Movie nature of 911

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Re: Movie nature of 911

Unread post by rachel »

Has anyone checked how different an angle it is?

Not being straight in the first instance, not a good sign.
2 days ago (edited)
I have re uploaded this video as the comments were starting to get out of hand. My intention of uploading this video is for archival purposes and not due to any political motive or to promote hatred. I ask people to please be courteous in the comments.
1 day ago
Did you change something with the sound, I can not hear the explosions anymore around 55:50-55 I heard shortly before tower 2 fell, so clearly on the video you deleted apparently? This is the same video with same sound, also enhanced to 4K as u mentioned yesterday? Don't worry about the comments, that's normal on this topic ;-)

15 hours ago
That's probably why it was reuploaded. The problem wasn't the comments getting out of hand. It was what they were noticing.
Never forget... mass deception = mass profits.

4 hours ago
@coolnamebro As another comment pointed out, you are correct. I have noticed that as the video progresses there is a sync issue which is making the audio drift out of sync by a few seconds. The long video is not AI upscaled. I don't know if this is a YouTube issue or some technical glitch. If you are adamant about me being some kind of fraudster, I guess nothing I say will satisfy you, but I swear that I am just an average citizen with a regular job, living a regular life, running an aspiring YouTube channel as a hobby. I am NOT involved in any conspiracy. I really hope that I don't need to keep defending myself from all of these claims of my intentions, and crazy accusations.

Somebody helpfully gave some timestamps.
2 days ago
@ about 15:50 u can see what looks like a person falling from building in space between both towers
@ 17:40 can see another person falling in front of left side tower
@ 18:00 a 3rd person falling from right side tower
@ 27:27 1st tower ( left side ) starts to collapse
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Judy Wood and DEWs: a quick and simple debunk

Unread post by SaiGirl »

7. In summary:

Anything presented that supports the DEWs hypothesis can easily be assigned the category of “propaganda” - fake imagery, fake seismographic data (if indeed it supports it), fake witness claims, etc. There is nothing that can be relied on that favours the DEWs hypothesis. Note: supposed evidence of DEWs in Hawaii has also been debunked by Agent131711.

No high rise steel frame building has ever been brought down by any method other than controlled demolition using explosives as far as we know.

CDI was clearly involved in 9/11 and achieved world records in large demolition projects using standard methods in the three years prior. ... and-simple
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Building implosions in the movie "Godzilla!"

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Close examination of the special effects in the classic monster film “Godzilla!”

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