Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

From Italy, graphics showing excess mortality published April 5
https://towardsdatascience.com/covid-19 ... 640f411691

Daily Spanish deaths by province [very fast data collection!] feeding into the EuroMoMo set
https://www.isciii.es/QueHacemos/Servic ... -2020.aspx

which strangely focus on the 65-74 age range, all other deaths are in the other two categories, <65 and >74....
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by rachel »

I thought I'd add some dataset links...


latest-deaths.png (96.98 KiB) Viewed 1980 times
latest deaths per country snapshot, usual suspects top


latest-cases.png (38.24 KiB) Viewed 1980 times
latest worldwide cases/deaths snapshot


latest-cases-wm.png (41.53 KiB) Viewed 1980 times
latest cumulative cases per country snapshot, epicentre USA, where does Bill Gates hail from?
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

From endcoronavirus.org
https://www.endcoronavirus.org/countrie ... kXgxZLsze4

New England Complex Systems Institute Inc.
277 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States

Seems to be a one man band, or no other names are mentioned
Outreach: Communicates with individuals, communities, and governments, providing guidelines for action.
Communications: Provides information throughout the world through newsletters and various social media platforms.
Response: Engaging in medical response innovation and facilitates deliveries of medical equipment and PPE to those in need.
Tech: Builds websites and apps to help track and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Scanning and Analytics: Discover, analyse, and present data related to COVID-19.

Graphics from most countries
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Finally, the New York Times has woken up to the rather odd statistics of all deaths through all the states of the USA
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/202 ... ll-us.html

What Is the Real Coronavirus Death Toll in Each State?
By Josh Katz, Denise Lu and Margot Sanger-Katz May 8, 2020

There is no analysis - merely restated data which we are already acquainted with, but with an emphasis on the possible lag in data submission.
However, if deaths are recorded without Covid on the certificate, then it''s not going to be added post-hoc. Once a high non-covid death rate is produced it can't be erased. However, these figures, even the 3-year average, all come from the CDC which has a dog in the fight and the NYT which produces the rest off its own bat... hmm. NYC produces its own figures....
Total death numbers are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus death numbers are from the New York Times database of reports from state and local health agencies and hospitals. Covid-19 deaths for New York City are from the city health department. Covid-19 deaths include both confirmed and probable deaths from the virus.

Expected deaths were calculated with a simple model based on the number of all-cause deaths from 2015 to 2019 released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adjusted to account for trends, like population changes, over time.

Excess death numbers are rounded.

Bar charts show what we already know.

To partially account for a lag in the C.D.C. mortality data, we added any Covid-19 deaths that have been recorded in The Times’s count, but that have not yet been added to the C.D.C. data, to the weekly figures for total deaths counted.

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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

A lovely Reuters scare story to keep the [Italian] Covid pot boiling - all totally unverifiable of course. Nice casket image [as if nobody ever dies in Italy...]
This from APRIL 5 - 6 weeks ago

Now they're trying to attach Covid to all the other non-"covid" deaths now that people are catching onto the strange spike in deaths at home, deaths in care homes of elderly people.

Exhibit 1 - a single story, unverifiable, of someone aged 78 [no other conditions mentioned] who dies at home after [get this] 11 days of frantic phone calls to get a doctor to visit.
In Lombardy..
scores are dying at home as symptoms go unchecked and that phone consultations are not always enough.
In Bergamo province alone, according to a recent study of death records, the real death toll from the outbreak could be more than double the official tally of 2,060, which only tracks hospital fatalities..... [because] ...doctors were swamped, lacked enough masks and suits to protect themselves from infection and were discouraged from making visits unless absolutely necessary.

A study by local newspaper L’Eco di Bergamo and research consultant InTwig, using data provided by local municipalities, estimates that 5,400 people died in the Bergamo province during the month of March, or six times more than a year ago.

Of these, it reckons that as many as 4,500 people succumbed to the coronavirus - more than double the official tally. This took into account 600 people who died in nursing homes and evidence provided by doctors, it said.
Pietro Zucchelli, director of the Zucchelli funeral home that serves several villages in the Seriana Valley around Bergamo, said over the past two weeks more than 50 percent of his job had been collecting bodies from people’s homes.
Before, most of the dead were in hospitals or nursing homes.
Reuters May 5 2020
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-heal ... SKBN22H0WH
The United Kingdom has overtaken Italy to report the highest official death toll from the new coronavirus in Europe,
but with no evidence, other than unverfiable statistics, that hearses are racing around picking up the dead from their homes.
According to Reuters calculations, the pandemic has resulted in at least 12,700 excess deaths in British care homes.
The data is single-sourced from the ONS.
ONS statistician Nick Stripe said excess deaths for the United Kingdom were running about 42,000 higher than average at this point in the year.
You don't need to be a statistician to read the ONS releases.
Carl Heneghan, professor of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University [said]

“Why are six countries disproportionately affected?” referring to a list dominated by Europe.
Yes, indeed: US, Italy, Spain, UK Belgium, France.... key hoax players in the past decades.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

Not a data set, but an egregious example of how Germany produced fear and panic among its population.

press summoned. emergency vehicles, always good for a photo-op, summoned. Emergency workers standing around bored, as usual in any psy-op.
Emergency cars and police are standing at the station in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 after a regional train with about 70 passengers was stopped on suspicion of a passenger having the coronavirus. (Sebastian Schmitt/dpa via AP)
As found on a <a href="https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/does-pani ... 28879">CTV page</a> on the same day, Feb 26
did somebody cough on the train?!

Job done. There's a bad pandemic rising.
Calling the COVID-19 epidemic a pandemic will increase alarm about the virus, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, says the author of a book about the psychology of pandemics.
[our friend Steven Taylor] Why so?
some degree of anxiety is a good, healthy thing because it will mobilize people to do things to protect themselves.”
like panic buying, wearing masks..
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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The Not So Novel Coronavirus

There is lots of evidence coming out that most people already had some natural immunity to COVID-19. Human immune systems are vastly more intelligent than most politicians and members of the press.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

I'd been meaning to return to Belgium, which nobody in the UK or North America seems to be questioning relating to their top of the table death rate from the "Covid-19 virus".

This is an interesting comparison, especially when the UK has advised against travel to Sweden but not Belgium...


Paul Yowell @pwyowell
Comparing the epidemic curve in Belgium (11.5m pop), which locked down early on 17 Mar, and Sweden (10.2m pop), with no lockdown. Chart depicts deaths by date of occurrence, with Sweden per capita adjusted. Total per million: Belgium (844); Sweden (547).
3:39 pm · 11 Jul 2020

And I suggest Sweden has a higher proportion of people over 75, say, than Belgium. Although from the graph, the "disease" seems almost to have died out in Belgium. I wonder how deaths are registered in Sweden - are the doctors there adding "with Coronavirus" even without a test, when it's presumed when an old person dies with one or other sympton.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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How the Canadian death spike was created - as I suspected -passive euthanasia of the elderly to get them off the books.
https://off-guardian.org/2020/05/26/wer ... n-purpose/

Follow-up interview of Rosemary Frei with James Corbett
June 16 [audio]
https://www.corbettreport.com/interview ... n-purpose/

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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

Unread post by xileffilex »

Super hit-job on Sweden from the NY Times' UK [yes!] economics correspondent - everything negative, of course, using figures supplied, not by Sweden, but by the WHO. No conflict of interest there.... no mention of different populations, different age structures compared with other countries, little in the way of economics. All this, no doubt, to keep the UK restricted until winter, when it's back to square 1.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/busi ... obal-en-GB

Sweden also has a much higher population than its neighbours - not mentioned - the figures are the usual WHO hotchpotch of "cases" and there are no doubt supine collaborators and WHO moles within the Swedish experiment.

sub take-home message - you're not bothered about catching the [non-existent] virus in Sweden because the state will look after you. Pathetic.
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