Baha'i movers & shakers

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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Unread post by napoleon »

meant to say 9 has been adopted as a cosmic swirl for brevities sake and of course 11 means temple pillars
ergo 9cosmic 11temple ,that matches the three masonic temple that fell on 911 ,under solomons star - cube or star of david
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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Unread post by napoleon »

rachel wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 12:41 pm Just as a little aside, back in January I mentioned the above connection on Twitter using this link, because it had a paragraph summary stating the nine founding members. By April, when I went to use the link again...this. ... e-darkness

I tried searching for it through the Wayback interface and it kept giving me, "Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.", then finally today when checking on Google Cache, it decides it has got a grab of the page. I had a feeling it was redirecting me. ... e-darkness
Dissipation of the Darkness: History of the Origin of Freemasonry
by Jonas (James) Lawrence, G.S. Lawrence (Translator)

This is a fascinating book that describes the content of an original Hebrew manuscript owned by Mr. Lawrence that was translated into Arabic. Mr. Lawrence was the last heir of one of the nine founders of the association (The Mysterious Force) where Moab (Pharisee) counselor of Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod was the founder.
Moab and 7 others were Pharisees who believed and practiced Babylonian Magic and who answered to Demonic beings who in turn answered to Satan. These Pharisees, couldn’t stop the spread of the true religion of Abraham after crucifying Jesus. Jesus’s teachings were totally opposed to the wouldn’t Kabbalah which was then practiced by many Jews. They got together and founded a secret society of 9 unknown men who are called “Elders of Zion”.
The Kabbalah was a way of learning the mystical knowledge also called Sufism, based on Numerology and Astrology, Alphabets, Astronomy and spiritual awakenings of Chakras.
With the passage of time, knowledge of the higher realms, worlds and powers were lost and the Pharisees became the Synagogue, stuck at the lower levels.
We highly recommend this book because it exposes the origins of Freemasonry and what has been ruling our world since day one.
Modern Freemasonry was created in 1717 when its Grand Lodge of England was established. It was also generally believed that it was Dr. James Anderson who wrote its "New Constitutions." It is true that the new name was adopted in 1717, but the real founder of Freemasonry is not Anderson. Moreover, few people, including most of its members, know that its origin is 2000 years old. Indeed, as far as we know, none of the current books on Freemasonry traces Freemasonry to its true origin. All its founders belonged to Judaism.
Lawrence states that ancient masonry was established by King Herod Agrippa to counter the effect of Jesus Christ's ministry and the separation of many Jewish families so that they could follow Christianity after Christ's death and sudden disappearance. In other words, to my estonishment ancient masonry was established in order to preserve the Jewish faith and their people.
Lawrence further states that there are triple-objectives of the new Masonry: a) to preserve Judaism for the Jews, b) to attack Roman Catholicism, c) and to embrace naturalism and nihilism.
Jonas (James) Lawrence (1775-1825), great-grandfather of G.S. Lawrence, predicted even before the birth of Communist theory (Karl Marx, 1848: Communist Manifesto) that the new Masonry will give birth to Socialism. Not only that, all the corrupt descendant organizations will be the daughters and granddaughters of mother Masonry.
This is Jonas's own words:
"Know, my son, that the new Masonry, responding to the demands of the enemy of humanity and fulfilling orders to increase the daughters of corruption, gave birth to Socialism. This granddaughter came to be evil worse than earlier evils.
"I predict to you, Samuel, that all these creatures will grow and give birth, by Satanic spouses, to all other creatures of wickedness, corruption and destruction.
"They will be multiplied and they will scatter their seeds over all the earth, corrupting it and how poisonous will be their fruits!
"Each one of those creatures will form a party and each party will look out for the interests of its mother, aggravating the evils of confusion, civilization disappearing, eliminating religion and education degenerating. Then the trumpets of grief and disaster will blow.
"This prophecy of mine will be fulfilled and will have a great echo. Our descendants will see infernal generations. Men will remember me, after my death. They will testify to this opinion of mine that all the corrupt descendants will be daughters and granddaughters of mother Masonry.

To be fair, that clearly id not a real maybe the title is also not correct. It has been replaced on Good Reads by this, when searching "Dissipation of the Darkness". ... e-darkness
Dissipation of the Darkness: Or the Kingdom of the Antichrist
Jose Cicero Honorato

This work, based on an ancient Hebrew manuscript, reports the Foundation and the development of a secret society started with the "Mysterious Force". In the year 43 after Christ, Herod Agrippa (King of Judea) and eight companions gathered and founded the aforementioned society. The goal was to pursue and to kill the first Christians; it was just 10 years of the crucifixion of Christ and the number of followers of the "impostor", as they said their pursuers, grew very. In 1717, with several Lodges in the East and in Europe, its name was changed from "Mysterious Force" to "Masonry". There is also an appendix that ends the work exposing some of the conflicts between Freemasonry and Christian institutions today. A discord of almost 20 centuries is presented in this impressive book.
124 pages, Paperback

First published August 18, 2015

It would appear to be the same book, but Jonas Lawrence has been stripped from the description. And there are no Wayback captures as of yet of the new version. So because I was interested to know how long this book under they title "Dissipation of the Darkness - History of Masonry" has been available, I looked for it's earliest reference. And here it is, 1st February 2003...and I guess if the original Good Reads title was taken from this transcript, then the author and title could indeed be incorrect. ...

I still find the dropping of "History of Masonry" quite facinating.
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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

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Think I'll put up the second Good Reads review text from the like above, which gives a little bit more information about the book's premise.

DISSIPATION OF THE DARKNESS - History of the Origin of Masonry ... eemasonry/
9 men original "founders" of Masonry: The King, Herod Agrippa, Hiram Abiud, Moab Levy, Johanan, Antipas, Jacob Abdon, Solomon Aberon, Adoniram and Ashad Abia. The goal of ancient Masonry was solely the preservation of the Jewish religion and the attack on Jesus teaching of Christianity same as attack on religion of Mohammad.

"It is evident that there were only Jews, and cabalistic Jews, in Masonry's origin" - Bernard Lazare.

It seems like the Hiram, Moab and the 7 Others were Pharisees who believed and practiced Babylonian Magic and were answerable to the Demonic beings who in turn were answerable to the Satan, the Lucifer. These Pharisees, after realizing that the death (of Juda and ascension of Jesus) didn’t stopped the spread of true religion of Adam, Noah, and Abraham (opposed to their brand of Cabalism), formed a secret society of 9 unknown men.

Cabala or Kabbalah was a system to learn mystical knowledge (same as Sufism). The basic of this system was Numerology, Astrology, Alphabets, Astronomy and spiritual awakenings of Chakras located in humans. The lowest one or the first one is attributed to physical use of the laws of nature and mastery over the desires of flesh. Spiritually, All demonic forces, low level spiritual worlds like levels of hell and knowledge of Nature’s laws are associated with the Chakra located at the Navel. With the passage of time, knowledge of the higher realms, worlds and powers were lost and the Pharisees became synagogue of Satan, stuck at the lower levels. Instead of being befriended with angels, those Pharisees started to allow Demonic powers (satanic powers) to rule over them. They were not able to go beyond Navel Chakras because flesh or mortal desires overcome them --TARIQ

Mark Windows did a series of four audios on this topic/book, which are worth a listen.

THE FORCE “THEY” FEAR ... they-fear/
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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Unread post by rachel »

I'm going to re-paste parts of previous posts to make life easier to follow the links through the NINE.
rachel wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:15 am ISLAMIC NINE-POINTED STAR AND IT'S SIGNIFICANCE

Islamic Nine-Pointed Star

Islam uses the nine-pointed star, which is comprised of three triangles. I wanted to decipher the symbolism that Scientology uses and came across the nine-pointed star in an article about Johannis Freemasonry. In case you don't know Johannis, the evangelist in Germany, is the Patron of the Johannis Masons. They are using John the Baptist as their Patron. The two pillars on the picture with the letters J & B stood in Solomon's Temple according to this historical account. (This article came from a German History of Freemasonry: Die diskrete Gesellschaft by Dieter A. Binder, Edition Kaleidoskop, pp. 210.211) The pillars are also described in the Bible: 1 Kings 7:21 and 2 Chronicles 3:17:
  • And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz. (1 Kings 7:21)
  • And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz. (2 Chronicles 3:17)
The son, Hiram Abif, who is resurrected, is the son of a widow of Tyrus who helped construct Solomon's temple. The leafy branch on Hiram's grave reflects eternal life. The triangle represents God the Grand Architect of all worlds. The triple triangle is peculiarly sacred, having always been a symbol among all nations of the Deity. (p. 826, Morals and Dogma, by 33 degree Mason Albert Pike)

Pike further elaborates that Gaia produced 14 Titans, seven males and seven females. As the number seven appears in these nine by threes or the triple triangles, are found the three fates, the three Centimanes and the three Cyclopes offspring of Quranos and Gaia. Interpreted they represent heaven and earth. Titans are characters from sun worship.

European Masonry dates back to the Temple of Solomon and they used many Christian symbols, except the cross, to make people believe that they were Christians...

...The Lodge became the foundation for Democracy. Without resistance against Freemasonry in Europe during the 19th century, after 1945, totalitarian government became obsolete. Masonry had served as a catalyst to turn away "absolutism" during the 18th century. Absolutism refers to The Word of God. Society's suspicion that they were a substitute religion had actually materialized. Masons allowed all religions to join their ranks because the keyword was tolerance toward all. Masonic education seeks to improve the individual's condition. Their plan was to create an elitist's paradise. They wanted to prevent mankind from degenerating to a rhetoric phrase.

Today, living in these United States, we are experiencing the fruit of Masonry: Democracy. Years of little resistance toward the Lodge, it spread its heretical teachings. Cults, who have no regard for human life, such as the German SS, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Christian Science, Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive Thinking, Word of Faith and many others are rooted in the Lodge.

Some omit the rituals to hide their origin. Others like the Mormons proudly practice the Masonic rituals in their temples all over the world. We can safely say that Freemasonry was responsible for being instrumental in the apostasy we are experiencing today and that there is a Masonic connection to Islam. The over all worldwide Masonic network was a construct for the furtherance of world-wide ecumenism and democracy led by Pope John Paul II and many political leaders.

So continuing with the use of the Nine, we have the Masonic sacred name of God. I've mentioned this before, but it is clearly referencing God's new name in Revelation 3:12. This name shows succinctly that the concept of a three-in-one God doesn't fit; as the third person is actually a city...the 144,000, the True Profits of God, as opposed to the False Profit.
rachel wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 5:08 pm THE LOST NAME OF GOD

The name Jahbuhlun has three syllables representing a composite God made up of three subordinate deities. The Masonic material identifies the three as Yah (or Yahweh), Baal, and Osiris. Logically, the name should be spelled Yah-Baal-On, but Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor admits that over the years the spelling has been "corrupted" by Freemasonry until it reached its current form.

C.C Zain, a Freemason who is part of a group called "The Brotherhood of Light," is developer and author of an entire course on Ancient Masonry having to do with "The Spiritual Significance of Masonic Rituals, Degrees, and Symbols." Zain points out that the name Jahbuhlun is Masonry's Grand Omnific Word, the name of their omnipotent deity. He further shows the significance of the fact that the name Jahbuhlun has nine letters and is made up of three syllables, Jah, buh, lun. In the ritual for the Royal Arch Degree, since there are three Royal Arch Masons pronouncing the name three times each, altogether, says Zain, twenty-seven syllables are pronounced. This, he explains, represents "the twenty-seven days it takes the moon to pass through the circle of zodiacal signs."

Interestingly, in the ritual drama, the three Masons doing the pronouncing of Jahbuhlun are said to have come from Babylon! So, we have a ritual —the 13th degree in the Scottish Rite and 7th in the York Rite—in which three "Masters" come from Babylon to instruct the candidate on how to build the Royal Arch (symbolically, how to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and thus establish the kingdom of the elite and their devil God on earth).


Moreover, the three messengers from Babylon inform the candidate that the true name of God, the name that had been lost for so long, is not Jesus, but is Jahbuhlun. They conveniently omit mention of the fact that this is, in fact, the name of a monstrous DEVIL God, that the name is an unholy and blasphemous composite of Jahweh, Baal, and Osiris, or On.

(On is a city in Egypt where the worship of the sun God, Osiris, is alleged to have begun. Somehow, many in Masonry today honor and revere Osiris under the name of On, the name of his city, curiously spelled Un in the name: Jahbuhlun.)

No wonder Masonic authority W.L. Wilmshurst, in his highly thought of (by Masons) The Meaning of Masonry, proclaims this degree so vital to the transformation of the candidate's life. He even suggests that in attaining this Degree, one "exhibits the attainment of a new order of life."

The Royal Arch Degree, Wilmshurst emphasizes, provides "a supremely high level of thought and instruction" for the Mason attaining it.

I find it fascinating that above, it is pointed out, from the name "Jah-buh-lun", the city 'On' is curiously spelled 'Un'. Like the UN of the United Nations. ... ent_Egypt)

Heliopolis is the Latinised form of the Greek name Hēlioúpolis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἡλιούπολις), meaning "City of the Sun". Helios, the personified and deified form of the sun, was identified by the Greeks with the native Egyptian gods Ra and Atum, whose principal cult was located in the city.

Its native name was Egyptian (Ancient): iwnw ("The Pillars"), whose exact pronunciation is uncertain because ancient Egyptian recorded only consonantal values. Its traditional Egyptological transcription is Iunu but it appears in biblical Hebrew as ʾŌn, and ʾĀwen leading some scholars to reconstruct its pronunciation in earlier Egyptian as *ʔa:wnu, perhaps from older /ja:wunaw/. Variant transcriptions include Awnu and Annu. The name survived as Coptic ŌN.

The city also appears in the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts as the "House of Ra".

In ancient Egypt, Heliopolis was a regional center from predynastic times.

It was principally notable as the cult center of the sun god Atum, who came to be identified with Ra and then Horus. The primary temple of the city was known as the Great House (Ancient Egyptian: Pr Ꜥꜣt or Per Aat, *Par ʻĀʼat) or House of Atum (Pr I͗tmw or Per Atum, *Par-ʼAtāma; Hebrew: פתם, Pithom). Its priests maintained that Atum or Ra was the first being, rising self-created from the primeval waters. A decline in the importance of Ra's cult during Dynasty V led to the development of the Ennead, a grouping of nine major Egyptian deities that placed the others in subordinate status to Ra–Atum. The high priests of Ra are not as well documented as those of other deities, although the high priests of Dynasty VI (c. 2345 – c. 2181 BC) have been discovered and excavated.

Model of a Votive Temple Gateway at Heliopolis, Dynasty XIX

During the Amarna Period of Dynasty XVIII, Pharaoh Akhenaten introduced a kind of henotheistic worship of Aten, the deified solar disc. As part of his construction projects, he built a Heliopolitan temple named "Elevating Aten" (Wṯs I͗tn or Wetjes Aten), whose stones can still be seen in some of the gates of Cairo's medieval city wall. The cult of the Mnevis bull, another embodiment of the Sun, had its altar here as well. The bulls' formal burial ground was situated north of the city.

The store-city Pithom is mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible (Exodus 1:11), and according to one theory, this was Heliopolis.
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What about the "Youtube Shooter" Nasime?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Was the legendary "youtube shooter" a real actor or a digital synth?

Why do I keep thinking that the Baha'i are involved in this too?

Bitchute has a huge stash of old Nasime videos. There's something very digital about it.
Maybe some real human video or photo data was read in, but it's still a cartoon.
Like in a Richard Linklater movie

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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

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Yes, Nasim Aghdam, she is said to have been a Baha'i. She does appear to be a real person in the sense she wasn't computer generated. But there is something odd about the whole story. I was looking at it a couple of weeks ago, and considered doing some posts regarding the anomalies I spotted. I've just changed the name of the thread to something more relevant, as it wasn't my original intention in posting the first video, and I've now put it in ICE-Active Shooter Events, because I might well add to it.

This is the video of her out in the open that proves she did exist in the real world.

And looking at the website referenced on the video, it seems to have all her videos. I think I might have to expand on that other thread.
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