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Re: Geo-Engineering

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Link to that PDF: ... tement.pdf

Government website: ... management
UK government’s view on greenhouse gas removal technologies and solar radiation management
Updated 4 May 2020

...We would expect any deployment of GGRs to comply with local, national and international regulation and guidance. Some forms of GGR are already regulated. For instance, in England, large-scale afforestation is covered by Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.

In addition, work has been undertaken to examine how existing international instruments could apply:

The government has supported the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in its review of existing regulatory instruments. Following consideration of this review, the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the CBD adopted a decision in 2016 noting that more research is needed. The COP also recalled a previous decision in 2010 which invites parties to take a precautionary approach on any geo-engineering activities that may affect biodiversity until there is an adequate scientific basis to justify such activities, with the exception of small-scale, controlled scientific research studies...

We know as of last month the last time cloud seeding was used in the UK was August 21st and November 10th last year, 2023, that's what's on the public record. ... g-research
Met Office position on geoengineering research
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of climate. Geoengineering technologies are increasingly part of conversations about the appropriate global response to climate change and plans to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, alongside reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Current research suggests that, while such schemes could be effective in reducing climate change, they could also have significant drawbacks. The type and scale of the drawbacks depend on the type of geoengineering.
  • Impartial research is needed to further understand geoengineering, alongside mitigation measures, to ensure any future discussion of options to tackle climate change is based on the best available evidence and information. The Met Office has a role to play in undertaking this impartial research.
  • The Met Office does not advocate any particular approach to mitigation. It will work with UK and international research partners to help deliver the science needed to underpin discussions on this area because the science is essential to determine the risks, impacts and opportunities.
  • The Met Office’s contribution will be based on simulations using climate models and we do not advocate or provide context for real-world physical experiments.

Climate models..? They base their view on GIGO then.
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Re: RAF rainmakers 'caused 1952 flood'

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rachel wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:24 pm As an aside, since I was talking about ash creating clear sky, this story appeared in my twitter feed, In an earlier post a report mentioned the Russians seeding clouds with dry ice and silver iodide as well as cement. Not just the Russians it would appear...

RAF rainmakers 'caused 1952 flood'
Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in Devon disaster ... alsciences

1952 flash flood Lynmouth

I've previously posted the 1952 disaster in Devon which killed 35 as the torrential rain caused a landslide that in turn engulfed an buried part of a village in Devon. And at the time and for decades it was sold to us as a freak weather storm and the hand of God. [NOTE: God is clearly a euphemism for Government = NO JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED] But from that article document have revealed there was actually cloud seeding experiments in the area just before the massive devastating downpour.

So here's a report from 2016, from Tasmania...destroyed farmers' land and infrastructure, washed away livestock. Cloud seeding used when there was already expected bad weather. Can't help thinking Agenda 21, yet another case of purposely creating events to destroy peoples livelihoods so NGOs can "save the day". ... ds/7499226
Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before floodin
Posted Fri 10 Jun 2016

Key points:
  • Hydro Tasmania authorised cloud seeding, which increases rain, in a catchment hit hard by floods
  • Premier seeks explanation from Hydro
  • Hydro says inappropriate to comment, pending inquiries
  • Search continues for Ouse farmer

Tasmania's government-owned energy company has been asked to explain why it conducted cloud seeding over the Derwent River catchment the day before flooding began this week.

The catchment flooded on Monday near Ouse in southern Tasmania, where the search continues for a missing farmer.

In the state's north, one person was killed and another remains missing.

Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rain to bolster dams and involves the addition of a substance to suitable clouds to encourage the growth of ice crystals or raindrops.

Premier Will Hodgman said he was told Hydro Tasmania authorised cloud seeding on Sunday morning in the Upper Derwent catchment, even though heavy falls were forecast.

Mr Hodgman told 936 ABC Hobart Hydro's decision was difficult to fathom at face value but Energy Minister Matthew Groom was seeking answers.

"That's why we've sought the explanation from Hydro Tasmania as to those matters, the Minister has sought that," he said.

"It's certainly my expectation that will be provided at the earliest opportunity to respond to those matters."

Hydro Tasmania has confirmed it flew a cloud seeding flight the day huge storms approached the country's east coast.

Documents show the flight took place on Sunday morning while there were flood warnings in place in the north.

The flight seeded clouds for more than an hour and a half just north of Great Lake, one of the largest water storage dams in the state.

The flight was targeting the Upper Derwent catchment, which mainly feeds water to several hydro electric dams which lie downstream....

Sheep and cattle have been washed away throughout the state
Sheep and cattle have been washed away throughout the state

...Hydro Tasmania will not answer questions about both Sunday's cloud seeding flight and its policies on using the technique when there are current flood warnings.

A spokeswoman said it would be inappropriate to comment.

"At this point Hydro Tasmania is not in a position to provide more information," she said.

"Experience suggests that in the aftermath of a severe natural disaster such as this some form of government inquiry follows.

"In light of the unfortunate death of one person, and with grave fears for two people still missing, there is likely to be at least a coronial inquest."

The community of Ouse has been left devastated by the floods, which arrived with little warning in the early hours of Monday morning.

Farmers in the district have reported the loss of hundreds of sheep and cattle, and significant infrastructure losses...

What is cloud seeding?
  • Hydro Tasmania describes cloud seeding as a technique for increasing precipitation (eg. rain or snow) using naturally occurring clouds
  • "It involves the introduction of additional particles into suitable clouds to encourage the formation and growth of ice crystals or raindrops and thus increase the amount of precipitation that will fall from the cloud"
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Re: Geo-Engineering

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Rachel, have you considered the Lynmouth "disaster" to be a psy-op, whether it was aided by cloud-seeding or not? The village was evacuated, as happened regularly in WW2, allowing what went on "upstairs" to go unobserved.

Some more images
a fuller image of the above

West Lynn hotel on left miraculously unscathed, Lynn Valley Hotel on right suffered destruction



Lydndale Hotel in its prime


Front side of Lyndale on the left after the flood

List of the dead at the bottom of this link including two....Australians ... d-disaster

Lynn Valley Hotel in its prime

distressed car - note the immaculate rear registration plate

site of the old Lyn Valley hotel in green in this link

old map from around 1904 [navigate around]

Do I detect a bit of controlled demolition and strategic relocation, not to mention building back better in a new age of changing tourism?

Note the three hotels along the bottom of this aerial image.

L-R Lyndale Hotel , West Lyn Hotel, Lyn Valley Hotel
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Re: Geo-Engineering

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I'd not really considered it, no, for a long time it was reported as a freak weather front that devastated the area. I remember seeing a Dan Snow programme about it with the original stated cause before the release of the government documents form the RAF. Do we trust the files that show cloud seeding experiments were being conducted further down the coast in the days prior to the storm? It seems odd to change the official story when no one was calling the original reports out as my knowledge anyway. But you might be right, it's something not to be dismissed.

What I find curious is the continual dropping of information related to cloud seeding currently. There seems to be an unusual focus from MSM, not just alternative, which does suggest it's a set up for something.

Here's one from the Telegraph. I can't see a reason for wanting rain, and if we are to believe the RAF have been experimenting since 1952, then they clearly aren't still trying to work out the same thing. I do wonder if it's about electricity, that's my bet. The Canadian report mentions cloud whitening to increase electrical charge.

The scheme involves using drones to release electric charge into clouds to make droplets stick to each other and so quickly grow large enough to fall as rain. The technology he and his team have developed has been tested not in the deserts of the Gulf states, but in the rather greener English countryside. In 2020, at the university’s farm in Sonning, Berkshire, a first experiment was carried out by Harrison’s team, alongside mechanical and electrical engineers from the University of Bath, in which charge was released into fog using electric emitters. The following year, further tests were performed at Bottom Barn Farm near Castle Cary in Somerset.
So the fact that the last 18 months have been the wettest since records began is pure coincidence.
[Just as a side, when I put the telegraph link in directly, it redirects to an error page, I wonder if that has anything to do with it coming from ?]
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Re: Geo-Engineering

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I forgot to add this contemporary Movietone News clip, with a crowd of actors [yes!] who were performing at the local theatre and a "credible" family from London trying to remember their lines in front of the camera. Nowadays they would have said it was like something out of a movie.
And we see what must be the army blowing up [yes!] improbably large boulders said to have been sent downstream by the flood. Apparently only one of the two streams through the village from the same hinterland caused most of the damage....
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Re: Geo-Engineering

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I can't help thinking of Harry Enfield when I hear that type of voiceover.

Just as an aside, have you ever thought, the reason we only see actors on television is because it's fully unionised. Meaning the only people allowed to speak on television are actors. Certainly I know up to the mid-1980s, a person was not allowed to say more than twelve words in a scene unless they'd signed to be a member of the union. That's from a Blue Peter special about the BBC, I can't remember if they called it the union, but they made a big thing about the thirteenth signing the contract was something to be scared of.

How I think it works, a broadcaster can't get some non-member to say stuff on the news, etc. because that would be denying a union member of a fee. I've had one or two clues that the people we see on game shows these days, they are people in the industry getting a payday.
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Re: Geo-Engineering

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Re: Geo-Engineering

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An expert from the MET OFFICE.

Injecting the sky - Met Office confirm Geoengineering  432Health
26 May 2024
Injecting the Atmosphere with Aerosols ✈️
Met Office 🇬🇧

Expanding the Earth’s albedo through the process of cloud seeding involves the introduction of light-reflecting particles, like aluminum, barium, strontium, and thorium, into low-lying stratus cumulus clouds. 🌧️

This geoengineering technique is intended to enhance cloud reflectivity, mitigating global warming effects by increasing the amount of sunlight bounced back into space. 🌌

Nevertheless, the lasting impacts and potential repercussions on weather dynamics and ecosystems remain incompletely comprehended, prompting ethical and environmental apprehensions.

In the ever-evolving discourse on climate change, the topic of geoengineering has often sparked intense debate and speculation. Over a decade ago, the Met Office made headlines by openly discussing the existence of geoengineering schemes, including the controversial practice of stratospheric aerosol injection, commonly referred to as “chemtrails.”

During this period, the Met Office, Britain’s national weather service, acknowledged the existence of geoengineering efforts aimed at combating the effects of global warming. Stratospheric aerosol injection involves the intentional release of particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the Earth’s surface.
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Geo-Engineering: China's Emerging Dominance

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The British Empire
rachel wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:42 pm An expert from the MET OFFICE.

Injecting the sky - Met Office confirm Geoengineering  432Health
26 May 2024
Injecting the Atmosphere with Aerosols ✈️
Met Office 🇬🇧

Expanding the Earth’s albedo through the process of cloud seeding involves the introduction of light-reflecting particles, like aluminum, barium, strontium, and thorium, into low-lying stratus cumulus clouds. 🌧️

This geoengineering technique is intended to enhance cloud reflectivity, mitigating global warming effects by increasing the amount of sunlight bounced back into space. 🌌

Nevertheless, the lasting impacts and potential repercussions on weather dynamics and ecosystems remain incompletely comprehended, prompting ethical and environmental apprehensions.

In the ever-evolving discourse on climate change, the topic of geoengineering has often sparked intense debate and speculation. Over a decade ago, the Met Office made headlines by openly discussing the existence of geoengineering schemes, including the controversial practice of stratospheric aerosol injection, commonly referred to as “chemtrails.”

During this period, the Met Office, Britain’s national weather service, acknowledged the existence of geoengineering efforts aimed at combating the effects of global warming. Stratospheric aerosol injection involves the intentional release of particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the Earth’s surface.

"Weather Modification", whether by chemical or electronic means (or some combination) is NOT the same thing as “Climate Change”.

The simulacrum has been crafted and engineered precisely to obscure and conceal the reality.
But only in the "West".

The Chinese Communists are more honest with their own populations.
They don’t insult the intelligence of the minions on this one issue.
Indeed, as the empire in ascendance, they BOAST of their technical achievements in this area: ... index.html

Try and convince me they wouldn’t experiment on their own.
And expect the masses to patriotically cooperate with national pride.

On the other hand, OUR local overlords deployed from the global gangster UN High Commission, have such contempt for the serfs they rule over, that they flatter themselves we can be convinced it’s all a NATURAL consequence of our selfish lifestyles and rates of reproduction.
The Chinese and Russians rule directly and openly. As in Orwell's “Animal Farm”.
We are ruled by Disney and NASA, through manipulation of "doomsday" fear and guilt.
It's just a different culturally (locally) determined reality.
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Spraying aerosol nanoparticles from drones?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Why that's ridiculous!
They'd never even dream of spraying aerosolized chemicals on us from planes!!!
What a crazy idea!

VX can be deployed in numerous ways; however, air dispersal is considered one of the most likely routes, in terms of inflicting damage on a population.
Exhibiting high toxicity, high viscosity, low volatility, and relative resistance to degradation, VX is particularly persistent in the environment, making it especially dangerous. The military has decontamination procedures in the event of a chemical warfare incident. Standard operating procedures require contaminated personnel and property be decontaminated with a water solution containing bleach or soap. The resulting decontamination waste water should then be largely contained; however, it would eventually have to be disposed of either as hazardous waste or possibly treated at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).


Chemicals used to kill adult mosquitoes are distributed by spray from trucks, airplanes, or helicopters. In addition, chemical and biological agents used to kill larval (immature) mosquitoes are occasionally distributed by airplane or helicopter.
Because of where larval mosquitoes live, these are distributed over bodies of water, thus, humans are less at risk to come into contact with larval pesticides. Because pesticides are inherently toxic, no pesticide is absolutely risk free.
The likelihood of experiencing adverse health effects as result of exposure to any pesticide depends primarily on the amount of pesticide which a person contacts and the amount of time the person is in contact with that pesticide. In addition, a person's age, sex, genetic makeup, lifestyle and/or general health characteristics can affect his or her likelihood of experiencing adverse health effects as result of exposure to pesticides.
Although your chances of experiencing any health effects from spraying are quite low, the following common sense steps will help you reduce possible exposures to pesticides before, during, or after spraying.

"Weather Modification", whether by chemical or electronic means (or some combination) is NOT the same thing as “Climate Change”.

The simulacrum has been crafted and engineered precisely to obscure and conceal the reality.
But only in the "West".

The Chinese Communists are more honest with their own populations.
They don’t insult the intelligence of the minions on this one issue.
Indeed, as the empire in ascendance, they BOAST of their technical achievements in this area: ... index.html

Try and convince me they wouldn’t experiment on their own.
And expect the masses to patriotically cooperate with national pride.

On the other hand, OUR local overlords deployed from the global gangster UN High Commission, have such contempt for the serfs they rule over, that they flatter themselves we can be convinced it’s all a NATURAL consequence of our selfish lifestyles and rates of reproduction.
The Chinese and Russians rule directly and openly. As in Orwell's “Animal Farm”.
We are ruled by Disney and NASA, through manipulation of "doomsday" fear and guilt.
It's just a different culturally (locally) determined reality.
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