Compulsory Vaccine articles

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Compulsory Vaccine articles

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Deborah Birx Openly Admits to Lying About the COVID Vaccines to Manipulate the American People ... le-n600381
...Whether anything Birx did reaches the level of criminality or not, I can’t be sure, but there’s no doubt she had no business being in the position she was in and should face some form of reprisal for her actions. That was further underscored by an interview she did on Friday on Fox News with Neil Cavuto. In it, Birx admitted that she lied about the efficacy of the vaccines.

What an incredible thing to just spit out on cable news while promoting a book. You can tell Birx has no remorse and no fear at all that she might face backlash for brazenly lying in order to try to manipulate the American people.

She should have remorse, though. After all, what Birx is admitting to is knowing that vaccine mandates were pointless. How many thousands of people lost their jobs and livelihoods based on a known-false idea that the COVID-19 vaccines stopped the spread of the coronavirus? Yet, Birx didn’t just sit idly by, which would have been bad enough. She actively promoted those mandates while presenting herself as a servant of the public’s health. It’s not just obscene, it’s evil. Does Birx have any ability to feel empathy for the lives she destroyed? I’m not seeing any evidence of that, and her choice to go on a book tour touting her lies as accomplishments is astonishing.

What kind of person lies from a position of power and then writes a book to brag about? That’s pathological behavior. It’s also dangerous in that there can be no expectation of credibility for a government health establishment that continually lies to the people it is supposed to be serving. Birx wanted more people to get the vaccine, and she lied to accomplish that goal. Bureaucrats are not supposed to be in the business of telling falsehoods to manipulate the American public, yet that’s exactly what she did.
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Re: Compulsory Vaccine articles

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She was following the orders: Not saying that she shouldn't be pursued but it'll only be done if it suits their narrative.
Look at Fauci, Gates etc etc

The Communitarian agenda pulls all the threads together using the power of their collective will

( It's fullon Schopenhauer-freude haha, is my take: Their World as their Will and Their Idea )

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Re: Compulsory Vaccine articles

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"The world as their will and their representation", is a really great way to put it.

And imo, hints at the solution - develop an idea of the works that is your own, not based in provided stories.

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Re: Compulsory Vaccine articles

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Feb 21, 2024
BREAKING...Major lawsuit filed in federal court against Texas Health Commissioner and Shriners Hospitals for Children by nurses punished for refusing experimental drugs. TX and Shriners PROMISED the federal government they would not engage in human rights abuses such as those committed against the nurses when firing them for refusing to participate in the federal government's COVID research protocols.

Here are the snippets:
(1) The State was legally responsible for the actions of ALL medical facilities offering the drugs.

(2) The State promised the federal government it would "instruct," "monitor," and "enforce" the provisions of the CDC COVID-19 Program among parties it recruited to administer the drugs, including ensuring the nurses had the right to refuse at all times. However, HHSC Commissioner Cecile Young not only acted with deliberate indifference to the nurses' rights, but the State punished nurses by denying them unemployment AFTER they exercised their right to refuse, which the State promised to protect. This is not fiction!

(3) Shriners promised the feds under its Federal Wide Assurance agreement that they would not engage in human rights abuses.

(4) Shriners signed line 12(a) of the CDC Contract promising to abide by "any eau," including the right to refuse but violated that contract.

(5) This lawsuit proves the recent third circuit court ruling was in gross error. Read the footnotes where the 3rd circuit is called out multiple times.

(6) Lastly, the lawsuit proves that the right to refuse an EUA product is a "fundamental" right with a heightened liberty interest among Americans deeply rooted in our nation's history, culture, and laws.

View the lawsuit and exhibits @
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Sputnik V

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The Good Guys... ... experiment
Sputnik V is an unlawful experiment, patient advocacy group says
19 FEB 2024

Sputnik V and other Covid vaccines have not undergone the necessary testing and their continued use in Russia is a “crime”, the head of Russia’s League of Patients, Alexander Saversky, said in a February 15 interview with healthcare news portal

Saversky, who serves on the Health Ministry’s Ethics Committee for Clinical Approbation and is regularly cited by Russian media, revealed that his organization has collected more than 1,000 reports of deaths linked to “anti-Covid” measures, as well as statements from Russians who developed serious complications after being vaccinated.

“[T]he effectiveness and safety [of Sputnik V] have not been proven, and this represents a formal crime. It is not even necessary to prove any connection with deaths, because it is almost impossible to prove—we don’t know how these vaccines work, since clinical studies have not been completed,” Saversky said.

He told that despite these red flags, no one will be held responsible for pushing drugs on the population that have not been fully tested.

The science behind Russia’s flagship Covid vaccine is shrouded in secrecy. In January 2022, Russia’s Healthy Ministry refused to disclose the results of Sputnik V’s clinical studies, claiming that the vaccine’s safety and efficacy data were “confidential and contained information constituting a trade secret.”

The Russian government does not maintain a publicly accessible database for documenting post-vaccination complications. Testimonials from doctors and medical professionals, as well as grassroots campaigns to track vaccine-linked injures and deaths, suggest that Sputnik V is comparable to its foreign counterparts in terms of safety. The genetic technologies behind Sputnik V and Western big pharma shots are also similar.

“The two technologies that underpin AstraZeneca’s vaccine and Sputnik V are very similar,” Gamaleya Center director Alexander Gintsburg said in December 2020.

Cooperation between the Russian government and AstraZeneca began shortly after Moscow announced its intention to create a Covid vaccine. Almost a full month before Sputnik V was unveiled to the world, AstraZeneca transferred its “adenoviral vector” to Russian pharma firm R-Pharm as part of a deal to make Russia “one of the hubs for the production and supply of [AstraZeneca’s] vaccine to international markets.”

On December 21, 2020, President Vladimir Putin said Russia’s partnership with AstraZeneca would “protect the life, health and safety of millions of people on the planet as a whole.”

The rapid development and distribution of genetic vaccines plays a central role in Russia’s Sanitary Shield, a program designed to ensure the country’s “biological safety”.

In May 2023, the deputy director of the Gamaleya Center, Denis Logunov, said his institute was creating mRNA “canned food” for future vaccines.

“[W]e need to continue to create vaccines. This is where an mRNA vaccine platform can help—you can immunize a patient often, a lot, and for a long time … This is where this technology can shine,” Logunov said in an interview with TASS.

Logunov’s boss said at the end of January that Russia needed to develop genetic vaccine prototypes in anticipation of “Disease X”.
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Still shilling for the “COVID”: Chris Cuomo

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Dr Leana Wen , City Health Commissioner from Baltimore has been interviewed by Chris Cuomo.


Chris Cuomo (“Fredo”) hardly merits notice as the fired CNN “news” reader.

He only got that job (and he only matters) because his brother Andrew is the now disgraced former governor of New York.

It’s great conditioning for your “cringe” reflex, to watch clips of Cuomo wriggling and squirming through his personal recorded history of “COVID” psyop advocacy.

No matter how much he may try to reverse his record on the vax, he’ll still be carrying the load for the basic “pandemic” narrative. He’ll never admit it was a hoax.

But former Pfizer exec Michael Yeadon is now declaring the entire exercise to be a hoax

So the “Overton window” seems to have opened well beyond Cuomo’s script.

My favorite twitter comment on Cuomo was this:
From the
May 11
PBD screwed up big time and is only doubling down. Fuck Chris Cuomo, he’s a little bitch.
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Re: Still shilling for the “COVID”: Chris Cuomo

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