J.J. Couey flip-flopping again: Are viruses real?

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J.J. Couey flip-flopping again: Are viruses real?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Thinking INSIDE the bubble of "virology" when discussing the "COVID" psyop, is exactly like thinking inside the bubble of "terrorist attack" when discussing 9/11 or the "global war on terror".

https://christinemasseyfois.substack.co ... rus-people

Attempting to "isolate" or "identify" some mythical mystical entity ("SARS-COV-II") for allegedly causing a "coronavirus pandemic", is already submitting to a religious faith in "virology"; then bootstrapping your argument onto that completely unproven assumption.

Since we know they deliberately falsified and misrepresented their misuse of the PCR to "detect infection", we can safely assume that they would falsify or fabricate data, lie to us and brainwash the entire medical industrial complex, for profit alone.
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The fine art of red herrings: "Never Isolated"

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Is the focus on virus isolation, genomic sequencing, etc a red herring?
"All propaganda is lies even when one is telling the truth." George Orwell

per youtube

Chief epidemiologist of Chinese CDC admitted 'they didn't isolate the virus'

Are Dr Wu’s words part of a propaganda campaign to muddy the criticism of the official narrative by keeping it spread over a number of areas when it might have been more effective to focus only on the unscientific lack of controls. Obviously, the whole isolation and genomic sequencing thing is the way they smother the fraudulence of virology but also an excellent way to keep the truth smothered is by having critics direct their attention to it when “No controls” completely invalidates their claims all on its own.

https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/is ... on-genomic
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