Mary - God save the Queen

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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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I'm someone who knows nothing about Dan Brown other than he wrote some books and Tom Hanks starred in some films. I wasn't going to watch the films or read the books when I wasn't a Christian, and I'm certainly not going to waste my time with them now. But since I've reached the point of Mary Magdalene, and I know who she is now, I felt I had to pull up an interview of Dan to see if it indeed filled the bullshit bingo card I very much suspect it would.

The evolution of Dan Brown
1 Oct 2017
The author of the popular "Da Vinci Code" has been vilified by the Catholic Church. Though he claims not to be anti-religion, Dan Brown will surely face more controversy with his latest novel featuring Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, "Origin," in which God Himself is on the edge of extinction. Correspondent Tony Dokoupil visits Brown at home in New Hampshire, where his experiences at the prestigious prep school, Phillips Exeter Academy, shaped his life views.

I know your game, Dan. Riddle me another.


No need to hide the hand anymore, is there Dan? The gloves are off...or are they? I admit, it's mind-blowingly impressive the lengths and expense your corporation goes to to furnish the lie. But then again, if you know women...


I didn't watch all of that video, i knew what I'd find by the fact Tom Hanks starred in the films. I'm guessing they don't really fit Bill Murray's look.


Interesting placement of that chair back. I don't have to see what's behind it anymore, only the fact the thing I want to look at is behind it.

So let's get on to the video, because handily you put the punchline right up front, I guess because most people wouldn't be hanging around to listen to the rest of it, and you've got the get the programming in, I mean that's the whole point of you sitting there.

Let's choose a nice sea green colour.

"...The Vatican basically called all the Catholic Church and said you boycott this book, and you go and you preach the gospel and you say that Dan Brown is telling lies..."

Going with the Galileo script, I see. Perhaps the Vatican should drop the Trinity and also preach the gospel, hey Dan?

"...Religion does an enormous amount of good in the world..."

I'm glad you think so Dan, because I'm not so sure. Certainly it gives room for people like you to make a vast amount of money for the Vatican through books and films.

"...At the same time there are factions in every religion that take the metaphors and the myth of Scripture and they hold them up as literal fact..."

I was expecting you to start preaching the Gospel of the Vatican and you do not disappoint Dan.

"...and that is the danger of any philosophy or any religion."

The Gospel that can raise the dead is a danger, Dan. To whom?

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. — Matthew 10:28 KJV

I've worked it out, I think...which mean...

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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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Has Mary Magdalene finally been found in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel – and can you spot her? ... apel-hunt/


It goes on to say:
Sara Penco, an Italian art restorer, said her research suggested that a blonde woman in The Last Judgment artwork, who is depicted kissing a wooden cross held by a figure said to be Jesus Christ, was the famous female disciple.

This is the detail:


And the full context of that part of the painting:


Kind of reminds me of this arrangement, by Michelangelo:


And this is as seen on the Sistine Chapel...and the serpent seems to have the blond hair:


Which in turn has a call back to this, again by Michelangelo:

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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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I find it a bit strange that multiple people bears the name Mary since Magdala is just the place she's from. The explanation given is that it was the most common Jewish name for girls at the time. However, I don't believe that the Bible depicts historical events so if multiple people bear the same name for me, it was a choice. There must be some kind of relation between these women named Mary.
The Three Marys (also spelled Maries) are women mentioned in the canonical gospels' narratives of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.[1][2] Mary was the most common name for Jewish women of the period.
It made me think of the Three Graces from Raphael
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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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The name Mary originates from the Hebrew Miryam; and as noted earlier, Miryam is identified as Moses' sibling and is traditionally associated with the Torah description of the unnamed older sister observing baby Moses being placed in the Nile among the reeds (Exodus 2:4).
rachel wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:10 am Miriam (Hebrew: מִרְיָם Mīryām, lit. 'Rebellion') is described in the Hebrew Bible as the daughter of Amram and Jochebed, and the older sister of Moses and Aaron. She was a prophetess and first appears in the Book of Exodus.

Mary seems to have collected other meanings apart from the original above; notably, one from Egypt.
Usual English form of Maria, the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριάμ (Mariam) and Μαρία (Maria) — the spellings are interchangeable — which were from Hebrew מִרְיָם (Miryam), a name borne by the sister of Moses in the Old Testament. The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from mry "beloved" or mr "love".

I kind of like the "sea of bitterness", it fits with what I'm finding, and goes with the "well of Miriam" - see Miriam post. I also fancy it's the origin of sprinkling "Holy water", especially against demons.

Another thing of note; ever noticed the statues and artwork of Mary, they always depict a young woman...even when they are with a 33 year old dead son. I would suggest it's because they do not depict the woman who bore Christ Jesus, rather they are images of the woman we now know as Mary Magdalene.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Madeleine Mccann
Madeleine Mccann

But I'm sure the Church would confirm they all depict the "Mother of Jesus", and technically that's not a lie. They take their cue from the Bible, Jesus being the "Son of David".
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. - Mark 10:47 KJV


Notre Dame Cathedral unveils its new interior 5 years after devastating fire ... 909000cb02
Notre Dame’s rebirth from fire
One photo was taken just after the blaze that nearly destroyed Notre Dame. The other heralds its rebirth.
The photo on the left shows the debris that fell from the flaming roof on April 15, 2019, but somehow, almost miraculously [ :lol: ], left intact the golden cross of the altar.
The photo on the right, taken Friday, shows the same altar – but after more than 5 years of frenetic rebuilding work to restore the iconic monument to its former glory.
The outside of the cathedral is still a construction site, with scaffolding and cranes. But the inside is immaculate again. The gaping holes that the inferno tore in the ceilings are gone.


I see there is now a huge new alter that includes dismembered pieces of five dead people. Nice. That's what they do to you when they like you...imagine if they hate you.

And just as a reminder...

United Nations Meditation Room
United Nations Meditation Room

The question is, who are the two people depicted really?


The wounds suggest it's Jesus, but which Mary?...but I kind of think it is a call back to Adam and Eve.
And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. - Genesis 5:5 KJV
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Re: Mary - The Green Man

Unread post by rachel »

Just a reminder, because there are some truly fascinating connections. Let's back things up to Semiramis once more...
rachel wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 1:58 pm Semiramis named her son Damu (from the Sumerian "dam," or blood), which in the later Babylonian language became Dammuzi, in Hebrew Tammuz, and in Greek Adonis. Of course, Semiramis assumed the regency for her infant son, and ruled as absolute monarch for 42 more years. In order to avoid having to kill her son on the next New Year's Day, she instituted an annual nation-wide sports competition, the winner of which would have the "honor" of taking Damu's place and ascending into heaven to become a god.

Semiramis was not unopposed in her arrogation of the regency, however, or her rule as a woman. The military arm of the government was divided into two camps for and against her, and a short war ensued which ended when the populace (roused by the priesthood) not only refused to support the "rebels" but actively opposed them. In the course of this war, though, things became so close that Semiramis was forced to build a system of walls, towers, and gates around Babylon to defend herself. She was thus the first to build fortifications and her crown afterwards was in the form of the turreted walls of Babylon. To oppose the accusations of "mere" womanhood laid against her, she had herself deified as the mother of the god Damu (since only a god can beget a god), and installed as "The Queen of Heaven" pictured in the constellation Cassiopeia, which the ancients had intended as a corporate representation of those people faithful to God who will be enthroned by Him after the end of the age.

We can therefore make a link from Semiramis to the TOWER card in the Tarot deck.


MANIFEST LIKE A WHOA! ...Is that like a Doctor Who?


Metal: IRON, and the depiction of a TOWER being struck by a THUNDERBOLT.


And now to magically link Semiramis, "gift of the sea" to Mary Magdalene. ... lene-from/
Where was Mary Magdalene from?

According to early Christian tradition, the famous disciple of Jesus was from a town called Magdala, hence her name, Mary of Magdala. However, a place known as Magdala is never explicitly associated with Mary Magdalene in the Bible. Furthermore, the archaeological site known today as Magdala, about 4 miles north of Tiberias on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, was actually called Taricheae in the time of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. How then do we reconcile the archaeological and textual evidence with early Christian tradition?

In the Fall 2022 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Joan E. Taylor looks for answers to the seemingly trivial question: Where was Mary Magdalene from? Professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at the King’s College London, Taylor reviews the ancient literary and archaeological evidence for the location of Magdala. Her article, “Magdala’s Mistaken Identity,” also clarifies the historical identity of the archaeological site that many associate with Mary Magdalene in the Bible.

Indeed, many scholars argue that it is not at all clear that Mary’s biblical nickname (“the Magdalene”) means that she was from a place named Magdala. And although some early Christian authors claimed that Mary’s nickname indicated she was from a village called Magdala, they did not know where it was located.

It was only in the sixth century that Christian pilgrims began visiting the site north of Tiberias that we know today as Magdala (Migdal, in Hebrew). An expansive monastic complex developed around the site, and European pilgrims from the Byzantine to medieval periods describe visiting the site that included a church dedicated to Mary Magdalene.

Ancient Taricheae was an important port in the first centuries BCE and CE. The local synagogue had floors paved with mosaics, and featured a beautifully carved stone that may have been used to read the Torah.
Ancient Taricheae was an important port in the first centuries BCE and CE. The local synagogue had floors paved with mosaics, and featured a beautifully carved stone that may have been used to read the Torah.

The problem, however, is that archaeology and ancient texts show that today’s Magdala, which has recently been developed as a hotel and pilgrimage resort, was a prosperous trade center called Taricheae during the first centuries BCE and CE. It had a busy harbor, warehouses, extensive baths, and other public buildings. It also had at least two synagogues that served its 40,000 inhabitants.

Intriguingly, there were multiple towns or villages in Roman Palestine called Magdala, or Migdal. Meaning simply the tower,” such names were typically given to places associated with towers or fortifications. “Both in the Bible and in later Christian and rabbinic literature, we find many towns and locations named for towers: Migdal Eder (“Tower of the Flock”), Migdal Tsebayya (“Tower of the Dyers), and Migdal El (“Tower of God”), to name a few,” writes Taylor. She then goes on to argue that Migdal Nunayya, a small Jewish village on the immediate outskirts of ancient Tiberias (and about 3 miles south of today’s Magdala) seems to fit the profile. It was the only Magdala along the shores of the Sea of Galilee that would have been known in the first few centuries CE, and its name means “Tower of the Fish,” a possible reference to its fishing industry.

TOWER OF THE FISH...which takes us beck to AL-KHIDR, the Green Man...and from the non-Biblical GOSPEL OF THOMAS, where we get a link to Mary and gender-swapping.

114 Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

...And to bring the FISH symbolism back to the Vatican.

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Re: Mary - The Green Man

Unread post by rachel »

I might continue this thought into the next post...I've copied the text from the Al-Khidr video a few posts back, it's quite long. I wanted to explore what it states in more detail because we have a connection into Sufism, and I know this is what's at the core of the Baha'i Faith...therefore the United Nations.
Sayyidina Al-Khidr
Al-Khidr is an important figure in Sufism, regarded as a kind of angelic master capable of initiating the Sufi from the invisible world. Many exegetes considered Khidr to have been the mysterious individual whom God had given knowledge from His presence and who meets with Moses in the Quranic story recounted in Sura 18:61-83. Al-Khids appears at crucial moments and then he disappears, as a transcendent Entity not being involved in history. The same accounts are emphasized on the appearance of Melki-Tsedeq.

Muslim and Hindu traditions consider al-Khidr in close contact with the Spring of Life, defying Moses in the mysterious "the meeting place of two seas", which represents a confluence. A territory that can be reached "neither by land nor by sea". He is the representative of Cosmic Intelligence, formulating the law of our world, with renowned representatives of each generation. He is among those who guide people through the ages of history.

The Traditions tell that in a period of cyclical darkening, some central, spiritual functions begin to conceal (not necessarily extinguished), thus adjusting symbolically the mystery of occultation and the act of presence. This perpetuity of the functions over the centuries is nothing more than the mirroring of the eternity of the principles which they represent and sums them up in the world of generation and death.

Assuming the supra-human dimension, as a universal archetype, and of an essentially spiritual nature, Al-Khidr presents himself as the mediator between the divine realm and the human world, in a way similar to the angels. In special moments in the history of mankind, through Khidr's intervention, one or more individuals are said to have been chosen by Providence to receive a certain kind of instruction becoming the receptacles of Its mercy. These persons are believed to receive a most secret knowledge, pertaining to the intimate nature of the Most Sublime Principle. Thus, he who receives initiation and instruction from Khidr will himself be introduced into the transcendent order (Tanzih) which lies beyond time and space, allowing him to dominate over the immanent realm (Tashbih).

In this function as the spiritual agent of divinity, Khidr can play a double role: he appears as a 'spontaneous guide' conferring the type of initiation known as 'uwaysi' which takes its name from the Yemenite saint 'Uways al-Qarani, d.18/689, reputedly an intimate companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and an ardent follower of his message without ever meeting him physically), which is characterized by a sudden irruption, similar to 'a lightning out of blue sky', into the life of an individual. This type of spiritual rapture is known as jadhba and those saints who benefit from it are known as majdhub.

Alternatively and by far the most commonly encountered case in Sufi literature, Khidr appears in the role of the "most sublime teacher" or "master of masters" - Shaikh al-shuyukh. Those to whom he appears in an extraordinary vision (ru'ya) must regard his company as a great privilege, a sign of outstanding qualification and spiritual rank which, as al-Ghazali explains, remains an exclusive prerogative of "those who possess the heart" (arbab al-qalb). The sublime degree of esoteric realization attained to by these most sincere ones, leads them to "feel with purity of heart" and to "see with the eyes of the heart".

Let's go through some of the red highlights.

"An individual whom God had given knowledge"...this is where we should ask, 'which God?', because we can be certain it's not the God of Exodus 20:2 - "the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". - Instead, we are looking at the god who offered the prospect of the knowledge of good and evil.


From this, we understand anything that resembles the worship that was taking place in Egypt has nothing to do with the Lord God. But also, no matter how many fancy lights and rainbow coloured flags, Egypt is always a house of bondage.

"Muslim and Hindu traditions consider al-Khidr in close contact with the Spring of Life"...we saw in an earlier post a parallel with The Well of Jewish folk-religious tradition, Miriam's death was associated with there being no water for the congregation...that the rock Moses struck to bring forth water in Exodus 17:5–6 did not travel with the people after the death of Miriam.

A "period of cyclical darkening, some central, spiritual functions begin to conceal"...I have come to the conclusion everything about this realm tells us about the Creator and the war that took place in heaven, and that is still ongoing on earth. In tracing the concealed origin of Semiramis', it all begins to connect...the reason for the cycles of the Moon, and the notion of the death and rebirth of the Phoenix....looking rather like a Liverbird in this image.

A depiction of a phoenix by Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1806)
A depiction of a phoenix by Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1806)

It says the "mediator between the divine realm and the human world, in a way similar to the angels"...I think that should be Mediatrix, or should I say 'MEDIA-TRIX', because that's where we are. But interestingly, rather than going with the usual Catholic stated Virgin Mary, Co-Redeemer, Pope Francis says something more in line with where I am, dated April 6, 2021.
Recently, Pope Francis declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the one “to whom Jesus entrusted us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as goddess, not as co-redeemer (non come dea, non come corredentrice): as Mother.” This comment generated much controversy in the Catholic world since one of Mary’s traditional titles is “Co-Redemptrix.”

I concur with Pope Francis' statement, it's just unclear to me whether Mary is to be trusted...wherever she is, she causes death and destruction. Looking at it from the Al-Khidr statement, angels are created eternal beings, so it's true he would be classed as similar to them.

And then we get onto all the tedious "Most Sublime" language of Freemasonry. And since we are on Freemasonry, let's pull up the Baphomet. She is a stylised version of Semiramis, just as the male form of Sayyidina Al-Khidr is.


I don't know the official symbolism, but I can make an educated guess regarding each item, because I know who the Baphomet represents. So we start with transgenderism...let's be clear, this is a female pretending to be/taking the nature of a male. I'm guessing the light and dark moon is the periods of cyclical darkening previously mentioned. The pentagram points to Venus, the morning star. The Fire, Adam's life passed down through the ages. We have a lightening rod alluding to Semiramis' fortified towers. The goat's head is probably a mask and related to the underworld and man-made channels leading to the sea. The hoofed feet are not what you think...likely they point to foot binding, the stories told about the practice, utter nonsense. And then we have the serpent representing the knowledge of good and evil.

Example of the Fütbinden foot binding
Example of the Fütbinden foot binding

To finish off, we have the idea of illumination with 'a lightning out of blue sky', again pointing to the tower/temple and the harnessing of atmospheric electricity, which Nimrod and his wife Semiramis clearly intended to do when building the Tower of Babel, the Star Wars Death Star of its day...take it away Napoleon.

And finally; to "see with the eyes of the heart"...I must be enlightened, because I know in my heart I am right about this stuff. I'll continue the Al-Khidr text in my next post.
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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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It's true that Mary looks quite young in that depiction found in Notre-Dame.

The part about Semiramis seems very speculative, a tower is a very rudimentary defense edifice, it's as old as trees. We all know the story of the Tower of Babel, to me, it's just symbolic, building an actual tower won't get you anywhere. Maybe you could harness power with your tower but that's a very material interpretation imo.

About the Michelangelo's Adam and Eve painting, it appears that the serpent interrupted something.. it looks like the two blokes were having some fun time
In the music video "Born to die" from Lana Del Rey, there is a part that reminded me a little bit of the statue mentioned before. She's assimilated to the figure of Christ and it is shown by the cross she's wearing when she's dead. Everything would be gender inverted but the dude basically drive her to her death in his car (if we view the car as the world, it may seem like an extreme extrapolation but there are only 2 people in that clip), he's like the matrix in a sense.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 08-28-08 Lana Del Rey - Born To Die - YouTube.png

I'm not sure if she also says "want to die" when she says "we were born to die" but there is something weird going on, anyway, want it or not we will die.
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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

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Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 12-04-34 (1) Lana Del Rey - Born To Die - YouTube.png
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Re: Mary - God save the Queen

Unread post by rachel »

I lost interest at this point.

Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 15.38.53.png

The guy is not a guy...and he doesn't have tattoos.
The woman is not a women...

...She'd fall over.

So a cross-dress of a cross-dress?

The thing is because you dismiss the actual contents of the Bible, you don't realise how bang on the money this reality is with regards to it. I've come to the conclusion, it's the same author.
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