Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

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Cognitive Dissident
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

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Make up your own mind.
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

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What a strange saying, when you think about it.
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

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The Falklands War like all wars are a hoax they are all controlled demolition and strategic relocation.

There are no exceptions

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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by xileffilex »

Good topic. I'll listen to the audio when I get a minute.
The brother of one of my old friends is listed among the 255 "dead" on the war memorial in St Paul's Cathedral in London
[no, he's wasn't a sim, zzzzzzzz] ... 4%29%5D=on

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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by rachel »

I've only listened to the back end of the audio on the first link, but it kind of reminds me of the Smolensk plane crash.

As a reminder....I discovered categoric proof the president's plane was in the field days prior to the alleged crash. Furthermore, there is video proof the memorial that apparently took place on Saturday, 10 April 2010, the whole supposed reason for the President Lech Kaczyński taking the fight in the first place, was actually filmed on the same day as Putin and Tusk were filmed laying their flowers at the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre. That video was published on 7 Apr 2010, three days before the alleged crash. These are tangible facts by examining the information provided by official sources. This means if anyone comes up with a reason why what I show is fake, then they are also destroying the official narrative that it was pilot error, and official sanctioned alternative narrative that the President was assassinated by a bomb on the plane.

So towards the end, and I think I need to listen to the whole thing, the narrator describes how there was no good reason for the Argentine surrender, but seemingly as a direct result the military government was replaced by a liberal one. This is clearly what I see with the Polish plane crash. Poland had not long joined the fact let's get the wiki up, as it's the masonic 1st of May. ... pean_Union
2004 enlargement of the European Union

The largest enlargement of the European Union (EU), in terms of number of states and population, took place on 1 May 2004.

The simultaneous accessions concerned the following countries (sometimes referred to as the "A10" countries): Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Seven of these were part of the former Eastern Bloc (of which three were from the former Soviet Union and four were and still are member states of the Central European alliance Visegrád Group). Slovenia was a non-aligned country prior to the independence, and it was one of the former republics of Yugoslavia (together sometimes referred to as the "A8" countries), and the remaining two were Mediterranean island countries, both member states of Commonwealth of Nations.

Part of the same wave of enlargement was the accession of Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, who were unable to join in 2004, but, according to the Commission, constitute part of the fifth enlargement.

But there was restrictions on movement for up to seven years on the new countries... Let's see, 2004 + 7 = 2011, and when did the crash happen? April 2010. The timing of it being perfect. ... der-debate
Restrictions on free movement in enlarged EU under debate
31 March 2004

Under transitional arrangements agreed by the EU and the new Member States in central and eastern Europe which will join in 1 May 2004, the existing Member States may limit movements of workers from the new Member States for a period of up to seven years after enlargement. In late 2003 and early 2004, the current Member States followed one another in announcing that they are to put in place such restrictions in order to protect their labour markets. In Latvia, this appeared to meet with public understanding, and there has been little discussion of the legal and ethical issues arising from these labour market restrictions and plans for restricting social security benefits. This is probably explained by a number of factors. First, Latvia itself saw a high level of immigration in the 1960s, when rapid industrialisation facilitated the inflow of workers from other Soviet republics. Second, job opportunities in the current Member States have not been entirely removed, and skilled specialists still have the possibility of working in the present EU. Third, there are not that many people in Latvia who would like to move permanently and work in the current Member States.

Up until that point Poland was very Soviet, all of its military was in the soviet style, the naming conventions of the government agencies, they all had a military feel to them. All Poland's military and government equipment was Russian, the President's plane was Russian. It is crystal clear, the Smolensk plane crash was actually a corporate rebranding exercise. That's why all the top military personnel got on the one flight with the President, and then we have the testimony of the Smolensk widow about the musical plane seats less than twelve hours before the flight, and her statement about an alleged plane switcharoony which isn't backed up by any official letters, unlike the planes that actually took off that day. Any military people left after the crash were basically charged with gross failure and dishonourably discharged for allowing all of Poland's top people to fly to Russia on the one plane. Job done.

Then Poland was free to role out the Yellow and Blue of the European Union under the Liberal MP Tusk, who by chance is Poland's current Prime Minister. With the rebranding of the Polish government so it looked western, quite obviously they wanted shut of the Russian Tupolev aircraft so they could be replaced by the European Airbus equivalent. ... -in-poland
After establishing an initial presence there in the early 2000s, Airbus continues to expand its profile in Poland while building on a century of Polish aviation heritage.

Airbus’ long-term commitment to the country is visible through a scope of activities ranging from design, prototyping, manufacturing, maintenance, upgrades, research and development, exchange of technology, to cooperation in the space industry. The company employs over 600 high-skilled staff members in Poland at three locations: Warsaw, Łódź and Gdańsk.

Commercial Aircraft and Defence

Near Okecie airport in Warsaw, Airbus runs a, production plant, design office and MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) centre providing services to the C295 fleets of Poland, Czech Republic and Kazakhstan. Due to the company’s industrial commitment and information-sharing, some 40% of airframe components in all C295 aircraft sold globally are produced there. Furthermore, about 70% of all electric harnesses for the transport aircraft manufactured by Airbus are manufactured in Warsaw.

The factory in Warsaw also is responsible for the production of aerostructures for A330 and harnesses for A320 and A330 Family airliners – contributing significantly to Airbus’ global supply chain. Moreover, engineers from Okecie have designed and developed PZL-130 Orlik aircraft for basic and advanced training of military pilots.

Altogether, Airbus has delivered 16 C295s to the Polish Air Forces.

Airbus C295
Airbus C295

It's just Russia rebranded, nothing has changed, Russia set up the fake crash and the European Union played along. My whole thread on the crash is here.
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by rachel »

Just to add, the narrator, Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson, states multiple times how 'European Union' liberal Argentina now is, as opposed to the 'Military Socialist State' of the pre-Falklands War government.

I think wherever we see Great Britain or Russia/Soviet Union, we can switch them. It's the same entity. ... History-of
Argentina and the Soviet Union: History of Political and Commercial Relations* (1917-1955)
MAY 01 1986

Since World War I, Argentina’s international economic relations have become triangular in nature, with clearly differentiated buying and selling markets. One axis has been the United States, the primary supplier of goods and capital. In recent years, however, a new partner has occupied the privileged position on the other side of the triangle—held by Great Britain until the 1950s and later by Western Europe—as purchasers of Argentine products. The Soviet Union has become Argentina’s number one client, absorbing from 1980 to date between 20 and 40 percent of the country’s exports, and it promises to occupy an even greater place in various sectors of the Argentine economy. As the recent war in the Malvinas demonstrated, the political and strategic implications of these ties are quite evident.1

This article seeks to provide a historical analysis of the diplomatic and commercial origins of Soviet-Argentine relations. In so doing, it attempts to elucidate a topic that has been almost ignored in the literature. Using primarily unpublished documentation, it also attempts to shed light on whether this growing relationship of recent years is merely circumstantial or the result of long-standing trends that only now are beginning to be appreciated...

Another May 1st, this time 1986, I wonder how long it actually took for the Argentinean government to collapse? - Dr Johnson says there were trials of Argentinean military after the war, again reminding me of Poland. Suddenly after, both are taken over by the Liberals.

The Falklands War was 2 April – 14 June 1982 according to wiki, 73 days in length. A rebranding exercise, while removing absolute truth, and replacing it with the relative truth of the liberals...Babel.


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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by dave j »

xileffilex wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 2:54 am Good topic. I'll listen to the audio when I get a minute.
The brother of one of my old friends is listed among the 255 "dead" on the war memorial in St Paul's Cathedral in London
[no, he's wasn't a sim, zzzzzzzz] ... 4%29%5D=on

If you are ignorant enough to place that body that witness onto your soul I have done that otherwise keep your mouth shut.

So then I ask you did you want that name placed on to your soul because nobody died nobody got hurt by War you ignorant coward

Do it right here right now place your real and true name and tell me directly that you are claiming that that so-called man died in a war do it for me right here right now do it come on guy.

It should not amaze me anymore that men unrelated will accept the corpse of someone unseen unto their soul. I am your second witness sport go ahead make me the list are you claiming that that man died by War and you are accepting responsibility for that memory make it very clear to me
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by dave j »

At some point the ignorant man and or woman will realize if not now when they stand before judgment that they should have kept their mouth shut.

A name on a plaque whether it be on the wall or sitting on the grass in neat Row does not equal a dead body.

With this single exception if you insist on witnessing to that death then you will in fact be held responsible for it as you brought it into existence.

I am your second witness make me a list
Cognitive Dissident
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Re: Britain's Misrepresentation of the Falklands War

Unread post by Cognitive Dissident »

Aaron Dover considered it to be a hoax. It's here, somewhere.
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