NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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and the best part of this is how many cowards call themselves fakeologists ,hahahaahah i nevr banned anyone or complained ,i read the bog no matter what comments were added i read them ,and because i knew the scum in jan 2018 ,i was abel to leave ,make the premise we were heading to oz ,and watch ab do covaids ,plus i commented on all the audios from rick and the fluent german speaking noiselevel and rollos racist rants,now were justr waiting for ab to ask his fakeologists ,to abbandon a discord run by co8intel and use the blog

i never wanted to embarrass the fakeologist ,but soon he will be embarrassing himself by talking to the same folks over and over what year 5 in may ,i have no fear lads never did,because i am a fakeologist and tim the fakeologist knows i am correct

oh p.s. you really think anyone from the audios is gonna retire themselves by solving 911 on ab's blog ,come on play the game

you want money or the solution to 911 hahaahhahaha cmon, amateurs man

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firstly let me say faith is not tangible or or solid like a crucifix or the kabba cube ,so i will show the religions are run by the same franchise of celestial geometry

so the heavens on 911 contained solomons star a 3d cube ,this is called different things in different religions ,ergo the star makes a cube makes a cross for the gullible apes to reveer ,but because this was the event on 911 we get the twin towers in two psinematic visions

one from kubrick emulating ezekiels wheel
one from lucas in the form of metatrons vision to zerubbabel ,metatrons is the giveaway as it was the star alignment on 911 ,solomons cube in space ,the trigger for 911
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Does the Bible mention Metatron?
Archangel Metatron | History, Features & Significance |
Although there is no mention of Metatron in either Testament of the Bible, Kabbalistic mystical texts, apocalyptic texts, and apocryphal mythology all reference him. His task as a celestial scribe is to keep records in the Book of Life about the choices made in heaven and on earth

Is there a Metatron in Islam?
Metatron (Mishnaic Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן‎ Meṭāṭrōn), or Matatron ( מַטַּטְרוֹן‎, Maṭṭaṭrōn), is an angel in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam mentioned three times in the Talmud, in a few brief passages in the Aggadah, and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within Rabbinic literature.

Although he is not mentioned in Craft Freemasonry, Zerubbabel is considered to be of great importance to a number of Masonic bodies. Within Holy Royal Arch freemasonry and Scottish Rite Freemasonry he is considered to be a ruling principal.

receiver of an apocalypse in the seventh-century Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, also known as Sefer Zerubbabel. The prophecy contains messianic magery and Zerubbabel is told the future of the city of Jerusalem. metatrons vision to zerubbabel = metatrons shape was the stars on september 11
all children who sat in awe of star wars got the 911 vision the new temple of jerusalem the the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple in the form of psi fi and fantasy

also called the Book of Zerubbabel or the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, is a medieval Hebrew[1] placed into the mouth of Zerubbabel, who laid the foundation of the Second Temple in the 6th century BCE.

this is in the american childs mind thanks to the metatrons agreed magick ,same shape as solomons seal a two triangle inverted star, as above so below in psinematic form ,using images from the illusion sold as entertainment ,The biblical leader receives an apocalypse written at the beginning of the 7th century CE in the style of biblical visions (e.g. Daniel, Ezekiel) kubrick used the towers as ezekiels wheel [a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel,(Star Wars) the End of Days, and the establishment of the Third Temple.

What is Nineveh called today? Nineveh - World History Encyclopedia Mosul, Iraq = Mos isley
Mosul, Iraq = Mos isley
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Why is Metatron so powerful supernatural?
Metatron is a seraphim whose role is to watch over all other angels. He has a book in which he writes down everything that happens in Heaven and tells this directly to God. His ability to communicate with God on such intimate level are the reason why some people interpret his role as more powerful than Michaels

you see solomans star ,metatrons vision as interpreted by kubrick on 911 with the towers as part of his space odyssey, with david bowmans final resting place
the chamber of reflection

to lucas's next vision of the event that would happen on 911 ,only lucas made the heroes bio mirror osamas ,and put luke in the chamber of reflection ,j tobin plaza ,solomons temple and herods .

you see its not a first or a second idea ,this idea of a vision using solomons star in space ,as a trigger and this trigger or geometry on that day pertaining to this shape always progresses the understanding of god in an event run by these masonic stargazing fuckers via the mind of whatever cocksuckers are writng the story ,so what else could the towers of solomon in new york be? apart from visualised as new jerusalem

it really is so simple to eplain 911 ,it's the vison that i like from lucas ,making a spaceship from all three temples
piloted by solo-man leaving mos isley - babylon ,i am scary aren't i !!
but you get over my genius real quick after you houseclowns realise they blamed the wizard of oz for 911 ,and gave you space toys and movies from the event that was gonna ruin your masonic pitiful shitty country ,wake up you fags
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According to Albert Pike, the Chamber of Reflection ‘should be one story below the lodge room; and if possible, underground, with no window.

The floor must, in any case, be of earth. On the walls should be brief sentences of morality, and maxims austere philosophy, written as if with charcoal.’ The room should be completely dark, and the walls painted black or made to look like the interior of a cave.
“This room is real, Ben
the treasure is understanding the secret destiny of america ,highlighted by this empty room
that room is the chamber of reflection,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is from national treasure ,the lads were expecting treasure ,but find a little room"the rosicrcucian chamber"

heres voights line “This room is real, Ben. And that means the treasure is real. We’re in the company of some of the most brilliant minds in history because you found what they left behind for us to find, and understood the meaning of it. You did it, Ben, for all of us ”

the treasure is understanding the secret destiny of america ,highlighted by this empty room? the empty room is the chamber of reflection

rosicrucians introduced the chamber of reflection degree the metaphorical alchemical illumination(finding spiritual gold) ,
but because this is a hollywood film there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow(rosicrucian illuminism) for the actors voight n cage ,remember the same process gave you dorothy in oz story “In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid.

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Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?

The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,”green shards (emerald city) a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol yellowy gold , was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect. leaving a gold sphere ,like koenigs” sphere in the centre of the j tobin plaza the tomb of rozencreuz
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the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show,and the ceremony that inspired the wizard of oz journey dorothy took ,has been used by masons on the public ,in this masonic rosicrucian ceremony,

Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?
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so the metatron or solomons star gave us another vision of a future new jerusalem ,but the cube inside the solomons star is obviously the cubed room the chamber of reflection from the rosicrucians that run america ,and this is clearly on show because they used the thematic version of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the wizard of oz schema at all the 911 sites

and gerorge lucas took that metatrons vision to zerubabel one step further by inserting luke as zerubabel and his journey as the solomons star or cube vision ,in the form of star wars using the same narrative of the wizard of oz or v.i.t.r.i.o.l. of course ,putting min in the new temple of jerusalem the millenium fall-con,
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and why not it worked in the past ,all these shapes come from one celestial alignment ,so you have the trigger for 911 ,thats better than any fingerprint (fingerprints rarely prove shit) but it fits the narrative
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there is a precedent of showing via metatron fabel or solomons star metatrons shape meta comes from metatron you see ,your shown the future temple,and the twin towers also had previous space echoes from kubrick admittedly more ezekiel but never the less spacey as fuck
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you got the trigger you know the psipher ,iexpect wonderful things when i get back,metaphorically of course
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so you know the method of delivery for their spell[ceremony to work ,hence why none of the houseclowns ,cointel can even interact ,i literally will take their pensions away
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from the satan blamers to the jew blamers to jesuits did 911 and israel ,im number one cos i show you where them boys get their orders ,or doctrines i suppose is the better term ,but back engineering solomans temple the millenium fall-con through all the philosophers and adepts using these so called gnostic films that get researched back to front ,i had to decipher vitriol and kubrick and oz and star wars ,
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to be honest i have enjoyed it knowing because ultimately solo-mans temple toy of 911 was not in you tarts retirement plan gave me a luagh ha ha ha