UK related articles

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: UK related articles

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UK Column article: COVID Coercion: Boris Johnson's Psychological Attack on the UK Public

Under subheading: Increasing the Public's Compliance with Social Distancing
On 22 March, in preparation for a SAGE meeting to be held the following day, SPI-B published a document entitled Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures.

“What are the options for increasing adherence to the social distancing measures?”, it asks.

It considers the two social distancing measure seen to be most important at that time: general social distancing by everyone, and shielding of vulnerable people for at least 12 weeks.

There are nine “broad ways” of achieving behaviour change, they write: Education, Persuasion, Incentivisation, Coercion, Enablement, Training, Restriction, Environmental restructuring, and Modelling.

Under subheading: Persuasion and Coercion
The advice given by SPI-B is immediately aggressive. “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened,” they write. “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

In other words, SPI-B recommended to SAGE that levels of fear needed to be increased in order to bring levels of compliance with so-called ‘lockdown’ up to desirable levels.

“To be effective,” they continue, “this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat.”

Here, SPI-B is making it clear that it can’t be left to individuals to decide which actions are appropriate; they have to be told.

Another option for managing behaviour which SPI-B recommends is the harnessing of “social disapproval”.

“Social disapproval from one’s community,” they write, “can play an important role in preventing anti-social behaviour or discouraging failure to enact pro-social behaviour. However, this needs to be carefully managed to avoid victimisation, scapegoating and misdirected criticism. It needs to be accompanied by clear messaging and promotion of strong collective identity. Consideration should be given to use of social disapproval but with a strong caveat around unwanted negative consequences.”

There is a recognition here that following this approach could result in physical harm to individuals in a community who aren’t following the same behaviours as the community as a whole.

But it should be recognised that in order to make use of disapproval, government has to get into the community in question to stir up that disapproval.
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Re: UK related articles

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Why are the minutes of the government's SAGE advisory committee not available until "after the pandemic has ended"? When will that be? I suspect that will be a WHO central decision, like the 3/11 declaration ... emic-ends/
It's to "protect scientists from abuse". Suuuure
The refusal to publish minutes of the advisory group meetings until the pandemic is over also contradicts the UK government’s own guidance. the 2011 Code of Practice for Scientific Advisory Committees
And the list of names on the government's Coronavirus advisory panel, SAGE, has been released but there is an unknown number of names which will NOT be made public.

UK Column has pointed out psychologists with links to the government's "nudge unit" on the panel, notably Dr David Halpern from the Government Behavioural Insights Team, which analysed possible outcomes if the population are pointed in various directions.

UK Column News - 11th May 2020 (from the 12 minute mark) ... h-may-2020

So important that UK Column wrote up their findings relating to a re-ignited SAGE sub-group [since SARS] on February 13! ... -uk-public

known as SPiB Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour
While this sub-group did not affect policy, it
is tasked with providing advice on how to ‘help’ people to adhere to the interventions which government demands
- with the media acting as the sheepdog for the flock. As they point out, the media is a big client now for advertising and planted stories which will help bring wayward sheep who might break rule back to the flock.

See above post by rachel to see how they are doing it.

The "partial" list of SAGE members is a long one! Heaven knows who the missing names belong to...even Halpern is there. ... -pressure/
This list can also be seen at 24.00 in the UK Column video from May 11 - notice too the presence of Julia Middleton of Common Purpose on the Behavioural Insights team

As various people point out, governments around the world are being co-ordinated, coming out with the same advice, the same wording. Which means that these committes such as SAGE must have "global" masters on them.

In the meantime, the fake Nightingale Hospital with "4000 beds" has been shut due to low demand i.e. no demand, since there was no pandemic. It was just another psy-op as we knew already, with rows of planted, stationary ambulances and free buses to make it look like something was going on inside. ... on-standby

One [Irish] scientist who is worth listening to is Dr Dolores Cahill who can see through the smoke.

Finally, a list of deaths from all causes including "involving Covid-19" which have occurred in the care [non-NHS, non-at home] sector, regulated by the CQC Care Quality Commission, the data quoted below are ONS data, registrations, rather than CQC notifications.
The comparison is only with one year, 2019 and the total is cumulative, so difficult to see immediately the trend in total DAILY deaths.

For example total deaths in 2020 upto May 1 [compared with previous year]
Covid 12,526 Total (2020) 73,180 Total (2019) 50,044 i.e over 23, 000 excess care home deaths [alleged] compared with 2019 in England and Wales.
snapshot examples - comparison with previous DAY:
The daily differential increase for May 1 732 vs 385 in 2019 covid inc = 298
The daily differential increase for April 25 1003 vs 372 in 2019 covid inc = 426
The daily differentil increase for April 10 1205 vd 373 in 2019 covid inc = 399
i.e alleged Covid deaths not changing much, but total deaths changing at a higher rate. These trends could be plotted from the excel sheet

source - ... ndandwales
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Re: UK related articles

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Air travel problems....[Budget airline Ryanair makes no mention of 'distancing' within the cabin, since it would impact its business model...]
From the Independent
The industry fears that many prospective passengers will be deterred from travelling if they believe flying places them at risk of contracting the virus from fellow travellers. The hope is that the universal use of face coverings will restore confidence.
Confusion and psychological warfare at the same time. ... 96451.html
Or to put it another way, the nonsense of the new 'normal' rigmarole will put people off travel, perhaps the desired outcome. Not to mention being quarantined for 14 days after your fun trip.
Warren Buffett has dumped all his airline stocks [May 3 report]
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Re: UK related articles

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It's standard Tavistock Institute practice to use football to deliver messages tied up as staged news involving sporting stars, especially footballers in the UK. e.g. Robberies to keep us scared about security, attacks [ditto] crashes [ditto] etc etc. The masses are perceived to be more credulous if the story involves football - hence sock accounts set up by paid shills often have football themed names and fake support for one major football club to generate followers and credibility.

So it's no surprise that one of the first "celebs" to test "positive" for Coronavirus was Calum Hudson-Odoi of Chelsea FC ... ronavirus/
March 13 - reported TWO days after lockdown. ... 28?9424384
8.02 AM
"As you know, I had the virus for the last couple of days" [video showing him reading his script] [i.e. immediately after the pandemic was declared....]
Callum Hudson-Odoi
13 Mar
Thank you for all your good wishes, as I said in the video I’m feeling good and hope to see you all soon!!🙏🏾❤️
Here he comes again-- SEX [another Tavistock recommendation] and not observing government nudging guidelines [check!]
Callum Hudson-Odoi: Chelsea and England winger arrested and bailed
and here comes the drill script
Police and an ambulance were called to an address in London at 03:53 BST to a report of an unwell woman.
When emergency services attended, a woman reported that she was raped. She was taken to hospital.
Some reports have suggested the woman involved visited Hudson-Odoi from another address.

Lockdown rules in England specify that only one person from each household may meet as long as they remain outdoors and keep two metres apart.
Oh noes! Not attending to lockdown rules, and SEX and CRIME. A pure Covid steering story from the Government nudge unit masquerading as scientific advisers.
The things these sporting stars have to go through....
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Re: UK related articles

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They seem to be running out of old people to die on the latest ONS weekly figures for England and Wales
Total deaths - -12,657 mostly people over 80 years old.
21,997 17,953 12,657 showing the two previous weeks
And where Covid is "mentioned" down to 3,930
8,237 6,035 3,930 again showing the two previous weeks...
an amazing drop.

Average 5 year total of deaths for week ending May 8 9,756

Approx 2,200 [interpolating CQC figures] died in Care Homes "with Covid", for the week ending May 8 [might be incomplete]. The figures are daily and not aggregated for E&W
Total deaths in care homes for w/e May 8 approx 4,935.
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Re: UK related articles

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Katie Hopkins : NHS Sending Sick People To Nursing Homes
Not really my cup of tea, old Katie, but some facts the mainstream is mute on: "Our NHS has failed us every step of the way."

Katie Hopkins : NHS Sending Sick People To Nursing Homes
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Re: UK related articles

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Latest ONS chart:

UK excess deaths up to week 19
deaths.png (206.92 KiB) Viewed 1650 times

Highlighted: deaths due to lockdown, and not classed as "DIED WITH" Covid-19
deaths-co.png (229.47 KiB) Viewed 1650 times

Using Italian 're-examination of deaths' rate of 12.5%, more probable "DIED OF" Covid-19 versus lockdown
deaths-12.png (221.56 KiB) Viewed 1650 times
*this bottom chart is probably near the actual death rate from Covid-19, with other deaths caused by a combination of lockdown, Emergency 'none attendance' for elderly, blanket 'do not resuscitates' and cancellation of all other NHS services, surgery and treatments
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Re: UK related articles

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Covid-19 Bizarre figures from Sweden and the UK

Exponentialists and those of us who observe normal-like virus growth both agree that virus cases go up until they go down. Neither says they go sideways. Testing in theory can distort matters, but if deaths are also going sideways, something is amiss. That isn't a virus.

Covid-19 Bizarre figures from Sweden and the UK


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Re: UK related articles

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H/T Exoteric, discord ... 48376.html

We are all potential carriers....
People who have no symptoms of coronavirus must be prepared from June 1 to “do their bit” by self-isolating for 14 days if told they could be a carrier, the Health Secretary warned today.

Writing exclusively in the Evening Standard , Matt Hancock revealed the move to “test and trace” will impose a new social responsibility on the public to stay at home for two weeks even if they feel well.

He announced £300 million of grants to local authorities to hire “an army” of officials who will help ease the country out of lockdown and back to work by investigating every new known infection and alerting those who could possibly have caught it.

The power to impose fines on people who disobey exists under emergency legislation, but it is not yet clear whether they will be needed to support the new policy.
Another detail to be decided on over the coming days is whether spot checks will be carried out on people at home to make sure they are not secretly going out or working as normal.
Knock knock! Open up, Covid police! Looks like London will be the test bed. It's not exactly spelled out how healthy people are going to be fingered. Best advice is not to own an i-phone or never to carry one outside of one's home.
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Re: UK related articles

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This has nothing to do with making people well. This has nothing to do with health...

From a Sky news report today we have this bizarre admission:

Professor Adrian Hill describes the efforts to create a vaccine as a "race against the virus disappearing, and against time".
He told The Sunday Telegraph: "It's a race against the virus disappearing, and against time. We said earlier in the year that there was an 80% chance of developing an effective vaccine by September.

"But at the moment, there's a 50% chance that we get no result at all. We're in the bizarre position of wanting COVID to stay, at least for a little while."
Or in other words, darn pesky natural human immunity, how the hell is Oxford University going to push its snake oil vaccine if people stop dying of this virus.
Trials of the vaccine - officially known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (pronounced Chaddox One) - began with an initial phase of testing on 160 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55 to see if it could effectively fight off the virus.

The study is set to progress to a second and third phase, which will involve testing up to 10,260 people and expanding the age of participants to include children and the elderly.

But if not enough people are able to catch the virus, scientists will not have enough evidence to prove it is effective and roll it out for NHS use.
And it turns out, yep, "ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is made from ChAdOx1, a weakened version of the common cold virus (adenovirus)", and how are we doing with regards to finding a vaccine for that...

The Common Cold Research Unit at Harvard Hospital, Salisbury. 1973
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