Carry on going along with the lies...everyone dies.
Yes, I like that one...this is another podcast episode from Sarah Plumley, it's not really fakeology, but it is a gauge on how much of what we hear is propaganda. Also she does mention the usual 911 bullet points.
Ep. 96 || The Plumley Pod || TRANSlation of the Classics
October 20, 2024
What will happen if, in the future, only those with horrifying agendas are able to TRANSlate the classics?
It's already happening and I'm right in the thick of it!
The Bell End: ... ll-1156557
Education, not indoctrination.
Sarah is talking about the experience she is having signing up for a Masters degree. She's a head teacher in her daytime job, and was interested to find out if UK universities are really as bad as the alternative media suggest. So the first thing she finds out, there is a unit about zombies on her course...she can't think why. But here's a clue regarding the likely fascination...from the twitter account that claims to be Neil Ferguson.
rachel wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 8:29 pm
This is Neil Ferguson's third tweet: "
Am Zombie expert now - see" on Aug 18, 2009 at 4:02 PM.
Linking to a BBC Radio 4 Today section on infectious diseases versus zombie attacks where Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson is interviewed. The conclusion we subconsciously draw, this is a real guy with a real life.
The infectious nature of zombies
Page last updated at 07:13 GMT, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 08:13 UK
Mathematical researchers from Canada have tried to model the epidemiology of a Zombie apocalypse in an attempt to understand the spread of infectious diseases.
Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, discusses whether there is a useful comparison between zombies and swine flu.
Also, Sarah says the introduction to the classics module was her lecturer banging on about the murder of the JOKE-OX by a far-right extremest. So that gives me an excuse to post up the next bit...add a little bit of fakeology to the mix.
The following image was used by the MSM in the run-up to the EU Referendum after the fake murder of JOKE. It was used to paint TO-MASS-MARE as a supporter of the state asset pretend right-wing extremist association (now political party) as a BRITAIN FIRST member. BF is clearly state-run, because just like Nigel Farage, it folded into non-activity as soon as the Referendum was over; only to pop back up when the media has a far-right extremist story to bang on about, else when there is an election.
So, the guy in the middle is claimed to be Tommy being racist. That's what all the social media went with days before the Referendum vote in an attempt to bully people into voting Remain.
The problem with this image, well there are quite a few, but the main problem that can't be argued the toss about, there are two sets of feet that don't actually have heads...therefore the image has been doctored. Tommy himself appears to have his arm stretched out, yet the hand we would expect to see is not there.
It gets better though...if you had visited Britain First's website at the time of the Referendum, this was one of the pages published talking about 26 mosques. There are five chaps standing outside a couple of them holding a BRITAIN FIRST sign. The quality of these pictures means it's impossible to know if they are all genuine, but the shadows that can be seen are not inconsistent to them actually being there. ... -bradford/
As well as the mosques, two of the chaps are seen talking to a Muslim at a stand. Amongst these pictures is one allegedly showing Tommy turned towards the Muslim, pointing. This is the image above with the two missing heads. But can we work out who those missing heads belong to? And the answer is yes we can. We just have to look at the sequence of events shown in the other pictures and put them in a likely order, and it tells us whose feet they are.
So two chaps are talking to the Muslim, and if we check out the headless feet, even though we can't confirm the brown shoes on the guy in the green coat in the other pictures, we can see the trousers match. And the feet are in the right area if that image was taken at the same time as the other pictures in the series.
So brown-shoe guy is not in the picture with Tommy, so maybe they just removed his head for some reason, and that's the sum total of the edits? ...No, we still have the other set of feet, and we know the other headless guy is wearing a black top as well as black trousers and white sports shoes. From the sequence of images, we see the guy with the white sports shoes and moustache is standing in roughly the correct area, and if we look carefully, we see the top, trousers and feet are a match.

We can conclude from this the people holding the sign aren't really there...because moustache guy's feet are in the image twice. That means TO-MASS-MARE wasn't there, and there is no proof he had any connection with BRITAIN FIRST; particularly because if they had a real image, why didn't they post that up instead?...And this was apparently the image that cemented Tommy as a far-right extremist. And just think about that. BRITAIN FIRST put up an doctored image on their own site to incriminate someone who would then be part of the fake murder of an I say, the answer to the why is...BRITAIN FIRST IS A STATE ASSET.
Also, look at the guy walking towards us; mentally remove the blokes with the sign. Compare the two. Do you see he wouldn't be approaching at that angle if the one on the end was really there, because he's going to walk into him, and it's not like he's not looking where he's going; rather, there was no one in front of him when the picture was taken.
If you noticed above, there is an image of someone rolling up what looks like the banner just off shot. But if we look at the Muslim's information stand, we can actually guess what the banner was actually being used for. Again from the Britain First site.
So we can conclude both sets of people had an information stand in that area some time leading up to the Referendum vote. And likely one of the other pictures of them standing holding the sign in front of a mosque was used to create that image that allegedly show Tommy with them in that location. Tommy didn't feature anywhere else on the BRITAIN FIRST website at the time, I checked, and he was fraudulently pasted into that image we see above.
Let's see what Britain First is currently up to...oh it's CAPITALISM, CAPITALISM, CAPITALISM...any excuse to earn some money by state actors.