FBI wallets

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FBI wallets

Unread post by rachel »

Not sure if the FBI realized this, but they doxxed their wallets.

Shortly after deployment, the wallet that seeded the FBI wallet deployed capital to multiple other wallets, making dozens of trades. FBI wallets own at least 75% of the token supply from what I can tell


From what I can tell, FBI-linked wallets have recently deposited to Tokenlon, Binance, Zixipay, and HTX.

Here is part of their portfolio if you want to copy trade. The FBI is long ETH



Wow, this case get even more insane

The FBI created their own coin called "The NexFundAI Token" and enlisted the services of the firms indicted to catch them

“The FBI took the unprecedented step of creating its very own cryptocurrency token and company to identify, disrupt, and bring these alleged fraudsters to justice.”

The NexFundAI Token was a cryptocurrency token created at the direction of law enforcement. NexFundAI operated on the Ethereum blockchain and was a security.

A wallet associated with the FBI currently owns 1.734B tokens of a coin called "Pornrocket"


They also own EthereumMax, BONE, and some other winners

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