Newspeech - cause you control your own words

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Re: Newspeech - cause you control your own words

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

scores of today, just while working on beaytiful prephase

"colour selections"
palette pre-production

one of my best phases, I select the colours of music with which the canvas will be painted with

with the drawings, voices, podcasts already in mind...

and feedbacking of chimba huevon, again by smooth jhonnie, proud to be part of the MUSIVERSITY MOUTH mixes and next MUISCA project...

so whatever online clowns have to spit out

it has no meaning

my real life environment counts

and people, good people ; Muisca recognize
and appreciate
me highly

for what I do



mentalversally : not MY opinions - our shared wise observations

smooth jhonnie and me are building a song together...

yeah we evolve

those people I connect with

the ones playing baby hoax cards in the trenches

and KEEP struggling with

WAKING up their friends and family

and are frustraited by their own incompetences

I dun have that

i have the opposite

I don't need to proselytize

like yous conspies

people come and ask
and learn


and thus we get to NEWSPEECH

our own language

so selection of good new ones of today, those who know what they refer to know

Kollektiv Sturmgasse


the very first Canine-Human-Cult !

@Nigel Tilbury

conspiration bias

love it, it's what holds conspies in their slumber...
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

the more we are, the more we share
the more we share, the more we are

listen to Eye AM Eye Radio
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Re: Newspeech - cause you control your own words

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

what a score of these days, wow !

Fakeoligest - @Strangebird typo, meant to be or whatever it may be, it will be because it is. Is that clear or cryptic ?

I love it because it takes out the "logos", the redudancy part, the """study""" of fake newz, that you know is fake newz, boobz, carniez
while maintaining the Fakeo part, the Eye AM Eye for the fraudulent facade of the

Anymal Farm - Newspeech for Animal Farm which Orwell coined as combination of existing words, but it immediately slaps the kneejerk pavlov reactionary question "yeah who's behind it", who cares. well I do, because there

IS No They, there is Them

Them = Anymal Farmers - ANY corrupt fauxthority

that is not restricted to the Bezoses, Musks, Gateses or Soroses

no, these corrupt

dishuman beings

are in your real life also
and online, like

Neil the Troll

a fraud to the bone
and disturbingly mentally challenged, should be solved with natural remedies and therapy by someone much more skilled and professional than me

literally crazier than Rollo, then you are a justified total nutjob.



more Newspeech




oxygente Nov '22

British Bullydog



the Dinosaur Industry

Alfred J. Switchcock - Side Window (2024) - 70 year anniversary full theater length movie and successor to famous GEM

Rear Window (1954)

J. stands for Jodocus Kwak, the most famous Duck in Dutch animated cartoon history, above Donald Duck and his Duckies... yeah

Herman van Veen with Japanese genius

Indiana Stoneds

Platino's Cave


holistory - holistic history


conspiration bias


the Drug of Religion :

Jesus Crystals

Fakeology 1.0 = fruitless Fakeology
Fakeology 9.11 = fruity loops Fakeology
Fakeology 3.11 = fruitful Fairtile Future Fakeology

best word of the year so far

because finally THE word for THAT style of music that I make

while absolutely detesting, of all music styles the very most, the original name of that style

I make


Tambora - 1815-16 the biggest Global Volcandemic



loving the wisdoms of your physiology

and discover why 33 is a holy number...

anyone is genuinely funny
when they are funnily genuine


ferocity +fiero = the Spanish translation and fiel is in there too, beautiful, based on a beautiful song upcoming at Eye AM Eye Radio !

Fakeoligestures - thanks to Strangebird, else it wouldn't have been there... you see the essence of

the more we are
the more we share

the more we share
the more we are


we matter

to better
we gather

(new version, proving my point !)

self immolating jokers of their own card game - a.k.a. Rat Race Rodents
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

the more we are, the more we share
the more we share, the more we are

listen to Eye AM Eye Radio
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