Was Hitler funded by big business?

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Was Hitler funded by big business?

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Hitler funded big business? - the better question

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The fascists (Nazis, but also Italians, British, Croatian, etc.) imho have been fundamental in shaping modern society.

The military has been organized fascistically before, but one of the purposes of the Great Wars (I and II) I would say was to curtail the people's economic freedoms.
Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the total integration of divergent interests into the state for the common good; however, the more democratic neo-corporatism often embraced tripartism.

Fascism and Marxism, Corporatism and Communism are opposames.

They present themselves as opposites, but in the end strive for the same, and that what has been proven by 20th century history:

- marxism is mainly integrated into the Prussian Inducation System - schooling
- fascism is predominantly visible in corporations (even though Wikipedia tries to claim corporatism and corporationism "have nothing to do with each other"....), the structure, the decision making processes, uniformity (is not strictly fascist or communist, but an essential element; recognition and stripping of individual expression)
- the BIG organizations of World Finance were established just after (the lessons still fresh!) and because of Great War II:
  • the World Bank (1944)
  • the IMF (1945)
  • United Nations (1945)
  • the European Commission for Coal and Steel ->>> European Union (1950s+)
  • State of Israhell - having and expanding (Greater Israhell, coming today at Fakeopedia!) control over the most petroleum-rich and easiest to produce area in the world ! 1948+)
It's like asking "were the Marxist funded by Zionists"

Eh no, the grandfather of Zionism was the Grandfather of Marxism, Karl Marx's MENTOR, I mean....
Moses (Moritz) Hess (21 January 1812 – 6 April 1875) was a German-Jewish philosopher, early communist and Zionist thinker. His theories led to disagreements with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. He is considered a pioneer of Labor Zionism.

Wikipedia for now, he needs his own article on Fakeopedia
Ab, maybe an idea for your audience, speakers at especially FAK high level shows without wild timed interruptions, to take a deeper look at this guy and his entourage?
Hess became reluctant to base all history on economic causes and class struggle (as Marx and Engels did), and he came to see the struggle of races, or nationalities, as the prime factor of history.
i.e. Nazionism - both Nazism and Zionism are highly RACIST theories

"the Nuremberg Laws" were almost literally copied from "Jewish Laws"... you wouldn't do that if you really were creating an opposite force, like I am doing with everyone around me, the mentalversity, with aSHIFT.
Israel’s ‘nation-state law’ parallels the Nazi Nuremberg Laws
Israel’s new ‘nation-state’ law follows in the footsteps of Jim Crow, the Indian Removal Act and the Nuremberg Laws.

Susan Abulhawa is a Palestinian writer.
Published On 26 Jul 2018

More than 80 years after Nazi Germany enacted what came to be known as the Nuremberg Race Laws, Israeli legislators voted in favour of the so-called “nation-state law“. By doing so, they essentially codified “Jewish supremacy” into law, which effectively mirrors the Nazi-era legislation of ethnoreligious stratification of German citizenry.

Israel’s “nation-state law” stipulates in its first clause that “actualisation of the right of national self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people”. In other words, the 1.7 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, the native inhabitants who managed to remain in their homes when European Jews conquered parts of historical Palestine in 1948, shall be without sovereignty or agency, forever living at the mercy of Israeli Jews.

In similar fashion, the first of the Nuremberg Laws, the Reich Citizenship Law, deemed citizenship a privilege exclusive to people of “German or kindred blood”. The remainder were classed as state subjects, without citizenship rights.

Since there was no scientifically sound way to distinguish Jewish Germans from the rest of German society, legislators looked into people’s ancestry to determine their Jewishness. Anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community.

That will not be necessary for indigenous Palestinian citizens of Israel because, since its creation in 1948, Israel put protocols in place to ensure that non-Jews do not assimilate into mainstream Jewish society.

This brings us to the second Nuremberg Law: Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which sought to prevent mixing of Aryan blood, dubbed “race defilement”.

The new “nation-state law” may not mention “race defilement” but in Israel, anti-miscegenation laws are already in place, masquerading as legislation meant to protect traditional values. Marriage can only be performed by religious officials and the Orthodox rabbinate has exclusive purview over Jewish marriages. Interreligious marriage within Israel is strictly forbidden by law.

The Reich Flag Law, which established black, red, and white as the national colours of Germany, and the swastika flag as the new national flag, was also part of the Nuremberg Laws.

The second clause of Israel’s “nation-state law” regarding national symbols similarly indicates that “the flag of the state is white, two blue stripes near the edges, and a blue Star of David in the centre.” Two days after it was passed, Israeli police and military soldiers arrested a Palestinian boy for holding a Palestinian flag outside the Al Aqsa mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

The third clause of the new nation-state law reiterates Israel’s illegitimate claim to the whole of Jerusalem as its capital, an illegal and internationally unrecognised claim that has been emboldened by US President Donald Trump’s controversial decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Interestingly, however, this new law does not define state borders and Israel remains the only country in the world without declared borders. This is not surprising, as Israel is a continuously expanding settler-colonial state, even though their admission to the United Nations in 1948 was based on their claim to the areas within the 1948 armistice line only, which does not include Jerusalem or any other part of the West Bank.

This new law also marks the beginning of the erasure of Arabic from the land, as it decrees Hebrew to be the only official language of the state, while Arabic has “special status”. Its fourth clause further explains that use of “the Arab language [sic]” institutionally “will be regulated by law.”

As for the 4.5 million indigenous Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank who do not have Israeli citizenship, the nation-state law eludes to their fate in the seventh clause, which states: “The state views Jewish settlement as a national value and will labour to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”

Simply stated, Israel will continue to work in earnest to build Jewish-only colonies on seized Palestinian land, ostensibly where a Palestinian state was to be formed per the Oslo Accords.

We can expect that more settlement will simply accelerate Israel’s ongoing displacement of Palestinians to replace them with imported Jews. We know from the past decades of settlement construction that this process is accomplished by systematic dispossession, marginalisation, ghettoisation and robbing of indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. This process more closely resembles the Manifest Destiny removal and marginalisation of First Nations in North America.

Western media should stop mincing words by calling the nation-state law “controversial” when in fact it is encoding the worst human impulses into law, the likes of which were promoted in Nazi Germany, Jim Crow and Indian Removal America and other abominable moments in human history.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018 ... mberg-laws
(no need to click the link, this is the full text underneath)


and yes, Hess, as in Rudolf Hess, also a jew.....

Allegedly locked up for 6 miliion years or so in Scotland's Yard.... yeah rrright.
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Re: Hitler funded big business? - the better question

Unread post by rachel »

aSHIFT. wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:31 am "the Nuremberg Laws" were almost literally copied from "Jewish Laws"... you wouldn't do that if you really were creating an opposite force, like I am doing with everyone around me, the mentalversity, with aSHIFT.

Do you have any information on the Noahide Laws? I don't know much about them, but I've read from others they think it is directly linked to the United Nations goals. For non-Jews (Gentiles) in a future where Israel is the headquarters of the One World Government. But if it is Baha'i fronted, it will be from Haifa, not Jerusalem.

Haifa makes sense actually, because it's a Port City.

rachel wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:33 pm Long one from _Esc

World Bank documents tend to come in two flavours. Horrifying, or horrible.

This unpredictably sets a new standard; Informative.

The topic is faith in conservation, and it deals with a range of different religions, and their take on conservation. One of those religions? Yes. Baha'i Faith.

Which is brilliant, because I did not look forward to read those other documents I dug up.


Already in the first paragraph, my spidey senses are tingling, and for a change, not because of 'interdependence'. No, rather, this time it's about 'weakening of moral standards', a phrase I haven't really seen pushed, since the MPDA document in 1915.

But, in short - we're all one. We're interconnected. And our rapid progress in science needs taming, as it has led to a destruction of 'biological diversity'.

And already now, this is starting to sound rather a lot like the Manhattan Principles (and the Pandemic Treaty), but we're only getting started, and there's much worse to come.

In short, us humans are supposedly trustees of God, and the vision is that he's granted us sufficient resources for 5,000 generations... so use said wisely!

And on page 2, besides all the arbitrary calls for justice, sustainable development, and everything being interconnected - they really do love that word - we also find that we have to find 'willingness to sacrifice for the betterment of justice'. And already here, the entire ideology is starting to rattle quite badly. More on this in a bit.

Page 3 outlines us being kind to animals, and to be respectful of nature.

Page 4 includes the phrase 'blessing of biodiversity', that 'scientific pursuits are highly praised', but that said must be 'guided by spiritual principles, especially moderation and humility'.

Look, couple that with all the arbitrary calls on page 2 I have just one question - Who will get to decide what's 'guided by spiritual principles'? Oh, that's right. The Universal House of Justice. In other words, there will be a hierarchy here, and you won't be on top for sure.

And the golden rule that the worst atrocities hide on not the final page, but close holds true. Because page 5 really is key.

Slightly out of order - it calls for demilitarisation, it calls for sustainability, it calls for social and economic justice (those arbitrary calls again)... and I will quote the entire next section, because this is really, really close to Manhattan Principle 8 -

'... certain difficult and possibly irreversible decisions may have to be taken. Such decisions, Baha'is believe, should be made within a consultative framework, involving those affected and taking into account the impact of any resulting policies, programs, and activities on the quality of life of subsequent generations'

Now, consider -

'consultative framework' = 'scientific consensus',
'certain difficult and possibly irreversible decisions' = 'mass culling',
... 'involving those affected', I assume will be through some 'civil society committee', like - say - a faith group, and
'taking into account the impact of any resulting policies' = 'a wildlife population poses an urgent, significant threat to human health...'

So here's Manhattan Principle 8 for reference -

'Restrict the mass culling of free-ranging wildlife species for disease control to situations where there is a multidisciplinary, international scientific consensus that a wildlife population poses an urgent, significant threat to human health, food security, or wildlife health more broadly.'

Page 6 helpfully informs us that utopia - which has never been tried before - cannot possibly be reached without a major restructuring of society, but we if do go through with it, it'll totally be utopia (for the few survivors, especially those even fewer sitting in the Universal House of Justice).

Review score: 0/10. Stinks to high heavens of pure, undulated communism to me.

https://documents1.worldbank.org/curate ... 0paper.pdf



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Re: Was Hitler funded by big business?

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Great, THIS is what a forum is meant for.

Deeper discussion about topics that need digging.

So to answer your first question:

I don't know the details of any of them laws, not the "state laws" of the countries (4) I lived in, nor the Noahide, Nuremberg or Nuke Them Goyim "laws"....

The laws I have studied for so long, and applying them in real life much broader than just physically and chemically, are The Laws of Nature.

Logic is a main tool in that toolbox, and for that reason not taught in most Prussian Inducation Institutes.

So just the simple fact "them Nazis" took "them jewish laws" and did some copy-editing to get them in line with Blavatsky and the other Hess (Rudolf was allegedly cell-mate of Dolfy and therefore co-author of Mein Kampf...)

tells me enough.

It fits in the grander framework.

As does Haifa, funny sync with that place.

When we went to Israel, in 2015

close to September 11th

there was a concert of one of my favorite bands/acts and one of the very few good things coming from Israel:

Infected Mushroom

but, the website to buy tickets


wtf, so you really want an audience for your concert??

(I saw them live here in Bogotá with a common friend of ours 3 years before...)

Haifa is also the area where my grandparents went to live.

I don't know where exactly, but it is telling.

Now that you mention it, your research only ADDs to the theses I am developing
and will be on that Fakeo wiki article, Fakeopedia is growing like crazy atm !!


it is simply

the place
within the current boundaries of The Zionist State of Israhell

the FARTHEST away from:

- Gaza and its strippers
- The Line / NEOM / Greater Israhell's southern boundary line eventually stretching from the northern Red Sea to Hormuz (via Dubai and Ryad; The Line is a bit longer than just NEOM and the other end is already quite """developed""" innit?)
- Egypt, as only serious military power outside of Israel

it is their micro "Patagonia" up there you could say.


and yes, the alignment in Agendas between:

UN / Bahaii / One World NEO (!) Religion
Jewism, the Animal Farming ideology; usury, inflation, the Great Remindset-WEF

is absolutely there and our combined views already can see quite a bit

but from my side, I am a generalist in this topic, where in others I specify more, that also keeps this bird eye view, so in essence getting to the understanding of:

Visible / lower level world politics:

Feudalism -> Vatican --> 1848 - magical year - like 9/11 -"the birth of parliamentary democrazy"

Esoteric/ higher level world politics:

Freemasonry & Jewism --> Zionism (Nazionism is an offshoot of that) & Marxism (all communist and modern cancel cultism policies stem from that part)

leading to

- NWO - One World Governmental Organizations - indeed the "environmentalist movement" is TIGHTLY related, see below
- Fascist policies in corporatism ; within corporate organizations ; corporate laws ; corporate culture
- Marxist policies in cultural inducation ; schooling but much more ; shaping culture, Bernayism, that kinda stuff, Cultural Marxism, but that term is taken, what about

Corporate Marxism

You owe your body, your corpora, to the state, or its octocentipede arms;

- MASKING and proof of that - literally yesterday WITH A JEW I made that comparison - wearing the mouth piece like ze jews were ordered to wear yellow stars... more about the jewish RAPPER and music producer ! in Tha Pub...
- blood "donations"
- organ "donations"
- vaxxing and proof of that



2 main examples.

2 TIGHTLY linked with Nazionism examples

1 - Rabbi (!!) Sergio Bergman

See Fakeopedia, Plan Patagonia is still a good piece of work !
Sergio Bergman at Plan Patagonia Fakeopedia page

"Sergio Bergman is an Argentine rabbi, politician; former Minister of Environment, pharmacist, writer, and social activist.

Bergman serves as rabbi of the synagogue of the Congregación Israelita Argentina. He is CEO of Judaica Foundation and president of Argentina Ciudadana Foundation, as well as executive director of Action Network and Community Initiatives for Social Enterprise. From 2015-23 ?, he was Argentina's Environment Minister, in Mauricio Macri's cabinet.
OPENLY advocates for "a New Jewish Homeland, citing Herzls Palestinien oder Argentinien chapter....

in Argentina (i.e. Patagonia for the richies and some South American Line for the livestockies)

2 - Uncle Benno

or, for the non-initiated
like I myself am, I haven't met the guy personally

yet my dad has, invited to his Palace, and yes, that is a "real" royal palace...

more than once

for exactly this; Environmentalism

Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeldt (Nassau van Oranje by marriage to Juliana, so Beatrix was their daughter and they are the grandparwents to the current King William Pils, yeah, clear?)

This guy was
my statement

the most important intrigue individual in northWestern continental Europe; Benelux and surroundings

an open SPY
openly admitted "shooting rhinos in Africa"

while still being the co-founder and public head figure of


World Wildlife Fund

the organization with the Pandas, a famous symbol my dad managed to turn into gold, he had his talents fosure...

but also, at the same tim

co-founder of

The European Union


The Bilderberg Group

named NOT

"for that hotel" close to Arnhem, yes, GWII Arnhem....

it's the other way round. The Hotel was named after the Group, meeting there.

Like I would have founded

The Palace Group

instead of developing day and day more

aSHIFT. - not an ideology of nimal Farming, yet a philosophy that cancels that out....

and about Uncle Benno
CalmCardKen and me
and Vlad and me

had already good conversations

join Eye AM Eye Radio to participate in that !

why ?

cause YOUR insights are worth it


back to Big Business ; building the musiversity
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

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The Myth of the London Blitz

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National Socialism and the Ideology of Genetics

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Probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Whenever prominent Nazis were discovered to have a "secret" Jewish ancestor, their paperwork was duly altered to make it conform with the Nuremberg laws on "race hygiene".

Goering arranged this for his top Luftwaffe designer.
Indeed, Goering's wife (a famous star of German theater and entertainment) personally arranged for the "escape" from Germany of many of her Jewish friends and colleagues.

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Goebbels Wife Had a Jewish Father who died in a camp

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Hitler was personally closer to Goebbels and his wife Magda than to anyone else in the Nazi Party.

Both Goebbels and Magda derived personal benefits and social status from their close association with Hitler, and the couple remained loyal to Hitler and publicly supported him. Privately, however, Magda expressed doubts, especially after the war began to go badly on the Eastern Front. On 9 November 1942, during a gathering with friends listening to a speech by Hitler, she switched off the radio exclaiming, "My God, what a lot of rubbish."[41] In 1944, she reportedly said of Hitler, "He no longer listens to voices of reason. Those who tell him what he wants to hear are the only ones he believes."[42] There is no evidence that Magda attempted to intervene to save her Jewish stepfather from the Holocaust. Though his fate has not been established, it is widely assumed that he perished in the camps. Asked about her husband's antisemitism, she answered: "The Führer wants it thus, and Joseph must obey."[43]

Felix Franks, a German Jew who later became a British soldier, claimed that his grandparents got an exit visa from Germany with the help of Magda Goebbels:
My father and step-mother were left behind in Germany but, two days before the War started, they were asked to come to Gestapo Headquarters and given an exit visa. There is a story in the family which goes back to the First World War when my step-grandparents were asked to give shelter to a young woman who'd been displaced by the war in Belgium. Although she had a Jewish step-father, she eventually married Joseph Goebbels! My stepmother believes she may have acted as a sort of protecting hand and was involved with the exit visa. Certainly, the night before Kristallnacht, they got an anonymous phone call warning my father not to go home that evening but to go somewhere safe. My step-mother swore it was Magda Goebbels.[6][44]

https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/nazi-pro ... ows-464716

https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/euro ... f9a2010000
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It took a catastrophic social crisis to bring them into power.

Unread post by SaiGirl »

It took the market collapse of 1929 and the ensuing worldwide depression to propel the NSDAP like a rocket, from the remote fringe into the highest levels of power. THROUGH ELECTIONS.
It took them 8 years.

Mussolini had already established a stable corporatist ("fascist)" single party state in Italy by 1925.
This cushioned Italy against the surrounding economic crisis in Europe.

Meanwhile, the Japanese Empire was sweeping through China and conquering.
Japan was desperately in need of offshore resources like oil, coal, rubber.

Generic overview:

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The Nazis were empowered by democratic elections

Unread post by SaiGirl »

But it took a unique combination of catastrophic social, economic and political conditions to elevate them.

Of all the nations in the world, the ones hit the hardest by the Great Depression were the USA and (Weimar) Germany.

And millions of Germans were terrified by the looming threat of the Communist Party winning a national election.
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What did Hitler actually sound like?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

He could change his voice, demeanor and mannerisms like the best professional actor.

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