The Climate Change Agenda

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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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The upcoming ice age...oh yeah...before they came up with carbon offset. age, incoming
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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WEF climate change drones won't even debate "Degrowth" with John Stossel. Great stuff from him
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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John Kerry's argument.
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Weather impact of solar panels

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My new favourite Youtube guy - Geoff Buys Cars

Are solar panels impacting the weather? Green isn’t Green. (13 Jan 2024)

Large solar farms catch heat as well as light, said heat can cause weather events such as thunderstorms and tornados.

Net total of adding vast solar farms to land...hotter temperatures recorded in summer, colder temperatures recorded in winter.

Does that sound like the very definition of climate change? Do we therefore think they actually purposely built their system so it manifests the very problem they are reportedly trying to they can snowball the effect...the more solar farms, the more heat, the more heat, the more solar farm are commissioned by governments.........kind of like COVID-19 model...?

Video he mentions in the last video.

Solar Panels - Environmental Saviour or Another 'Green' Disaster?

14 Mar 2023
Solar Panels convert sunlight into electricity and the only emissions from making them are the smell of roses and a touch of vanilla. Right? Wrong!

In this video I take a look at a recent report from Ethical Consumer, focusing on 16 bands of solar panel and ask some key questions…

- Are solar panels eco friendly?
- What are solar panels made from?
- Can you recycle solar panels?
- Are the people who make solar panels paid correctly?
- Does making solar panels involve forced labour, razor wire and factories that needed to install suicide nets?

There's a lot to digest in this one.


00.00 introducing the subject
01.13 introducing ethical consumer
02.49 the current situation
03.24 how eco friendly are solar panels?
03.58 carbon in solar panel production?
04.43 pollution in solar panel production
05.36 how do you recycle solar panels?
06.43 what do you do with old solar panels?
07.40 ethics problems within the supply chain?
09.17 forced labour in solar panel supply chains?
13.53 what about conflict minerals?
14.07 are solar panel companies involved in lobbying?
16.24 the company behind the brand… and worker suicides
18.16 conclusion


Trina Solar
JA Solar
Viessmann Solar
Canadian Solar
Hanwa -Q-Cells
Vikram Solar
Rec Solar
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Before we get into silly season and are routinely treated to headlines like " Hottest Thursday afternoon since the Vikings" it's worth re-posting how temperature data is currently manipulated in the UK.

Since 2012 MET Office have progressively moved from siting weather stations over grass to siting them over astroturf. Average temperatures increase by about 1.5 degrees at each station. No adjustment is made to ensure historic comparability. All confirmed in FOI reply by Met Office to me.

The number of weather stations is progressively increased. Basic stats if you record info at 2000 locations you have a greater chance of picking up an outlier than if you record at 1500 locations.

And if those new data points are at airports ( many of them are) then you have an even greater chance of picking up abnormally high readings.

Please add in comments any other weather data manipulation scams that I may have missed.
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Hundreds of ‘ghost’ climate stations are no longer operational; instead they are assigned temperatures from surrounding stations.

April 09, 2024

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts July, August, and September will be hotter than usual. And for those who view warmer temperatures as problematic, that’s a significant cause for concern.

“Earth’s issuing a distress call,” said United Nations secretary-general António Guterres on March 19. “The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink.

“Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts. Sirens are blaring across all major indicators: Last year saw record heat, record sea levels, and record ocean surface temperatures. … Some records aren’t just chart-topping, they’re chart-busting.”

President Joe Biden called the climate “an existential threat” in his 2023 State of the Union address. “Let’s face reality. The climate crisis doesn’t care if you’re in a red or a blue state.”

In his 2024 address he said, “I don’t think any of you think there’s no longer a climate crisis. At least, I hope you don’t.”

When recalling past temperatures to make comparisons to the present, and, more importantly, inform future climate policy, officials such as Mr. Guterres and President Biden rely in part on temperature readings from the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN).

The network was established to provide an “accurate, unbiased, up-to-date historical climate record for the United States,” NOAA states, and it has recorded more than 100 years of daily maximum and minimum temperatures from stations across the United States.

The problem, say experts, is that an increasing number of USHCN’s stations don’t exist anymore.

“They are physically gone—but still report data—like magic,” said Lt. Col. John Shewchuk, a certified consulting meteorologist.

“NOAA fabricates temperature data for more than 30 percent of the 1,218 USHCN reporting stations that no longer exist.”

He calls them “ghost” stations.

Mr. Shewchuck said USHCN stations reached a maximum of 1,218 stations in 1957, but after 1990 the number of active stations began declining due to aging equipment and personnel retirements.

NOAA still records data from these ghost stations by taking the temperature readings from surrounding stations, and recording their average for the ghost station, followed by an “E,” for estimate.

The addition of the ghost station data means NOAA’s “monthly and yearly reports are not representative of reality,” said Anthony Watts, a meteorologist and senior fellow for environment and climate at the Heartland Institute.

“If this kind of process were used in a court of law, then the evidence would be thrown out as being polluted.”...
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Science is not ‘guessing’ a ‘consensus’ and ‘hoping for the best’. A more apt description of that process would be ‘fraud’.

There was no legit scientific ‘carbon consensus’ in 1979. It was politically motivated, nothing short thereof.


How kind of the temperatures to wait for the 'consensus' to be established in 1979.
As soon as the 'consensus' formed, the temperatures started increasing.

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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Pattern recognition is SO important in spotting the ways government and the media manipulate you.

Exhibit A
"Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures 22nd March 2020" - UK's SPI-B behavioural science group.


Exhibit B
UK Health Security Agency and Met Office issues yellow heat alert for four days when the temperature might reach the entirely normal levels for June of 31 degrees.


It's all about increasing the perceived level of personal risk. In one instance about a virus, in the other about weather, or rather, climate change - but with the same objective - curtail our freedoms, keep us perpetually worried and therefore easier to control.
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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