Never forget

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Never forget

Unread post by Marfer »

Never forget what the filthy scum bags did

In this episode, we revisit the tyranny, division & death from those who believe themselves to be controlling the masses. May we never forget, and those who were part of this scheme be held accountable. 
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Re: Never forget

Unread post by rachel »

The Good Samaritan and the Truth about Covid
by Jeremy James ... 0Covid.pdf
...Around October he began to realize that, even if Covid was a real disease, it wasn’t infectious, “despite all the reporting in the media.” He came to this realization via discussions with his girlfriend, a medical doctor, who was also highly suspicious of the official narrative.

In order to figure out what was really going on, he decided to change jobs and take up an appointment at a hospital in south London: “I needed to experience working in a Covid-19 hotspot and see all the action for myself.” As the manager of an A&E and Acute Medical Unit he would be able to observe developments in real time.

His new job told him all he needed to know: “The 6 months that I spent working in A&E/AMU confirmed all my suspicions and culminated in my decision to end my career in the NHS.”

The PCR Test
The first red flag he encountered was the PCR test. Not once during the entire 6 months was he given a test! He walked daily around wards full of patients who had tested positive for Covid, and yet he himself was never tested. However, if he were to visit another country he would be tested multiple times.

The test itself, he discovered, was nonsensical, giving countless false positive results. If a patient tested positive he or she was never tested again, so the “positive” result remained permanently on their record. As he notes, it was already well-known by August 2020 that the test was seriously flawed, as shown by numerous studies published by the Center for Evidence-based Medicine.

Cause of death
The highest cause of death per annum in every hospital in the UK is pneumonia (of which there are four clinical types). A very large proportion of these cases tested “positive” for Covid within 30 days of their demise, therefore the Medical Examiner recorded ALL of them as ‘Covid deaths’, with Covid-19 listed as the primary cause of death in each case. Covid, in effect, became the new way of recording flu. As Sai noted, “with flu now being called Covid-19, you will inevitably see Covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in Covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.”

The Medical Examiner was also doing the same in many other cases: “Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, hemorrhages, strokes, COPD, and cancer...were all now being certified as Covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.”

Furthermore, hospitals had an incentive to report Covid as the primary cause of death because the government was making an additional payment in all such cases.

A culture of intimidation
Surely other doctors saw what was happening? Sai believes they did but did not dare to speak out:
  • “The General Medical Council (GMC) effectively controls all doctors in the UK [A doctor who is not on the GMC register cannot practise]. Any doctor who argued against Covid-19 as a cause of death was bullied and vilified. This ensures that there is a fear of being struck off for speaking out against an agenda. Even if a doctor realises what is going on and wants to speak out he or she will think twice about talking – they would be risking their entire career and everything they’d worked so hard for.”
Sai admits that he too would have been very reluctant to speak out if he had been married with a family and paying off a mortgage: “Doctors essentially have their hands tied, many have families, kids, mortgages and mouths to feed. If I was in their situation, I would think twice about speaking out, for fear of being struck off by the GMC and losing everything.”

A lack of medical ethics
The NHS treatment pathway involved placing patients on ventilators, even though there was a fifty percent chance of death from this clinical decision alone. He asks how many innocent people died from the clinical decision to place them on a ventilator?

During board rounds (where every admitted patient is discussed) they were seeing new patients on a daily basis who were suffering from an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine: “Patients were blacking out after taking the vaccine or suffering from clots or strokes.”

He spoke to a number of doctors to see whether or not they would take the vaccine themselves. They all said they were going to wait for a period of time “to ensure it was safe.” He was alarmed and dismayed by their response: “How is it ethical to give a vaccine to your patients, but not want to take it yourself?”

In his 12 years with the NHS, he had never known a doctor to push a vaccine on a member of the public or to influence his or her decision: “Yet I was seeing close friends, who were doctors, starting to post on social media that they had taken the vaccine and that the public should too.”

He then made a remarkable statement which, given his professional experience and inside knowledge, ought to shock anyone who still clings to the official narrative: “I have no doubt in my mind that the Government planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

The last straw
Sai gives details of the case which proved to be the last straw and caused him to leave the NHS for good in 2021:

A 56-year-old male who was receiving regular dialysis treatment was admitted to A&E with end-stage kidney failure. He had no respiratory symptoms on admission and his temperature was normal. Unfortunately he was given a PCR test which gave a “positive” result. As a relatively small hospital, it had no dialysis machine. The treating doctor phoned several larger hospitals to ask if they would accept the patient and provide dialysis. In all cases they asked for the patient’s Covid status and, upon learning that it was “positive”, refused the request. The treating doctor stressed that, without dialysis, the patient would die, but it made no difference.

When the patient died the Medical Examiner recorded Covid – not end-stage kidney failure – as the primary cause of death. The treating doctor disagreed with this certified cause of death, but it made no difference.

His closing comments reveal the effect that this deplorable case had on him and why he took the bold step of putting his story in the public domain – which is certain to result in his permanent expulsion by the medical community, not only in the UK but internationally: “When innocent people are being killed by a corrupt organisation and system, for pure monetary gain, I can’t stand by and be part of this anymore. My conscience was clear and I no longer wanted to be a part of this anymore.

“I am very blessed and lucky that I was in a position to walk away. I’ve been able to speak out, because my hands are not tied and I am not regulated by any organisation or governing body. I believe in speaking the truth and, in doing so, I am only just an instrument for God.

“I joined the NHS 12 years ago because I had the desire to help those in need, but the moment I realised that I was not doing this anymore it was the time for me to walk away...
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Re: Never forget

Unread post by rachel »

Getting an access denied on that last link @NigelT. Not sure the connection with July 6th.
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Re: Never forget - not "carnies" but HOW do YOU LIVE?

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Never forget
  • who has been LOYAL TO YOU and who have betrayed your trust
  • who has SUPPORTED you and who have not, or even gone AGAINST you
  • who have LEARNED from you and who have TAUGHT you new insights

Never forget
  • who have ACCEPTED you FOR BEING HUMAN breathing OXYGEN - oxygente
  • who have REFUSED you FOR BEING HUMAN breathing OXYGEN - covidiots
  • who have the BALLS (M/F) to have RESISTED as YOU should have

Never forget
  • where you will NOT SPEND your hard-earned pecunia = money
  • those who DO deserve to be supported economically for their humanity, trust, loyalty and respact against Anymal Farmers in this Covidiocracy
  • whom you will NOT be EXPLOYED by - "a job" and thus those you SHOULD embrace and WORK WITH

we matter

to better
we gather

Never forget

Newspeech - our power of pairception!

oxygente - oxygen+gente (gente=people in Spanish) = people who like to take in oxygen unhindered as GAIA, God, Divinity has meant it to be
respact - respect+pact = real respect, closing a pact for a Fair & Fertile Future
Anymal Farmers - solves "The Who" question (alternative answer; Keith Moon?) no matter Ze Jews, Ze Germans, Ze Anyone with mentally insane Animal Farming ideas
Covidiocracy - perfect description of the times we live in
exployment - employment that exploits as opposed to meaningful, wholesome WORK
pairception - perception, paired through mentalversity, based on holistic truths unmarked by carnies
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

the more we are, the more we share
the more we share, the more we are

listen to Eye AM Eye Radio
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Re: Never forget

Unread post by xileffilex »

Marfer wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:57 am Never forget what the filthy scum bags did

In this episode, we revisit the tyranny, division &amp; death from those who believe themselves to be controlling the masses. May we never forget, and those who were part of this scheme be held accountable.&nbsp;

Those were indeed frightening times, "like being in a horror movie" when all those around you were turned into the mob. "They" know that the mob, especially the illiberal "liberal, educated elite" influencers, can be reactivated at any time with the right propaganda.
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