Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

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Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

In the 1970s, I was a little grommet, growing up in the inner suburbs of Melbourne, Aust.
The West Gate Bridge started its construction on 22 April 1968. It was opened on 15 November 1978... Melbourne is built on Port Phillip Bay, with the Yarra River running through the city and into the bay.. The West Gate Bridge was built to span the Yarra River, close to its mouth, where the River meets the sea..

As a child, the bridge was constantly in the news and I remember when it finally opened, and remember our families first trips over it. It specifically links the east side of Melbourne to the western suburbs and then on to Geelong, which is our next biggest city, also set on Port Phillip Bay.

In the late 1970s there was some kind of, I believe government add campaign with a song that went.....
🎵🎵da da "care for kids" da da dee da🎵... I can't remember the words, but what i can remember, vividly, was a meme that we kids would sing. ALL THE KIDS ON THE STREETS WOULD SING

🎵🎵Care for kids,,,, chuck em over the West Gate Bridge 🎵🎵 ....go figure.
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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

So I found the song I recalled. Turns out it was 1979, and the song was from an add campaign for the 'international year of the children'...

.........sing along now! "Care for kids, chuck em over the West Gate Bridge"

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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

Jump to 2009, a story hits our airwaves about a man who stopped his car in the middle of the bridge, in heavy traffic, and proceeded to throw his young daughter off the bridge

"Arthur Phillip Freeman (born 1972) is an Australian man charged, tried and convicted of murdering his daughter, Darcey Iris Freeman, aged 4, on 29 January 2009 by deliberately throwing her off the side of the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne, Victoria."

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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

So the Baby Dadys name is/was 'Arthur Phillip Freeman' who threw his baby daughter off a bridge, essentially into Port Phillip Bay.

The name of the Bay which Melbourne is situated is called Port Phillip Bay
, named after, non other than a guy called Arthur Phillip. Yep, that's right Arthur Phillip!

"The body of water was originally called Port King after the Governor of New South Wales, Phillip Gidley King. On 4 September 1805, King formally renamed the bay Port Phillip, in honour of his predecessor, Arthur Phillip." ( so yet ANOTHER PHILLIP in the story, Phillip Gidley) and did he just rename it after himself again,,,? I'm getting confused

"Arthur Phillip (11 October 1738 – 31 August 1814) was a British Royal Navy officer who served as the first governor of the Colony of New South Wales."

And now we can draw parallels to Port Arthur, in Tasmania, formerly Van Diemens land.
Van DIE-MENS LAND. - Port Arthur named after a dude named George Arthur.

Port Arthur of course being the stage for the infamous 'Port Arthur Massacre' 1996 ... QtgmjBbAGT

So the other point I'd like to make is, circling back to our little kid chucking bridge bandit,
Mr Arthur Phillip Freeman, obviously, ain't no Freeman no more,,,
This bridge episode happened in 2009 which lines up with the internet sensation
............... the so called lawful movement,
.............................'The free man on the land'

Photos below.
The bridge chuckin' baby daddy bandit, Mr Port Arthur Phillip Freeman Massacre 👇👇👇
My head hurts.....goodnight!
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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by rachel »

From the first news report he was 37 at his trial where there jurors could not reach a unanimous decision.

From the second news report, Freeman actually threw his daughter off the bridge when he was 36. Also, "She fell 190 feet into the Yarra River below...Freeman did not appear in court Thursday because police say he was psychologically unfit to do so."

So 666 and 19 number codes in the second report. I was interested to see if Yarra meant anything.


Third report, brother giving evidence was a 6 year old, the report ends, "The defence says Arthur Freeman was mentally iil at the time of the crime."
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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

Nice catch on 'Yarra'=crazy. Ie Yarra Bend psychiatric hospital...

Yarra Bend Park 260-hectare (640-acre) park in the Melbourne suburb of Kew. Located 4 km northeast of Melbourne's CBD, it is the largest area of natural bushland left in inner Melbourne.[1] The most notable feature of the park is the Yarra River which flows for 12 km through it.

The Yarra Bend area isn't so close to the incident, and Yarra in 'blackfellà/indigenous = 'flowing river' and has links to 'beard'

It's interesting though, with the slang yarra= mad crazy. Iv never heard that in my time, but thought of the term we British/Aussies use
"going round the bend" meaning going crazy.

So they built the psychiatric hospital at Yarra Bend-- "From 1848 until 1925 the park was home to Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum, which took up most of the area of the park with buildings, vegetable gardens and a cemetery."

And they also built In 1904, the Queen's Memorial Infectious Diseases Hospital was established along Yarra Bend Road, Fairfield. Later simply known as "Fairfield Hospital"

And we know that the belief in infectious disease is 'round the Yarra bend crazy'.

There's definitely a lot more in the bridge story, but not sure I'll be able to spend much time.

This dude is pretty upset, and towards the end of his little video post, he suddenly says how his sister reminded him that they used to live next door to Arthur Freeman when they were kids...... and I bet they sang that song.-- "care for kids, chuck em over the West Gate Bridge"

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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by xileffilex »

An excellent made for TV and lawyers script. At least no babies died or were hurt in the making of that 2009 movie.
I note that after two more lawyer-enriching years, Mr Freeman was sentenced to at least 32 years in prison [make it 33] allegedly.

Give him a wig, shave of his beard and he could be sitting next to you on the bus at this very minute.

JLB will appreciate the Darcy [sic] angle of this baby baby-hoax.
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Re: Man throws baby off West Gate Bridge, Melbourne 2009.

Unread post by Strangebird »

xileffilex, I tried to thank you but keeps saying 'invalid thank' and I'm like "geeezzz thanks" 🫡

What you saying bout the artist formally known as ??? I now refer to the schiz'O DarcyJohn.,,,
Your not saying hes a little school girl that should join Rollo in a bridge jumping exercise! 🤣🤣🤣

We all love to hear our name called out, don't we Darcyjohn,,,,

xileffilex, that's why I didn't mention it in my post on the story. 🤣
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