Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

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🇬🇧UK Deaths

The more I look at this - the more utterly bizarre it becomes

The ‘new baseline’ for 2022 is 614,017

For 2023 it jumps to 651,014
An increase of 37,000
+6% increase on 2022

Yet, population increase ~1% only 🤷🏻‍♂️

No explanation - clear manipulation

Week 6 latest:

#ONS have just published the Week 6 mortality data

The new baseline for the week is 853 deaths higher than in 2021

A +7.2% increase, in-spite of just a 1% population increase

This inflated baseline enables them to report -251 deaths rather than the actual +602 excess deaths

2 other points to note:

Had the highest week 6 deaths, with 15,354
3,429 above average

This was 9 weeks after the vaccine roll-out 💉

Had the lowest deaths
-939 below average

Were they holding back deaths to release in March/April to amplify ‘pandemic’ impact?

Week 6 Deaths by Year
2024: 12,527

2023: 12,672

2022: 11,558

2021: 15,354

2020: 10,986

2015-19 5YA: 11,925

https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulation ... ndandwales

The ONS reported 29,000 Excess Deaths in England & Wales during 2023

They are now claiming that after ‘modelling’ this figure is reduced to 11,000

They do not get to erase 20,000 deaths with the stroke of a pen

This is manipulation & corruption of data - to hide excess deaths


The same people who gave us the "More than 93% of the UK population have had at least one dose."

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

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Historic, but I thought it shows some interesting trends.

Weekly deaths involving COVID-19 in Scotland, week 12 2020 to week 7 2021

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by rachel »

🚨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 National Records of Scotland have today removed all of the #ExcessDeaths from 2023

Removing 5,000 excess deaths since the roll-out of the COVID-vaccine ..

What are they hiding?
What caused the excess?
Was it the vaccines?
1 of 2

ExcessDeaths hidi 1.jpg
ExcessDeaths hidi 2.jpg
ExcessDeaths hidi 3.jpg
NRS just deleted 5,000 excess deaths in Scotland

2 of 2

The pre-pandemic 5-year average mortality was 57,000 deaths per year

The NRS have now raised that baseline to 63,000 deaths per year


This artificially increases expected deaths and removes excess deaths

..and with it questions to Government on #ExcessDeaths

The population of Scotland has increased by just 0.2% from 2019 to 2023

That being the case, there is no justification to increase mortality rates by 10.5%

We have also suffered 20,000 extra deaths of our elderly during the ‘pandemic’ meaning death rates should now be lower
The ‘FIX’ is in ….

Our politicians will now deny that there is any #ExcessDeath even though mortality rates remain elevated above pre-pandemic average by ~10%

We need to raise awareness of this scam …5,000 deaths removed by the stroke of a pen….


https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistic ... n-scotland
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by rachel »

Same trick being played UK wide by the ONS🇬🇧⬇️

Rewarding those for services to COVID crimes ….

Previous Experience:

“Producing the slides and graphics for the UK Covid-19 daily briefing”

No surprise to learn that the ONS Head of Mortality, currently deleting #ExcessDeaths was also the person responsible for producing the daily death slides for the COVID-19 briefings

Propaganda expert 💥💥

‘Producing the slides and graphics for the UK Covid-19 daily briefing’

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

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Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency #NISRA have just deleted 2,000 #ExcessDeaths from their records

In 2023, NI suffered 17,254 deaths
768 more than the 5YA
+4.7% above average

After raising the new baseline to 17,540, a negative excess of -286 is now reported

For 2023, NISRA have now added an extra 1,000 deaths to the baseline, following the new ONS guidance

This eliminates the 768 #ExcessDeaths for the year - diluting the high mortality levels still being experienced after the pandemic

https://www.nisra.gov.uk/statistics/dea ... statistics

The new ONS/NISRA methodology claims the increase in death rates is due to changes in population

From 2020 to 2023 the NI population has increased by just 0.8%

The NEW baseline mortality rate has increased by 9% in the same period

This model is FLAWED to hide excess deaths

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

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20K was based on the insane rolling 5 years that INCLUDED 2021 and 2022 deaths as 'normal'.
They removed 68,000 EXCESS DEATHS from 2023.
There were 67,100 Civilians Killed in WW2 in the UK!
Think about that...


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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by rachel »

The supreme test of a descriptive model resides in its ability to accurately predict what fraudulent actors will need to do in order to make it show the wrong answer.

(We called it on the UK Paltering).
Have you analyzed Jeffrey Morris's methods somewhere? He might be a good example for you to use when you are showing how dirty data tricks are used to mislead.
Yes... in the past I showed how he manipulated the cancer inflection to hide the signal. He showed wrong as I predicted, and has never gone back to correct/admit his deception.

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

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https://off-guardian.org/2024/02/21/why ... s-numbers/
Why is the ONS suddenly changing the “excess deaths” numbers?
Feb 21, 2024

The UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced yesterday that they are changing the way they calculate “excess deaths” across the country...

Basically, excess deaths used to be based on a five year rolling average of registered deaths, and it’s now a rather more arcane mystery. (If you want to really dig into the method, they go into excruciating detail on their website).

Most importantly, we should note that the “old method” totally removed the “Covid” years from the modelling, while the “new method” only excludes a few months or weeks of 2020:

Individual weeks and months that were substantially affected by the immediate mortality impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are removed from the data when estimating expected deaths in subsequent periods, whereas the current approach involves removing data for the whole of 2020.

Note that by “current” they confusingly mean the old method prior to the new changes.

The newly released data (downloadable here) goes all the way back to 2011, re-defining 100,000s of excess deaths, but we’re just going to focus on 2019-present:


As you can see, the “new method” completely reverses the story of 2019, wiping it from 6000 excess deaths to over 34,000 deaths fewer than expected.

(While we’re looking at these numbers, it’s interesting how much of an outlier 2019 always was in terms of mortality, one wonders if there was some statistical prep-work being done to fudge deaths for the upcoming pandemic year.)

In the post-pandemic years (2021-23), by adding some of 2020 back into the modelling mix they have increased the number of expected deaths, and therefore greatly reduced excess deaths.

The end result is that, from 2020 onwards, excess mortality has been cut by ~15%. Over 30,000 “excess deaths” have been wiped off the records, over 20,000 from 2023 alone, and the vast majority since the vaccine rollout.

That’s a good question, we don’t know enough to form a solid conclusion yet – and I haven’t really dived into the numbers or methods to see if there’s any chicanery going on.

But we do know that statistics are a tool for opinion control and narrative management, and when they adjust official measures like this it can be an early warning sign. And by switching from a simple 5-year average to a highly complex multi-faceted model they have given themselves room to maneuver and manipulate the data in general.

It should be noted that the “new method” massively reduced excess mortality in 2019, but barely touched it in 2020, meaning the “pandemic” looks more dramatic.

It’s also possible that they are attempting to stall the appearance of Covid “vaccine” harms by re-jigging the number of excess deaths downwards. Effectively hiding potential vaccine-related deaths by re-labelling them “expected”.

The third option is that it’s laying groundwork for a future event, “the next pandemic” or something similar. By reducing the excess deaths now they can make room to exaggerate excess deaths in the future...
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by xileffilex »

I think this emphasis on "excess deaths" by the criminals is deliberate. The Northern Ireland example above shows this. If they were being straight with us, they'd show us total deaths [bodies going into the ground or up the chimney] in every year from, say 2015 to the present. We're clever enough to see the trends either in a table or graph.

You can add, as with N. Ireland, the changing total known population. But that is somewhat meaningless if that is separated from the complexities of the subtly changing age pyramid. The indigenous popuulation is getting older, the newer migrants are younger and possibly healthier, less likely to die.
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by rachel »

I don't disagree with you, but if you know how the bastards work in government, then you will realise this is part of the strategy they always use. Always. Changing calculation methodology so the past cannot be compared to the present. When I was following politics around the 2009 financial crash, there was a measure they had that was something like suicides against income bracket and age, I don't remember exactly. But as soon as people trying to raise the issue facing ordinary people started using these numbers to show which demographics were actually being destroyed by government policy, guess what, the government decided they weren't going to collect that data any more as part of the "bonfire of the quangos". Do you remember that was Call-Me-Dave's big thing when he came to power in 2010? Nothing about saving money, everything about obscuring facts.

And again, another example. There was a big thing about the minimum wage and the concept of "the living wage". The thing that Marxists won't agree with, I know because I've argued with them, "the minimum wage" is actually a tool for reducing wages, not increasing them. Because rather than someone who owns a company thinking what a person actually needs to survive and pricing the job realistically, and then the market sorting it out if they price too low...ie, people will not do the job for the money, but rather get a job where someone is offering a bit more...they just brainlessly say, "what's the minimum wage, that's what I'll price it at, because that's a government approved amount, so it must be fine". And because if everyone does that for non-skilled work, which they do, the government has just created a voluntary cartel for keeping wages down for the poorest in society. So back to the "living wage" there was a big thing about attacking "the minimum wage" and the poverty that was associated with it. What did George Osborne do to address this? Change the name of "the minimum wage" to "the living wage", and upped it a little bit above inflation that year, pretending he'd actually addressed the issue. Result, "We've listened and acted, so now shut your faces!"

What these people are doing now is the same stunt they always pull. Papering over the cracks and carrying on with their death cult regardless.
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