NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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remember israel-oz is a made up counrty and construct pramrily used to mind fuck america and create babylon and jerusalem in one and is used as fake enemy to blame during the journey to oz, oz-77 and oz is also orion or osiris two 7;s inverted ,same as dealey plaza or ground zero is modelled on orion
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the alchemical cipher V.:I.:T.:R.:I.:O.:L.:, and the words ‘Know Thyself’ should be written somewhere on the wall ,the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show , the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. acronym that is written on the chamber of reflection wall ,,,,,is symbolised by the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. fairystory it generated in baums novel and grafted onto the american psyche,
so you would expect v.i.t.r.i.o.l. on the wall of the chamber of reflection ceremony ,but in the 911 rosicrucuian chamber of reflection it takes the form of the wizard of oz schema (images and story) at all the 911 sites and origin ,and is visibly used the same way dorothy's farm hands became the scarecrow=tinman=and cowardly lion
Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?

this masonic v.i.t.r.i.o.l. from the executors of 911 is not abel to be discussed by anyone of the houseclowns employed to pretend to be fakeologists,or the prior gatekeepers and 911 truthers that pretended to be truthers ,i did not make a mistake anywhere did i
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so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
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anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
anyone explained why they used liber oz numbers for the planes =no

anyone explained why judy woods directed energy weapon and her twister turn things sepia =no
anyone explained why they named the operation "cyclone" fund oz-ma bin laden =no
anyone explained why they mirror the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden =no
anyone explained why so sirius =no

you see the only way to show masons up, is to literally find an honest man like ab and solve 911 on his site ,he is still learning the conspiracies unlike me and a few other bad ass fakeologists who solved all of them before they got here ,ab was not a conspiracy theorist til 2012 ,and he is coming upto the part of theosophy and nazism ,after he has deciphered that little gem ,the event of 911 being a space vehicle for rosicrucianism or cosmism from the lucius trust,or un will be predictable from the 1940s onwards ,and his identification of the generational loyalty from theosophist will be complete,he can then dismiss bluebeam fake invasion and insert the millenium fall-con
the masons you hear in the livestream cannot point to oz on 911 or that israel is used as a theosophist vehicle ergo it uses the solomons star ,you see oz or the oz schema at ground zero or jfk dealey plaza or pointing out ozama is a construct from theosophist magicians is where all ab's truthers fail ,usually because they are paid or masons and who blames them it must be embarrassing as fuck finding out the masons you joined are just houseclowns from british wizards
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iv'e tested this out on all ab's boys ,its a dam shame cos ab is honest ,but he is hounded by houseclowns ,i am not though !!1lucky you
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declaration night the "professor" made a speech
“He stands there, the Angel, his hands trembling with the black record of human guilt. But hark! The voice of Jehovah speaks out from the awful cloud–`Let there be light again. Let there be a New World. Tell my people–the poor–the trodden down millions, to go out from the Old World. Tell them to go out from wrong, oppression and blood–tell them to go out from this Old World–to build my altar in the New!’

[11-second applause]

“As God lives, my friends, I believe that to be his voice! Yes, were my soul trembling on the wing for Eternity, were this hand freezing in death, were this voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last wave of that hand, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember this truth – God has given America to the free!

[13-second applause]

“Yes, as I sank down into the gloomy shadows of the grave, with my last gasp, I would beg you to sign that Parchment, in the name of the God, who made the Saviour who redeemed you – in the name of the millions whose very breath is now hushed in intense expectation, as they look up to you for the awful words – `You are free!'”

[9-second applause]

O many years have gone since that hour–the Speaker, his brethren, all, have crumbled into dust, but it would require an angel’s pen to picture the magic of that Speaker’s look, the deep, terrible emphasis of his voice, the prophet-like beckoning of his hand, the magnetic flame which shooting from his eyes, soon fired every heart throughout the hall!

The work was done. A wild murmur thrills through the hall.–Sign? Hah? There is no doubt now. Look! How they rush forward–stout-hearted John Hancock has scarcely time to sign his bold name, before the pen is grasped by another–another and another! Look how the names blaze on the Parchment–Adams and Lee and Jefferson and Carroll, and now, Roger Sherman the Shoemaker.

And here comes good old Stephen Hopkins–yes, trembling with palsy,
he totters forward–quivering from head to foot, with his shaking hands he seizes the pen, he scratches his patriot-name.

Then comes Benjamin Franklin the Printer. . . .

And now the Parchment is signed; and now let word go forth to the People in the streets–to the homes of America–to the camp of Mister Washington, and the Palace of George the Idiot-King–let word go out to all the earth–

The angel Madimi castigating John Dee and Edward Kelley

[The angel Madimi castigating John Dee and Edward Kelley with Biblical threats for their reluctance to follow her instructions and for their Faustian ambition. From Dee’s diary:]

“Behold you are become free: Do that which most pleaseth you: For behold, your own reason riseth up against my wisdome.

Not content you are to be heires, but you would be Lords, yea Gods, yea the Judgers of the heavens: Wherefore do even as you list, but if you forsake the way taught you from above, behold evil shall enter into your senses, and abomination shall dwell before your eyes, as a recompense, unto such as you have done wrong unto: And your wives and children, shall be carried away before your face.”
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the name warpspeed !!! ,doesn't fit a humanitarian effort does itthe name warpspeed !!! ,doesn't fit a humanitarian effort does it
Although initially budgeted by Congress for about $10 billion in May 2020,[1] Operation Warp Speed had spent $12.4 billion by mid-December

the name warpspeed !!! ,doesn't fit a humanitarian effort does it ,it does however fit the programming movies counterpart interstellar ... expedition.
but it does fit the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. of the absuyrdity of a virus phage journey ,

What was Cooper's mission in Interstellar called? cooper is the scarecrow on our rosicrucian reflection of the upcoming warpspeed alegory,remember No-lens has been carrying the future narrative bat-on ,and he qualifies as he has a special wand (camera) i-max,
He michael caine enlists Cooper to pilot an exploratory spacecraft called the Endurance, equipped with two Ranger craft (ruby slippers) and one Lander craft carbon space bat (metaphor for covid graphene and batvirus visually anyway) with a crew of three scientists: Romilly, Doyle, and Brand's daughter Amelia. This is humanity's last chance; there are no more resources to mount another expedition.

climate change catastrophe ,lazarus mission ,the blackhole is the oz symbol ,dorothy stays at home this time ,aswell as all the actual covid graphics throughout the film ,yellow brick roads ,twisters the lot
i took you to oz

lose the munchkins
Although initially budgeted by Congress for about $10 billion in May 2020,[1] Operation Warp Speed had spent $12.4 billion by mid-December

the name warpspeed ,doesn't fit a humanitarian effort does it ,it does however fit the programming movies counterpart interstellar ... expedition.
even in interstellar the missions are descriptive ..The Lazarus missions were launched by NASA, ten years before Cooper's departure from Earth. lazarus is rosencreuz the masonic wizard of oz ,it's his chamber the age of lazarus or comte st germaine starts 2025 by the way
What was Cooper's mission in Interstellar called? cooper is the scarecrow on our rosicrucian reflection of the upcoming warpspeed alegorry,
He enlists Cooper to pilot an exploratory spacecraft called the Endurance, equipped with two Ranger craft and one Lander craft, with a crew of three scientists: Romilly, Doyle, and Brand's daughter Amelia. This is humanity's last chance; there are no more resources to mount another expedition.

(interstellar) is a work of genius and the scarecrow with a diploma piloting a spacebat "the lander"fecking batshaped carbon spaceship smh (covaids) into a psi fi nerds wet dream a black hole !!!!surrounded by a yellow brick road to a planet which is an oz logo ,destination oz on film ,in real life it was mind control lockstep which i did tell you about before it was happening

shit i even told you about magnetic anomalies in the vax before they made up the stories

a good metaphor as it were because it allowed No-lens to emulate the same visuals as were expected to believe a virus phage takes ,with cosmism and spaceships ,this is ignored by masons because of the millenium fall-con spaceship precident set by star wars and the j tobin plaza psi fi film
yellow brick road can be seen from space you gullible apes ,lose the masons
Sars cov Oz,add a letter you get the scarecrow
Blistered feet,there’s your ruby slippers
Yellow brick road, yellow card reporting system
If I only had a brain the clots
If I only had a heart , miocarditis
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because i shown star wars and ultimately the millenium fall-con is drawn from 911ergo toys from 911,i get ignored
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only way to show ab he talks to houseclowns weekly
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i made champagne from lemons
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]honesty and freedom of speech are good ,but knowing the set level of truth about 911 is far more affective and allowed me to show ab his blog is ignored by masonically controlled buoys
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i'm enjoying the lads in the livestream ,they are fun ,
toby asks whats the longest audio ? there was a thirty hour one tobe not sure the exact time ,it was just after my joker monologue before i left the masonic discord
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so im not a mason or a truther controlled by masons ,and ab has shown that he isn't beholden to masonic dollar for income by letting me solve 911 and the masonic ceremony on his blog ,the lads that wanted me to earn a few quid but i coulnt talk the way ido and eran a few quid entered fakeologist years ago

do you like the fact that every coward ab speaks to is scared of me

year 5 in may since i said i wont play games with the fakeologist and left the masonic discord ,do you like knowing how easy it was to salvage fakeologist from these smiley happy or deep thinkers

ab is worth it even if he thinks im crazy
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