UK related articles

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: NHS England

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I see NHS England is getting the midazolam and morphine ready for the elderly again this winter.

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Re: UK related articles

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🚨"In the lipid nanoparticles' data sheet it states these are not for human and not for veterinary use-these are for research purposes only. Yet, they went into 5BN people around the world." ~ Dr Ryan Cole, MD @drcole12 masterfully explains how "the synthetic spike protein is the Swiss Army knife of harm"‼️

My latest report has Dr Cole's full presentation to the UK MPs👇

SONIA ELIJAH, 5 DEC 2023 ... testify-at
On December 4th, it was an honour to attend the 2-hour meeting at the Wilson Room, Portcullis House, the UK Parliamentary offices.

Six world leading scientists and medical professionals presented their expert testimonies on the Covid pandemic and its consequences to a packed room.

Over twenty MPs were in attendance: Andrew Bridgen, Ian Paisley, Sammy Wilson, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Paul Girvan, Carla Lockhart, David Davis, Sir Desmond Swayne (but left after the first few minutes), Jonathan Lord, Heather Wheeler, David Jones, Philip Hollobone, Neale Hanvey, Duncan Baker, Sir Christopher Chope, Sir George Howarth, Sir John Redwood, Ben Lake, Sir Robert Syms, Dean Russell, Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Karl McCartney.

The momentous event was spear-headed by the indefatigable British MP, Andrew Bridgen, whose solitary voice has been ‘crying in the wilderness’ about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and excess deaths, while other ‘Honourable Members’ have remained deafeningly silent.

In October, Bridgen secured a 30-minute adjourned debate (20 rejections later) on excess deaths in the UK House of Commons, to an almost empty chamber.

🚨 Actors versus Doctors 🚨

At some point folks the penny needs to drop that the cabal appoints both sides of most "debates", that is why you see Kirsch 👇with his Mickey Mouse 🇳🇿 data at the table and none of the courageous and extraordinarily well qualified medics from @Drs4CovidEthics

@hartgroup_org or @ukmfa1 who opposed mRNA from Jan 2021. They do NOT want the @profnfenton or Bhakdis or the @Thomas_Binder at the table, the WANT the Kirschs with his joke analysis to neuter vaccine sceptics and lead this initiative off into the weeds.

Do you see how it works yet 🤔
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Re: UK related articles

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Re: UK related articles

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Interesting tweet from @a_nineties relating to the daily sceptic article, in full on link. ... ne-report/
Concerning Safety Signals Revealed by Hidden Pfizer Vaccine Report

I want to pick up a few threads from the debate on excess deaths on January 16th secured by Andrew Bridgen MP (transcript and video).

The debate was about the fact that significantly more people than expected have been dying for over two years now, particularly in younger age groups. This is not in dispute – it was acknowledged by both the Health Minister and her Labour Shadow as a concern which needed to be investigated. Well, get on with it then!

The threads I want to pick up are, first, the data required to investigate the issue and, second, the recent study published in the Lancet which one Labour MP trotted out during the debate in support of the Covid vaccines to try to rubbish what Andrew Bridgen had said.

First, the data. Andrew Bridgen mentioned that any investigation would require record-level data on Covid vaccine dosage, dates and deaths. He noted that the HART Group had requested those data from the Government over a year ago. Both UKHSA and MHRA have confirmed that the data exist but are, currently, avoiding releasing them. A complaint to the Information Commissioner is pending. Andrew Bridgen pointed out the irony that the MHRA has already released the data to Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna. I can shed more light on that from my own research and FOI requests.

MHRA approved the release of the data to Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca over two years ago for use in their Post-Authorisation Safety Studies (PASS). Basically, the PASS studies – which I first wrote about here – are using national health records on millions of people in Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and U.K. to investigate whether there is an increased risk of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI; including death) associated with the Covid vaccines.

I recently managed to obtain the companies’ PASS interim reports via an FOI request. U.K. data for 2020 and 2021 were included in the companies’ first interim reports but not for 2022 and 2023. Those data were unavailable for subsequent PASS interim reports due to, firstly, “CPRD server capacity issues” (page 72 of Pfizer’s second report dated September 2022) and then “a quality issue with the CPRD data availability” (page 74 of its third report) which wasn’t resolved in time for its fourth (dated September 2023). Negligence, incompetence, sinister? Make of it what you will...

@a_nineties, ... ne-report/ ... h3w_4c5Mv3

Post authorization studies for Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, and AZ. Had this tab open for a few days without checking closely, this is a huge amount of data. Many thanks to Mr Hunt, who also asked the important P1/P2 FOIA


This is the first Pfizer interim report for c4591021. UK started boosting very early! Also shows a clear bias as to the population surveilled by the British system. Notably, I haven't seen a german data source ;) or rather I'd be surprised if there was one.


I have to say, feels like a scam to let the Pharma companies mainline into national databases for the purpose of checking the safety of their own product, doesn't it?
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Re: UK related articles

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COVID was classed as a terminal illness in the UK, so no mistake when stats authorities didn't take people off the COVID death list if they died of any cause after a positive COVID test.

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Re: UK related articles

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Vaccine refusal:
🚨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 COVID-19 vaccine refusal rates amongst NHS England frontline healthcare workers

Dose 1
8.8% declined

Dose 2
11.5% declined

2021/22 Booster
31.9% declined

2022/23 Booster
57.9% declined

2023/24 Booster
69.4% declined

Over 1 Million frontline NHS staff

🚨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Influenza vaccine refusal rates amongst NHS England frontline healthcare workers

2019/20 vaccine
25.7% declined

2020/21 vaccine
23.5% declined

2021/22 vaccine
39.5% declined

2022/23 vaccine
51.1% declined

2023/24 vaccine
56.9% declined ... 23-to-2024

COVID-vaccine refusal rate by Healthcare occupation:

70% of NHS frontline healthcare workers in England REFUSED the COVID-19 Booster vaccine

600,000 of the 860,000 eligible NHS staff declined the offer of the 2023/24 winter booster


I hope they are also refusing to vaccine others 🚫

Source: UK Health Security Agency

COVID-19 vaccine refusal numbers based on 1M NHS England frontline healthcare workers

Dose 1 💉
88,000 declined

Dose 2 💉💉
115,000 declined

2021/22 Booster 💉💉💉
320,000 declined

2022/23 Booster 💉💉💉💉
580,000 declined

2023/24 Booster 💉💉💉💉
700,000 declined
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Re: UK related articles

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🚨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 65% of NHS Frontline Health Care Workers refused the COVID-19 booster vaccine over Winter 2023/24

70,000 out of 108,000 staff said:

“You can ram it Humza” 💉🚫 ... veillance/

Frontline Health Care Wolkers are part of the JCVI priority group and are encouraged to take the Winter Booster vaccines

All 1 Million are eligible for the jags

NHS Scotland figures

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Re: UK related articles

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Link to an FOI about vaccine injury claims. It figures what the result would be. ... ng-2504611
🚨🇬🇧 Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme VDPS

COVID-19 vaccine summary

🚨 8,363 claims submitted
🚨 157 successful claims to date
🚨 3,982 claims rejected
🚨 278 claimed deemed ‘not injured enough’ to qualify for £120,000 compensation
🚨 55 deaths confirmed
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Re: UK related articles

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Freedom Podcast Episode 0011 Interview with a Vaccinator

Seriously, we have nothing by braindead people in the medical health setting. ... 1913709571
#COVID19 vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 years
A review of the #NHS information booklet 14/3/22

Blue letters dropped today for many households across #Scotland - the letters worryingly addressed to the children, not their parent or guardian
2 doses to be offered to children aged 5-11, at a lower dosage than 12+ age groups

The #JCVI originally only approved a single dose for 16-17 year olds

Note only #Pfizer vaccine is being used here
There was a ‘trial’ in the US🇺🇸 for children aged 5-11

Only 2,268 children took part in trial. This is not a large enough study group to identify #rare side effects and it should not therefore be enough to approve a drug use, especially not in children

1,517 💉
751 placebo
Is the vaccine safe?

The study group is simply not large enough to say ‘yes’ with any certainty here.

The booklet does not explain how the vaccine works, nor does it mention MRNA technology or that the vaccine only has temporary approval under #EUA or Regulation 174
Is natural immunity no longer a thing? Has science forgot that?

Current infection rates in the UK are all higher amongst the vaccinated than unvaccinated

Is it a lie for #NHS to state that the vaccine will reduce the risk of infection?
Even the ‘common’ side effects sounds worse than #COVID19 symptoms to me!

We already know, the virus is much milder in children and that no health child has died in #Scotland with COVID

The risk v reward ratio must be considered here. Do they need it? Is it worth the risk?

It is critical to establish #InformedConsent when taking any drug, especially one that is unlicensed with no long-term safety data available for children

The risk of heart damage is, for me, too high to even consider this vaccine for my children
Link to the official #NHS #PHS ‘information’ booklet being issued with the letters

Note that this document does not list the ingredients of the vaccine or provide the necessary level of product detail for #InformedConsent to be established ... _years.pdf

The actual package leaflet will be given to the parents at the vaccination centre.

This document is 9 pages long. How are you expected to read that while under time pressure by the clinician and you have a child with you? ... _years.pdf
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Re: UK related articles

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Side Effects from 2022 ... 0413114380
Remember, in a balance of risk v reward, is having the vaccine safer than your child catching Covid?

That should be question no.1

No coercion & no undue pressure over vaccine passports et al
For further reading, statement from the #JCVI

Remember that the JCVI originally rejected the vaccines for children aged 12-15

This was later over-ruled by the CMOs & Health Secretaries of the 4 UK Home Nations ... -years-old

A link to a ‘New England Journal of Medicine’ review of the #Pfizer trial carried out in 5-11 year olds in the US🇺🇸

The ‘trial’ involved 2,268 children

1,517 had the vaccine
751 took the placebo

Again, not a large enough study group to assess risk
Yes...the CMO for England holding two Oscars. Because that's really the thing you need when deciding on shooting up children with drugs.

Feb 17, 2022

rachel wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:23 pm The rhythm of life | NHS
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