Australian Senate on COVID

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Australian Senate on COVID

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Malcolm Roberts 🇦🇺

Professor Brendan Murphy, former Chief Medical Officer for the Australian Government and now Health Secretary, rejected the suggestion that the TGA ever took a position on vaccine mandates. He said that the government only supported mandates in limited circumstances earlier in the COVID injection roll-out - health, disability and aged care settings, due to their high vulnerability. Murphy claims that everyone, including other departments and jurisdictions, took their own position. The TGA did not promote the COVID injections or mandates. Incredible!

The TGA authorised Moderna's injection for young children with co-existing health conditions despite the fact the study is only being conducted in healthy children. That study is also not yet completed. ATAGI's guidance is that the 'vaccine' is recommended ONLY for high-risk children with a comorbidity. Under questioning, the TGA admits it does not require patient level data and relies on a dossier from the sponsor (the pharma company). The #ATAGI advice was that this shot be reserved for use in 'at-risk' children, i.e those with immuno-compromising pre-existing conditions.

I asked the TGA about reporting performances in the DAEN database of adverse events including fatalities. I wanted to know whether adverse event notifications were higher in those parts of the country where reporting is required compared to those without mandatory reporting.

Strict independence of scrutiny for these products is clearly needed and is now being called for by a highly regarded epidemiologist.

#Mortality figures for cancer are higher since the injections were introduced. The COVID products were not tested for carcinogenic properties simply because those responsible have taken the position that the substances involved don't warrant such studies. The TGA did review #Pfizer product on paper only for genotoxic and carcinogenic potential. In its dossier, #Pfizer justified the absence of studies into cancer risk based on the exposure threshold concept. However, there is an absence of repeat dose toxicity data and the assessment of the stimulation of cytokine release.

Pfizer's dossier, as sponsor of the product, adequately justified the authorisation of its use in Australia by the TGA and so we joined what former Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, called the largest human trial and the largest vaccination trial that the world has ever engaged in.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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Dr Fidge today in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

"there is a bad regulator"

"The established practise is clearly wrong in law and it requires the guidance of this court in order to protect 10s of 1000s of health care practioners from the illegal and malicious conduct of AHPRA and the Boards." said Dr Fidge.

Time to see if the Australian courts will intervene in the unlawful conduct of the Australian medical regulators.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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It's a gene therapy.
It was a gene therapy yesterday.
It will still be a gene therapy tomorrow.
With a plasmid, it's two gene therapies.

The OGTR confirms:
"Under the gene technology act an [OGTR] approval would have been required"

This was a lie from Dr Raj Bhula.
It's transfection.
It's in the Pfizer documents that the TGA have.
Everybody knows it's transfection.
If Dr Bhula doesn't know, she should resign immediately.
The OGTR failed.
From the document that
is referring to.

They never knew what they were doing. They just needed to make you take it.
Who told them to do that?
And why was it necessary for you to have 3 transfections in order to earn a living?

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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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Indeed, Dr Bhula must resign. I am absolutely convinced that everything she said was wrong, and that she deliberately misled the Senate.

She does not seem to be telling the truth when she says that Pfizer doesn't need a licence because the vaccine is not manufactured in Australia. There is no basis for saying that. What the Gene Technology Act actually says is that Pfizer does need a licence if it is dealing with a GMO, at section 32:

32 Person not to deal with a GMO without a licence

And to deal with is defined at section 10 in the following terms:

deal with, in relation to a GMO, means the following:

(a) conduct experiments with the GMO;

(b) make, develop, produce or manufacture the GMO;

(c) breed the GMO;

(d) propagate the GMO;

(e) use the GMO in the course of manufacture of a thing that is not the GMO;

(f) grow, raise or culture the GMO;

(g) import the GMO;

(h) transport the GMO;

(i) dispose of the GMO;

and includes the possession, supply or use of the GMO for the purposes of, or in the course of, a dealing mentioned in any of paragraphs (a) to (i).

It can be seen that making and producing are specified in (b), as is importation, specifically, at (g). So to make and import a GMO definitely requires a licence. There is not mention of any exemption for production of the GMO overseas.

Dr Bhula is also being completely irrational, saying that anyone can import any gene therapy into Australia, and do what they want with it, including mandating that it be injected into humans, as long as it is not manufactured here, without any oversight by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. That does not make any sense at all.

I can't find any mention in the Gene Technology Act where it says or implies that a person is exempt from getting a licence if the GMO is manufactured outside of Australia. I think that Dr Bhula made that up.

I think Dr Bhula needs to resign, or she should be sacked. But I don't think the Minister for Health or the Attorney General care if the health authorities just make things up, and mislead the public and the Senate, as long as it supports The Narrative of safe and effective #CovidVaccines .

I think there is obvious that there is a culture of dishonesty in #healthcare #regulation in #Australia , beginning with the Health Minister and the Attorney General, and percolating down through their agencies like the #TGA , the #OGTR , the medical board of Oz, and #AHPRA . For a senior public servant to mislead the Senate so brazenly, they must feel they have great top cover from their bosses.

If this was a mistake, then Dr Bhula must resign, anyway, because she then obviously does not have the capacity to carry out the duties of her position if she can make fundamental errors of this magnitude.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator allowed experimental mRNA vaccines to be released into Australia without offering any advice regarding the vaccines' safety and efficacy.
The OGTR's explanation? The vaccines were made overseas, not here.
Thousands of Australians were subsequently seriously injured or killed by the vaccines while people who refused to take them were sacked from their jobs and denied basic freedoms.
You can't make this stuff up.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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For reference, these is the starting post of a long thread:

Explosive revelations for the world from Julian Gillespie @Double_Christ concerning the Australian 🇦🇺 GMO court case submissions in a November 23 presentation for Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics Int'l.

Edited and shared with permission. @CharlesKovess
Relating to this post in Muppet Show.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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AHPRA are preventing doctors and nurses from highlighting risks to their patients - 26.10.23
9 Nov 2023
In estimates I asked AHPRA if they were going to end the culture of fear in the medical profession brought about by their unnecessary oppression of doctors and nurses who had the courage to stand up against the misinformation propagated by the Health bureaucracy.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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AHPRA's First Suspension: Dr. Oosterhuis Shares His Experience.
An anaesthetist is the first to face suspension by AHPRA. Dr. Oosterhuis opens up about his experiences and delves into why he felt compelled to share his knowledge with the public
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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24 Mar 2023
Senator Malcolm Roberts: Bill Gates bought the WHO and they are now recommending his products. It’s that simple.
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Re: Australian Senate on COVID

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Okay, he goes into BS comparisons as we get down the quote, but...
Senator Gerard Rennick: I’m in Canberra today for a Senate inquiry into excess deaths. Excess deaths is a manipulated term that is actually a modelled figure used to distort the truth.

All cause mortality is what should be analysed. In the eight months after the Covid vaccine was rolled out in April 2021, but before Covid-19 was in the community, actual deaths jumped by almost 10,000 people in just eight months. (See blue line)

While lockdowns may have contributed to this there was no jump in deaths after August 2020, when lockdowns occurred, which suggests lockdowns wasn’t a major contributor to the jump in deaths.

The Health Department says it wasn’t the vaccines but can’t explain what the cause was. Of course the Health Department were the ones who approved the vaccine so it’s unlikely they will ever admit to killing 10,000 people.

In 2022, deaths were 28,000 higher than 2020. (See orange line.) Covid was in the community by 2022, but clearly the vaccines failed to stop transmission or deaths.

To put that into perspective, Hamas killed around 1,500 people last October, and Israel has killed over 30,000 people since then in that brutal and tragic conflict.

Despite a similar number of unnecessary deaths, (putting aside the horror of the war itself), the mainstream media has completely ignored the spike in deaths that occurred in Australia during these two years.

This is despite the fact they were more than happy to report daily Covid cases for two years when case numbers were low. When Covid cases did explode into the millions the media stopped reporting case numbers as it proved their narrative that the vaccines would stop infection was a lie.

I won’t hold my breath waiting on the media to report on today’s inquiry either. The idea that our own government killed thousands of people as a result of their confected crisis would be too much to handle.


And... ... ead_Listen

Senate hearing on Excess Deaths:

"Covid medicines account for 23% of all adverse events reported in the whole 53 year history of the DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) for all medicines. It takes up 38% of all cardiac disorders n the 53 year history"


"There's a substantial non-Covid excess that is continually accumulating.

It has not turned downwards as of the end of 2023, one of the possible causes of adverse health events and deaths are new medicines introduced and mandated to the public

We provide what may be the most comprehensive analysis available of the database of adverse events.

Notifications showing Covid medicines account for 23% of all adverse events reported in the whole 53 year history of the DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) And that's for all medicines. It takes up 38% of all cardiac disorders n the 53 year history, there are now 1024 reported deaths."

💥AMPS Executive Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan rips into the Pfizer clinical trial data in the Excess Deaths Inquiry that just closed in the Australian Senate, revealing "UNDISCLOSED DEATHS"! This trial data formed the basis of the "largest Global vaccination trial ever" - Greg Hunt💥

Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan is a Peri-Operative Physician and a part of volunteer researchers involved with Daily Clout, that has investigated the publicly available documents, that formed the basis of the Pfizer BioNTech covid-19 vaccine approval

"I'm one of the authors of the first peer reviewed papers [which] examined the original Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial data".

"More than 50% of the Australian population took Pfizer's mRNA vaccine"

"There was a gross mis-representation of what was presented publicly"

"Instead of the 6 x deaths publicly disclosed, for placebo to vaccinated, suggesting a benefit of vaccination, there were in fact 11 x deaths, with more deaths in the vaccinated arm, 6"

"WE FOUND UNDISCLOSED DEATHS, especially in the vaccinated arm of this clinical trial, in contravention to legal and ethical obligations of trial sponsors"

"As a healthcare professional registered in Australia, I felt it was my ethical obligation, to inform the TGA, for possible breaches of good clinical practice"
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