Mike Yeadon

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Re: Mike Yeadon

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Dr. Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer vice president) on the Delingpod
Serendipity brings together James and the excellent, biochemist Dr. Michael Yeadon (PhD in respiratory pharmacology, conducted research at Pfizer, co-founded a biotech company, and co-founder of the “Lockdown Sceptics” website) to discuss the evil WEF, their current faith journeys, 'Gollum-class Ai' and more ...
I know Mike Yeadon is listed on the Darkside Papers, and I've always been in two minds about him, but having watched a number of his videos, while he is ropey on the WEF side. When he actually gets on the subject of medicine and the vaccines he relaxes and speaks absolute clarity, this leads me to believe he is a real expert in this field, and not just someone who has studied it for a week so they can present a podcast.

In this podcast he says he doesn't believe there was a pandemic. He's no longer convinced viruses are real; he says it was not his area of specialism, and interestingly, in each of the companies he worked for, the vaccine development department was always located away from other areas of health the company was involved in, so no crossover in knowledge. And what he thinks now, because of all the adverse reactions and the batch numbers, the covid vaccine data will likely allow them to hone a death shot for real. Whether that was the point or not, that will be the result.
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by napoleon »

it's my personal opinion that your personal opinion,approach and conclusions is why we are in this game ,never try and match a consensus from the outside narrative,sure baby yoda has a boney finger he likes to point ,and he back's it up with what he considers evidence .

we have to give our personal opinion ,and we can't all be correct off the bat,we must or shall i say we hope we learn and pick up tells ,gutt feelings aswell as plain old reading like a bitch for hours without anyone hearing that exciting side ,the nuances that shape our opinions are never covered by one researcher entirely, so feast on the reseacrh out there,

so i take an opinion from someone with research skills like you rachel and boney finger baby yoda ,and myself and ab etc etc

but don't ever think that my opinion is wholey from moi ,it rarely is ,i take full responsibilty foor it until educated further where possible.

and thanks for the update ,i have become complaicant in the inevitable next wave of propoganda and poisoning ,the only thing i will add is we know they make money from the sick and dying no matter what .....
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by rachel »

Interesting, Yeadon will not be diverted. This is what I like about him, when in the beginning he got on UK MSM, probably GB News. The presenter was supporting lockdowns, and he said, "with all due respect, you know nothing about transmission, I can categorically say to you with 30 years experience you are talking nonsense". He doesn't take kindly to MSM standards in bullshit. He was never invited back, cancelled everywhere in the UK.

Ex Pfizer VP: mRNA Makes Body A "Spike Protein Factory" w/ Michael Yeadon & Dr Victory – Ask Dr Drew
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by rachel »

Now in this post I made a comment about MEP Christine Anderson in relation to Australian legal filings, and that there seemed something was off with it, as if Anderson was parodying herself in an interview with Del Bigtree.
rachel wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:10 pm The thing is he says in the first of the two clips the EU and UK have the same laws about GMO. So he passed all the relevant information onto EU MEP Christine Anderson's two months ago and she has just ignored him. When one of his team was in England they had a meeting scheduled with UK MP Andrew Bridgen, but the leader of his party, Laurence Fox, got himself suspended from GB News and that apparently meant Andrew Bridgen had to cancel all his meetings, so no meeting took place...right. That would be the same Laurence Fox that was once married to Billie Piper, the woman who played opposite Christopher Eccleston in Doctor Who, you know, like the WHO that declared the pandemic, with the bloke who appears on UK News claiming to be Neil Ferguson of Imperial College.

Well I've just read this from and article by Mike Yeadon. in relation to Christine Anderson's political party.

Mike Yeadon November 25, 2023

I may have mentioned that I had been invited to address a sizeable gathering in the German parliament, a couple of weekends ago?

A lengthy session arranged by the party of the admirably feisty MEP, Christine Anderson, the AfD.

They have something like 82 members of Parliament, mostly in the former East, and 9 MEPs. Not too shabby.

I was promised an audience of 90 elected representatives and 200 eager officials, together possessing a veritable alternative network that doesn’t rely on mainstream media for its communication.

They realised early that they were never going to get a fair shake by their media, so decided to not try to pretend to be like the other parties and simply represent those with no voice. Admirable stuff.

So, persuaded it was worth a shot, I prepared a short talk. I was surprised to find I had the last slot & looking at the people and topics, I thought, wow, I’ve got a chance to really get an impact.

I simplified and focused on the alleged vaccines. How there could never have been sufficient time to have done what was claimed. That even if the narrative was true, virtually nobody would benefit from it because they’re not at risk. That pregnant women have for 60 years never been exposed to new medicines, not even once fully approved.

Then I described rational drug design, and my career using it. The awful conclusion that toxicity was built into these agents. Five discrete mechanisms of toxicity. By the way, our molecular biology experts find an additional handful of mechanisms of harm, to do with nuclear entry, all superfluous to the notional purpose.

The conclusion is that we are under intense attack. That we can repel these evil people by sufficient of us simply refusing to comply with the campaign of fear. The economy may be decimated in whatever is coming but that we can recover as free individuals.

After I’d finished, there was a strange noise. It was the usual polite applause, but a roar that simply didn’t stop. I switched camera view on my screen. The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.

Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.

I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public.

It’s very depressing and frustrating to find I’m being censored by what I thought was our own side.

I don’t think I’m going to get a copy of my own speech, either.

If you know anyone connected to whatever is going on there, we’d love to hear a perspective from the inside.

Best wishes,


P.S. Someone alleged that there had been a problem with the sound. I don’t believe that for a moment.

As @ThinkingSlow1 says:
🚨 Actors versus Doctors 🚨

At some point folks the penny needs to drop that the cabal appoints both sides of most "debates", that is why you see Kirsch 👇with his Mickey Mouse 🇳🇿 data at the table and none of the courageous and extraordinarily well qualified medics from @Drs4CovidEthics

@hartgroup_org or @ukmfa1 who opposed mRNA from Jan 2021. They do NOT want the @profnfenton or Bhakdis or the @Thomas_Binder at the table, the WANT the Kirschs with his joke analysis to neuter vaccine sceptics and lead this initiative off into the weeds.

Do you see how it works yet 🤔
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by napoleon »

theres no doubt in my mind these are all actors of some degree,after all this is a scripted narrative ,you'll see even moreso when ab starts his clot shot show ,lots of stories that sound honest enough backed up with the evidence of vaccines being deadly ,and a sprinkle of conformation bias ,i fucked christski off years ago and the virus huggers and novirus no vax crew

we know they are deadly ,but there is just as much money in pretending , and if it is all scripted well ..........................skip to the end like i did three years ago ,and ask yourselves what is the best way of stopping this ?
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by Samson79 »

Decline management. 100%

Conspire to kill millions of unsuspecting people whose only mistake was not seeing "motive" properly (decieved).

Then unleash the million "talking heads" who control a narrative by framing the topics, the direction it travels and off it goes thin "their" direction, seen through their lense of thought (carefully avoiding why Yeadon is even still alive, nevermind given a platform to earn more money indirectly from the very thing he unsuccessfully tries to distance himself from, how ironic!)
Cue all from people nodding and agreeing (with government credentials now deemed more relevant than good old fashioned honesty) who ooze the wrong morphology in my honest opinion and always have access to a platform easily and without resistance, nobody noticing on forums these video-ists, all trying to look grassroots "budget" with absolute FULL IMMUNITY to criticise the status quo, while everyday real people have to go to work, pay for internet connections hooked up to military style censorship and can get locked up or made to look like mental health cases should they attempt these "covid show" narratives. Always seems to avoid peoples scrutiny, simply asking why are they even there and not someone who has been watching their family pop off 1 at a time, best ignore them hey?
Double down on peoples ignorance with cattle prod of info-tainment driving them further down a road of impotent reactionary towards their pre-determined slaughter.

Yeadon is an accommplice to democide. 100% fact.
The fact he can look so jolly and healthy on these vids shows he is a mocking spirit you have no apology or remorse from.

I said earlier I felt for him, I still do in many ways only in that he has secured his spot in the eternal punishment and sees no wrong doing, nor his co-conspiraters in these vids makes me aware of how dupers delight works. Justice is Justice.

Prevention is never their debating tactic is it?
Acknowledgment of their crimes either?
Just keep the carefully concerned narrative looking genuine with intermittent laughter and plug the holes with simple "omitting" specific points that serve as a real debate.

As for non believers, they have missed another sign of Yeshua' return, which has been confirmed worldwide. You won't hear about that though on the forums, I love seeing how these murderers are blind and have no idea what is really relevent, they seem to just love the focus and attention on themselves.
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by rachel »

Have yet to watch this, but here's a comment from OffG.
I have however spent 2 hours this afternoon watching and listening to James Delingpole and Mike Yeadon re an interview in June, with very high quality and sound, which nearly changed my mind (at least I am thinking about it) that virus’s do not exist.

I wasn’t expecting this. I suggest you watch all it. Not just the bit about ivermectin – highly toxic from Team A “Ivermectin is “one of the most violent anti fertility toxins I’ve ever come across” – Dr Mike Yeadon

It was pushed on us jab refusers, as it’s a tool for genocide.

Always keep your wits about you, and beware cures for diseases that don’t exist”

Delingpole is Good, Yeadon is Brilliant
delingpod LIVE: Mike Yeadon
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Re: Mike Yeadon

Unread post by xileffilex »

yes, good interview. He says contagion is fake, nukes are fake. That's a good start. I wonder what the audience made of that.
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