All things 9/11
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Unread post by napoleon »

In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness.

On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said. Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, is their mentor

A symbol which is to be found in every Masonic Lodge is the representation of a blazing star. Masons, apparently not knowing its true origin, claim it is the symbol of prudence. In fact, it represents the dog star, Sirius.

Ellen White and the Orion Stargate
Ellen White and the Orion Stargate
By Brother Anderson

Adventist pioneer Joseph Bates was fascinated by his observation of what appeared to him to be a "gap" in the constellation of Orion. He first observed the phenomena while sailing on a ship in the southern hemisphere in the 1820s. He later wrote about it in his tract "The Opening Heavens" which was published in late 1845. In his autobiography he describes the Orion gap:

"But the most remarkable of all the cloudy stars, he says, 'is that in the middle of Orion's sword, where seven stars (three of which are very close together) seem to shine through a cloud. It looks like a gap in the sky, through which one may see as it were a part of a much brighter region. Although most of these spaces are but a few minutes of a degree in breadth, yet since they are among the fixed stars they must be spaces larger than what is occupied by our solar system; and in which there seems to be a perpetual, uninterrupted day among numberless worlds which no human art can ever discover.' This gap or place in the sky is undoubtedly the same that is spoken of in the Scriptures. See John i,51; Rev.xix,11."1
Although Bates connected the "gap" in Orion with the Scriptures, he was not the first Christian to theorize that nebulae were gate-ways into the heavens. The Reverend William Derham (1657-1735), an astronomer and author of a book Astro-Theology, described nebulae as "openings in the firmament through which the fiery Empyrean is seen."2 An Empyrean is defined as "The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light. The abode of God and the angels; paradise."3

Ellen White's Vision of the Orion Stargate
After the Whites linked up with Joseph Bates in the mid 1840s, Mrs. White acquired a sudden interest in Astronomy. During this time she had her infamous solar system vision. Adventist historian J.N. Loughborough describes how during that vision Mrs. White...

"began a description of the 'opening heavens,' with its glory, calling it an opening into a region more enlightened. Elder Bates said that her description far surpassed any account of the opening heavens he had ever read from any author."4
Adventist historian A.W. Spalding shares more details of the vision:

"But after seeing the planets, she seemed to pass over a great distance in the heavens, until she came to the place that is called 'the gap in the sky.' When she began to describe this, Elder Bates rose to his feet in great excitement. 'She is giving a more wonderful description,' he said, 'than any astronomer ever dreamed of.' And still she spoke of its great beauty, with the four great stars far apart as its gates, and the glory, the wonderful glory, shining through. The heavens beyond, she said, made a region more enlightened. This indeed is the gateway from our part of the universe into the central heaven where God dwells."5
Apparently Mrs. White had subscribed to Bates' theory that the open space in Orion was a special, heavenly gateway. Thus, she put the prophetic stamp-of-approval on his conjectures about Orion.

A couple of years later, on December 16, 1848, Mrs. White took the Orion theory one step further. She had another vision in which she saw the functioning of the Orion stargate:

"Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; then we could look up through the open space in Orion, whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space."6
From these visions we can learn four things:

There is an "opening" or stargate into "a region more enlightened"
Orion is a gateway between our universe and the dwelling place of God
The voice of God comes through an "open space in Orion"
The "holy city" will come to earth through the opening in Orion
Pagan Connection?
Orion figured prominently in the ancient pagan religions such as that of the Egyptians. New Age author Barry Martin describes the importance of Orion:

"It is through the gateway in Orion that we receive the higher light...we will understand why the ancient Egyptian texts refer to Ihm-'sk and why the Great Pyramid was aligned with Mintaka (delta), Alnilam (epsilon), and Alnitak (zeta) in Tak-Orion (Orionis). These are the central threshold controls for the region of 'positive programming' used by the Elohim Lords of Light to connect the many galaxies to our Father Universe. Within our galactic quadrant, these threshold controls are necessary in coordinating celestial navigation between universes. Through the energies of Orion, the Central Threshold Control, the higher beings of Light moved across the waters of the deep."7
Notice the following from the above quote:

There is a gateway in Orion
Humans receive "higher light" through that gateway
Orion is a navigational point for the "higher beings" to connect with earth
Does this sound oddly similar to Ellen White's teachings? The following excerpt shows the importance of Orion to the ancient Egyptians:

"...The positioning of a star above the outstretched hand of Orion has another important meaning that would not have been lost on the Egyptians. The hieroglyph of a five-pointed star is transliterated as s’ba, literally meaning “star.” However, s’ba has a secondary meaning, which is “door.” It is used in this way in Wallis Budge’s monumental edition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, where he translates a particular sentence as “I open the door in heaven.” The hieroglyphs for “door,” which he transliterates as s’ba, are a five-pointed star with an Egyptian vulture symbol next to it. Thus the star held out in the hand of the Sahu figure on the benben stone of Amenemhet III conveys in shorthand the exact meaning of ”stargate.” ... We can see from this that the placing of a star in the hand of Orion was entirely appropriate. It indicated that the point where the Milky Way intersected with the ecliptic above the hand of Orion was the location of one of the gates of heaven."8

You Decide
The idea that God has a stargate in Orion is found nowhere in the Bible. It appears to have originated in ancient heathen religions and was later adopted by New Agers. What is to be made of Mrs. White's Orion Stargate vision? What makes this all the more unusual is that Mrs. White consistently opposed paganism and the occult in her writings.9 Where then did this vision come from? Did God show her the same truth He revealed to the ancient heathen Eqyptians? Does He really have a stargate in Orion? Or did she fabricate the Orion stargate vision to win the approval of Captain Bates, a prominent leader in the early church? Or was she simply hallucinating? You decide.
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"Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; then we could look up through the open space in Orion, whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space."6
From these visions we can learn four things:

There is an "opening" or stargate into "a region more enlightened"
Orion is a gateway between our universe and the dwelling place of God
The voice of God comes through an "open space in Orion"
The "holy city" will come to earth through the opening in Orion

now remember for all these allignments myths greaseball celestial magic all culminates with sirius above the towers as they fell,this is metatron in all religions arch angle ,solomons cube ,hermes trismegistus as above so below ,our george made as below so above
the holy city is the millenium fall-con(7 buildings of the twin tower complex) coming through orion ,orion is kesil in hebrew (the kessel run)in star wars is solomans claim to fame for his ship
metatron is the voice of god ,and george lucas uses metatrons vision to zerubabel of the building of the temple and all his companions as a basis for lukes journey through 911 (making george lucas the voice of god or metatron),elaborated in link below
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declaration night the "professor" made a speech

“He stands there, the Angel, his hands trembling with the black record of human guilt. But hark! The voice of Jehovah speaks out from the awful cloud–`Let there be light again. Let there be a New World. Tell my people–the poor–the trodden down millions, to go out from the Old World. Tell them to go out from wrong, oppression and blood–tell them to go out from this Old World–to build my altar in the New!’

[11-second applause]

“As God lives, my friends, I believe that to be his voice! Yes, were my soul trembling on the wing for Eternity, were this hand freezing in death, were this voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last wave of that hand, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember this truth – God has given America to the free!

[13-second applause]

“Yes, as I sank down into the gloomy shadows of the grave, with my last gasp, I would beg you to sign that Parchment, in the name of the God, who made the Saviour who redeemed you – in the name of the millions whose very breath is now hushed in intense expectation, as they look up to you for the awful words – `You are free!'”

[9-second applause]

O many years have gone since that hour–the Speaker, his brethren, all, have crumbled into dust, but it would require an angel’s pen to picture the magic of that Speaker’s look, the deep, terrible emphasis of his voice, the prophet-like beckoning of his hand, the magnetic flame which shooting from his eyes, soon fired every heart throughout the hall!

The work was done. A wild murmur thrills through the hall.–Sign? Hah? There is no doubt now. Look! How they rush forward–stout-hearted John Hancock has scarcely time to sign his bold name, before the pen is grasped by another–another and another! Look how the names blaze on the Parchment–Adams and Lee and Jefferson and Carroll, and now, Roger Sherman the Shoemaker.

And here comes good old Stephen Hopkins–yes, trembling with palsy,

he totters forward–quivering from head to foot, with his shaking hands he seizes the pen, he scratches his patriot-name.

Then comes Benjamin Franklin the Printer. . . .

And now the Parchment is signed; and now let word go forth to the People in the streets–to the homes of America–to the camp of Mister Washington, and the Palace of George the Idiot-King–let word go out to all the earth–
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Unread post by napoleon »

i can only lament like hermes if i know what;s coming and the limits of masons thinking is ,they don't want to realise 911 is the reason the americans live in the land of the lost phallus of osiris ,and you can bet your ass no mason wants to disclose star wars is the template for american masons naivety ,most these lads earn money from the their characters and scripts,i can't pay people but i can show the reluctance to read what i write is based on my final resting place its not a tomb it's americas favourite toy
In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness.

On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said. Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, is their mentor

A symbol which is to be found in every Masonic Lodge is the representation of a blazing star. Masons, apparently not knowing its true origin, claim it is the symbol of prudence. In fact, it represents the dog star, Sirius.

Ellen White and the Orion Stargate
Ellen White and the Orion Stargate
By Brother Anderson

Adventist pioneer Joseph Bates was fascinated by his observation of what appeared to him to be a "gap" in the constellation of Orion. He first observed the phenomena while sailing on a ship in the southern hemisphere in the 1820s. He later wrote about it in his tract "The Opening Heavens" which was published in late 1845. In his autobiography he describes the Orion gap:

"But the most remarkable of all the cloudy stars, he says, 'is that in the middle of Orion's sword, where seven stars (three of which are very close together) seem to shine through a cloud. It looks like a gap in the sky, through which one may see as it were a part of a much brighter region. Although most of these spaces are but a few minutes of a degree in breadth, yet since they are among the fixed stars they must be spaces larger than what is occupied by our solar system; and in which there seems to be a perpetual, uninterrupted day among numberless worlds which no human art can ever discover.' This gap or place in the sky is undoubtedly the same that is spoken of in the Scriptures. See John i,51; Rev.xix,11."1
Although Bates connected the "gap" in Orion with the Scriptures, he was not the first Christian to theorize that nebulae were gate-ways into the heavens. The Reverend William Derham (1657-1735), an astronomer and author of a book Astro-Theology, described nebulae as "openings in the firmament through which the fiery Empyrean is seen."2 An Empyrean is defined as "The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light. The abode of God and the angels; paradise."3
Finding-Aldebaran-and-Sirius-with-Orions-belt-scaled (3).jpg

Ellen White's Vision of the Orion Stargate
After the Whites linked up with Joseph Bates in the mid 1840s, Mrs. White acquired a sudden interest in Astronomy. During this time she had her infamous solar system vision. Adventist historian J.N. Loughborough describes how during that vision Mrs. White...

"began a description of the 'opening heavens,' with its glory, calling it an opening into a region more enlightened. Elder Bates said that her description far surpassed any account of the opening heavens he had ever read from any author."4
Adventist historian A.W. Spalding shares more details of the vision:

"But after seeing the planets, she seemed to pass over a great distance in the heavens, until she came to the place that is called 'the gap in the sky.' When she began to describe this, Elder Bates rose to his feet in great excitement. 'She is giving a more wonderful description,' he said, 'than any astronomer ever dreamed of.' And still she spoke of its great beauty, with the four great stars far apart as its gates, and the glory, the wonderful glory, shining through. The heavens beyond, she said, made a region more enlightened. This indeed is the gateway from our part of the universe into the central heaven where God dwells."5
Apparently Mrs. White had subscribed to Bates' theory that the open space in Orion was a special, heavenly gateway. Thus, she put the prophetic stamp-of-approval on his conjectures about Orion.

A couple of years later, on December 16, 1848, Mrs. White took the Orion theory one step further. She had another vision in which she saw the functioning of the Orion stargate:

"Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; then we could look up through the open space in Orion, whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space."6
From these visions we can learn four things:
ipiccy_image - 2024-02-16T144945.327.jpg

There is an "opening" or stargate into "a region more enlightened"
Orion is a gateway between our universe and the dwelling place of God
The voice of God comes through an "open space in Orion"
The "holy city" will come to earth through the opening in Orion
Pagan Connection?
Orion figured prominently in the ancient pagan religions such as that of the Egyptians. New Age author Barry Martin describes the importance of Orion:

"It is through the gateway in Orion that we receive the higher light...we will understand why the ancient Egyptian texts refer to Ihm-'sk and why the Great Pyramid was aligned with Mintaka (delta), Alnilam (epsilon), and Alnitak (zeta) in Tak-Orion (Orionis). These are the central threshold controls for the region of 'positive programming' used by the Elohim Lords of Light to connect the many galaxies to our Father Universe. Within our galactic quadrant, these threshold controls are necessary in coordinating celestial navigation between universes. Through the energies of Orion, the Central Threshold Control, the higher beings of Light moved across the waters of the deep."7
Notice the following from the above quote:

There is a gateway in Orion
Humans receive "higher light" through that gateway
Orion is a navigational point for the "higher beings" to connect with earth
Does this sound oddly similar to Ellen White's teachings? The following excerpt shows the importance of Orion to the ancient Egyptians:
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"...The positioning of a star above the outstretched hand of Orion has another important meaning that would not have been lost on the Egyptians. The hieroglyph of a five-pointed star is transliterated as s’ba, literally meaning “star.” However, s’ba has a secondary meaning, which is “door.” It is used in this way in Wallis Budge’s monumental edition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, where he translates a particular sentence as “I open the door in heaven.” The hieroglyphs for “door,” which he transliterates as s’ba, are a five-pointed star with an Egyptian vulture symbol next to it. Thus the star held out in the hand of the Sahu figure on the benben stone of Amenemhet III conveys in shorthand the exact meaning of ”stargate.” ... We can see from this that the placing of a star in the hand of Orion was entirely appropriate. It indicated that the point where the Milky Way intersected with the ecliptic above the hand of Orion was the location of one of the gates of heaven."8

You Decide
The idea that God has a stargate in Orion is found nowhere in the Bible. It appears to have originated in ancient heathen religions and was later adopted by New Agers. What is to be made of Mrs. White's Orion Stargate vision? What makes this all the more unusual is that Mrs. White consistently opposed paganism and the occult in her writings.9 Where then did this vision come from? Did God show her the same truth He revealed to the ancient heathen Eqyptians? Does He really have a stargate in Orion? Or did she fabricate the Orion stargate vision to win the approval of Captain Bates, a prominent leader in the early church? Or was she simply hallucinating? You decide.
"Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; then we could look up through the open space in Orion, whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space."6
From these visions we can learn four things:

There is an "opening" or stargate into "a region more enlightened"
Orion is a gateway between our universe and the dwelling place of God
The voice of God comes through an "open space in Orion"
The "holy city" will come to earth through the opening in Orion

now remember for all these allignments myths greaseball celestial magic all culminates with sirius above the towers as they fell,this is metatron in all religions arch angle ,solomons cube ,hermes trismegistus as above so below ,our george made as below so above
the holy city is the millenium fall-con(7 buildings of the twin tower complex) coming through orion ,orion is kesil in hebrew (the kessel run)in star wars is solomans claim to fame for his ship
metatron is the voice of god ,and george lucas uses metatrons vision to zerubabel of the building of the temple and all his companions as a basis for lukes journey through 911 (making george lucas the voice of god or metatron)

freewill was taken of the fakeologists audio chatters by me a long long long time ago

freewill is the funniest thing ever ,the aversion pains and shouting and frustration from truthers who have had their orders all stemmed form one follie ,which only 2 or 3 people accepted ,the rest took up arms and swiss bullshit artist to oppose my genius

i never said i was a truther i said i was a fakeologist who solved 911 ,hell of a difference between me and one of abs guests or detractors

i follow the fakeologist hes the monster
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Unread post by napoleon »

ipiccy_image - 2024-04-25T000611.101.jpg
so we see new jerusalem nebula in orion (kesil) mirrors han solo's kessel run ,matching destinations of the the terra campaign (removal of all religion as fundamentalism) rachels religion bahaia faith, and we see where the spaceship made from j tobin plaza in star wars made it's name ,odds there are billions to one
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more mirroring from an event that has to be live according to the houseclowns ,han solo's first sight after being thawed is the same as soloman brothers first site of the holes left by the towers ,odds are reduced
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rosicrucian v.i.t.r.i.o.l. on clear display with the falling man being fashioned from the falling han using the dorothy dream method of foreshadowing (wizard of oz is rosicrucian enlightenment if you wake up),odds are now in my favour ,and have been since i walked in
as i told the clever mason russ what use are you if your just gonna sit in a discord and not read the blog on air ,and matty fayes mate ,and geris ,and on and on and on ,honestly this was so easy ,you tarts still wanna have a pop at the title? can't even repeat let alone address the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple
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Unread post by napoleon »

now if the psi-pher works we should see a woman dressed as ( the scarlett woman )mystery babylon on show for all to see, representing the whore of babylon the lie of 911 all the kings of the world will entertain(lie with)at ground zero
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do we see a woman in return of the jedi dressed as babalon near the holes that mirror the tower collapse
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so we can confirm the presence of the scarlet woman at 911 thematically ? yes we can
i made order out of chaos ,or to be more precise ,i made order by becoming chaos to them ,not to anyone honest !! they love my work
the lie that all controlled people must follow is scarily easy to show ,toys from 911 as an alternative is scarier than what the n.d.a.'s promise to do tou your asses,dont think god will take your n.d.a.'s siriusly as the discord or audiostream
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Unread post by napoleon »

see crowley with arms as towers (masonic temple pillars) and the symbol of solomon ,star of solomon above the twoers on his hat ,that is not foreshadowing as it happened twice before 911happened
aleister_crowley_1909_colourised_by_rowanwyattart_df3de2a-350t.jpg (17.15 KiB) Viewed 1110 times
they used crowleys numbers for the planes ,liber oz
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and we also see bacon used the thelema symbol and leia is a copy of leila waddel crowleys scarlet woman
if all the temples fell on 911 beforehand as they do, crowley is making a tribute to this whore of babylon the lie that governs all the gullible apes
not me though ,you lucky fucks
and i'm not american or patriotic i do this because i dont want ab thinking im on parr with any of the dogshit he stepped in ,shouldn't there be some patriots after 5 years in that discord ? maybe a reader ? the game is rigged so i left ,hope ,understand rigged do you ? well step up
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Unread post by napoleon »

i only wish i was wrong ,but unfortunately the methodology for images is from the smartest alchemists and artists ,and the well the artistocrats use is easy to identify
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Unread post by napoleon »

remember were dealing with wizards and magicians ,911 had to be more than mundane terra ,every aspect of what 911 stood for had to be accounted for

first the organisation behind it which is no doubt the un or tavistock or cia ,all heads of the same group of interests

you think these boys would not use the weapon they been weilding ,total control of what you see and hear

if donald duck can make people pay income tax
then they can put their plan in your face and you wouldn't even notice
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