only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

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only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

This thread deals with the intricate relation and thus only logical explanation for the Holocaust Story, happening from 9-11-1938 (Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass") to 14-5-1948, with the establishment of the Zionist State, made possible by the Nazionists.

comments like this
pasterno wrote:And WW2 I already found out the holocaust is a hoax, but ....
(everything behind the but is bullshit)

show a great misunderstanding at least and disrespect for all those involved at most. The events that DID take place do not warrant the term "hoax". Sandy Hook was a hoax, that can never be the same term as what happened and didn't between '38 and '48...

It's a loser term, not used by proper Revisionist academics, like to be found at, the very best resource base you can get see bottom !

the Holocaust Story, as in the collection of narratives to be (not) believed, indoctrinated through trauma-inducing film, photo and "monumental" experiences, especially for sensitive children.

Nazionism as in the intense dance, the collaboration from the very beginnings, between the "Nazis" and the "Zionists" = Nazionists.

Israel is already by law the biggest racist state, so it shouldn't surprise... ... aust_Story ... =Nazionism

Fakeopedia brings us up to speed with both topics, that I deeply researched because of my own family connections in it. I even had the plan to visit Soapibor, lovely Newspeech for the soap stories from and around Sobibor.

But, this is not Ausch Witz (meaning "joke" in German) Hollyjew, eh no, there is nothing.. it's just a field, in Eastern Poland, nothing more, nothing to see here.

Allegedly according to the stories, faked numbers and everything, 200-250,000 (with a more specific 230,000 also given) jews and others were gassed to death (don't laugh) with....

carbon monoxide

and yes, we know that CO is a potential deadly gas.
In old heaters, when people are asleep, for hours and hours in a row.

But this is not ideal, to say the least, to mechanically slaughter hundreds of thousands of people. Everyday. In an oiled machine.

so the hyper efficient and clean Nazis, who allegedly planned all this out at the infamous Wannsee (wahnsinn = madness) Conference...

and chose such a stupid method, even though they allegedly used a much more efficient "gas" (pellets, turned into gas, according to ze script)

but the thing is

kidnappings happened
people disappeared
whole families were torn apart

including my own, it is a miracle I was born in the first place...

so stopping at the Holocaust Story, even those more intelligent than to use the word "hoax", is incomplete and unsatisfying

It doesn't answer all questions

I mean first of all, why would the Nazis incriminate themselves by the demolition of Soapibor and Treeblinka and allll the other camps that are not the Dachau-Auschwitz Disney Parks... ??

that makes no sense.

if the alternative explanation:

transit camps

would be correct, and it is, see the studies of the train arrangements

then the Nazis were complicit in that plan.

NOT "innocent victims" as the modern Hitlerjugend proclaims (I learned a lot from that crazy Dutch nazi at my last forum...), but in it from the beginning.

hence why the Holocaust Story NEEDS Nazionism to explain it.

Look at San Carlos de Bariloche, Buenos Aires, Juan Peróns cabinet of ministers, the poster boy for Zem Nazis was OPENLY "half-"jewish (that doesn't exist in matrilineal law, you either are cause your mom is, or you aren't, like me)

what are your thoughts and experiences really researching this voluminous topic ?

The Great Holocaust Mystery
Reconsidering the Evidence
Thomas Dalton

this imho is the best synopsis of the craziness of the last 'caust

from the same author:
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1

if you want higher level conversations about this intriguing part of twistory

come on air at Eye AM Eye Radio !

more insightful
higher level


not just parroting carnies with

"huhu, Holohoax, huhuh", fucking retards.
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Wahnsinn = Waanzin in Dutch literally means

Psychotic Sense

Waan = psychosis = a temporary state of mental disorder = losing your mind
Zin = sense

Wannsee is pronounced a bit different, but the vocal analogy always has stuck with me

other dedicated Holocaust Story Newspeech

Treeblinka - they calculated how many Trees were needed to gas the alleged 850,000 people (!) in 15 months operational time.... :lol:
Soapibor - just so genius I produced 2 parts at Eye AM Eye Radio - SOAPIBOR 6 million with Shimi & Uninstall Media here & SOAPIBOR ii - GEMz for HIRE - PARTY ANIMALS de PATAGONIA here
Housewitz - witz = joke in German
Nazionism = I found out others invented that word way before me, so I am not unique, but came to it nonetheless
much more at Fakeopedia Nazionism & Holocaust Story, those pages are huge !
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

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Key points in understanding why Nazionism is behind the Holocaust Story

- the mighy Bltzkrieg offence focused Wehrmacht and other Nazi military organizations did NOT focus on defence, protecting the 60 whatever cities within the German borders against bombardments or ground-based blow-ups (?), yet sought "Lebensraum" - expansionist, offensive warfare only increasing unrest and not "protecting the German lands" as the (((nazi propagandists))) said...

- derived from and related to this is the far "better" treatment (still, it's camps and Polish winters are not cool...) of the ones the Nazis in their speech so-called most hated, while their own Aryan blonde haired blue eyed soldier breeding population was suffering. That makes no sense according to Ze Narrative. "Whoops, we forget to protect Dortmund, we were too busy rounding up zem nasty jews..."

- the total incrimination of the camps (watch "1/3 of the Holocaust" for good intro info! must be on Fakeotube) by the Nazis themselves. Instead of showing "we only transported jews to new locations and identities, we didn't gas them, look at our facilities..." they played guilty along with the script.

- the Rat Lines or Operation Paperclips, all the emigration of bright nazis and other jews to the Americas, talked about much with "Paperclip" ("just" 1600 according to the numbers) not much talked about in relation to South America and especially the southern cone of it, see Plan Patagonia

- the training of the Irgun, the "British" Zionist Palestine (pre-Israel) jewish defense forces trained by none other than Eichmann and his staff....

- Krav Maga is an Israelian defense technique, stemming from Hungarian jewish anti-antisemitic defenses by Lichtenfeld.. how KISMET everything is with smooth jhonnie being a Krav Maga instructor and Molly the Hungarian mudi with me, having visited Hungary as last new country of my life

- the open collaboration of Ze Families of that time, modern crooks like Klaus Schwab and George Soros, in the first case his daddy and in the second he himself have openly worked with and for """both sides""". Skorzeny as clear (((nazi))), see Fakeopedia article

- the Blitzkrieg overall. compared to other mass psychosociological programmes (Marxism, non-secular extremist states), "Fascism" was a short historical fashion. At least in the mainstream. The jews needed the efficient Germans to make this as efficient as possible, while at the same time destroying the biggest central European power, splitting it and traumatizing their population till the modern day (I literally had one of my German friend's friends saying to me "I am ashamed for WWII", that started a conversation of course, on that beautiful beach ...

- Argentina, Argentina, Argentina - they both went there, predominantly. And so Plan Patagonia makes all sense, it closes a chapter for me, it is wholesome, the best overal explanation of "yeah, but what after?"
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

From the blog:

The big lie was not the Holocaust

Could it be that hitler was a peacemaker that had a banking system that left out the usery based bankers? Will never know because we're endlessly debating the holocaust and all its details.
Ab, don't fall for this, this is years old.

"Could it be that hitler was a peacemaker that had a banking system that left out the usery based bankers? "

Dolfy Hitler installed a Jewish (check) Freemason (check) bankster (check) as his "minister of Economy" and as "President of the Central Bank":

The Nazis did not get rid of usury, it's a ruse they also revived with "Saddam" and with Iran. It's nonsense.

The Third Reich issued state bonds as "alternative". So not getting rid of usury, just replacing it with statism.

"Will never know because we're endlessly debating the holocaust and all its details."

Nope, that is entirely the choice of the "debater".

Ask yourself the question; why would the Nazis INcriminate themselves, instead of showing the truth about the camps, that they were transition camps.

The Nazis were created by the Zionists
To perform the "dirty work" ; exporting millions of jews who didn't want to leave Europe for "The Holy Land" voluntarily, so they need to be kidnapped and exterminated (ex-terminus, out of the borders).
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Hjalmar Schacht was Aryan

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Schacht's appointment represented the Third Reich's policy of "Aryanization" with respect to banking, finance, trade and various businesses / professions. Under German law he would have been certified through several prior generations as "Aryan".

He was not a Jew. ... ment&id=38
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

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The "shape shifters", who switch their religion, nationality, ethnicity, ideology with the ease of professional actors, are the ones worth exploring.

Especially when it comes to international banking, finance and currencies. ... aryanized/
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Nazionist Numerology - 911 anyone ?

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For some it is "nonsense", "make-what-you-will cherry picking" (nope, that's gematria indeed)

For others it is an indicative tool in a larger toolbox. It is an indicator, a mark, a set of signs.

I am working with the crude theory that numerology in psyops (see both Fakeopedia links and recognize the power of wiki, @rachel especially ! ) roughly indicates

which Arms of the Animal Farm are involved

like "33" indicates "Hand of the Freemasons"

or 66 & 666 in all its inverted; 99, and phonetized b & g formats, indicating Vatican / jesuit influences

or 44 "the death number"

or 9/11, 911, 119, etc. "the Hidden Hand of the Nazionists"

9/11 and 3/11 are counterdates in the year.

they both lead up to the equinoxes, a Divine phenomenon that has influence on all of us

the Ides of March and the Tides of September, something?

9/11 is of course known from The Big One, but so many more psyops (see link) are related to that date, that outside of the US American date convention community is the same date as November 9th, or 9-11, 9.11....

some tidbits for the lazy ones who don't click links to Ab's Wiki !?

- 1994 9/11 White House plane crash
- FOAB - Father of All Bombs (note that the MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs was so-called detonated at 11-3, March 11th... hmmmmm)
- Kidnapping of Freddy Heineken (1983 = another 11, sign of inside jobbery of this in Holland and Hollywood ultrafamous act)
- 1923 Beer Hall Putsch - heeeeey , wasn't that the night that "Zem Nazis" grabbed the full attention ? 11 years after Dolfy Hitlers training at Tavistock??? hmmmmm

Thé MAIN event establishing the Nazionist Cause of upcoming, but in my definition with this date starting, Great War II


"The Night of Broken Glass"



the night jewish shops got inside-jobbed attacked destroyed, etc.

if you wanna give Wikipedia more clicks, check the main narrative, better let's write a good Fakeopedia article including the bits of importance. Who's volunteering for this important addition to Ab's Wiki of Wisdoms ????

starting the "Jewism-Antisemitism narrative", so well categorized by @Faye at Fakeopedia
and part of what I coined "myth creation psyops".

which date was this event?

the night of, leading up to

1938 (38=11 ofcourse)
It turned out that it was the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, in co-operation with the Zionist organization, LICA (Ligue International contre l'Antisemitisme) in Paris that was behind the so called Kristallnacht on 9-11 - November 1938. The aim of the LICA provocation was to encourage the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. B'nai B'rith had previously infiltrated the Nazi movement's vital parts: the SS, the SA and the party. The Nazi leadership took no legal action against B'nai B'rith.

Fakeopedia - Nazionism#Summary paragraph "Freemasonry"
you see, populate the Wiki With YOUR Wisdoms, observations, send me a message and I can make you an account !
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Re: """Hjalmar Schacht was (((Aryan)))"""

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

SaiGirl wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:49 pm Schacht's appointment represented the Third Reich's policy of "Aryanization" with respect to banking, finance, trade and various businesses / professions. Under German law he would have been certified through several prior generations as "Aryan".

He was not a Jew. ... ment&id=38
"Hjalmar Schacht was Aryan"

"Aryan", as Semitic, another clue to Nazionism, WHY they are the same, you still seem to believe in 2 camps that aren't there....

is a Linguistic Term

Western and Eastern Aryan languages are from India
Blavatsky India
Freemasonic British Umpire India


Aryans is more
The ethnonym Alān is a dialectal variant of the Old Iranian *Aryāna, itself derived from the root arya-, meaning 'Aryan', the common self-designation of Indo-Iranian peoples.
Wiki - Alans
the Alans, also called Aryans, were, next to and like the famous, infamous, popularized in """alternative""" carny medias


an exodus JEWISH state

So why oh why would the So-called



choose exactly a jewish historic peoples

from the frecking


more Caucasian ain't possible

for their so-called """master race""" ?

was that the same motivation behind choosing out of ALLLLLL

the """"Aryan"""" German Supermodels of the Time

THIS dude))) (he's Mischling, allegedly)

for their Propaganda ?

Their Greta Thunberg

Their Kurdish ambassador daughter

Their Puppet of Promotion

Werner Goldberg (3 October 1919 – 28 September 2004) was a German who was of half Jewish ancestry, or Mischling in Nazi terminology, who served briefly as a soldier during World War II. His image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier", and was later used in recruitment posters and propaganda for the Wehrmacht.
I rest my case, (((your dishonor)))

ehhh, I thought I did, and then I read this, hahahahaha

from the Horses Mouth, no need to give more clicks to The Times of Israel, this is under the link:
Nazi’s Aryan poster baby was Jewish
By Stuart Winer
4 July 2014, 2:53 am


Photographer who snapped six-month old Hessy Taft submitted her photo for 1935 competition as a prank

A smiling baby featured in countless Nazi Germany propaganda images as an example of what a cute Aryan should look like — was in fact Jewish.

Unknown to Nazi propagandists [yeah, right!], the image of a wide-eyed six-month old that they chose to become the perfect baby-face was in fact Hessy Taft [surname rings some bells?], a Jewish girl from Berlin.

Taft, 80, recently donated a magazine cover featuring her picture to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial [keep them psyop going strong!], the Telegraph reported quoting an article featured in the [reputable, hahaha, that's their cover, "don't take it too seriously, it's just Bild; Image, Painting", Bilderberg, anyone?] German newspaper Bild.

Her parents, Jacob and Pauline Levinsons [what happened to Mr. or Mrs. Taft??] , both Jewish, had moved to Berlin from Latvia in the hope of making their careers in classical music. Jacob was fired from his job in an opera company because he was Jewish and instead found work as a door-to-door salesman.

In 1935, Pauline took Hessy to have her photograph taken by Berlin photographer Hans Ballin. A few months later the family was startled to find baby Hessy’s face smiling out at them from the front cover of the Nazi family orientated magazine Sonne ins Hause.

A smiling baby featured in countless Nazi Germany propaganda images as an example of what a cute Aryan should look like — was in fact Jewish.

Unknown to Nazi propagandists, the image of a wide-eyed six-month old that they chose to become the perfect baby-face was in fact Hessy Taft, a Jewish girl from Berlin.

Taft, 80, recently donated a magazine cover featuring her picture to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, the Telegraph reported quoting an article featured in the German newspaper Bild.

Her parents, Jacob and Pauline Levinsons, both Jewish, had moved to Berlin from Latvia in the hope of making their careers in classical music. Jacob was fired from his job in an opera company because he was Jewish and instead found work as a door-to-door salesman.

In 1935, Pauline took Hessy to have her photograph taken by Berlin photographer Hans Ballin. A few months later the family was startled to find baby Hessy’s face smiling out at them from the front cover of the Nazi family orientated magazine Sonne ins Hause.

The Levinsons feared that someone would recognize the picture and reveal the family’s true Jewish identity. However, when they contacted Ballin, the photographer told them he was well aware of their ethnicity and it was his prank on the Nazis. Ballin explained he had submitted the picture of Hessy to a Nazi competition searching for the best-looking Aryan baby to make them look “ridiculous”.

The photograph won the contest and was rumored to have been personally selected by Nazi-propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels [which makes total sense, the guy was outwardly and in all his workings and knowledge Jewish and married to Magda Goebbels, ex-wife of the Quandt family member, see Wiki Nazionism page], the Telegraph reported.

Although the image was circulated on countless postcards, the Levinsons evaded discovery.

(yeah, it's hard to do "reverse image searches" in the 1930-40s...)

However, in 1938, Jacob Levinson was arrested by the Nazis and released after the intervention of a friend. The family fled back to Latvia and then Paris only to have to flee again after the Germans conquered the city. After first traveling to Cuba, the Levinsons finally made it to the United States where the Nazi poster child went on to become a chemistry professor in New York. [for IG Farben, then the Bilderberg round is complete ?! :lol: ]
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

Unread post by aSHIFT. »


your quote, cause more parts need revisionist reflection
Could it be that hitler (sic) was a peacemaker (1) that had a banking system that left out (2) the usery (sic) based bankers? Will (sic) never know (3)

not the fact thát, but HOW the Nazis rebuilt the German military machine in the (only for Westerners called) Interbellum time shows this wrong.

because if one of the propaganda lines which I got fed ad nauseam by a staunch convinced, if he were trolling he was the best in the world, Dutch NeoNazi on the forum before this one, so nice


"Deutschland is arming itself to PROTECT you valuable blue eyed blonde haired Aryan citizens FROM alien, unpure threats"

then the types of military investments
military strategies
diplomatic actions
georesourceful negotations

and underground fed fascist movements

would be very different

not as the

Blitzkrieg (nonsense? no way, the Autobahn was built to make THAT feat possible)

reality of the history of the Third Reich

cause the military actions following their propaganda stories

they would

a - NOT have spent ALL that TIME, manpower, uprising chances and effort into kidnapping no matter how many but many jews from all kinds of countries that were not the German Empire, not even in any history, fake; twistory or real
b - have spent their military tech and ingenuity in the best DEFENCE, protecting The Reich from all its enemies surrounding it

maybe retaking some border lands to have geographical natural boundaries which makes sense

but not how it went

you see

Rommel in North Africa

rrrright, for the movies, that is the Zal rule...



Dolfy was not the peacemaker type, don't get ridiculous now.

His paintings were peaceful
and his old age in Patagonia

that''s it


the banksters left out ?


suddenly something works in a bubble ?

something the scale of the Third Reich machine in ALL its forms, military is just 1 part, but architecture, cinematography (my friend Dani Riefenstahl
got her name from some famous foregoer...), non-military, or semi-military or multi-usable technologies


all of that is part of industry

that Nazi Germany indeed
over the overtly small scale jewish businesses spread around all over the place


but what THEY allowed as business was among THEIR con-trolled

NOT free
market, so you, Ab me, @Farcevalue , nobody of us coming to Fakeology from Libertarianism (rejecting the State, recognizing the fauxthority of the State, can seriously EVER stand behind

Corporatism = Economic Fascism = the corpora-controlled market by whatever Aryan Alien they scripted for us to believe exists and NON-Aryan Dolfy and clearly Askhenazi Joey Goebbels were the so-called epitome of.... the joke !

corporations - you see the effect in today of fascism, why they needed to have fascism for a while to learn from, test out on their hoi polloi ?

which of course were in the end, in the background

still controlled by a mixture of

German nobel aristocratic powers - which were numerous and needed to be EXTRA destroyed by Nazionism, you see, the Evil works, no matter it's faux....


Ashkenazi "jewish" Yiddish speaking powerful families - you know them but there are and were way more, working for the Nazis

You know Hugo Boss ?

You understand WHY he is allowed to STILL be a brand

not Cancelled

Uncultured ?

He's (((one of them))) ofcourse

so the idea that Dolfy suddenly wiped out "the evil jewish banksters" and replaced that by truly German business is wrong, or at most only true when seen in a bubble, there definitely have been benefits of Nazism, irrespective of the Nazionist hand behind it...

ample evidence around but specific comes back in (3)

(sic) - you're driving and maintaining this ultradiverse platform, I don't blame you, just saying it's usury, you know that


with any case

no matter the size
distance to it

seriousness of it

anyone can claim beforehand

"it's too much, we cannot know"

well that is a stance, but one for this forum

so what DO we know, what CAN we know

I documented quite a lot of "Nazi" politicians who just became "non nazi" post war politicians in the Nazionism article at Fakeopedia, so what exactly ?

and then Uncle Benno, infamous spy, really one of the most influential people on the Eastern Atlantic NATO terrain, no joking

you hear us about him and the lessons thereof; AIDUCATION in the next, upcoming, not finished, still being perfected, 30 fucking gigabyte big Audacity project but worth it mixes

with CalmCardKen
and T Time, here at Fakeologist, almost 2 years ago already...

so keep your Here AM Ears open for what's coming next !
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Re: only with Nazionism, the Holocaust Story makes sense

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

this thesis, this battle visible among the Elites and their various Agendas following Mental Metro Model lines
nobel aristocratic powers - which were numerous and needed to be EXTRA destroyed by Nazionism, you see, the Evil works, no matter it's faux....


Ashkenazi "jewish" Yiddish speaking powerful families - you know them but there are and were way more, working for the Nazis
is essential to understand why "the Nazis never were and cannot be the good guys, and not good goys either!"

This applies not coincidentally to the 2 nations where fascism has been popularized to the max, yeah, both share similarities in THEIR histories that other modern powers do not have



(1848, always)-1860s

so "just" over 160-170 years ago, the grandparents of my grandparents were getting their children back then

NEITHER Germany NOR Italy existed

yet what was their strength

their diversity
real diversity

locally organized governing powers

where you could move from town to town and settle in that area you felt right

that diversity needed to be stamped out with the One Nation principle

trashing the linguistic, cultural, habitual, historical, and in all forms mentalverse, various minds putting generations of good ideas into practice !

collection of states

it started with Napoleon of course, but the renewed Phoenix, the "we are One", their New World Order, few left their home country in those days anyway...

was the same

and both falling back to the same also faked times

the Roman Empyre

so fakers basing themselves on fake twistory (((they))) scripted themselves

if you don't recognize THIS pattern
you're not a Fakeologist

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