On the past and future of cults in America

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On the past and future of cults in America

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Here's my problem with this video:

I'm a little bit tired of hearing self-righteous hypocrites ragging on "cults".

It takes one to know one, doesn't it?

Wanna know some history?

Christianity was defined as a subversive "cult" (LEGALLY) by the Roman Empire, for a long time.

There is considerable evidence that it may have been founded as a psychological warfare operation (a "false flag") to monitor infiltrate. co-opt and redirect the violent extemism of messianic Jews, who represented a serious threat to the tax revenues and moral authority of the Caesars and other elite families that ruled the Empire.

(see "Caesar's Messiah" for further details on this)

Until Constantine the Great made "Christianity" (Chi Ro)
the official religion of the Empire.

Indeed, Christianity really had a wide variety of disparate cults.
Sometimes they argued and fought with each other.
As with the Donatists, Monophysites, Mandaeans, the Arian-Athenasian controversy, and the constant bickering and struggles for dominance, between the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Rome and Jerusalem.

The Christians inherited this contentious attitude from the Jews, who also
divided into separate cults: like the Temple cult in Jerusalem (in Judaea - the southern kingdom), as opposed to the Samaritan Jews who worshipped at the high altar of Mount Gerizim (in the northern kingdom of Israel).
Followed by the Pharisees, Saducees, Essenes, Zealots, Sicarii and others.

Wanna know some more history?


America is all about your RIGHT to found a cult, or belong to one.

Maybe you think I'm exaggerating ?

The British colonies in north America were established as a REFUGE for those cults who dared dispute the authority of the "Church of England".

The latter was the United Kingdom's official state religion.

England's Roman Catholics, whose loyalty was suspect, were given a slice of Virginia that was renamed to "Maryland", and designated as a resettlement location for them
The Quakers were awarded Pennsylvania to colonize, as a payoff to Admiral William Penn and his family, by the philandering and decadent Charles II; in lieu of debts owed the Quaker affiliated Penns.

The troublesome Puritans were sent first to Holland.
But they were too radical for even the Dutch "Reformed" Calvinists there, who found them to be intolerant malcontents.
So those Puritans (with their "purer than thou" attitude) sailed off to the "Massachusetts Bay" colony, landed at Plymouth Rock, and founded their own holy land.
As a refuge for their CULT.

Connecticut and Rhode Island ("the Providence Plantations") were founded because breakaway cults couldn't get along with the majority Puritans in Massachusetts.

Mennonites, Anabaptists, the "Bohemian and Moravian Brethren" who were regarded as "heretics" by both the Church of Rome and the Lutherans, fled Germany and central Europe (then known as "The Holy Roman Empire") to settle in the Pennsylvania and Delaware colonies.

Likewise with the Hugenot Walloons.

Methodists, Baptists, Diggers, etc., all manner of differing Christian sects were resettled in the "New World"; which was the British Empire's designated refugee resettlement project for cults.

And so, the very FIRST Amendment to our US Constitution specifically prohibits the "establishment" of any official government religion (cult of the state).
And clearly maintains your special right, and the right of every American, to belong to any cult they want.

Subsequently, this nation gave birth to the "Latter Day Saints" (Mormons), "Jehovah's Witnesses" (Watchtower), Shakers, "Seventh Day Adventists", Noyes' "Oneida Community", the "Fourier Phalanx" communes and a host of other "compounds", sects and "cults".

The Christian "radical abolitionists" who campaigned against slavery and encouraged slaves to run away, were banned throughout the antebellum south as "a dangerous cult".
And many of them ended up in Kansas, where they fought a bloody war to found that place as a "free state".

In modern times, America gave birth to the "Church of Scientology", "Church Universal Triumphant" (the "I Am" Temple), and so many others.
The "Unification Church" (the "Moonies") originally Korean. also established a base
here in the U.S.
As did the "Hare Krishna" folks who strive to emulate the rich and colorful spiritual traditions of ancient India

Just as I practice my own "cult" of the independent INDIVIDUAL, militantly committed to what I see as the truth.

That makes me a "de facto" member of several informal "cults", as defined and denounced by authoritarian control freaks like Cass Sunstein and his cohorts in the contolled "mainstream media", which I here denounce as a brianwashing, gas-lighitng CULT.

As to those groups and individuals who are referred to by the terms "conspiracy theorists", "9/11 truthers", "Sandy Hook truthers", autohoaxers and fakeologists:
All these groups and individuals have been smeared; libeled and slandered as "cults" by the corporate media and its corrupt partners in the current US government, "national security" bureaucracy and the traitors who run the US DoD and Pentagon brass.
All those STATE actors (and their slave media) answer to a global death / doomsday CULT headquartered in Davos, Switzerland; known as "The World Economic Forum"; with its own cadre of high priests and oracles; such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and the supremely messianic Yuval Noah Harari.

The CDC, FDA and UN "World Health Org.", in conformity with and obedience to the Davos Holy Creed, have denounced "Anti-Vaxxers" as a "cult", for daring to question the lies and challenge the bogus pseudoscience
of Big Pharma; the latter having prostituted so many governments around the world.

I am proud to be an informal member, and share the values and beliefs of my comrades in all those alleged "cults".
Especially the "truthers", autohoaxers and fakeologists.

America is the all time home of cults, and the place where religious belief is YOUR business.
You are expected to determine and practice your truth according to your own inclination for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Where the almighty STATE is explicitly prohibited from regulating or controlling your right to be a "cult".

And I will defend to the death EVERY person's right to practice their own spiritual traditions, as they see fit.

This sacred value, to honor personal and spiritual FREEDOM, will always be worth fighting for.
No matter the cost or sacrifice.

And whenever you hear or see the word "cult" deployed as a pejorative, remember three things:

1) Everyone has the right to declare someone else to be a "cult".

2) YOU as an individual or member of any group, have the right (and duty) to dispute that characterization, if you consider it false or unfair or slanderous.

3) And the burden of responsibility is on YOU, to exercise your own powers of investigation, research, evaluation and DISCERNMENT in pursuit of the truth.

That's what freedom is all about.
Here in America, or anywhere else.

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Re: On the past and future of cults in America - some more cults

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Good overview and I think you make a sharp point there, that the US basically was founded FOR cults, because it was founded from cults.

and the branding of "us", truthseekers in ALL our diversity (just look at the amount of differing opinions and the lack of a conspie cult leader to see how non-sensical this accusation is) as a "cult" is perplexingly hypocritical.

(at the same time there is truth in it also, as too many conspies keep following carnies instead of coming to their own conclusions, unfortunately too many follow fauxthority)

Apart from Scientology, also a US American modern cult, I'd like to add some other US American cults I and many others recognize:

1 - the Cult of Cereals - the brothers Kellogg were the ones not only extremely cultish themselves, being involved in the 19th century religious ones, but eating cereals itself I see as a cult. I have lived in 4 countries and none of them are used to cereals as breakfast (other than the "Americanization"). Eggs, bread and porridge is what I grew up with.

Colombia is the most US-dominated country of South America, heck, even the Constitution of the country was "written by" (not literally of course) Billy and Hilly Clinton....

But cereals are NOT common breakfast here. Just as anywhere in the world, here the supermarkets also have walls full of that cereal stuff, but usually people have breakfasts like tamales, arepas, eggs with bread or caldo de costilla (beef rib broth, very good!)...

The cereal cult stemmed from very peculiar ultracalvinistic ideas especially from John Kellogg - Wikipedia, the loon is not on Fakeopedia.
An early proponent of the germ theory of disease
of course !
Kellogg dedicated the last 30 years of his life to promoting eugenics and segregation.
He was a proud eugenicist, not the only one in those times, but an inspirational figure for the Gates of this world...
Kellogg devised an electrotherapy exercise
Remember remember. Those whom I talked with over the Corona years about the vices of BigPharma I reminded of where they come from: just a century ago electroshock therapy was considered mainstream perfectly ok practice (I mean HOW incredibly insane must you be to submit patients to electroshocks)...
He is remembered as an advocate of vegetarianism and wrote in favor of it, even after leaving the Adventist Church. His dietary advice in the late 19th century discouraged meat-eating, but not emphatically so. His development of a bland diet was driven in part by the Adventist goal of reducing sexual stimulation.
I have nothing against vegetarians who choose such diet for themselves. Though when they become radical and try to conscript others in such cult, it becomes a different story.

And the reasoning WHY is what it's about. Not about animal wellbeing, but to discourage masturbation and sex in general.

2 - the Cult of Disney - I don't think I could add much more to the wealth of conspiracy content that is out there on this one. The solution is simple:

DETACH, DETOX, DEPROGRAM = stay away from it and don't raise your children with this cult.

3 - the Cult of Crapitalism - and the dissolution of fiat currency, making "money" an intrinsically valueless commodity based on trust (In God We Trust on the dollar bill) alone.

Capitalism as in stock markets and speculations are way older and a jewish-Dutch invention (Tulip Mania, kicking off The Mania TIMEline I started documenting on Fakeopedia), but the Crapitalism, the synthesis of Statism and Capitalism I'd say shaped modern economics.

It also set the stage for the acceptance of the State as "authority" (fauxthority in my Newspeech), by presenting the US state as somehow "small" and "freedom-loving" versus "communists", "socialists", etc.

There is little libertarianism in monumental military spendings, imperialist politics and overregulation of the market through "certificates" and "licensing".

Is it still the case that US American schoolchildren "salute the flag" or have to sing praise to the State?

I mean, such scenes wouldn't seem strange in a Stalinist propaganda video, but the so-called "freedom loving" US gets away with it?
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

the more we are, the more we share
the more we share, the more we are

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Re: On the past and future of cults in America - some more cults

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Thesis: Mass media is the epochal world religion of global corporate technocracy.

The media has supplanted, absorbed and co-opted all the traditional giant religious cults.

Here, Ned Beatty (expressing the words of author Paddy Chayefsky) explains the details to "News Anchor Howard Beale":

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Fear and Loathing on the "General Flynn Tour"

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" ... on stage with Ashli Babbitt's mother. ..." ??????

Gen. Flynn (career psyops specialist) boosting the “Ashli Babbitt death” hoax.
He knows Jan. 6 was a clown show of crisis actors and FBI rats.
Flynn was probably in on the detailed planning for the event and deployments.
And that means he has to know that nobody died and nobody cried.
Mike Flynn Traitor.jpeg
That would be consistent with the careers of Flynn, his family and his peers in the Pentagon brass.

Below is Mike Flynn on stage, on Mother’s Day, with the mother of Ashli Babbitt — who died because she believed she was saving the children based on QAnon, a psychological operation that Mike Flynn created and weaponized on January 6th. On Flynn’s other side is insurrectionist Ivan Raiklin, who invented the “Pence Card” to target the Vice President for pressure and violence.

https://www.mind-war.com/p/the-rough-pl ... of-america
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Meanwhile, in Japan ...

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Apparently, over the decades, the Moonies ("Unification Church") managed to buy influence in Japan's "Liberal Democrat Party" (LDP).

Subsequently, the staged fake "shooting" of LDP politician Abe made the Moonies a major part of the media narrative.

Note how the cult's money grift led to a pretext for the "shooting".

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Re: Meanwhile, in Japan ...

Unread post by pasterno »

SaiGirl wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 1:38 pm Apparently, over the decades, the Moonies ("Unification Church") managed to buy influence in Japan's "Liberal Democrat Party" (LDP).

Subsequently, the staged fake "shooting" of LDP politician Abe made the Moonies a major part of the media narrative.

Note how the cult's money grift led to a pretext for the "shooting".

The promotion of certain cults is indeed a political maneuver.

For instance, in the West, modern "Buddhism" was pushed during the 1960s to counter Christianity.

The example you provided is intriguing, as it highlights how the Unification Church gained prominence in Japan after the US made Japan a puppet state and drafted its constitution in 1947. Not coincidental..

Article 20 of the Japanese Constitution states:
"Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority."

I think that "freedom of religion" can be viewed as a power grab by the state.

It's worth examining the Toleration Act:

https://www.rindgechurch.org/religious- ... 20purposes.

This act allowed individuals to choose or leave their religion freely.

However, this also meant that the state gained sole authority over taxation and claimed individuals' allegiance.

You could leave the Catholic Church, but you couldn't leave the country.

Often overlooked, religious freedom is seen as a positive development, but it also shifted power solely to the state.

Consequently, the state now promotes its own ideology (scientism) without any opposing force. People cannot escape this ideology.

As citizens, we pay over 50% cumulative tax rates to fund the state ideology. There is no way to opt out.

Cults are often portrayed as fringe groups, but mainstream society exhibits cult-like behavior on a grand scale, rendering it invisible to most.

A cult with bombs as hot as the sun blowing up continents, iron penises flying to Mars and back, rovers on the moon, 1000s of flying boxes in orbit communicating with you, CO2 making the world a desert and creating biblical floods, invisible killing viruses flying around stopped by face masks, raping, genociding, baby smashing evil Nazis.
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"Casino Jack" and the Cult of Yehudah

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Starring Kevin Spacey as high rolling predatory con man “Casino Jack” Abramoff.

Here’s the documented backstory:

The Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal was a United States political scandal exposed in 2005; it related to fraud perpetrated by political lobbyists Jack Abramoff, Ralph E. Reed Jr., Grover Norquist and Michael Scanlon on Native American tribes who were seeking to develop casino gambling on their reservations. The lobbyists charged the tribes an estimated $85 million in fees. Abramoff and Scanlon grossly overbilled their clients, secretly splitting the multi-million dollar profits. In one case, they secretly orchestrated lobbying against their own clients in order to force them to pay for lobbying services.

In the course of the scheme, the lobbyists were accused of illegally giving gifts and making campaign donations to legislators in return for votes or support of legislation. Representative Bob Ney (R-OH) and two aides to Tom DeLay (R-TX) were directly implicated; other politicians had various ties.

Scanlon and Abramoff both pleaded guilty to a variety of criminal charges related to the scheme.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abra ... ng_scandal


Abramoff was most famous in the Jewish community for founding “Jewish schools” and significant fund raising on behalf of various Jewish ethnic or religious causes.

Abramoff was forbidden by prison authorities to speak on camera, but Gibney recruited a rogue’s gallery of lawmakers and their top aides, augmented by journalists and civic watchdogs, to draw a picture of the man and his complex machinations.

What we get, as one associate observes, is “a lobbyist from central casting” — good-looking, charming and intelligent — who, from adolescence on, championed hard-line Republican ideology (though he spread some of his favors to Democrats, as well).

Some samples of Abramoff’s services boggle the mind. In a film clip, we see former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad denouncing international Jewish conspiracies, though that did not prevent Mahathir from approaching the Jewish lobbyist with a personal request, Gibney recounted.

In return for a $1 million payment, Abramoff was asked whether he could arrange for Mahathir to meet President George W. Bush for a joint photo. Abramoff could and did.

It is hardly a secret that the recent roster of financial manipulators includes, beside Abramoff, such Jewish names as Bernard Madoff and, currently, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

In an earlier generation, when the public shame of one Jew sent nervous shivers down the collective spine of the entire Jewish community, such numerous revelations might have led to a communal heart attack.

It may be a sign of a certain maturation and heightened sense of security that, so far, the Jewishness of the convicted or suspected miscreants has been accepted with relative equanimity both by the Jewish community and the American public at large.



https://www.jpost.com/israel/jack-abram ... e_vignette

And now, here is the essence of how the “Cult of Yehudah” operates:

Once a high-powered Washington lobbyist who hobnobbed with George Bush and other top Republicans, Jack Abramoff is now working at a kosher pizza restaurant in Baltimore, Maryland, it emerged today.

Abramoff started working at Tov Pizza on Monday after his release this month from prison in Maryland, where he had served a three-and-a-half year sentence for fraud, corruption and conspiracy.

The owner of Tov Pizza, Ron Rosenbluth, told the Baltimore Jewish Times that giving a fellow Jew a fresh start was part of what Judaism stood for. He was happy that Tov Pizza could provide Abramoff with that new beginning: "We're all Jews, we're all on the same team."

Abramoff reported to a halfway house run by a non-profit organisation, which arranged the job. The restaurant owner has hired halfway house residents before.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/ ... ndal-pizza
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Did Jesus Fake His Own Death? Q'ran Implies It.

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That’s the version of the narrative as told by the Holy Q’ran.
Yusuf Ali—That they said (in boast), ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’; – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.

This notoriously difficult verse is the only reference to the crucifixion in the Qur’an, and the apparent denial of the crucifixion is, as is clear in Haleem’s and Ali’s renderings, a parenthetical statement modifying the primary clause speaking of the Jew’s claim of killing Jesus. The underlined portion represents the fundamental exegetical challenge of the verse. The passive verbal phrase shubbiha lahum (“caused to appear”) is a hapax legomenon (appearing only once in the Qur’an) that has generated numerous interpretations which can be grouped along two basic understandings of the verb.

The most common interpretation, often called the “substitution theory,” takes the implied object of the verb to be Jesus himself: namely, it was not Jesus who was crucified, but someone who “appeared” like him to the Jews and was killed in his place (e.g., the Sahih International rendering). This theory maintains that the Jews intended to crucify Jesus, and a historical crucifixion indeed happened, but Allah controverted the Jews by placing Jesus’ visage on another person who, subsequently, took his place on the cross. Islamic exegetes have generated a plethora of possible identities of the person who bore Jesus’ image and replaced him on the cross: a passing Jew, a Roman soldier, Judas Iscariot, Simon of Cyrene, or one of the apostles such as Tatanus, Sergius, or Peter.[18] In short, the substitutionist reading, which is the most popular among Muslims today, is “that someone was, in fact, crucified, but it was not Jesus.”

There’s no denying it. The Muslim version of the story is that he faked his death on the cross.

https://journal.rts.edu/article/it-was- ... tradition/


However, Joe Atwill has pointed to an anecdote from Flavius Josephus, wherein is described what might have happened, at one or another of the thousands of crucifixions carried out by Rome during the Jewish revolt of 64-70 AD.
In the case recounted by Josephus, he successfully intervened with the Romans to have a Jewish rebel still alive on the cross, resuscitated.
http://thebriefing.com.au/2013/05/cruci ... storicity/

A best selling book of1965 was bold enough to elaborate a detailed fictional narrative that was considered quite plausible at the time:

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Did Jesus Fake His Own Death? Q'ran Implies It.

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

Disclaimer, I'm not a Christian.

However, under the pretense of neutrality, some people will make efforts to trivialize Christianity because they are really "closet satanists".
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22
I don't know where the Quran is coming from, but changing that part of the story is not innocent.

What makes history different from religion ? we just believe that something happened because it's written somewhere in a book, minus the spiritual component. If we believe what we are told, they had 2000 years to craft their story and we have now the technology to write a book in a few seconds, if something exists today we cannot exclude that it could have existed in the past.
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Re: Did Jesus Fake His Own Death? Q'ran Implies It.

Unread post by rachel »

The thing with the Muslim claim about Jesus not dying on the Cross, it's nothing new. Islam comes from the line of Ishmael, Abraham's first son through Sarah's handmaid Hagar. He was a product of Abraham's work, and not the 'Son of the Promise'. Paul refers to this in his letter to the Galatians.
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

Galatians 4:21-31

The Promise was made when the Lord with two Angels have a meal with Abraham, he sees them on the road and invited them to his dwelling. This is directly before they travel on to Sodom and Gomorrah to destroy it. — Genesis 18

Anyway, back to the Islam:


We have Islam's beginning as AD 610 as opposed to AD 30 for Christianity. By this time the Apostles are dead, also any people who had some direct connection with them and their sons and daughters. Just to put AD 610 into context, the first Church council was in AD 325.

First Council of Nicaea - May to August AD 325

The First Council of Nicaea (/naɪˈsiːə/ ny-SEE-ə; Ancient Greek: Σύνοδος τῆς Νικαίας, romanized: Sýnodos tês Nikaías) was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. The Council of Nicaea met from May until the end of July 325.

This ecumenical council was the first of many efforts to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all Christendom. Hosius of Corduba may have presided over its deliberations. Its main accomplishments were settlement of the Christological issue of the divine nature of God the Son and his relationship to God the Father, the construction of the first part of the Nicene Creed, mandating uniform observance of the date of Easter, and promulgation of early canon law...

...With respect to the Arian question, the large portion of the Nicene Creed that is devoted to Christ (more than 80%) indicates that the main issue before the Council was about Jesus Christ; not about the Father or about the Holy Spirit. What the main issue was more exactly can be seen by comparing the condemnations at the end of the decree—reflecting Arius' views—with the council's affirmations as contained in the body of the creed:
  • While Arius claimed that Jesus Christ was created, the Council concluded, since He was begotten, that He was not made.
  • While Arius argued that Jesus Christ was created out of nothing or out of something else, the council affirmed that he was begotten out of the substance (essence) of the Father.
  • Since the statement in the creed that Jesus Christ is homoousion with the Father (of the same substance) does not counter any of Arius' claims, as reflected in the condemnation. The debate was not about what his substance is but out of what substance he was generated. The term homo-ousios was added only because Emperor Constantine proposed and insisted on its inclusion. Both Fortman and Erickson mention that the main issue before the council was "not the unity of the Godhead" but the Son's "full divinity".

It's interesting in the fact the Council of Nicaea is the first move by "Christian Rome" to introduce The Trinity doctrine, which comes from Paganism. This was not done all at once, they started in this Council with the co-eternal nature of the Son and in doing so began the Church's persecution of Christians who did not hold to the doctrine. They accused Arius and his followers of teaching Jesus was a created being. Nothing changes, this is exactly the same accusation levelled at Christians today who preach against the Trinity. There is a video at the bottom of this post which explains what Arius taught.

So nearly 300 years later we have Mohammad aged 25, a young merchant...the same as The Bab. He married above his station, a woman of property who was 40 years old...this is before his prophetic visions started. I've seen a quite interesting presentation about Islam's connections to Catholicism in which it states Lady Khadija was part of a Catholic order. This is disputed, but their vows do point to a Christian marriage. Below are some of the connections between Catholicism and Islam.

https://www.news24.com/News24/Clarifyin ... n-20140808
Clarifying the Islam Catholic connection

It appears there is a need to clarify the ISLAM CATHOLIC CONNECTION with broad strokes.
Herewith a more straightforward and condensed essay:


Both venerate Mary. The Quran dedicates Surah Maryam (Surah 19, with 98 ayat) to Mary.
The Hadith teaches that Mohammad selected Mary as his first wife upon entrance into Paradise.
Mohammad, 25, married Khadija, a Catholic, when she was 40.

The Catholics have gone as far as declaring Mary a co-redeemer with Christ.
Pope John Paul II has officially declared Allah to be the God of the Bible.

“The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.” (Catholic Catechism, pgs. 242, 243)

Both Islam and Catholicism have added to and subtracted from the Bible.
Both deny the sufficiency of the sacrificial atonement (crucifixion) and salvation by grace.
Both teach that salvation is secured by works (self-effort).
Catholics require suffering in purgatory, sacraments and the mass on catholic alters for the atonement of sin.
Islam have their 5 pillars.

Mohammed simply plagiarised the bible as occasion would require.

The Popes in turn invented the following extra-biblical dogmas:
Sacraments, purgatory, the mass, papal infallibility, Confession, transubstantiation, clerical celibacy, rosaries, Mary worship, veneration of statues, idols, images, relics, prayers to the dead (necromancy). None of these dogmas can be found in the Bible.


Both arise from Babylon. Many historians speculate Constantine’s ‘conversion’ to Christianity was likely a political manoeuvre that afforded him control over both the Christian and Pagan priesthood. He took the title of Pontifex Maximus by issue of the Pagans and decreed Vicarious Christi by the Christians. He remained however wholly pagan – he kept the pagan Altar of Victory in the Senate, the Vestal Virgins; and the sun-god remained engraved on the imperial coins. Pagan practices where incorporated wholesale into Christianity.

The Encyclopaedia of Religion: "Allah is a pre-Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian Bel".
Pilgrimage to Holy sites: Catholics make pilgrimage to Fatima, Islam to Mecca.

The Story of Civilisation, writes, Historian Will Durant:
"Within the Ka'aba, in pre-Moslem days, were several idols representing gods. One was called Allah; three others were Allah's daughters, al-Uzza, al-Lat, and al-Manat. We may judge the antiquity of this Arab pantheon from the mention of Al-il-Lat (Al-Lat) by Herodotus [fifth century b.c. Greek historian] as a major Arabian deity. The Quraysh paved the way for monotheism by worshiping Allah as chief god..."

Initially Mohammad produced Koranic verses to sanction intercessory prayer to Mecca’s Female deities. Mohammad later revoked these verses, saying he had been influenced by the devil – later to become the literary work of salmon Rushdie ‘The Satanic verses’. But Mohammad, at this point was well accustomed to having supernatural visitations that supported his earthly ambitions.

When contradictions were becoming blatantly obvious to even well programmed Muslims it was decided that later revelations (Medina n) would override earlier revelations (Mecca n).
Muslims have added the Hadith as a equally inspired authority to the revelations of the Koran, Roman Catholicism has likewise also added to the bible its own traditions and Ex cathedra, namely purgatory, papal infallibility, sacraments, rosary beads and other non-biblical fantasies.

Mohammad removed the idols from the Ka’aba but retained the black stone and the practice of kissing it.
Many other very silly pagan rituals remained, such as throwing stones at pillars representing the devil.
The crescent moon was the symbol of the moon god from the time of the Sumerians and the Babylonians.
It’s hardly a coincidence that Ramadan begins and ends at the time of the crescent moon.

And to finally get to the point. Islam denies the Sonship of Christ and his death atonement for Sin. Surprising to most, so does Catholicism, undercover via the Trinity doctrine. It is claimed the Father, the Son and the Holy Sprit are co-eternal, and co-equal. One did not proceed out of the other, the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, but yet there is not three Gods, but One God......therefore a third of God could not have died on the Cross...merely a projection of God in the form of Jesus appeared to die (around those lines). It's basically the same doctrine as Islam, just less direct, and this is why Pope John Paul II could say Allah is the same God the Catholic Church worships...and the same God most of Christianity worships these days.

Prayer Beads
Catholic Rosary
Catholic Rosary
Islamic Subha Prayer Beads
Islamic Subha Prayer Beads
Buddhist Mala Prayer Beads
Buddhist Mala Prayer Beads
Pagan Prayer Beads
Pagan Prayer Beads
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