WTF is the purpose of these forums?

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WTF is the purpose of these forums?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

If fakenukesphil has never posted in the forums or even read any of the threads, then wtf is the point of it?

He can be the world's leading expert on the Third Reich and Nazis without ever reading a single page of "Mein Kamf" or "Inside the Third Reich" (Albert Speer) or any of the speeches made by Goebbels, Himmler, Goering, Heydrich (the most famous of the Nazi leaders) or even looking at the Nuremberg Laws on race and "race hygiene".

Confirmation bias needs no evidence.


How many people even read these forums or participate?

They don't need to read or post in Fakeologist Forums because they already have all the answers and aren't interested in learning or considering anything new.

Especially if it doesn't recognize the inherent superiority of ignorant caucasians.

Since the latter have no need to read or watch or hear anything new.
Because they have all the answers.
Because they are racially superior, right?
No matter how self-evidently ignorant or stupid they happen to be.

(Even if most Hispanics in this country fluently speak TWO languages, the "superior" Anglo-Americans ("white people") only need to know one language: American English.)

We get the message.
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Re: WTF is the purpose of these forums?

Unread post by petrodromu »

Why different mediums?

Ab Iratio offers many forms of communication for people to participate in as they see fit.

He does not ask everyone to be on forum, or everyone to be on Discord, or everyone to listen to his radio shows, or everyone to participate in Youtube Chat, Fakeotube Chat, or, or X/Twitter, or Discord, or Blog comments, or email, or to make the Wiki comprehensive and up to date, etc. In some ways, this does "spread people thin" and in other ways this "finds people on the formats that work for them".

You ask why "fakenukesphil" is not active on the forums. Have you asked him why? He has stated repeatedly IIRC that he was a relative "latecomer" of sorts to technology, computers, and the Internet, and fakeology; he seems to have a basic laptop or two; only in recent years has become a constant Bitchute-video-creator; maybe he has never been "used to" forum posting? As Ab says, people fall into habits. Perhaps, most of his time is spent working and making Bitchute videos?

The fallacies SaiGirl is talking about

The argument from ignorance fallacy says: I don't know much about it. I have never seen such evidence myself. I assume the evidence does not exist. I have not even looked that much into it, but I have looked a little and that should be enough. Therefore, it must not be the case. I am right, based on the smallness of what I know.

The simpleton's fallacy says: my uninformed perspective is just as valid as some other people's well-informed perspectives. I have every right to perspective as others do. My opinion is mine. I am right in my own mind. You cannot convince me with your fancy talk.

To avoid these fallacies

An exhaustive meta-review of all perspectives, given all of the available evidence, can be done.
Dave K.
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Re: WTF is the purpose of these forums?

Unread post by Dave K. »

I'm reading the forum. Keep up the good work Fakeologists!
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