I am attempting to launch a fakeoligest merchandise shop.
I believe it has just gone live!
Below is a copy of the email I just sent to Ab.
Visit FakeOarts's shop, for cool artwork on awesome products! https://www.redbubble.com/people/FakeOa ... lore?asc=u
Hey Tim, I've stumbling through a merch shop set-up
I downloaded some graphics apps and threw some designs together.
I only really intend them to be place holders at the moment.
From here we can tweak things as desired.
I think it is live and operating!
It is linked to my account via PayPal at the moment. Ideally I'd like to run it with the money/account side going directly to you but I'm not sure if that can be done. ( I'm not looking to get any proceeds) a free fakeo hoodie would be fantastic
I have set the margin low at 10% as I thought the main aim is to get your advertising out there as cheap as possible, but we can bump it up any time.
At 10% mark up, it's around $3- aust on a t'shirt, so not much.
If you want to set-up one of your emails that links to me, I can take peoples questions and inputs, designs, catchphrases etc...
My handles are #Strangebird #Dirtybird #Andy.
I'm happy for you to use any/all of these.
There are lots of products available and I can tweak the image placement and size on each product. This takes forever if you try and do it for every product... so if anybody wants something strange like a shower curtain, and they want the image to be made bigger, or color changed etc, they can contact me and I can do it as necessary.
People could potentially send me a custom design that I could upload for them.
Cheers Tim, send me any thoughts or directions and we'll see how it goes.
Andy AKA Strangebird/Dirtybird
Ps. Hopefully I can give you the login details and at the very least you will have access to monitor the account etc...ie complete open book accounting!