It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

So how real is Plastic Starmer's face?


Well, in my opinion, he is the artist formally known as Tristram Hunt.

Interestingly enough, when Tristram Hunt was an MP, he was tipped to be Labour leader, then shockingly he stood down to apparently take the top job at the V&A. ... al-5676004
Who is Tristram Hunt? Meet the potential next Labour leader
10 May 2015

Tristram Hunt is a historian and journalist, who has been shadow education secretary since 2013 - but could he be the next Labour leader?

The Labour party needs to find a new leader to lead them out of the chaos brought on by their election defeat.

Tristram Hunt is one of the more familiar names on the list of candidates for Labour's top job.

He's a 40-year-old historian, author and broadcaster, who served as shadow education secretary under Ed Miliband - but could he fill his old boss' shoes?

Here's everything you need to know about Tristram Hunt.

He's the son of a baron and a noted historian

Hunt is the son of Julian Hunt, Baron Hunt of Chesterton, who was made a life peer by Tony Blair in 2000.

He studied history at Trinity College, Cambridge, before becoming an associate fellow of the Centre for History and Economics at King's College, Cambridge.

He also completed a PhD at Cambridge on Civic Thought in Britiain in the 19th century.

He went on to become a noted historian, specialising in Urban history - particularly in the Victorian era.

He's written several books on the subject, as well as a biography of left-wing philosopher Friedrich Engels.

He's been shadow education secretary since 2013

A little look at wiki, and we see something rather interesting. Remember, Ed Miliband, AKA current PM Rishi Sunak.
Hunt was appointed a Shadow Education Minister in April 2013, replacing Karen Buck who advanced as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Ed Miliband. On 7 October 2013, Hunt was promoted to the Shadow Cabinet, replacing Stephen Twigg as Shadow Secretary of State for Education.

In February 2014, Hunt crossed an authorised University and College Union picket line at Queen Mary University of London to teach his students about "Marx, Engels and the Making of Marxism", defending himself on the grounds that although he was not a member of the union, he supported the right to strike and picket by those who had been ballotted. He was strongly criticised by West Bromwich East MP Tom Watson, who described Hunt's behaviour as "preposterous".

Hunt was re-elected in May 2015 with a majority of 5,179. On 12 September 2015, it became known he was leaving the shadow cabinet following Jeremy Corbyn's election as Labour leader because of their "substantial political differences", as Hunt told the Press Association.

On 13 January 2017, he announced that he would be resigning as an MP in order to take up the post of Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. He formally resigned, taking the post of Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds, on 23 January 2017. His successor as MP, Gareth Snell, retained the seat for Labour in the subsequent by-election on 23 February 2017.

I wonder if it was that 'Marx, Engels and the Making of Marxism' lecture that burned that identity? ...So let's look at Starmer, because he came out of nowhere, well actually, the name was associated with Director of Public Prosecutions, but when did we first see his face?

Starmer c. 2012
Starmer c. 2012
...In February 2010, Starmer announced the CPS's decision to prosecute three Labour MPs and a Conservative peer for offences relating to false accounting in the aftermath of the parliamentary expenses scandal. They were all found guilty. In the same year, he supported proposals to legally recognise different degrees of murder. In 2010, and 2012, Starmer said that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute two members of the UK security services for their alleged role in torture overseas; he supported further investigation. In July 2010, Starmer announced the decision not to prosecute the police officer Simon Harwood in relation to the death of Ian Tomlinson; this led to accusations by Tomlinson's family of a police cover-up. After a subsequent inquest found that Tomlinson had been unlawfully killed, Starmer announced that Harwood would be prosecuted for manslaughter. The officer was acquitted by a jury in July 2012 but dismissed from the police that September. In December 2010, Starmer changed the decision process, including requiring his personal approval, to prosecute women who withdraw accusations of rape after a woman was convicted for perverting the course of justice "despite judges' belief that her claim of long-term abuse, intimidation and rape at the hands of her husband was true". He later produced guidelines to prevent women in similar circumstances from being unfairly prosecuted...

For no apparent reason, I have a big section about Ian Tomlinson in the Anyone know any ex-truthers? thread. Who knew the case had anything to do with Sir Keir.

My favourite finds in that thread...the Ian Tomlinson mask. Note how the neck skin is over the top of the police issue blue top and white t-shirt, and the fake plastic eyes. And also George's worth a look for George Monbiot alone.


Is that a man or a woman?


Things I can tell you about Tristram Hunt. He wears contact lenses to change the colour of his eyes, and those teeth look like overlays to me.


The second image, the skin between the nostrils is an appliance, the tell is its slightly lighter colour than the skin it attaches to. We can see it bends around the nostrils. Hunt therefore has a hanging part to his nose where as Starmer's is rather flat. We can also see the outer edge of the contact lenses on the second shot. I wonder if any extra hair has been added to the eyebrows.


I think this is a good one that shows the fakeness at the front of Starmer's face. His eyes look so deep-set because of the appliance covering his forehead, nose and cheeks. I don't know if it goes all the way down, but it's apparent around the eye area.

So just to finish off, Starmer stood for election in 2015, that would be the same year as Jo Cox and Rishi Sunak...all ready for the 2016 EU Referendum. And I note on Sunak's wiki it says, "Sunak supported the successful campaign for the UK to leave the European Union in the June 2016 European Union membership referendum." - So it's just like placing a spread bet in horse racing, they cover all eventualities; and horse racing is the sport of kings, isn't it.

Continuing from Starmer's wiki page, he took over Frank Dobson's old seat, Dobson being Secretary of State for Health in Tony Blair's government. See how it works? How many seats does one need to control the country and force vaccine mandates on Care Home staff and NHS workers?
Starmer was selected in December 2014 to be the Labour Party's prospective parliamentary candidate for the Labour UK constituency of Holborn and St Pancras, a safe seat, following the decision of the sitting MP Frank Dobson to retire. Starmer was elected at the 2015 UK general election with a majority of 17,048. He was urged by a number of activists to stand in the 2015 Labour Party leadership election following the resignation of Ed Miliband; he ruled this out, citing his relative lack of political experience. During the campaign, Starmer supported Andy Burnham, who finished second to Jeremy Corbyn, the new Leader of the Labour Party.

Corbyn appointed Starmer to the Shadow Home Secretary's ministerial team as Shadow Minister for Immigration, a role from which he resigned as part of the widespread June 2016 British shadow cabinet resignations in protest at Corbyn's leadership; in his resignation letter he wrote that it was "simply untenable now to suggest we can offer an effective opposition without a change of leader".

Corbyn, as I've noted earlier in this thread was always controlled opposition. My feeling, the point of electing him was he had a pro-Brexit background, though he never seemed as staunch as his voting record suggested. He was there to hook the Lexit people with "Yes we should leave, but now is not the right time." - and that fed in to the whole Paul Mason tact, and who got very anti-Brexit as the vote loomed. ... reece-tory
The leftwing case for Brexit (one day) - Paul Mason
Mon 16 May 2016

There are many good reasons for the UK to leave the EU. But exiting now would allow Johnson and Gove to turn Britain into a neoliberal fantasy island

The leftwing case for Brexit is strategic and clear. The EU is not – and cannot become – a democracy. Instead, it provides the most hospitable ecosystem in the developed world for rentier monopoly corporations, tax-dodging elites and organised crime. It has an executive so powerful it could crush the leftwing government of Greece; a legislature so weak that it cannot effectively determine laws or control its own civil service. A judiciary that, in the Laval and Viking judgments, subordinated workers’ right to strike to an employer’s right do business freely.

Its central bank is committed, by treaty, to favour deflation and stagnation over growth. State aid to stricken industries is prohibited. The austerity we deride in Britain as a political choice is, in fact, written into the EU treaty as a non-negotiable obligation. So are the economic principles of the Thatcher era. A Corbyn-led Labour government would have to implement its manifesto in defiance of EU law.

And the situation is getting worse. Europe’s leaders still do not know whether they will let Greece go bankrupt in June; they still have no workable plan to distribute the refugees Germany accepted last summer, and having signed a morally bankrupt deal with Turkey to return the refugees, there is now the prospect of that deal’s collapse. That means, if the reported demand by an unnamed Belgian minister to “push back or sink” migrant boats in the Aegean is activated, the hands of every citizen of the EU will be metaphorically on the tiller of the ship that does it. You may argue that Britain treats migrants just as badly. The difference is that in Britain I can replace the government, whereas in the EU, I cannot. That’s the principled leftwing case for Brexit.

Now here’s the practical reason to ignore it. In two words: Boris Johnson. The conservative right could have conducted the leave campaign on the issues of democracy, rule of law and UK sovereignty, leaving the economics to the outcome of a subsequent election. Instead, Johnson and the Tory right are seeking a mandate via the referendum for a return to full-blown Thatcherism: less employment regulation, lower wages, fewer constraints on business. If Britain votes Brexit, then Johnson and Gove stand ready to seize control of the Tory party and turn Britain into a neoliberal fantasy island...

"I CAN REPLACE THE GOVERNMENT"...Too funny. Yes, we can vote in a party led by a Fabian with a Rishi Sunak mask, or we can vote in a party led by a Fabian with a Keir Starmer mask...either way, what we are actually getting is what we've had since 1997, and that is TONY BLAIR.

And proof of this, what actually happened? Boris Johnson is Ed Miliband's bum-chum, and the ex-Labour leader Ed Miliband became Conservative Prime Minister. And Paul Mason is another puppet-face MARXIST with a pretend wife working for the NHS, just like Keir Starmer. Got to get those NHS vaccine mandates into law, I'm sure SIr Keir will try again for Tony's compulsory ID CARD system.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Jeremy »

Diana's been a few people but the most interesting has to be May. It's like JFK / Carter.

Ed Chiarini thought the Miliband brothers were William and Harry. I did look into that and couldn't rule it out, just like with Sunak.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

I don't disagree, but I think the person that appeared exclusively with Charles must have been May, because after the divorce but before Diana's death, the Crown actually created a Parliamentary Seat for her in boundary changes for the Blair 1997 winning General Election. And in keeping with all the other plays on words, it's Maidenhead. Interestingly, now Charles is King, and MPs have to swear allegiance to him in order to take their seats in parliament, May has decided to step down. I wonder how related the two events are?

With regards to the Milibands, firstly they have a famous dad, Ralph Miliband. His background is no doubt a load of hog wash...but we do have a consistent running theme of FABIAN MARXISM...and Marxist Jeremy Corbyn fits right in with the rest of them...he was never an outsider, and the pretend frictions and Labour leadership elections were a fraud to make money from the £20 to buy a vote for leader scam Labour ran; not once but twice.
Ralph Miliband (born Adolphe Miliband; 7 January 1924 – 21 May 1994) was a British sociologist. He has been described as "one of the best known academic Marxists of his generation", in this manner being compared with E. P. Thompson, Eric Hobsbawm and Perry Anderson.

Miliband in 1958
Miliband in 1958

Miliband was born in Belgium to working-class Polish Jewish immigrants. He fled to Britain in 1940 with his father, to avoid persecution when Nazi Germany invaded Belgium. Learning to speak English and enrolling at the London School of Economics, he became involved in left-wing politics and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx. After serving in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, he settled in London in 1946 and naturalised as a British subject in 1948.

By the 1960s, he was a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain, which was critical of established socialist governments in the Soviet Union and Central Europe (the Eastern Bloc). He published several books on Marxist theory and the criticism of capitalism, such as Parliamentary Socialism (1961), The State in Capitalist Society (1969), and Marxism and Politics (1977), and he edited the Writings of the Left series (Jonathan Cape and Grove Press, 1972–1973).

Both of his sons, David and Ed Miliband, went on to become senior members of the Labour Party following their father's death. David was the British Foreign Secretary from 2007 to 2010, whilst Ed became Energy and Climate Change Secretary and was later elected party leader, serving between 2010 and 2015.

If they bothered to create a character with a back story, they don't want him to just die, so roll in his sons. An interesting linguistic link between Ralph's New Left movement, and the branding for Tony Blair's New Labour, I'm guessing both selling Blair's Third Way, Public-Private Partnerships promoting Godless fake agendas like COVID-19 and Climate Change.

'New Labour' consigned to history, May 2014
'New Labour' consigned to history, May 2014

I think what we do see is a running theme, and it's Marxism, clearly actually created by the British/Russian establishment. It's worth noting that Tsar Nicholas II and George V were doppelgangers...or is that just trick photography? I mean, what do we know of the Romanov family, they were apparently carted off to Siberia then executed, buried in a secret unmarked grave, and never seen again. Hmm...

Cousins Tsar Nicholas and George V
Cousins Tsar Nicholas and George V

Plastic-face Starmer AKA Tristram Hunt "crossed an authorised University and College Union picket line at Queen Mary University of London to teach his students about 'Marx, Engels and the Making of Marxism'". ...Actions speak louder than words...tells us exactly what MARXISTS and MARXISM is really about. — "Fuck the workers!" — I definitely reckon this is what killed the Tristram Hunt identity.

Going back to Ed, it is to be noted he was at Charles III Proclamation as King, which we can be pretty sure was broadcast without trickery, given the legal ramifications regarding Charles being King of Scotland, which is a contract which is renewed afresh at the very beginning of every English Monarch's reign. Ed Miliband was a guest who signed as a witness. It is to be noted Rishi Sunak was nowhere to be here knowing exactly why.

Britain's Charles III formally proclaimed king

We can guess this is also why Liz Truss won a bogus leadership race only to resign, what was it, 42 days later? It was one of the magic numbers anyway. Replaced by Rishi-Rich AKA Ed. I'm guessing Ed Miliband was always going to take over from Boris once the COVID scam had been run, and that's why he was brought in from nowhere as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
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A comprehensive review of the "JFK in Dallas" psyop

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This is similar to Miles Mathis but more readable.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

Looks like that Tyrone McCloskey JFKTV thread will be a very good read. I like the way it starts...
This book can be read as a spoof of JFK research or as nonfiction, your choice. Because none of the radical content of this book is provable beyond a reasonable doubt, there is no reason to insist that what is offered is fact. There are some facts included, but the premise and conclusion herein may seem more like satire than reasoned speculation. I won’t hold a gun to your head and insist you believe anything in this volume.

That said, the fact that a half-century of research has not produced a definite answer to the JFK assassination, nor has it brought anyone to justice, it is long overdue to question whether or not the assassination took place at all. And it’s reasonable to ask that question in a country that still insists it operates under the rule of law.

With that in mind, divest yourself of all assumptions about how the world works and try to keep your critical faculties engaged at the expense of your emotions. Within this fascist construct we now find ourselves, it is obvious that the faith we have had in “official” history has been misplaced...

Very much so...I think the thing is not to be too precious about the things we unearth even if we feel the weight of probability is on our side. We all get things right, we all get things wrong, the thing I love about this thread, I know I'm onto something that makes more sense than the reality that is presented to us. And if I can use certain things to predict others correctly, there is value in the model. But I realise to some readers it's claims are a bridge too far...I think I'm going to enjoy that JFK read.
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When Scotland was Jewish.

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Throwing this on the table to provoke a response from some of our UK and Australian listeners.

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" ... Of cabbages -- and kings--

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"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—
Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
And whether pigs have wings."
—Through the Looking-Glass

These would have been cousins. ... war-in-ww1

But Nicky and George were close too.

Went to "war" all over Europe? But somehow were scripted as "enemies".

What about the Warburg brothers?

Max, who stayed behind in Germany, and ran the Kaiser's secret intelligence service.

While Paul ran Treasury and the Fed for the Woody Wilson regime: ... ted-states

Two German born high-ranking brothers in the cult of Yehudah. As it would happen.

Here are the fruit of Victoria's Empire:

Nicholas and George.jpeg
rachel wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:33 am I don't disagree, but I think the person that appeared exclusively with Charles must have been May, because after the divorce but before Diana's death, the Crown actually created a Parliamentary Seat for her in boundary changes for the Blair 1997 winning General Election. And in keeping with all the other plays on words, it's Maidenhead. Interestingly, now Charles is King, and MPs have to swear allegiance to him in order to take their seats in parliament, May has decided to step down. I wonder how related the two events are?

With regards to the Milibands, firstly they have a famous dad, Ralph Miliband. His background is no doubt a load of hog wash...but we do have a consistent running theme of FABIAN MARXISM...and Marxist Jeremy Corbyn fits right in with the rest of them...he was never an outsider, and the pretend frictions and Labour leadership elections were a fraud to make money from the £20 to buy a vote for leader scam Labour ran; not once but twice.
Ralph Miliband (born Adolphe Miliband; 7 January 1924 – 21 May 1994) was a British sociologist. He has been described as "one of the best known academic Marxists of his generation", in this manner being compared with E. P. Thompson, Eric Hobsbawm and Perry Anderson.


Miliband was born in Belgium to working-class Polish Jewish immigrants. He fled to Britain in 1940 with his father, to avoid persecution when Nazi Germany invaded Belgium. Learning to speak English and enrolling at the London School of Economics, he became involved in left-wing politics and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx. After serving in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, he settled in London in 1946 and naturalised as a British subject in 1948.

By the 1960s, he was a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain, which was critical of established socialist governments in the Soviet Union and Central Europe (the Eastern Bloc). He published several books on Marxist theory and the criticism of capitalism, such as Parliamentary Socialism (1961), The State in Capitalist Society (1969), and Marxism and Politics (1977), and he edited the Writings of the Left series (Jonathan Cape and Grove Press, 1972–1973).

Both of his sons, David and Ed Miliband, went on to become senior members of the Labour Party following their father's death. David was the British Foreign Secretary from 2007 to 2010, whilst Ed became Energy and Climate Change Secretary and was later elected party leader, serving between 2010 and 2015.

If they bothered to create a character with a back story, they don't want him to just die, so roll in his sons. An interesting linguistic link between Ralph's New Left movement, and the branding for Tony Blair's New Labour, I'm guessing both selling Blair's Third Way, Public-Private Partnerships promoting Godless fake agendas like COVID-19 and Climate Change.


I think what we do see is a running theme, and it's Marxism, clearly actually created by the British/Russian establishment. It's worth noting that Tsar Nicholas II and George V were doppelgangers...or is that just trick photography? I mean, what do we know of the Romanov family, they were apparently carted off to Siberia then executed, buried in a secret unmarked grave, and never seen again. Hmm...


Plastic-face Starmer AKA Tristram Hunt "crossed an authorised University and College Union picket line at Queen Mary University of London to teach his students about 'Marx, Engels and the Making of Marxism'". ...Actions speak louder than words...tells us exactly what MARXISTS and MARXISM is really about. — "Fuck the workers!" — I definitely reckon this is what killed the Tristram Hunt identity.

Going back to Ed, it is to be noted he was at Charles III Proclamation as King, which we can be pretty sure was broadcast without trickery, given the legal ramifications regarding Charles being King of Scotland, which is a contract which is renewed afresh at the very beginning of every English Monarch's reign. Ed Miliband was a guest who signed as a witness. It is to be noted Rishi Sunak was nowhere to be here knowing exactly why.

Britain's Charles III formally proclaimed king

We can guess this is also why Liz Truss won a bogus leadership race only to resign, what was it, 42 days later? It was one of the magic numbers anyway. Replaced by Rishi-Rich AKA Ed. I'm guessing Ed Miliband was always going to take over from Boris once the COVID scam had been run, and that's why he was brought in from nowhere as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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I'm going to revisit this one, because I'm guessing we will not be seeing much of Jeremy Hunt after the GE result. A reminder: In 2015, the BBC comedian Jeremy Hardy suddenly becomes the BBC's goto spokesman for what was happening in the Labour Party regarding Jeremy Corbyn. This was probably my first tell all was not what it seemed.

'Labour is trying to rig leadership' says Jeremy Hardy - BBC News

He actually joined forces with Russell Brand prior to the 2015 GE.

Sheffield Doc/Fest 2014: A Total Disruption
w/Russell Brand, Jeremy Hardy, Owen Jones & Ondi Timoner

It's interesting in the first video he says, "Country comes first, then party.", it reminds me of Theresa May when she resigned as PM, saying, "I love my country." leaves me wondering, is it the earth and the buildings that you love? Because it's surely not the people.

And then on the 1st February 2019, Jeremy Hardy dies aged he didn't move to Brighton then. Southport might not have any sea Jeremy, but at least it has some sand. ... 7-11624507

Jack Dee tweeting, I'm guessing he also has an alter ego, I've got a couple of thoughts. I suspect his look was inspired by Jack's rather apparent in certain pictures.


Regarding Hardy/Hunt, I think it's easier to see with the younger pictures of Hardy, I guess because there's less plastic.

Jeremy Hunt.png

The two videos...Jeremy Hardy is a master of voices...looking at them side-by-side, it's funny to me Hunt has quite prominent cheekbones, where as Hardy is quite flat-faced with a large jaw...this is another thing that convinces me. Opposites. Some thought has taken place to create Jeremy Hunt's look as his character was later on the scene.

Jeremy Hunt - Why is inflation high, and what’s our plan to halve it this year

Jeremy Hardy on Saturday Live, 1986

And then this is how Jeremy Hardy announced his imminent death at the beginning of 2019.

hardy tweet 1.png

I'll add his last tweets, because it's interesting who he decides to end with.

hardy tweet 2.png

You Only Die Twice of cancer, apparently. ... cer-fight/
hunt cancer.png

Oh no, Hunt is not suggesting he's going to die; actually, the moral of the story is early cancer diagnosis...because COVID-19 showed us how reliable predictive diagnostic testing for the symptomless is. ... -19178766/
hunt cancer 2.png

And Chemotherapy is 'Safe and Effective'. ... ts_986391/
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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Jeremy Hunt is still the MP for South West Surrey, which after the 2023 boundary changes, the preferred British way to fix elections, is called Godalming and Ash. He won by 891 votes, so still in the range for postal ballot fixing too if him remaining in post was the desired outcome. And one thing I want to say...we have a King, if people don't vote, it is the Crown's prerogative to choose which way those uncast votes go. You'd think therefore I'd be in favour of everyone voting...No, there is no point fighting in a rigged system. The 142nd Fabian... ... t-13170886

But, continuing from my last post, one of the more interesting aspects of looking at the Hardy/Hunt connection; firstly, both are called Jeremy...that's a bit in-our-faces regarding alter-egos; this suggests the utter darkness these fake identities have become wasn't planned from the start...not by the people at this level anyway. Jeremy Hunt was clearly so named to give BBC news casters the excuse to say "cunt" live on air over-and-over again. Note how many different ways it is said in the clip below. This is the level of intellect at Britain's "trusted news".

40 seconds of people saying “Jeremy Cunt” instead of “Jeremy Hunt”

But another thing is size. From the BBC Radio 4 News Quiz on which Jeremy Hardy was a regular guest very often there were quips about Hardy's puny size. Can we find out if this was a true state of affairs, because one thing we can say about Hunt, he appears to be quite tall.


Compared to Jeremy Hardy being small...


Jeremy Hardy featured in a couple of documentaries about Israel, I think he claims he was shot filming the first, that was back when he was a lot younger. But note the theme of the later 2017 one, it was at the time Jeremy Hunt was health secretary. Hardy, together with fellow comedian Imran Yusuf, travelled to the West Bank, their documentary is called Health Under Occupation. Hardy might be totally sincere in what he's trying to portray in this film...I don't know, and I'm making no judgement. I haven't watched it, all I want to do is use grabs to see if I can work out how tall Jeremy Hardy actually is.

In the first two grabs we see Hardy and Yusuf looking at shell damage...Yusuf is a fair bit taller than Hardy, which would confirm that Hardy is short.


A crop-in on that second grab...there is something slightly odd about Yusuf's stick legs.

ScreenShot-VideoID-bvQXrzJId-g-TimeS-409 copy.png

From another full-length shot of the two later in the film, their size looks more equal, Imran Yusuf is definitely taller, but Hardy is not the shortest man in shot; he is a similar size to the other two and a fair bit taller than the woman.

ScreenShot-VideoID-bvQXrzJId-g-TimeS-570 copy.png

Yet from a different angle, a second of which is cropped into the film just after the first shot, we see Imran Yusuf back to being considerably taller, and a different woman, again a fair bit shorter than the other three.


There are a few of things we can take from this. Firstly, the same conversation was recorded multiple times from different angles. This leans towards the idea this encounter was somewhat scripted. And that second grab comes from a cut that was on screen momentarily nestled between two other cuts...there is no other reason for it being included other than a subliminal prompt to the subconscious...and what does it reinforce? That Yusuf is considerably taller than Hardy...and this, directly after some video that shows Yusuf isn't that much taller than Hardy. Could we classify this sleight-of-hand as witchcraft?

I was interested to see Imran Yusuf in his own right; because I get the hint he got the gig to accompany Hardy mainly because of his size...tall with a wiry frame. The video grabs below are from a Edinburgh Fringe performance, they confirm what I suspect. The first, see his unusually wide step...but it's on the second one that I can locate where his foot is.


We can therefore conclude, Jeremy is around average height for a man, as seen in the grab of the four men above, and the extra height of Imran Yusuf is mainly to convince us Jeremy Hardy is as short as the people who worked with him claim.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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So not long after Rishi Sunak left Number 10 Downing Street...guess what...


....he took up his new job as Secretary of State for the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.


I see both entities like wearing lipstick, but of course not the same colour, because one is meant to be of Pakistani descent, while the other, the son of a Jewish Marxist who fled Belgium in 1940 when Nazi Germany invaded.



The exact same size game being played with Rishi versus Ed as with Jeremy Hardy versus Jeremy Hunt.



I wonder when David Miliband will land as a member of the new Labour government?


Let's finish off with a bit of Alistair Williams, he sums it up so well...

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