Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by rachel »

The Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) also reports excess deaths for England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

For 2023, they reported 25,641 excess deaths

The ‘New’ #ONS method reports just 10,206 excess deaths

A 60% reduction in excess

OHID already adjusts for population shifts

Until 2023, the correlation between OICD and #ONS was pretty tight

We only see a significant disparity in 2023, when the ONS attempts to bury 20,000 #ExcessDeaths

The fix is in

Different measurements of Excess Death in England 2023🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿:

ONS (New)

ONS (Old)


CMI Continuous Mortality Investigations

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development
41,500 (W44)

Our World in Data

ONS (5YA 2015-19)
The ONS confirmed that they reviewed all of these other organisations measure of excess …. But in the end they settled on matching the one that provided the LOWEST excess …..

…….the Poisson log-linear regression model promoted by the World Health Organisation!!!

WHO knew …..

https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default- ... ndemic.pdf

https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2024/02/15/exce ... rstanding/

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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by SaiGirl »

A reminder regarding Deagel... I'm reserving judgement so far.

DEAGEL Forecasts Massive Depopulation by 2025

WORLD POPULATION PLAN FOR 2025 (forecast 2019 - 2025)


James Corbett eviscerates the predictions of "Deagel":

https://corbettreport.com/but-what-abou ... ett-video/
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Reviewing excess death figures

Unread post by SaiGirl »

There were no excess deaths above normal in 2020 for an alleged pandemic of Coronavirus Disease. The data below is Total Deaths – All Causes – in the U.S. from 1990 to 2020 (the start of the so-called Pandemic). Note that over that same time interval the percentage of elderly in the population grew from 12.5% to 16.8%, a 34% increase. There is absolutely no sign at the end of 2020 of any alleged killer pandemic.
Stated differently, there was no increase in total deaths – all causes – beyond the increase in the proportion of elderly in the population. The total death data for China shows the same trends. If total deaths did not increase, where is the alleged increase in deaths due to COVID-19? There are none.

https://waynelusvardi.substack.com/p/th ... o-pandemic
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by xileffilex »

Yes indeed. Normal ageing killed 7 million people from 2020 to 2024.... terrible.
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavir ... e_vignette
You can't die from a [phoney] test.

I still haven't had any answer to the question: is there any connection between the "positive" vocid test and being sick? If so, what aspect of feeling unwell triggers the bogus test? As I write this, liberal friends continue to check in with stories of testing "positive" for vocid. These highly educated clowns rush for the bogus test kits the moment they sneeze of have some allergic reaction. They are lost sheep, but will do what they're told as soon as the next scam balloon is launched.
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Re: Excess deaths in different countries 2022 onwards

Unread post by SaiGirl »

The NO COVID, COVID Pandemic
125-Nation Study: COVID-Period Deaths due to Non-COVID Factors: Lockdowns, Ventilators, Vaccines

Wayne Lusvardi
Jul 26, 2024

The (space and time) variations in national excess all-cause mortality rates during the COVID-period….was incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death. The hypothesis….should be abandoned. – Correlation Canada

Denis Rancourt, PhD, and his research team have released a large 125 nation study of the cause of mortality during the COVID-period from 2020 to 2023. The presumed COVID-19 respiratory disease was not a substantial cause of deaths. Rather stress from lockdowns and wiping out of economic livelihoods, mechanical breathing ventilators and antibiotics, and the rollout of vaccines were the primary causes.

Denis Rancourt, Joseph Hickey and Christian Linard, Sociotemporal Variation of Excess All-Cause Mortality in the World (125-Countries) During the COVID Period 2020-2023 Regarding Socio-Economic Factors and Public Health Medical Interventions, Correlation Canada, July 2024.

LINK - https://correlation-canada.org/wp-conte ... Linard.pdf
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