The first thing I'd look at on 9/11 if it happened now

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The first thing I'd look at on 9/11 if it happened now

Unread post by SaiGirl »

From "Psyop detective".

The first thing I'd look at on 9/11 if it happened now:
It wouldn't have been hijackers, planes or buildings.

Instead, we should look at the “victims” and “survivors”.
With the help of “crisis actor” / “eyewitness” performances.

About two years into my study of 9/11 I came across the work of Simon Shack and Fakeologist who put forward the hypothesis that the death and injury were staged with documents showing the fabrication of a number of victims in the The Vicsim Report. While their work persuaded me that at least some death and injury was staged (and as I knew the airliner crashes were faked I knew the passenger deaths were also fake) I was still in thrall to some of the “real death and injury” propaganda put out by actors such as Bob McIlvaine, April Gallop and the Jersey Widows as well as the “people targeted in the buildings” propaganda from Jeremy Rys - had me totally fooled.

It wasn’t until 2018, when a video about William Rodriguez, alleged janitor in the North tower, randomly played on YouTube as I was getting ready for work, that the true nature of 9/11 and its False Dilemma propaganda strategy clicked. We were told William reported hearing highly incriminating explosions in the basement but at the same time that he’d received bravery awards for rescuing “hundreds” from the North tower. “Why would the government be rewarding someone saying things that incriminated them,” I wondered. And then it hit me. I had the extremely visceral sensation of being a dumb bull in the dark being yanked viciously by the nose-ring this way then that … but then I laughed. What a magic trick. They gave us two options: A - terrorists, B - US government (with a little help here and there) while the reality was neither A nor B but C - yes, rogue elements within US government responsible but they staged the death and injury (which isn’t to say that a few people weren’t targeted or killed or injured accidentally).
UNQUOTE ... -looked-at
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Re: The first thing I'd look at on 9/11 if it happened now

Unread post by DonPowell »

This doesn't quite fit the title. But it's similar. These are the charges of his suggested impeachment.

https://www. ... 58/text/ih
Impeaches President George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Sets forth articles of impeachment stating that President Bush, in violation of his oath of office:
(1) illegally spent public dollars on a secret propaganda program to manufacture a false cause for war against Iraq; (
2) misused intelligence reports to deceive Congress and the public about a connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda and the the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001;
(3) mislead Congress and the public into believing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and posed an imminent threat to the United States;
(4) illegally misspent funds to begin a war in secret prior to congressional authorization;
(5) invaded Iraq in violation of U.S. law, the United Nations Charter, and international criminal law and failed to obtain a declaration of war;
(6) failed to protect U.S. troops in Iraq by not providing them with body and vehicle armor and promoted false stories about the deaths and injuries of members of the U.S. military;
(7) used public funds to construct permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq;
(8) invaded Iraq to obtain control of its oil resources;
(9) created a secret task force to guide U.S. energy and military policy in usurpation of the role of Congress in legislating such policy;
(10) misused classified intelligence information and conspired to identify a covert agent of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);
(11) established policies granting U.S. government contractors in Iraq immunity from prosecution;
(12) recklessly misspent public dollars on private contractors in Iraq;
(13) detained U.S. citizens and foreign captives indefinitely and without charge;
(14) authorized torture of captives in Afghanistan and Iraq;
(15) kidnapped and transported individuals to countries known to practice torture;
(16) authorized the arrest and detention of at least 2,500 children as enemy combatants in violation of the Geneva Convention;
(17) mislead Congress and the public about threats from Iran;
(18) created secret laws through the issuance of legal opinions by the Department of Justice and violated the Posse Comitatus Act;
(19) authorized warrantless electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens;
(20) directed telecommunication companies to create databases of the private telephone numbers and emails of U.S. citizens;
(21) used signing statements to claim the right to violate laws enacted by Congress;
(22) failed to comply with congressional subpoenas and instructed former executive branch employees not to comply with such subpoenas;
(23) tampered with the conduct of free and fair elections and corrupted the administration of justice;
(24) conspired to violate the voting rights of U.S. citizens;
(25) pursued policies calculated to destroy the Medicare program;
(26) failed to prepare for the predictable disasters caused by Hurricane Katrina;
(27) mislead Congress and the public in an effort to undermine efforts to address global climate change; and
(28) failed to take proper steps to protect the United States against the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, obstructed investigations into such attacks, and recklessly endangered the health of first responders near the site of such attacks.
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