSynVax pipeline includes vaccine candidates for influenza viruses, haemorrhagic fever viruses, and coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2, the latter of which is currently in clinical trials.

DIOSynVax is a spin-out company from the University of Cambridge, established in 2017 with the support of Cambridge Enterprise, the University’s commercialisation arm. Jonathan Heeney is the Professor of Comparative Pathology at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow at Darwin College.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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No culpability at all, he'll say anything his masters tell him to say.

What about the COVID-19 vaccine, Konstantin?
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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I find it interesting one of Superman's superpowers is being able to see through objects to the layer underneath. I can't help being reminded of this, and what the author actually had in mind in creating that superpower.

It might be assumed that the techniques employed to make lifelike masks are of the time of television. They are not. Not one of the techniques employed require electricity or mechanical means, they instead require knowledge of what was previously termed alchemy. We can probably date their wide-scale use to pull of a mass deception to France, the French Revolution and Madame Tussauds.

We also have a clear idea how far the techniques actually date back to. Because one would use the exact same process to create metal armour. ... al-knight/
The Armour of an English Medieval Knight

English medieval knights wore metal armour of iron or steel to protect themselves from archers and the long swords of opponents. From the 9th century CE, chain mail suits gave protection and freedom of movement until solid plate armour became more common in the 14th century CE. A crested helmet, shield with a striking coat of arms, and a liveried horse completed a costly outfit which was designed to both protect and intimidate. Such was the mesmerising effect of a fully suited-up knight that armour continued to be worn despite the arrival of gunpowder weapons and remained a favourite costume of the nobility when posing for their oil painting portraits well into the modern era.

Medieval Knight Manfred Richter
Medieval Knight Manfred Richter

Armour pieces have survived from the medieval period, and besides these, historians rely on descriptions in contemporary texts, illustrations, and the stone tombs of knights which were frequently topped by a life-size carving of the deceased (effigy) in full battledress. Knights had to provide their own armour, but sometimes a sovereign or baron under which they served did give them either a whole or a piece of armour. There are records, too, of sovereigns replacing armour damaged in battle. The cash-strapped knight could also hire a suit of armour or, at a push, win a suit by defeating an opponent either at a medieval tournament or in battle itself. Armour had to be regularly cared for, and it was usually the duty of a knight's squire to clean and polish it. Chain mail was cleaned by swirling the armour around a barrel full of sand and vinegar; squires must have been as relieved to see the advent of smooth plate armour as the blacksmiths who had spent untold hours of tedium forging tiny metal rings into a coat of chain mail. Armour lasted well into the age of firearms from the 15th century CE and was even tested against bullets fired at close range but the age of the knight was by then nearly over, soon to be replaced by the cheaper-to-equip soldier who needed far less skill in firing guns and canons.

No, the age of knights and their armour is not over, just the idea they are the defenders of anything worth defending.

Paul McCartney’s coat of arms
Paul McCartney’s coat of arms

The Helm of McCartney's coat of arms represents Paul's Beatles mop-top plastic head. Likewise previously mentioned Sajid Javid's knighthood. Another ex city banker, who apparently has a new job as city banker, and definitely not the host of TRIGGERNOMETRY. ...As if TRIGGERNOMETRY is not just another BBC 'NUDGE UNIT' product.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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rachel as a superman purist fan ,not an expert in the slightest ,i must tell you that supermans best power and the one that has saved him the most is the fact he always tells the truth ,apart from denying he is superman to lois and even then he just mocks her a tad
telling the truth is the most powerful thing ever

sorry to digress your excellent post ,i literally took on the mantle as a child and i still cannot let it go ,used to have superman pyjamas under my normal clothes til i was 5and a half
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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It's too funny. We've already got a Labour Government in the UK. I've not been following much to do with the House of Commons of late. Why bother when it's a sham. But this popped up on my feed.

CEO of International Rescue. Let's just remind ourselves who International Rescue actually is.

Gerry Anderson Primer: Thunderbirds

Yes really. It is still a fictional entity, with fictional people running it. But is David Miliband's salary equally fictional, of is it where County's governments send taxpayer money to be laundered? Let's ask the UK's Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, should we?

Oh, he couldn't possibly comment, but Alex Chalk has something unrelated to say.

Andy Malkinson inquiry set out by justice secretary Alex Chalk

rachel wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:08 am David Miliband, Labour
I called him out a year ago. Ed Miliband PM, David Miliband Justice Secretary, so it's a cardboard cutout at International Rescue picking up that £849,500.00 annual income.
rachel wrote: Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:14 pm Image


dmiliband.gif (4.84 MiB) Viewed 3429 times
chalk.gif (5.57 MiB) Viewed 3429 times

rachel wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:24 pm Looker - Digital Matrix
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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Do you remember the phone hacking scandal in the UK? Well it was used the launch a career of a Mr Blobby...but back then, he wasn't designed so blobby.

At the time I did ask myself the question, 'why would an editor of a major UK national newspaper belittle himself by taking a job as a glorifies chat show host?' I couldn't see in this universe how one would lead to the other. ...And I have had loads of such questions, it just doesn't make any logical sense. That's until I started to look at the media from an entirely different perspective; then it became's because it's pants.


You know what the phone hacking scandal was really about? If you remember, there was a big enquiry (money for old rope) and then a call for the press to be regulated, which ended up being a voluntary system that organisations could join or not join. So what did it achieve?

The idea, there is a set of people who are the news. Because, using the Capitalist model of creating a barrier of entry into the market except for those in your little cartel. Media organisations no doubt "have to pay" a yearly subscription to be regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). So why would you join? ...To get a press card, which means you can say you are press and not just a member of the public with a camera or other recording device. And then, because it's all fake plastic people in front of the cameras pretending to be whoever it is today, you can bar other journalist from entering on the basis, you are not a member of IPSO, you are not really press, you are just a trouble maker. ...I guarantee you, that was the actual point of the phone hacking scandal.

So, I would suggest no one had heard of Piers Morgan before he was apparently sacked as Editor of the Daily Mirror. Or if they had, they had never seen his face. I've had this one in mind for a long time, but I happened on a video today which I feel is the best confirmation.

morgan1.gif (5.77 MiB) Viewed 3410 times
fry1.gif (7.05 MiB) Viewed 3410 times

See the angle of his head as he leans forward when he's worked up; the way he jerks his head down repeatedly, the little slight smile when he pauses, and even the way he wags his finger for emphasis. It's almost certainly the same person, and explains why Stephen Fry has mostly faded into the background these days. So when, during the COVID lockdowns, Piers Morgan told us he was doing his own makeup, do we think he stuck his own big plastic face on, or was he telling porkies? ... -12452947/
Piers Morgan forced to do own makeup for Good Morning Britain amid coronavirus pandemic
Published Mar 25, 2020, 9:31am

Piers Morgan was forced to do his own makeup for Good Morning Britain in order to adhere to the coronavirus guidelines of social distancing.

When joining the show at half-past six, the 54-year-old couldn’t help but laugh over whether or not he was camera ready.

He even shared a picture of himself with a leopard print dressing gown hung over one hand, while he was applying foundation with the other.

‘I have to tell you, it’s quite a weird thing. Dr Hilary [Jones], you had to do it as well, didn’t you?’ he laughed with the health guru.

Dr Hilary quipped: ‘Did it take you a long time?’

Piers chuckled: ‘You’ve got to remember all the bits, the foundation, the powder and god knows what else was going on.

Piers Morgan forced to do own makeup for Good Morning Britain
Piers Morgan forced to do own makeup for Good Morning Britain
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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When you fit one part of it, then see if it makes sense in relation to other parts of it.
Cell Mates (play)

Cell Mates is a play by Simon Gray. It opened at the Albery Theatre, London on 16 February 1995, starring Stephen Fry and Rik Mayall, with Gray himself directing. Despite having performed successfully for several weeks during the pre-London warm-up dates in Guildford and Watford then at the Richmond Theatre, Fry left the West End production after three days. His understudy, Mark Anderson, stepped in, until Fry was replaced by Simon Ward. Nevertheless, the production closed on 25 March 1995.

Later in 1995, Gray released an autobiographical account of the production, called Fat Chance. It was published by Faber and Faber.

The play was revived at the Hampstead Theatre in December 2017, in a new production directed by Edward Hall and starring Geoffrey Streatfeild as George Blake.

The play concerns George Blake, who has been convicted for spying for the Russians and sentenced to forty-two years' imprisonment, and a fellow prisoner, Sean Bourke. Bourke helps Blake escape to Moscow, after which Blake does not want to let Bourke leave Moscow to return to his native Ireland.

In 1995, Stephen Fry famously walked out of the play near the start of its West End run, after his performance received a bad review in the Financial Times. It was reported at the time that he suffered an attack of stage fright, but he has since disclosed that it was bipolar disorder. Fry walked out of the production for good, leaving only an apology, and provoking its early closure.

Simon Gray described Fry's action as "cowardly", and in a statement to the press said: "It is disgraceful that so much media attention has been devoted to this squalid little story... I confess my own failure as a director was to have cast Stephen Fry in the first place, and in the second place, not to have acknowledged my error by requesting his departure after his (self-proclaimed) inadequacies were abundantly clear to me." In response to the suggestion his reaction was insensitive to Fry's predicament, Gray added: "I'm a friend of Stephen's. I have great sympathy because he was hurt and stressed, but what he left behind him was the most awful chaos and distress for other people who loved him, including me."

Fry went missing, travelling to Belgium, and contemplating suicide. His personal website says, "The experience still haunts him, but the depression has now faded to embarrassment and the anger to forgiveness."

The incident would be humorously referenced shortly after in Bottom Live: The Big Number Two Tour, in which Rik Mayall also starred.

What I remember of this, there was a big thing in the media about whether Stephen Fry was going to commit suicide or not. Whatever his reasons, and I'm not really bothered, he is someone who is prepared to walk out and damn the consequences. In some ways that is not a bad thing; if more "television stars" had done that exact thing at the beginning of the COVID CON, maybe less real people would be dead now.

There is also the interesting question, why were the newspapers and television putting out the possibility Stephen Fry was about to end his life, anyway? Is that a sane thing to do if one really thought it was a remote possibility? ...A suggestion might be, if you do something considered to be outlandishly bad form to get your EQUITY CARD cancelled, then you are effectively dead to the industry and the characters you play therefore get liquidated. R.I.P. George Michael.


Now why do I bring that up? Well, I like examining patterns, and while I had no interest in the following story at the time, I think maybe there might be some milage to get out of it now. I assumed Piers Morgan's bust-up at ITV was staged, and it was designed to reposition him away from the authoritarian pro-lockdown stance he had previously taken at the start of the pandemic. This is what I suspect happened with the Referendum vote. He was a staunch REMAINER up until the point BREXIT won; then he switched camps, likely, to lead the direction of the opposition.

Piers Morgan Storms Off After Meghan Markle Coverage Call Out
9 Mar 2021
Piers Morgan stormed off ‘Good Morning Britain’ after his colleague Alex Beresford called him out for his coverage of Meghan Markle — he has since announced he is leaving the show.

But I'm actually not so sure now. He stormed off set because it appeared to get personal. They might have coated this in a layer of "racism", but it was one person's personal attack on another person. Was it scripted?

The following two grabs are at the point of the attack. The camera flicks to Morgan, he's tight lipped with his arms crossed. As Alex Beresford continues, he's not looking at Morgan, other than an odd glance. The still below is exactly at the point he looks back to Morgan and realises he's on his feet and walking, followed by a grab of his reaction.


We might think this is cut and dried, but there is a big problem. For some reason, this unrelated clip of Piers Morgan was sandwiched in between the other clips.


Did you catch the date? March 9th....9x3....999. Do we thing that is a coincidence? Particularly when it's placed on the same section of video as Piers Morgan looking into the camera and smiling. And it's paired with the whole point of the apparent out burst, the Oprah interview which was broadcast two days earlier, on March 7th...7x3...777. Am I reading the numbers into it, or is it intentional NUMBERWANG! ?


I was planning on going through the transcript in this post, but it has already gotten a lot longer that I originally intended; so I'll continue in the next one. But keep in mind, in 1995, Stephen Fry was to star in a play 'Cell Mates' in the West End, he did, I think, one show, maybe two, and then quit...apparently leaving the country so people couldn't talk him back. He said it was stage fright, which was later reclassified as undiagnosed bipolar disorder. One question to ask, is bipolar disorder a made up medical condition just to protect Stephen Fry's reputation? And is this also the real reason for Piers Morgan refusing to believe Meghan Markle had suicidal thoughts. As in, "Been the, done that, bought the T-shirt." ?
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