A subject I stumbled upon that interests me.

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A subject I stumbled upon that interests me.

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Was this figure well known in the history of western Australia?

Jean-Paul Turcaud (c. 1940–2020) was a French mining pioneer, and one of many claimants to the discovery of the Telfer Mine in Western Australia, for a time Australia's largest gold mine. The discovery of this prospect was attributed by Newmont Mining to David Tyrwhitt in 1972.


The Telfer Mine and its significance in the development of Australia:


He has some rather interesting and provocative ideas in a wide variety of other sciences.
Especially in biology, organic chemistry, endocrinology and ethnology ("race").

Anyone here familiar with him?

Some "offbeat" musings and considerations.
A bit of a "mashup" as they say.
Sometimes called "brainstorming".

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