NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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Yes, Star Wars was inspired by the Nazis. The Empire itself is modeled off the Third Reich and other fascist dictatorships, with the Emperor standing in for the Führer. The Empire’s troops are referred to as Stormtroopers, the name of German Shock Troopers in both World Wars. The Imperial Officers are adorned in similar outfits worn by that of Nazi officers and gee golly do they love to gather in a nice symmetrical formation which in no way looks like a Nazi rally. The inspiration is very night and day; but there are a lot of subtle allusions as well, notably to Nazi propaganda.

Arguably the most famous piece of propaganda ever filmed is Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will. Much in the vein of Birth of a Nation, the film is often cited today as an important yet horrendous picture. I would like to point out however there is hardly anything revolutionary about it. Riefenstahl’s camerawork and editing have been praised, but she didn’t invent any of the techniques utilized. The only thing special about the film in particular is the budget and access to equipment Riefenstahl had at her disposal. Riefenstahl was given total control to perfectly execute every single shot, and had 30,000 extras at her disposal to create her horrific epic.

Almost no film in history has had the same resources available to them, and it’s noticeable. So it gets heaped praise upon for it’s artistry, often trying to downplay the whole Nazi thing… you know, that thing it’s actually about. For all it’s majestic artistry, you can’t write off what the goal of the movie is, and that is to promote Nazis. Triumph of the Will is so important to the Nazi image that when you say words “Hitler” or “Nazi”, the images that come to mind are probably from this movie. That’s an actual problem, as this is how the Nazi’s wanted to be seen, and when you get down to it, it’s a bit of an issue that we still refer to it when we think of them.

But the idea of Triumph’s importance to the medium held steadfast in film schools for most of the 20th Century. One of those schools that openly taught it was the University of souther California, were a young George Lucas must have become quite taken by it, because it’s everywhere in Star Wars.


The most obvious signifier is the way Lucas frames the stormtroopers, with many shots of them replicating the Nazi marches, shot in a grand scale to emphasize their size and dominance. What’s rather striking however is the Rebel’s award ceremony at the end of A New Hope is taken directly from Triumph of the Will. It’s a rather bizarre decision to use Nazi imagery to represent both sides of the battle, at least in A New Hope. While other Star Wars films and Expanded Universe material has dug deeper into the complexities of both sides fo the battle, A New Hope presents itself as a fairly blunt good vs. evil tale. Characters may have shades of grey, but there is a clearly defined dark and light side of the force. Lucas may be insinuating the Rebels themselves are not entirely free of sin, but this is not supported by the film’s own text. What is worrisome is Lucas may have just used the images because they looked good, an attempt to remove the images from their context.
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Like I said, the visuals of Triumph of the Will cannot be removed from the context of the Nazis themselves. By utilizing their style, you ostensibly deem it worthy of imitation. You can claim you just want to use their techniques, but that doesn’t remove the Nazi overtones. Sure it looks great, but some visuals are ruined forever by association. The thing is if you were to stage a scene similar today like the ceremony at the end of A New Hope, it would be compared to Star Wars and not Triumph of the Will. We have taken Nazi symbols and ostensibly covered up the history. Is this a good thing, or do actions such as these lead to an erasure of history? We can talk all day about the ethics of using Nazi iconography for your villains when we ostensibly “like” movie villains regardless of knowing they’re evil, but it’s the subtle stuff I worry about.
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The Freemason Invention of the Nazi Party
By Joseph Atwill -April 21, 2023

A fact that has been largely unrecognized is that the infamous Nazi Party seems to have been a longstanding project of Freemasonry. This secretive organization was able to achieve this without being recognized by using a proxy, Helena Blavatsky, and the pseudo – mystical organization she invented, the Theosophical Society.

While may strike the reader as farfetched, it is the case that virtually every aspect of what became the Nazi party originated from a member of the Theosophical Society. Whereas one or two aspects could certainly be circumstantial, the number of disparate elements that owe their origin to members of the Theosophical Society is unlikely an accident. It appears that the Theosophical Society was used as a mystical camouflage under which the Nazis symbols, racial and economic perspectives, the Nazi party itself and finally its leader, Adolf Hitler, were created.

It is perhaps surprising that all of the facts asserted in this article are well known. The only original aspect of this analysis to to present them as a group, which to my knowledge has never been done before, and to note the obvious fact that when seen as a collection, it does not seem to be something that could have occurred by chance.

One obvious question that needs to be answered is why hasn’t the obvious connection between the elements that created Nazism become part of the historical understanding?

Blavatsky Was a Freemason
Freemasonry’s ‘Nazi Project’ began with its promotion of the famous mystic, Helena Blavatsky. Developing a reliable account of Blavatsky’s early life is impossible because she seems to have deliberately provided contradictory accounts and falsifications about her past. Furthermore, few of her own writings before 1873 have survived, meaning that biographers must rely heavily on later accounts. The accounts of her early life provided by her family members have also been considered dubious by biographers. (Wikipedia)

Based solely upon this analysis, Blavatsky’s claims to have been in Tibet as a youth where she had a mystical experience, were presumably fabricated to create some plausibility for her strange attraction for the mystical spiritualism she presented within Theosophy.
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However, one fact about her that is known is that in 1867, at the age of thirty-six, Blavatsky was a member of the all-volunteer army of the Freemason Grand Master Giuseppe Garibaldi, and therefore was at the battle of Mentana where Garibaldi battled the army of Pope Pius IX. By the time the battle was over, Blavatsky lay bleeding in a ditch. Left for dead, she was rescued by Italian civilians who appeared to help the wounded.

For some reason, likely because of her Masonic zealotry, Garibaldi selected her and brought Blavatsky with him to England and introduced her to other high level Freemasons.

As an example of her zealotry, when Blavatsky met the Freemason Henry Steel Olcott in London in 1874, he reported that she was still wearing a Garibaldi ‘red shirt’, the army’s uniform.

She told Olcott about being wounded at Mentana. “In proof of her story,” he wrote in his diary, “she showed me where her left arm had been broken in two places by a saber stroke, and made me feel in her right shoulder a musket bullet still embedded in the muscle, and another in her leg.” (Olcott, Old Diary Leaves, pp. 4-9.) As a doctor and veteran of the American Civil War, Olcott recognized her injuries as authentic battle wounds.

Though typically described only as a Theosophist, Blavatsky was also a Freemason. John Yarker – who also initiated the satanist Alister Crowley – made Blavatsky a ‘Brother’ of the ‘Adoptive Rite of Freemasonry’. Blavatsky’s Masonic diploma was signed by Yarker and reads:

“We, the Thrice-Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master Generals… do declare and proclaim our illustrious and enlightened Brother, H. P. Blavatsky, to be an Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Grand Elect, Chevalière de Rose Croix, Adonaite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a crowned Princess of the Rite of Adoption.”
The Other Founders of the Theosophical Society Were Also Freemasons
To begin to understand Freemasonry’s connection to Nazism, it is necessary to recognize that the Theosophical Society was an annex of it. This is shown by the fact that, like Blavatsky, the other cofounders were also either overt Masons or had a direct connection to the organization.

On 7 September 1875, George H. Felt gave a talk at Helena Blavatsky’s parlour in New York. He spoke about the elemental spirits of the Egyptian temple mysteries, which he claimed to have subjugated, tested, and found efficacious. The assembled audience was so impressed at the importance of this work, that they agreed to form a new fellowship which would become known as the Theosophical Society. (Esoteric World of Madam Blavatsky, ch. 6). Felt was a versatile scientist, engineer and inventor, and was a member of a Masonic Lodge. (Felt Genealogy).

Henry Steel Olcott was a co-founder and became the first president of The Theosophical Society. In 1859, while reporting the hanging of John Brown, the abolitionist, for the Tribune, Olcott was arrested as a spy and condemned to death. However, he was released upon his appeal to his captors under the seal of confidence as a Freemason. (Theosophy Wiki)

Charles Sotheran, another co-founder, was initiated as a Freemason on April 8, 1872, in the United Grand Lodge of England. Sotheran was also active in the English Brotherhood of the Rosie Cross, and in Egyptian Rite masonry. (Theosophy Wiki)

William Q. Judge (1851–1896) another individual present at the seminal meeting, was the son of Frederick Judge, a well known Freemason. (Theosophy Wiki)

The term theosophy came from the Greek theos (“god(s)”) and sophia (“wisdom”), thus meaning “god-wisdom” or “divine wisdom”. It should be noted that one mystery this analysis clarifies is Theosophy itself. Its spiritual system is so ridiculous that it begs the questions as to why it was invented, let alone popularized. However, once it is recognized that the group was organized for political purposes, the mumbo-jumbo is explained.

In addition to Blavatsky, Garibaldi also brought to England a new version of Freemasonry called The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, sometimes known as “Egyptian Freemasonry”. Garibaldi was the “Grand Hierophant” or leader of the order. After his death, above mentioned John Yarker was named Grand Hierophant in 1902. The philosophy presented by Memphis-Misraim was the basis for much of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, which Dieter Eckart claimed somehow inspired Adolf Hitler.

The Theosophical Society and the Rite of Memphis-Misraim had substantially overlapping memberships. For example, Mr. Reginald G. Macbean, the British ambassador to Palermo and a member of the Theosophical Society, was elected Grand Master of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm in Italy in 1921. The Rite went dormant again in 1925 because of opposition by the Mussolini government. But, Macbean issued a charter to five prominent Freemasons who were both members of the Memphis Misraim Rite and of the Theosophical Society:
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James Ingall Wedgwood (England),
Charles Webster Leadbeater (Australia),
George Arundale (England),
C. Jinarajadasa (India), and
Oscar Kolleström (Australia)
(Masonic Biography of James Ingall Wedgwood; History of Misraim and Memphis)

The Nazis’ Use of the Swastika Came from the Theosophical Society
Blavatsky used the Swastika to represent her organization. She wrote:

“Few world-symbols are more pregnant with real occult meaning than the Swastika. It is symbolized by the figure 6; for, like that figure, it points in its concrete imagery, as the ideograph of the number does, to the Zenith and the Nadir, to North, South, West, and East; one finds the unit everywhere, and that unit reflected in all and every unit. It is the emblem of the activity of Fohat, of the continual revolution of the ‘wheels’, and of the Four Elements, the ‘Sacred Four’, in their mystical, and not alone in their cosmic meaning; further, its four arms, bent at right angles, are intimately related, as shown elsewhere, to the Pythagorean and Hermetic scales. One initiated into the mysteries of the meaning of the Swastika, say the Commentaries, ‘can trace on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of Kosmos and the whole period of Sandhya’.”
“The Secret Doctrine”, H. P. Blavatsky, Vol. II, Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, p. 587.

In fact, Blavatsky’s bizarre understanding of the swastika seems to deliberately misdirect from one important fact. Given her connections to Freemasonry, it is dubious that Blavatsky was unaware that the swastika was the premier symbol of Operative Freemasonry.

Though seemingly trivial, her failure to mention Freemasonry’s use the swastika is important. It is an example of the use of mythicism to camouflage Theosophy’s connection back to Freemasonry. Moreover, based upon this analysis, the Nazis’ use of the symbol was chosen to cryptically indicate who was really in control of the organization.
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Unread post by napoleon »

Thought that I died today
Walked off the stage
Faded away up through the clouds
To 'the gig in the sky'
And when I arrived, the angels were singing this song
Yeah you know the one, are you singing along?
Thought I'd know just what to do
That it'd be how I wanted it to
The Ox and Moon were counting me in
I had to give in
Make the thunder and lightning sing
In the eye of the storm, there's no right and no wrong
So long, so long
Someday all the world will sing my song
Still life remains
Somewhere in my heart the beat goes on
I thought it was the end of the world
Beat with guitars, and all that I understand
Is air through metal and wood
I'm misunderstood
And wasted on money and fame
I'll throw it away
Just to prove that I can
I'm the last of a dying breed
And it's not the end of the world, oh no
It's not even the end of the day
So long, so long
Someday all the world will sing my song
Still life remains
Somewhere in my heart the beat goes on
So long, so long
Someday all the world will sing my song
Still life remains
Somewhere in my heart the beat goes on
So long, so long
Someday all the world will sing my song
Still life remains
Somewhere in my heart the beat goes on

Thomas Carr wrote:

“Among Operative Freemasons the VII° candidate is taken into a vault under the Grand Lodge Room and from the darkness looks up to the centre of its roof and there sees a large letter G. from which a plumb-line is suspended which hangs down into the chamber in which he is placed. He is told that this plumb-line comes down from the Pole Star and that the Swastika is its symbol. The Swastika is depicted on the Sacred Pedastal in front of him. When an Operative Lodge is opened in the VIP each of the Grand Masters puts his “Square” together with the Square on the Volume of the Sacred Law in such a way as to form a Swastika which is a much venerated symbol among all Operative Freemasons and is held to represent El Shaddai or the Most High, Himself.”
Thomas Carr – The Rituals of Operative Freemasons
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size=150]go to the website to read the rest [/size]
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Unread post by napoleon »

]you see i'm showing you dorothy in the spaceship made from all three temples that fell on 911 and j tobin plaza ,the protagonist of the theosophist mythos that they use to program your'e gullible asses ,i'd pay fucking attention if i were you
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]we all know it's their secret franchise ,that's why it is so blatantly a mish mash of myths and heroes journeys

does'nt take film studies student to spot the archetypes ,it had to hit everyone on the plane ,every eyeball

it does take a fakeologist to overlay it with zerubabel the hero masons vision of the new temple and his journey from metatron ,and decipher metatron as solomons star,new age new jerusalem from the theosophists and you are heading there in a spaceship made from herods temple solomons temple and the moder day solomons temple the twin towers ,that is funny to me using all three temple that fall on 911 to make a spaceship heading for the area in orion called kesil ,and george lucas made the solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con the ship that made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs

that is more blatant than giving luke a lightsaber made from the antenna on the twin towers ,it's not as bad as blaming ozma bin laden ,yes you boy's are fuct beyond recognition
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all under the star of solomon ,made into a rosicrucian vision heading for kesil orion ,solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con

yes you americans have been bent right over
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Unread post by napoleon »

you see you can handle nukes being fake because you are not likely to own one or be threatend by one ,same with the moon and jfk and war ,they are quite easy for masons and houseclowns to discuss , but you prove or showw compelling evidence that they made toys from a film a thelemic theosophist rosicrucian vision of the outside threat thaat is terra-ism and 911 ,you show toys from the third temple to fall on that date combined with the other temples ,and in the real world sadam declares himself nebudchadnezzar who leveled solomons temple ,well that removes any fraud from fakeologist ,sure they need all the help they can get ,infact they have only just started working together
all hands on deck
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it's only masons and houseclowns that can't read the blog ,i could get ab to do an hour on it with just asking him ,but he don't need to prove shit ,and i wanna return the favour by showing him the cointel he talks to are inferior and need replacing
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even they know they are pathetic cos it comes through in their whining voices
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remember i am a fakeologist in fakeologist you got no chance you can't even debunk me fanny's
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Unread post by napoleon »

and yes altogether we oz 77 or strong translation in hebrew for noahs rainbow covenant plagiarised on 911

we have the theosophists adopting oz and the steps to a new world order stricken of the old ways taking all the new age ways onboard
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we have the rosicrucians running this pantomime from the masonic lodges and the chamber of reflection ceremony ,mad witchcraft shit with v.i.t.r.i.o.l. written on the wall ,and the journey that following the yellow brick road all the way to the emerald city was derived ,gold refining via alchemy ,spiritually paralel to their beliefs ,including evolution to spacemonkeys 2001

we got crowleys liber oz also making it's way into the artistocrats pantomimes all of them i might add

we have the oz schema from lucas where dorothy got made into luke and preceeded to take us on a journey showing us 911 in rosicrucian mythos,including ground zero sadam as land of oz calrizzian ,even the trigger for 911 in alderaan not alderbaran

the oz schema with judy wood the wizard of oz star wars and luke skywalker is off the hook aswell
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and all the oz schema on 911 ,especially shanksville bush flying to omaha unlike oz who came from omaha to oz,all of 911 origins can be found in here
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as i say though the main man is the rosicrucian invisible college ,a solomons temple of knowledge that becomes so visible once one has researched as fakeologists do ,well then stealing solo-mans temple with dorothy just had to be done,fate
simulacra ?never wear it,,,,,,,remember i am not the bad guy ,think though they got sadam to play along with being nebudchadnezzar who destroyed solomons temple and hid in a hole at the end like an animal ,but george lucas called him land of oz "lando" calrizzian in charge of cloud city where the transport is ruby slipper spaceships and han solo gets frozen in a building 7 shaped block

you girls are lost big time ,toys lol
liber oz
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Unread post by napoleon »

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the outside threat was terra carried out by the space cult of rosicrucianism,and you tarts need to understand i'm not gonne stop pointing out that ultimately most of you murican truthers had 911 toys that's fakeology removing the bullshit ,and you boy;s are full of bullshit ,amateurs
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Unread post by napoleon »

Like Lazarus
"There is nothing I can do, my hands are tied" Saint Germain is said to have replied to Marie Antoinette when she asked him to prevent the calamities that would destroy "royal France" as per his prediction.

If the quotation is true, if he really made this statement, the mystery of his controversial personality becomes even more perplexing by the previous revelation-in this here Announcement-that he was in fact the same person as Saint Germain, the war minister of France 1774-1776.

If the quotation is true, something serious must have happened to drasticaly change, to neutralize, the man who shaped european affairs as from about 1760 onwards, enthroned Catherine in Russia and was-as aleady shown by this Announcement-so instrumental in shaping up french politics and planning the assistance to the rebels during the american struggle for independance.

After 1778 there was evidently a "general plan" in the works, a plan which ended by the sacrifice of the french Bourbon kings, a plan designed also to kill, selectively, the threatening chimera of democratic ideas and social principles St Germain and his friends introduced.

Was this plan known to St Germain or was he already neutralised and just too old to react when he saw it materialising? That's the million $ question!

More than just a well documented scenario will answer it:

There simply was far too much "liberty" in Bourbon France, all their enemies, the Pope in Rome and the "illegitimate" british rulers in particular, they all agreed on that issue by then, far too many- and far too "open"-discussions between scientists , artists and men of letters in french "academic societies" and "salons":

There simply was far too much "greekness" in France, they all agreed. It was, it must have been, greek philosophy, plays, art, democracy, greek logos (as ratio in latin) that brought about this "moral decadence" of the french court and nobility and was also threatening their own principles, their world "order", their interests, their governing "systems".

"Greekness" was to be banned from then on , the general plan certainly provided for that as well and, if the french "enlightening" chain of command was to be broken, its weakest link, Saint Germain, was well known and easy to be attacked first and foremost as....

...they all knew his little secret!

Let's assume(for the time being only) that the answer to "Concino's riddle" proves unfavourable to the pedigree of french royals from Luis XIII onwards, that their blood in particular was not so "blue", let's assume that Concino "did his thing" and Maria di Medici had his child, that Luis XIII truly had a greek "Concino Concini" father, what then?

Let's assume that Saint Germain not only knew of this "forbidden" truth but was moreover a part and a proof of it himself and, whereas his own personal interests and loyalties had always been in favour and in parallel to those of the Bourbons, this "own truth", this impossible and unalterable truth he himself was evidence of, was so damaging to his King and to himself, what then?

If royalty today- and some "repuplican monarchs" as well-are still ever so meticulously guarding their own pedigrees and hereditary lines of descent , one can but imagine what an uproar such a revelation would then create: The Bourbons would loose their thrones not just in France but in Spain and Naples as well. The french people, nobility and masses alike, would become the laughing stock worldwide .

On the other hand this truth, if allowed to become public, would have a detrimental influence on all european monarchs already feeling deeply threatened by those same ideals of french "encyclopedism" and "enlightment". Their "order" would be seriously damaged as well.

This was the situation he was facing by 1778, there really was nothing much he could do to hide his secret anymore, his hands were tied and he was in a deep personal dilemma, the prerequisite of all his beloved greek tragedies.

Propably by his own free will he had given up his "minister of war" commission in 1776: He must have been very tired then and possibly also aware that his secret was known to few of his many "friends". The threat of its revelation did not materialise however until around 1780 when he chose to leave France to set up his staged death in Germany in 1784 for this reason alone.

He was certainly forced to let go from controling "things" before 1780 therefore but it is highly doubtfull he was conscious then- let alone taking part-in a plan leading to the french revolution and to the tragic end of his royal french "germain" cousin, he was possibly just too old and tired then, in 1788-90, to do anything to prevent the coming disaster and he certainly wanted no part of it whatsoever.

Did then the man, who created the academic society of "les enfants d'Apollo", "les Philalethes" and "Les neuf soeurs", who controled all virtual art and most lterature of 19th century France, did he give it all up, his greek logos and ideals, to participate perhaps in a plot to bend peoples minds back to the middle ages by injecting the "supernatural" and introduce tribal semitic "truths" in the "Abraxas" papyrus, the "Holy book of Moses" forgery?

Did he thus verify the mythos-consequently promoting dogmatism- of the Bible to promote the Pope's interests thus attacking greek orthodoxy? (G.O. adheres and insists on the greek-written and greek-inspired New Testament and generaly avoids and disregards older biblical texts)

No, he did not:

His pathos with "aegyptian" manusripts was certainly related to his affection for "gnosis". For him, whatever mystery or "magic" the pyramids contained was minor, he knew, when compared to that of the greek language he was so much in love with.

He had indeed supplied cardinal Stefano Borgia with a small part of his manuscript collection, years before 1778, in the hope to assist the catholic Stuarts retake the british throne and indeed this effort had backfired by then: Giuseppe Balsamo had "gone over" to the other side and the Stuarts were...well....just not up to it.

But....he still had in his hands most of his aces again, among which the proof of this monumental forgery, the same actual papyrus he had taken from Cagliostro in 1785-6, he had thus, some at least of his many different enemies on the defence again, had already established his next identity and safe heaven, had chosen and tutored his successor, his grandson Yanni, and so decided to withdraw from France, just after Bastille, just before all hell broke loose.

He was at ease with his conscience: The seeds he had planted, he knew, would sooner or later find the right time and conditions to grow, plan or no plan.

On April 1790, at the age of 77 or 75 (as per his halfbiographer monsieur E.G******) he fooled his persecutors once again and staged another death, in his appartments in Le Louvre, passing away apparently peacefully and with all his faculties in perfect condition as his will records.

He was buried, it is so written, with two of his most trusted relatives as his witnesses, in the church of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois nearby.

(see and

He had selected, long ago, and always used when in the Levant the perfect name for this last resurrection: Lazarus

And left France forever to spend his last years peacefully in his beloved island, Hydra. Eversince 1745 he was known-and in record today-by this name, Lazarus C******, there!

Hydra, he thought, was the ideal place to hide the wounds from the greatest enemy of all: old age. He died there about 1802-3 and is propably still buried somewhere below the grounds of the family church completed, on his orders, in 1780:

"Ypapanti", Hydra's first greek-orthodox (byzantine) styled church* . The church's belfry was erected to his memory by his only legitimate** son, Anastasy C******, and was completed in 1805, all in brilliant white marble from the island of Paros.

*also called "purple church" because of its unusual colour.
** Another known son, Dimitri "Lazarou", a historicaly(Hydra-Petsai) well known personality born around 1750-60 and famous Bouboulina's real father, was also his son from outofmarriage relationship of Lazarus C******.

are you not concerned how many fucks are scared of the wizard of oz ,
remember 911 was an innitiation

The Chamber of Reflection is an important symbol. It represents a womblike state, where the aspirant is to participate in his rebirth as an initiate, to indicate when the candidate emerges from the chamber, in the same manner as being born
a total inversion of natural birth forced on you, what they call a starchild ,an alchemical birth of a saviour or messiah ,maybe as i say the inversion of what the fecking star wars franchise is about i forgot your scared of my spaceship,after all the rosicrucians and rosencreutz black mirror origin ,is just a metaphor for his mythos ,erected the chamber
1409 monolith dimensions
1-4-9-,ergo the millenium hilton monolith is the looking glass for the future ,as kubrick shows all the way through 2001 ............

Christian Rosenkreuz, the putative founder of the group, who is now generally regarded as a fictional character rather than a real person. According to the books, Rosenkreuz was born in 1378 and lived for 106 years. After visiting the Middle East and North Africa in search of secret wisdom, he returned to Germany and organized the Rosicrucian order
(1403). He erected a sanctuary (1409), where he was entombed after his death in 1484.
and the monoliths dimensions ( 149 )

2001 space odyssey = david rain-bowman is this chap Christian Rosenkreuz,he did get taken up and made imortal becoming a light being ,in the french hotel room With its stark white walls, luminous floor and ornate Renaissance decor fit for Louis XVI, the room is instantly recognizable
Louis XVI
Reign 10 May 1774 – 21 September 1792
Coronation 11 June 1775 Reims Cathedral
Predecessor Louis XV
Successor Louis XVII (as disputed King of France) Napoleon I (as Emperor) Louis XVIII (as de facto King of France)purple pyjamas straight from the professor oz ,best clue ever ,why would the lightbeings leave purple karate suit for ya boy,work that out ,i did
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bowmans final resting place in 2001 is the rosicrucians chamber of reflection,this is where v.i.t.r.i.o.l. is emblazoned on the wall in the masonic temples chamber of reflection
over the rain-bowman made it to the rosicrucian enlightenment
especially with the royal arch and the french masonic hotel room at the end napoleons era mind you ,thats where rubae rosies got into american masonry
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and in 2001 space odyssey bowman sees the film crew in 2001 ,the perfect kubrick show and dont tell,so kubrick did not hide shit but shows the film crew in bowmans visor ,just as lucas don't hide anything and shows you ground zero or No-lens don't hide fuckall and shows you tenet fake war in oz,or interstellar warpspeed allegory ,all the time using v.i.t.r.i.o.l. oz schema

kubrick shows you the camera crew in bowmans visor ,kubrick was not an amateur ,the ultimate truth about 2001 space odyssey ,its all the under the supervision of oz rosicrucianism hijacking the bible and progressing jesus as an alchemist making you (them)gods ,
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told ya the new wizard of oz blew into town on declaration night called professor ,comte st germaine
comte st germain another ascended master the lad that gave a speech to the rosicrucians on the signing of the declaration night ,he was known as professor oz,and he was the follow on from jesus being the last ascended master for 2000 years aquarius ,according to blavatsky ,,

i told ya three years ago we were heading to oz
Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others.
Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one of her Masters of Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.

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In New Age beliefs, Saint Germain is always associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). He is also regarded as the “Chohan of the Seventh Ray According to Theosophy, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray
i told ya the wizard lives in the 1776 one trade tower aswell
(the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called “The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius”. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is “The God of Freedom for this system of worlds.” According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the Hierarch of the Age of Pisces.

Alice A. Bailey stated that “sometime after AD 2025,” the Jesus, the Master Rakoczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would “externalise”,basically were off to see the wizard
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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.
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The Bladerunner (also published as The Blade Runner) is a 1974 science fiction novel by Alan E. Nourse, about underground medical services and smuggling. It was the source for the title, but no major plot elements, of the 1982 film Blade Runner, adapted from the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick,[1] though elements of the Nourse novel recur in a pair of 2002 films also largely adapted from Dick's work, Impostor and Minority Report.

The novel's protagonist is Billy Gimp, a man with a club foot who runs "blades" for Doc (Doctor John Long) as part of an illegal black market for medical services. The setting is a society where free, comprehensive medical treatment is available for anyone so long as they qualify for treatment under the Eugenics Laws. Preconditions for medical care include sterilization, and no legitimate medical care is available for anyone who does not qualify or does not wish to undergo the sterilization procedure (including children over the age of five). These conditions have created illegal medical services in which bladerunners supply black market medical supplies for underground practitioners, who generally go out at night to see patients and perform surgery. As an epidemic breaks out among the underclass, Billy must save his city from the plague.[2]

Connection to the film Blade Runner
In 1979 William S. Burroughs was commissioned to write a treatment for a possible film adaptation. This was published as Blade Runner (a movie). Burroughs acknowledged the Nourse novel as a source, and prominently set a mutated virus and right-wing politics in the year 1999.

No film was produced from the Burroughs treatment, but Hampton Fancher, a screenwriter for a film based on Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, had a copy. He suggested "Blade Runner", as preferable to the earlier working titles "Android" and "Dangerous Days", for the Dick adaptation.[3] In the film, released as Blade Runner in 1982, the term is never explained, and the plot has no connection to the Nourse and Burroughs stories. Ridley Scott bought any rights to the title Blade Runner that might have arisen from either the Nourse novel or the Burroughs treatment.[citation needed]

Two more of Dick's short stories, "Impostor" and "The Minority Report", were adapted into 2002 films, Impostor and Minority Report, respectively; both films heavily feature underground medical smuggling and procedures among an underclass, as in Nourse's novel, even though these elements are not present in either of the Dick short stories.
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