I might continue this thought into the next post...I've copied the text from the
Al-Khidr video a few posts back, it's quite long. I wanted to explore what it states in more detail because we have a connection into Sufism, and I know this is what's at the core of the Baha'i Faith...therefore the United Nations.
Sayyidina Al-Khidr
Al-Khidr is an important figure in Sufism, regarded as a kind of angelic master capable of initiating the Sufi from the invisible world. Many exegetes considered Khidr to have been the mysterious individual whom God had given knowledge from His presence and who meets with Moses in the Quranic story recounted in Sura 18:61-83. Al-Khids appears at crucial moments and then he disappears, as a transcendent Entity not being involved in history. The same accounts are emphasized on the appearance of Melki-Tsedeq.
Muslim and Hindu traditions consider al-Khidr in close contact with the Spring of Life, defying Moses in the mysterious "the meeting place of two seas", which represents a confluence. A territory that can be reached "neither by land nor by sea". He is the representative of Cosmic Intelligence, formulating the law of our world, with renowned representatives of each generation. He is among those who guide people through the ages of history.
The Traditions tell that in a period of cyclical darkening, some central, spiritual functions begin to conceal (not necessarily extinguished), thus adjusting symbolically the mystery of occultation and the act of presence. This perpetuity of the functions over the centuries is nothing more than the mirroring of the eternity of the principles which they represent and sums them up in the world of generation and death.
Assuming the supra-human dimension, as a universal archetype, and of an essentially spiritual nature, Al-Khidr presents himself as the mediator between the divine realm and the human world, in a way similar to the angels. In special moments in the history of mankind, through Khidr's intervention, one or more individuals are said to have been chosen by Providence to receive a certain kind of instruction becoming the receptacles of Its mercy. These persons are believed to receive a most secret knowledge, pertaining to the intimate nature of the Most Sublime Principle. Thus, he who receives initiation and instruction from Khidr will himself be introduced into the transcendent order (Tanzih) which lies beyond time and space, allowing him to dominate over the immanent realm (Tashbih).
In this function as the spiritual agent of divinity, Khidr can play a double role: he appears as a 'spontaneous guide' conferring the type of initiation known as 'uwaysi' which takes its name from the Yemenite saint 'Uways al-Qarani, d.18/689, reputedly an intimate companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and an ardent follower of his message without ever meeting him physically), which is characterized by a sudden irruption, similar to 'a lightning out of blue sky', into the life of an individual. This type of spiritual rapture is known as jadhba and those saints who benefit from it are known as majdhub.
Alternatively and by far the most commonly encountered case in Sufi literature, Khidr appears in the role of the "most sublime teacher" or "master of masters" - Shaikh al-shuyukh. Those to whom he appears in an extraordinary vision (ru'ya) must regard his company as a great privilege, a sign of outstanding qualification and spiritual rank which, as al-Ghazali explains, remains an exclusive prerogative of "those who possess the heart" (arbab al-qalb). The sublime degree of esoteric realization attained to by these most sincere ones, leads them to "feel with purity of heart" and to "see with the eyes of the heart".
Let's go through some of the red highlights.
"An individual whom God had given knowledge"...this is where we should ask, 'which God?', because we can be certain it's not the God of
Exodus 20:2 -
"the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". - Instead, we are looking at the god who offered the prospect of the knowledge of good and evil.
From this, we understand anything that resembles the worship that was taking place in Egypt has nothing to do with the Lord God. But also, no matter how many fancy lights and rainbow coloured flags, Egypt is always a house of bondage.
"Muslim and Hindu traditions consider al-Khidr in close contact with the Spring of Life"...we saw in an earlier post a parallel with
The Well of Miriam...in Jewish folk-religious tradition, Miriam's death was associated with there being no water for the congregation...that the rock Moses struck to bring forth water in
Exodus 17:5–6 did not travel with the people after the death of Miriam.
"period of cyclical darkening, some central, spiritual functions begin to conceal"...I have come to the conclusion everything about this realm tells us about the Creator and the war that took place in heaven, and that is still ongoing on earth. In tracing the concealed origin of Semiramis', it all begins to connect...the reason for the cycles of the Moon, and the notion of the death and rebirth of the
Phoenix....looking rather like a Liverbird in this image.
- A depiction of a phoenix by Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1806)
It says the
"mediator between the divine realm and the human world, in a way similar to the angels"...I think that should be
Mediatrix, or should I say 'MEDIA-TRIX', because that's where we are. But interestingly, rather than going with the usual Catholic stated Virgin Mary, Co-Redeemer, Pope Francis says something more in line with where I am, dated April 6, 2021.
Recently, Pope Francis declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the one “to whom Jesus entrusted us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as goddess, not as co-redeemer (non come dea, non come corredentrice): as Mother.” This comment generated much controversy in the Catholic world since one of Mary’s traditional titles is “Co-Redemptrix.”
I concur with Pope Francis' statement, it's just unclear to me whether Mary is to be trusted...wherever she is, she causes death and destruction. Looking at it from the Al-Khidr statement, angels are created eternal beings, so it's true he would be classed as similar to them.
And then we get onto all the tedious
"Most Sublime" language of Freemasonry. And since we are on Freemasonry, let's pull up the
Baphomet. She is a stylised version of Semiramis, just as the male form of Sayyidina Al-Khidr is.
- Baphomet
I don't know the official symbolism, but I can make an educated guess regarding each item, because I know who the Baphomet represents. So we start with transgenderism...let's be clear, this is a female pretending to be/taking the nature of a male. I'm guessing the light and dark moon is the periods of cyclical darkening previously mentioned. The pentagram points to Venus, the morning star. The Fire, Adam's life passed down through the ages. We have a lightening rod alluding to Semiramis' fortified towers. The goat's head is probably a mask and related to the underworld and man-made channels leading to the sea. The hoofed feet are not what you think...likely they point to
foot binding, the stories told about the practice, utter nonsense. And then we have the serpent representing the knowledge of good and evil.
- Example of the Fütbinden foot binding
To finish off, we have the idea of illumination with
'a lightning out of blue sky', again pointing to the tower/temple and the harnessing of
atmospheric electricity, which Nimrod and his wife Semiramis clearly intended to do when building the
Tower of Babel, the Star Wars Death Star of its day...
take it away Napoleon.
And finally; to
"see with the eyes of the heart"...I must be enlightened, because I know in my heart I am right about this stuff. I'll continue the Al-Khidr text in my next post.