The Great Secret of Islam [Ebook]

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The Great Secret of Islam [Ebook]

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

I've watched a few presentations in French from the author of this book and I skimmed through some sections of the English book.

Honestly, I'm sharing this because I found some of the ideas exposed interesting but my knowledge of Islam is close to zero so you are warned.
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 10-05-58 the-great-secret-of-islam-pdf-edition.pdf.png
the pdf of the book: ... dition.pdf

about the author Odon Lafontaine:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 10-25-50 the-great-secret-of-islam-pdf-edition.pdf.png
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Re: The Great Secret of Islam [Ebook]

Unread post by rachel »

I was looking up the burial place of Muhammad just randomly. Talk about tall stories. Are you into tiny houses? Well Muhammad was.

Beautiful tiny house | House design 6m x 5m
23 Aug 2022
Today I want Sharing Tiny House Design concept
House Design (Bungalows Type) 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom.

Free floor plan with dimension available in the video!
3D Exterior interior Presentation of a Tiny house design
House Design idea: 6m x 5m
Full size: 9.4m x 5m
Total Floor: 45sqm

Muhammad had 11 wives in total, though only so many at once - the following is actually quite a good site on his wives as it discusses the discrepancy in stated ages. ... t_Marriage

Apparently the law said no more than four living wives at once, until Muhammad had a divine revelation that told him he didn't have to actually stick to that. Anyway, at some point he set up all his living in tiny houses on a plot, and would alternate sleeping in each wife's dwelling on a calendar rotation.

I don't know if all his wives tiny houses were 6m x 5m, but Aisha's was. Aisha is notable for a number of reasons, the main one, she was betrothed to Muhammad aged six, and their marriage was consummated when she was aged nine. But when one hears about Muhammad's death, that's when we really get into tall story territory. Because when Muhammad died, aged 63 (it would be wouldn't it). The rotation put him in Aisha's tiny house. He died with his head on her lap in her living room. And guess what, because of whacky Islamic custom, he was buried there, in the living room of her tiny house where she continued to live.


But it gets better, because when Aisha's father, Abu Bakr died, he was buried next to Muhammad in the living room of her tiny house. Do we think you can only fit two dead bodies in a tiny house?...That would be a 'no'...because when the successor to Muhammad died, Umar, he was buried next to Aisha's father who was buried next to Muhammad, in the living room of the tiny house which Aisha continued to live in for the rest of her life.

Umar's corpse was not family, unlike her dead husband Muhammad and her dead father Abu Bakr, this meant she put up a partition between her bed and the graves in the living room of her tiny house, and she would dress in a hijab every time she went into her living room because Umar's corpse was not allowed to see her without the veil even though he was dead....and apparently that's considered noble and not insane.


No wonder Muslims don't like people talking about Muhammad. I got all that information from this video. And at the end you'll get to see the layers of buildings that are inside the Green Dome.

Grave and Tomb of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ inside Masjid Nabawi in Madinah

So now you know what's said to be inside this...

The green dome of Masjid al Nabawi in Madinah under which the Prophet Muhammed is buried Saudi Arabia
The green dome of Masjid al Nabawi in Madinah under which the Prophet Muhammed is buried Saudi Arabia
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