NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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you see i ddon't think the religions around the world are to be trusted ,i mean i found new jerusalem ,and the whore of babylon and how they represent solomons temple on earth ,and seeing as the fake jew blamers ,and the fake religious fucksticks ,and the fake 911 truthers all avoid me ,im betting my left bollock i can not only retire the said liars and toe rags ,im betting they will still maintain they are fakeologists but never address solo-mans temple

cos anyone with any acumen now knows i have found the common denominator for all the liars abs speaks too
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you see the talk they talk falls flat now does'nt it

faith in what ? im betting jesus has his money on me

that is a knocking bet jesus !!, i will smash these fake fucks all over babylon for ya
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93 bombing fountain same as the chamber of reflection ,rosencreuz tomb ,mythical wizard of oz
93 bombing was thirty foot below the towers is representative where historically but mythically rozencreuz tomb was discovered

and thats why the memorial fountain for the 93 bombing 30 foot above the blast is the same architecture as his final resting place
The alchemical motto for vitriol is “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem,” “Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.” The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus. In Freemasonry, the motto is a common component of the symbolic “Chamber of reflection,” where a Mason contemplates and reflects on the nature of death. In both Freemasonry and Alchemy, the motto refers to a process of internal, spiritual purification.

If you were travelling through Georgia on Highway 77oz at the beginning of this week, you might have taken a pitstop and stumbled across a collection of massive granite slabs in the middle of a field, dubbed “America’s Stonehenge”.

the Guidestones were engraved with a message in five different languages, which talked about limiting the human population of Earth to less than half a billion people, in order to live “in perpetual balance with nature”. (The guy that commissioned them did it under a pseudonym, Robert C Christian – can’t think why.) Presumably sparking the comparisons to Stonehenge, they also functioned as a calendar, with a beam of sunshine shining on engraved dates through a narrow hole in the monument.
Unsurprisingly, people have freaked out about the Guidestones in the past, linking the structure to various conspiracy theories, Some have labelled them the “Ten Commandments of the Antichrist” rosicrucianism doctrine, while others have claimed that they have satanic properties. Others have linked them to right-wing theories about the New World Order, and “anti-globalists”

Either way, the 42-year-old monument – which had long been listed as a tourist attraction by Elbert County – is projected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace. We’ll have to wait and see if Robert C Christian is around to fork out the cash, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem if he’s still a member of the New World Order.

The owner of the Double 7(77 means oz) Farm was paid $5,000 for a five-acre plot and granted lifetime cattle-grazing rights. Once the land was purchased and the deal was done, Christian left and only communicated to Martin through letters sent from multiple cities around the country. In one of the letters, Christian asked that ownership of the land and monument be given to Elbert County, which is where it remains today.

Surrounded in mystery, the Georgia Guidestones have an interesting history and an intriguing and ominous message. In June of 1979, a man going by the pseudonym of R.C. Christian claimed he was tasked with building a monument in Elbert County. Christian believed the Elberton quarries produced the finest stone on the planet, and he hired the Elberton Granite Finishing Company to construct the monument. He informed the owner that no one would ever know his true name or the group he represented. He had an endless supply of funds and an agreement that all legal contracts and plans made with the granite company would be destroyed after the monument’s completion. Christian explained that the structure would serve as a compass, calendar, and clock. And it had to be capable of withstanding catastrophic events so shattered remnants of humanity could use the guides to establish a better society. The Guidestones are anonymous and engraved with “Sponsors: A Small Group of Americans Who Seek The Age Of Reason.”

Few people know that Bacon is reputed by others — primarily within the Rosicrucian tradition in American esoteric spirituality — to also be a mystic responsible for organizing a network of spiritually independent visionaries, philosophers, and thinkers in support of settling the New World in accordance with higher designs of governance (reference: Manly Hall). Thus, Bacon is honoured in different quarters as the father of the scientific revolution, as the father of American constitutionalism, and as the father of American esoteric spirituality.

The New Atlantis describes a utopian society governed by a scientific institution, the House of Salomon, which, serving the principle of Christian charity, is devoted to expanding knowledge of the world and converting that knowledge into measures that improve the human condition: “for the finding out of the true nature of all things, whereby God might have the more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them.” The people are described as embodying the qualities of “generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit”.

An in-depth history of Rosicrucianism, its key members, and their roles in the formation and settling of America

• Explores Sir Francis Bacon and Dr. John Dee’s deep influence on England’s colonization of America as well as the Rosicrucian influence on the Founding Fathers and on cities such as Philadelphia and Williamsburg
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• Explains how Bacon was the author of many anonymous Rosicrucian texts and how he envisioned America as the “New Atlantis”

• Reveals the connections of the Order of the Rosy Cross to the Knights of the Golden Circle and to the Georgia Guidestones

Dr. John Dee and his polymath protégé Sir Francis Bacon were the most influential men in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, part of an elite group with invisible control throughout Europe. And, as Steven Sora reveals, not only were they key members of the Rosicrucians, they were the driving force behind England’s colonization of the New World and the eventual establishment of the United States.

From Avalon in Newfoundland to New England to Pennsylvania and Virginia, Sora shows how Bacon and Dee’s Rosicrucian impact is felt throughout North America. He details Bacon’s possible authorship of the anonymous Rosicrucian texts of the early 1600s, his connections with Sir Walter Raleigh’s School of Night, and the origins of Rosicrucianism in Bacon’s Order of the Helmet. He explains how Bacon envisioned America as the New Atlantis, a utopia where liberty and freedom of learning prevailed--a key tenet of the “Invisible College” of the Rosicrucian Order--and how Dee convinced the Queen that England had rightful claims in the New World by drawing on legends of both King Arthur and Welsh Prince Madoc voyaging West to America.
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Sora looks at Rosicrucian influences on the Founding Fathers and earliest settlers of America, such as Washington, Franklin, and William Penn of Pennsylvania, on the American Revolution, and on American colonies, such as the Williamsburg colony. He details how Penn invited Rosicrucians to Philadelphia and how the city’s layout follows esoteric principles, including a direct reference to Bacon’s New Atlantis. Moving into the 1800s and beyond, he reveals how a handful of Rosicrucians served as the Inner Sanctum of the Knights of the Golden Circle and how Rosicrucians are behind the Georgia Guidestones, carved granite monoliths with messages in ancient languages.

Providing a thorough and expansive view of Rosicrucianism, its occult origins, and its deep imprint on America, Sora shows how this secret society still continues to exert invisible influence on the modern world.

The House of Salomon was named after the biblical King Solomon who was known for his wisdom and justice; the House of Salomon was thus a House of Justice in which spiritual principles and material knowledge would be integrated for the judicious and equitable government of the commonwealth. In the philosophical speculations of the Renaissance, whose symbolism can be found throughout the work of Francis Bacon, the Temple of Solomon symbolises the union of the transcendental divine wisdom, serenity and detached selflessness of the spiritually enlightened, with the quest for practical knowledge of the masters of metal-working, arts, and sciences. [In the Rosicrucian and esoteric alchemical traditions

Bacon’s vision of the House of Salomon inspired the foundation of the Royal Society and other academic societies that began to sprout throughout Europe in the mid and late 17th centuries, laying the foundation for the collegial production of knowledge that characterizes modern academic networks and institutions. His works, in particular his Advancement of Learning, were central to Samuel Johnson’s “new model” of higher education that re-formed the curricula in American elite colleges in the mid 1750’s, with the help of Benjamin Franklin, that would later educate revolutionary leaders like Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Jay and Madison.
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heres a hero from 911 the red bandanna man welles crowther
“They didn’t know his name. They didn’t know where he came from. But they knew their lives had been saved by the man in the red bandana. sounds like abaddan or “Apollyon” (Greek: ????????, Apollý?n) appear in the Bible as both a place of destruction and an archangel of the abyss. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit,His mother was joined on stage by Ling Young, one of the people Welles Crowther our hero led to safety. lucas's vader killed younglings(children)
welles crowther he was the angel of the abyss and saved ling young,
both had the same birthday ofcourse they are counterparts ,which unsurprisingly was star wars premier may 1977
red bandanna man ,he,s abbaddon
remember all the stories from 911 and this particular heroes story , start off above and make there way to our level or below ,above being the 911 space film made from prior knowledge of 911 in 1977 by the special effects team i.l.m

even says he worked for the empire....................and hook ladder co

Abaddon( was a Sith Lord remembered as a mysterious cloaked presence by those who encountered him. (born obviously may 17, 1977same as star wars premier)welles saved 18 including ling young ,vader killed 18 younglings

remember all of 911 is matched or reflected in the rosicrucian psi fi and fantasy ,it was the chamber of reflection after all,how else do you have 911 with solomons star ,matching solomons temple in solomons temple ,making solo-mans temple
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got to be gullible as fuck to fall for that shit,or masonic and totally devoid freewhill and a spine,or just on the professional truther gravy train ,remember though when you do identify the origin for fictional events ,it's usually some attempt to recreate either the holy grail,emerald tablet ,philosophers stone ,occasionally bigfoot x
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remember though the above in 911 was the stars in the sky at the time ,the below was the footprint and terra-ism narrative ,the heaven on earth or wisdom of solomon in his temple comes from seeing thrice as good ,and the oz schema at 911 sites and story is easily on show to help you become as bad as me
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smj i get thousands of views in here ,put your stuff in here ,ab will never ask the lads that lie to him to read the blog ,when i hit a million we will still be doing the dancemacabre
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i already asked the masons in the discord in 2018 to talk about 911 masonic ceremony ,and i got hacked ,so i left
shouldn't have to point this out should i ?, fucking hell what are we on year 5 in may since ab had a fakeologist read the fucking blog ,yes i left cos ab listens to people who can donate and laugh ,i treat fakeology seriously ,ergo i left the houseclowns

prove me wrong i dare ya#s
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i have no animosity towadrs anyone ,the only time i feel bad is ab laughing with the houseclows ,thats it

you must understand they will blow up the plane for one passenger ,ab is not the passenger i am ,ok ................ok

but i am not scared of embarrassing myself or pointing out theeyy could not bribe me ,fucking masons and houseclowns have more invested in keeping ab from explaining the millenium fall-con than anything ,and i know he is honest ,so lets see if an honest man turns up ,its been five years in may ,5 fucking years and the only one whos honest lets me post on his blog ,yeah !,yeah
i already know abs cahatters do not read the blog and will not velocet and noislevel made that clear years ago,im hoping one of the boys gets brave ,cos i aint coming back to save any of you
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“locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas

when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar on 911,and herrods temple destroyed on911 with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which were also destroyed on 911 through narrative that sadam hussein funding of terra-ism, sadam declared himself the reincarnation of nebudchadnezzar in the 70s
,,,,,,,,,,,,, you get solo-hans temple ...................the millenium fall-con
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these fellas the put a sadam hussain lookalike lando calrizzian=land of oz calrizzian in a steel twister called cloud city on a planet called be-spin ,where han solo-man gets frozen in trapezoid carbonite monolith shaped like building 7 ,and the twins luke and leia tower (a and b) get there in a spaceship made from the j tobin plaza and herods temple and solomons temple

they are literally saying after the twins go to cloud city (911 collapse) you will be convinced by the miniatures therby putting you in oz!! then we're gonna show you a biblical patsy sadam hussain - nebudchadnezzar - lookalike clled land o calrizzian (land of oz) administrator for cloud city where the transport is ruby slipper spaceships.
i don't tell people what to do, i tell ab what masons who talk in the audio can't do ,im an equal opportunities fakeologist ,but even i could not perpetuate the pantomime and left