NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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229000 views good morning folks ,remember when the so called fakeologists openly started hacking and ignoring the blog ,trying to make the discord some strange feeder to paywall sites ,i said no
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and i'm going to retire permanently everyone of the sites that survive by aiding that discord ,all of em!
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that includes that discord and reddit and all his other friends sites ,so if you're some hippie waffler like that beard velocet parades around with or some no name avatar trying to be clever in the forum just remember ,i told ab first day what 911 and i said we were heading to oz in 2019
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and if you wanna complain heres the number 810 666 1984
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brand new from jamie hanshaw and courtenay turner ,just listening to it now
these two massive thinkers and researchers show us that women are well and truly leading the way in unraveling this spell to which we all are tansfixed .
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L. Frank Baum Advocated Extermination Of Native Americans
OCTOBER 27, 20102:35 PM ET

JJ Sutherland

1876 engraving of Chief Sitting Bull
Ralf Hettler
Finding out that childhood heroes have feet of clay is nothing new. Sometimes it can actually be reassuring in an odd way, that they too are human. But then you stumble across something like this and you have to completely re-evaluate everything you thought you know about someone.

L. Frank Baum, before he wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ran a newspaper in South Dakota. This was in the early 1890's during the Indian Wars. When Baum heard of the killing of Sitting Bull and the massacre at Wounded Knee, he wrote editorials calling for killing each and every last Native American.

From his Sitting Bull editorial:

The proud spirit of the original owners of these vast prairies inherited through centuries of fierce and bloody wars for their possession, lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull. With his fall the nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them. The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are.

Egads. It likely wasn't an isolated view at the time, but to have it stated so baldly by a beloved writer of children's books is shocking.
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native american genocide theory to include v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and applying oz schema, my theory on the shining runs from start to finish ,we start with a reflection of the sky on a lake as above so below,passing green spiky trees the surrounding countryside and the roads mimick the witches castle ,a yellow beetle on yellow road stripes mimicks the journey to oz ,the shining starts with a journey in a yellow car and preceeds to pass spikey green trees, similar to the vitrioloic chemical process of the green lion , ultimately leaving a gold ball ,purest gold ,the shining has a gold ball room etc ,he meets a melting hag like dorothy does in the oz room decorated like the emerald city ,and danny travels from ground floor to the top floor in a sneaky cut when he see the twins ,indicating jupiters interaction with gemini and taurus the bull or minotaur ,and the vitrirol of oz

we get a melted witch ,a goldball room where all the illuminsim takes place, ergo its a gold room ,hat tip to v.i.t.r.i.o.l.process of removing inferior metals leaving a gold ball,even get o halloran copying the trepadation dorothy and her pals endure ,but jacck with his axe and bad knee like the tin man fineshes that all up, and after all what shines ,stars ,what was 911 tin giant jupiter interacting with the twins

,enter the house of the twins gemini ,and finish with the axe weilding tinman frozen up again
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Danny's imaginary friend in the shining is called T❤️NY,secret messages from I❤️NY
Danny's imaginary friend in the shining is called T❤️NY
secret messages from I❤️NY
it's called the shining for christs sake !what shines ?stars ,gold ,kubricks gold room by agers is a must watch
TWINS IN THE SHINING SAY ? "come and play with us Danny" Danny also has 42 or inverted 24 jupiter ,tin giant with a big red heart .jupiter did the rounds on 911 ,same as Danny on his bike till he met the twins ,on the top floor of the overlook hotel with a sneaky cut kubrick puts danny in the heavens ,top floor of the shining hotel ready to interact with the gemini constellation.

, danny was a metaphor for jupiter entering the house and the destruction of castor and pollux or gemini the twins,kubrick's the shining is alluding to the stars in the sky on sep 11,I❤️NY,with jupiter the dark father jupiter chopping down the twins ,in star wars this is vader ,in the shining it's jack with his axe jupiter has a red heart like the tinman from oz and an axe and freezes ,kubrick said all work and no play makes jack a dull boy ,i shined the tinman for you girls

remember officially on 911 they blamed the wizard of oz ,the official images show the narrative
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rosicrucian chamber of reflection !! scary
the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show,and the ceremony that inspired the wizard of oz journey dorothy took ,has been used by masons on the public ,this is why the cointel must never show or explain the 911 ceremony

the chamber of reflection

rosicrucians introduced the chamber of reflection degree the metaphorical alchemeical illumination(finding spiritual gold) ,but because this is a hollywood film there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow(rosicrucian illuminism) for the actors ,remember the same process gave you dorothy in oz story “In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,”green shards (emerald city) a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol yellowy gold , was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect. leaving a gold sphere ,like koenigs” sphere in the centre of the j tobin plaza the tomb of rozencreuz
alchemical hustle big shout to smj
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Unread post by napoleon » ... 021/[quote]
When Jesus was tempted by the devil in Matthew 4, the devil said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Jesus didn’t say to the devil, “These kingdoms are not yours to give”; He didn’t argue that point with the devil.

All the governments of man have failed. Even our beloved, precious United States of America, which was founded on godly principles and on the Word of God, will fail. Why? Because man is a sinner. George Washington said that it is impossible to govern a nation without God or the Bible. It will experience its demise one day. I shudder to think that I have to watch it in my lifetime. But America won’t last forever. Our freedoms won’t last forever. All the kingdoms of man will come to naught.
The Antichrist is a man of war and not of peace. In Revelation 6, when he first came, he was on a white horse and he had a bow but no arrows. So he came as a false Messiah and brings a pseudo-peace. But the Bible says, “When they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.”

Lucifer is a mini-sun that is created by an anomalous event, at the closing of the Jupiter mission, in Arthur C. Clarke's 2010:
As Jupiter is about to transform, Bowman returns to Discovery (one) to give HAL a last order to carry out. HAL begins repeatedly broadcasting the message
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so what man of war did the 2001 space odyssey give birth to? what whore birthed terra > was it the whore of babylon ground zero the lie that all kings and leaders lie with,now you boys n girls are well on the way to crowning the messiah ,can you really be sure that you have no affect on these rulers

look what i did to their bitches and thats a mancunian that knows masons value money more than any oaths to perpetual terra hoax future

let me know when you tarts wanna make a difference
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to bring into existance a bowman with no arrows at ground zero (orion)placing oz schema rainbows and witches on show and the trigger an inversion of revelation 10.1 rainbow angel from the bible
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the destination is not set in stone or yellow bricks or gold cubes ,and you don't even have lift a finger to end this ,all you gotta do is explain waht 911 was ,,,,,,,,,easy wasn't it
you better hire some real truthers soon lads for us to talk to, otherwise the prestige of being a fakeologist might take over these feebleminded men and women
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The birth of the Antichrist (or at least the original Antichrist, Damien Thorn), is signaled by numerous events: the Jews returning to Israel, a comet taking the shape of a bright star over the continent where the Antichrist was born (similar to how the Star of Bethlehem formed when Jesus was born and during his Second Coming), several man-made and natural disasters, and the Treaty of Rome.

Also, the time of Damien's birth corresponded to the number 666 (the Number of the Beast): he is born on the sixth hour of the sixth day of the sixth month. The Antichrist's birth also always appears to be unholy in some way: in The Omen, Damien was born of a jackal;
Sirius, The Masonic Dog Star
"The Blazing Star in Masonic Lodges represent Sirius. The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun." - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma.

The word "Seirios" is Greek for the English "Sirius" meaning "scorching" or "sparkling." The ancients described the rising of the star Sirius to be associated with the scorching heat of the torrid days of midsummer we know of today as the "dog-days" for this reason. The spirit of Isis was said to be in Dog Star and the Greeks called Sirius the soul and water carrier of Isis. Initiates into the Secret Mysteries of Isis wore masks representing heads of dogs. In the Kyme Aretology, Isis declares that, "I am She that riseth in the Dog Star." The description of her star in Hesiod's Shield of Heracles described the influence of the magic of Isis, "Of these men the souls sink into the earth into the house of Hades, but their bones, once the skin has putrefied around them, putrefy in the dark earth under the influence of scorching Sirius."
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dove columba above destroyed skyscrapers.JPG
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9_11-big-picture (2) (1) (6) (3) (1) (2).jpg
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Unread post by napoleon » ... rix)[quote]

The Nebuchadnezzar is a fictional hovercraft captained by Morpheus in the Matrix franchise.[1] Its name is a Biblical reference to Nebuchadnezzar II, from the Book of Daniel.[2]
"The matrix" (1999), Neo's passport has an expiration date set to 9/11/2001.
The Matrix (1999), Neo's file says he was born March 11, 1962
twin towers detroyed 9-11 ,one world trade tower born 3-11

The Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, when he conquered Jerusalem.,
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Unread post by napoleon »

we see zion in the matrix is envisioned as ezekiels wheel ,another angelic prophecy attached to the destruction of the twin towers ,aswell as columba constellation the dove on the horizon when the towers were hit ,being mirrored by the oculus building ,aswell as being where neo first see the whore in the red dress indicating babylon or ground zero
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