Doctor Who, how far does the Pantomime go back?

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Re: is it ok to ignore topics as a fakeologist

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tom neenan and crowley too many toms and dr who ,both on another podcast
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Re: is it ok to ignore topics as a fakeologist

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Delia Derbyshire
(5 May 1937 – 3 July 2001)[1] was an English musician and composer of electronic music.[2] She carried out notable work with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop during the 1960s, including her electronic arrangement of the theme music to the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who.[3][4] She has been referred to as "the unsung heroine of British electronic music",[3] having influenced musicians including Aphex Twin, the Chemical Brothers and Paul Hartnoll of Orbital.[5]

(Wendy) Carlos came to prominence with Switched-On Bach (1968), an album of music by Johann Sebastian Bach performed on a Moog synthesizer, which helped popularize its use in the 1970s and won her three Grammy Awards.[1] Its commercial success led to several more albums, including further synthesized classical music adaptations, and experimental and ambient music. She composed the score to two Stanley Kubrick films, A Clockwork Orange (1971) and The Shining (1980), and for Tron (1982) for Walt Disney Productions.
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Re: is it ok to ignore topics as a fakeologist

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You know when I do one of these threads, I do wonder if I'm just wrong, then I look back at the pictures, and I think I'm on the money, and in some respects this is like payback. Not from me, I think it needs exposing for what it is. Because the conspiracy of silence surrounding it is being used to destroy society.

With all the Doctor Who talk, Peter Davison popped in my head. Am I right about him? And I came across this article from July 2017. In context it is quite interesting.
Former ‘Doctor Who’ Actor Peter Davison Mourns the ‘Loss of Role Models for Boys’
The self-described "dinosaur" said he felt "a bit sad" about the BBC's casting of Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor.


Former “Doctor Who” actor Peter Davison is feeling fragile after learning that the 13th Doctor would be played by a woman, “Broadchurch” star Jodie Whittaker.

“If I feel any doubts, it’s the loss of a role model for boys who I think ‘Doctor Who’ is vitally important for,” Davison told the Telegraph before a San Diego Comic Con appearance. “So I feel a bit sad about that, but I understand the argument that you need to open it up.” Apparently, Davison feels a bit sad about a woman getting an opportunity.

He added that he thought Whittaker was a “terrific” actress, and called himself “a dinosaur.”

Davison played the fifth Doctor, from 1981-1984. He is also very enmeshed in the “Doctor Who” family, as he happens to be father-in-law to David Tenannt, the 1oth Doctor. Tennant is married to Davison’s daughter, Georgia Moffett. Fun fact: The two met on the set of “Doctor Who,” when Moffett had a guest role as the Doctor’s daughter in an episode titled “The Doctor’s Daughter.”

Davison’s successor and the sixth Doctor, Colin Baker, had a very different reaction. “They’ve had 50 years of having a role model. So sorry Peter, you’re talking rubbish there — absolute rubbish,” said Baker. “Well you don’t have to be of a gender of someone to be a role model. Can’t you be a role model as people?”

At least we know not every former Doctor is a fossil.

He has that Matt Smith look about him, but It might just be the deep-set eyes.


I wonder if Matt Smith is any relation to Juliet Stevenson? See how the features are not that inconsistent with being a woman. It's all in the camera tricks.

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Re: is it ok to ignore topics as a fakeologist

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Oh look, he must be a man...


As soon as I see an actor apparently semi-naked for no good reason, then I think, he's not semi-naked at all, it's the BBC using the language of imagery to sell a lie. Convinces me more that I'm correct, particularly as it doesn't look quite right.

The more I look at this stuff, the more I'm convinced EGI is an attempt to head off people discovering the truth about the film and television industry. They've built this narrative to say he was just closet trans. It's bollocks. It's about using the camera to lie, and about these people being addicted to it no matter what the consequences for wider society.
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Re: Doctor Who, how far does the Pantomime go back?

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I was just watching part of a Matt Smith Doctor Who clip while looking for the reference about the clothes made of light, and I can no longer see a man when I watch him. I think I must has subconsciously seen it, because I never really took to Matt as Doctor, there was something that just I didn't like about it, and ultimately I stopped watching. But in looking at some other clips, I realise the pantomime nature of Doctor Who these days, and most of it just makes me vomit inside.


Not sure who this next chap is, I think he might be Clara's boyfriend. Though I'd stopped watching at that stage, so I don't know for sure. But it's yet another woman dressed up as a man on Doctor Who. It really explains why the storyline has gone where it has.


But not any old woman, I think it's this woman.


It begs the question. Does anyone ever leave Doctor Who, or do they just come back with new faces after a couple of series?
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Re: Doctor Who, how far does the Pantomime go back?

Unread post by rachel »

Matt Smith is just so a generic name, like John Simm, it's clear it's hiding something else. If you put that frame in male clothes...


I well fancy it, but I have a bias. It's absolutely what they would do, the dualism of it. Especially as there are lots of Who fans on Youtube...probably a pushed narrative...that think Matt Smith is the best Doctor...and Jodie Whittaker is the worst doctor...and that kind of points to me that they are the same doctor.

And there's Jodie's long neck.


I think they would.

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