Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

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This is one worth knowing and is relevant to all common law jurisdictions. ... n-1765.php
Entick v Carrington [1765] EWHC KB J98

Summary: An individual’s rights over their property

On 11th November 1762 the defendant and three other named individuals entered a property belonging to the claimant and spent four hours there searching all of the rooms, breaking open boxes and going through all of the claimant’s possessions. They then removed one hundred charts and one hundred pamphlets from the property. The defendants asserted that they were lawfully entitled to enter the property because they were doing so under a warrant from Lord Halifax, who was a member of the Privy Council and Secretary of State, with a view to finding certain seditious papers and that such warrants had been granted and enforced since the time of the revolution. The claimant sued in trespass.

The issue in this circumstance was whether the defendants were trespassing when on the claimant’s land, but ultimately the issue related to whether a private individual’s right to protect their land was greater than the executive’s right to enter it.

It was held that the defendants were trespassing on the claimant’s land. An individual has the right to prevent access to his land to anybody unless the access is granted by the law. It is only if the law permits an agent of the state to do something on the land of an individual that they will be able to do so. If the law is silent, any entry onto the land is a trespass. The state is therefore subject to the same position on trespass as would be the case for an individual. Any entry onto land without licence of the land owner is forbidden.
Entick v Carrington [1765] EWHC KB J98 is a leading case in English law and UK constitutional law establishing the civil liberties of individuals and limiting the scope of executive power. The case has also been influential in other common law jurisdictions and was an important motivation for the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It is famous for the dictum of Lord Camden: "If it is law, it will be found in our books."

On 11 November 1762, the King's Chief Messenger, Nathan Carrington, and three other King's messengers, James Watson, Thomas Ardran, and Robert Blackmore, broke into the home of the Grub Street writer John Entick (1703?–1773) in the parish of St Dunstan, Stepney "with force and arms". Over the course of four hours, they broke open locks and doors and searched all of the rooms before taking away 100 charts and 100 pamphlets, causing £2,000 of damage (equivalent to £317,588 in 2021). The King's messengers were acting on the orders of Lord Halifax, newly appointed Secretary of State for the Northern Department, "to make strict and diligent search for ... the author, or one concerned in the writing of several weekly very seditious papers entitled, The Monitor, or British Freeholder".

Entick sued the messengers for trespassing on his land.

The trial took place in Westminster Hall presided over by Lord Camden, the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Carrington and his colleagues claimed that they acted on Halifax's warrant, which gave them legal authority to search Entick's home; they therefore could not be liable for the tort. However, Camden held that Halifax had no right under statute or under precedent to issue such a warrant and therefore found in Entick's favour. In the most famous passage Camden stated:
  • The great end, for which men entered into society, was to secure their property. That right is preserved sacred and incommunicable in all instances, where it has not been taken away or abridged by some public law for the good of the whole. The cases where this right of property is set aside by private law, are various. Distresses, executions, forfeitures, taxes etc are all of this description; wherein every man by common consent gives up that right, for the sake of justice and the general good. By the laws of England, every invasion of private property, be it ever so minute, is a trespass. No man can set his foot upon my ground without my licence, but he is liable to an action, though the damage be nothing; which is proved by every declaration in trespass, where the defendant is called upon to answer for bruising the grass and even treading upon the soil. If he admits the fact, he is bound to show by way of justification, that some positive law has empowered or excused him. The justification is submitted by the judges, who are to look into the books; and if such a justification can be maintained by the text of the statute law, or by the principles of common law. If no excuse can be found or produced, the silence of the books is an authority against the defendant, and the plaintiff must have judgment.
Hence Lord Camden ruled, as later became viewed as a general principle, that the state may do nothing but that which is expressly authorised by law, while the individual may do anything but that which is forbidden by law.

The judgment established the limits of executive power in English law: the state may act lawfully only in a manner prescribed by statute or common law.

It was also part of the background to the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and was described by the Supreme Court of the United States as "a 'great judgment', 'one of the landmarks of English liberty', 'one of the permanent monuments of the British Constitution', and a guide to an understanding of what the Framers meant in writing the Fourth Amendment".

The importance of Entick v Carrington in limiting the ability of law enforcement to only act within the law was recognised in the post-Brexit decision of the EU to allow data sharing between the UK and EU. ... is_allowed
"Everything which is not forbidden is allowed" is a legal maxim. It is the concept that any action can be taken unless there is a law against it. It is also known in some situations as the "general power of competence" whereby the body or person being regulated is acknowledged to have competent judgement of their scope of action.

The opposite principle "everything which is not allowed is forbidden" states that an action can only be taken if it is specifically allowed.

A senior English judge, Sir John Laws, stated the principles as: "For the individual citizen, everything which is not forbidden is allowed; but for public bodies, and notably government, everything which is not allowed is forbidden." Legal philosopher Ota Weinberger put it this way: "In a closed system in which all obligations are stated explicitly the following inference rules are valid: (XI) Everything which is not forbidden is allowed".
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Re: Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

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If you like common law and court judgements.
This is regarding people bandying about the terms racist and paedophile.


Case and judgement
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Re: Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

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Teachers in New York City, who were fired for refusing to comply with COVID vaccine mandates, must be given their jobs back and awarded full backpay, a State Supreme Court Judge has ruled. ... -declining
10 NYC Teachers Fired for Declining Covid Vaccination Get Their Jobs Back with Back Pay
7 SEPT 2023

Today Judge Ralph Porzio ruled that 10 out of 17 plaintiffs in the DiCapua v. City of New York case should report to work tomorrow, reinstated with all of our seniority and ordered backpay. He ruled that the religious exemptions that were denied to us are now granted. The case is backed by Children’s Health Defense and would have never made it to court without the support and vision of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Over 100 people came to be part of a non-denominational prayer vigil that convened right before the hearing. Pictured above are those 100+ people entering the courthouse.

Judge Porzio denied 5 of the plaintiffs because they have already returned to their jobs, but 3 were denied because he claimed they did not “exhaust” the full administrative process to obtain a religious exemption. Our attorney Sujata Gibson disagrees with this interpretation of the facts and is likely to challenge this specific decision.

The request for certification of a class action lawsuit was denied largely because Judge Porzio said the class requested was too broad, however this leaves wide open the possibility of making a new request for a more narrow class action. Our attorneys are discussing various strategies in terms of how to move forward to receive relief for all who have been impacted.

This is a very, very positive decision and step in the right direction for all of us. The 10 plaintiffs who were reinstated with backpay today have been fighting in court since September or 2021; almost 2 years to the day.

This is only the beginning. Please subscribe to this substack to receive legal updates regarding cases supporting NYC workers fired for declining covid vaccination, especially teachers, educators and workers with NYC Schools.

Download the judge’s 22 page decision on link.

You might think I'm high-fiving about the religious exemption. I'm not, because the central pillar of the New World Order is the New World Religion; so this would be an expected win for some but not for others as it turned out to be. According to the definition of a Christian as defined by the Ecumenical Movement, I am not a Christian, because I believe what the Bible defines as God and not what the Council of Nicea does. Therefore at some theoretical future date when I make a claim, I will likely be denied because I'm not a Christian according to the ancient and accepted rite. This argument is why Rome spent much of its time during the middle ages burning Christians as heretics rather than bothering its arse to spread the Gospel.
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Re: Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

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As the U.K.’s Only Headteacher to Question Vaccinating and Masking Children I Was Investigated by Counter-Terrorism Agencies ... -agencies/ ... 5073438149

My latest article for The Daily Sceptic:

"Instead of monitoring actual terrorists, the U.K.’s shadowy disinformation units, in liaison with the intelligence agencies and Big Tech, monitored people like me. My ‘offence’ on one occasion was saying that “Children have wonderful immune systems” and “As a headteacher, I have a legal duty to safeguard children against harm”.

At the same time, psychological nudge units were employed by the U.K. Government to encourage the public to view anyone who questioned the Government as an extremist.

Members of the public, who had been evangelised by the now debunked ‘safe and effective’ mantra set about hunting down those who questioned Government pandemic policy – often reporting them to their employers and unleashing what I have described as Britain’s unofficial social credit system. In other words, seeking to punish them via the complaints process and cancel culture.

This Chinese Communist-style censorship and self-censorship by vast numbers of the population allowed ever more extreme policies to go unchallenged and unchecked. For example, the Government announcing that a child would not require parental consent to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Or the Government ignoring the advice of the JCVI and pushing ahead with the rollout for children.

Didn’t the 77th Brigade and the like have any real terrorists and extremists to go after?

Lawful free speech is the foundation of a healthy democracy. We should encourage debate and lawful free speech on all matters. Particularly when it comes to safeguarding children against harm. The Covid pandemic appears to have hindered open debate and people now self-censor out of fear of reprisals.

My court case is therefore one which I am fighting for everyone within the workplace, regardless of their background, belief or views. Employers should not be emboldened to silence the lawful opinions of those they disagree with.

I have brought my claim in the employment tribunal with the support of the Free Speech Union and leading civil liberties barrister Paul Diamond. Paul was the barrister in the famous ‘British Airways Cross’ case and other high profile cases.

I have also enjoyed the support of the Telegraph on their Planet Normal podcast with Allison Pearson and Liam Hannigan recently getting behind me.

This legal battle raises substantive issues of freedom of speech and of the state suppressing opposing views – something which we should all be concerned about and actively resisting"

From the article:
My employer (East Sussex County Council) commissioned three investigations into me for publicly sharing my opinion about the rollout to children. This is despite me expressing my lawful views in a moderate and calm manner and within my own time.

The last investigation into me followed a whistleblowing complaint under Prevent. Prevent is part of the U.K. Government’s overall counter-terrorism strategy. I was also reported to the Department for Education’s Counter Extremism Division. This is because questioning Government policy on Covid was regarded as a form of extremism by the complainants.

I was cleared of all allegations of wrongdoing in relation to my right to lawful free speech following each of the independent investigations. I was also cleared by the Counter Extremism Division. This is because I have a right to lawful free speech within the U.K. Nonetheless, my employer said that I could be repeatedly investigated in the future if the same complaint was raised. This was clearly a deliberate attempt to silence ‘disapproved of views’ using the complaints procedure.
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Re: Constitutional Law & Common Law jurisdiction

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I was trying to think where to stick this, and as it covers aspects of law. It was on Richard Halls site. I found it quite interesting. ... t=1&gen=99

Dr Shiva (Shatter the Swarm)
This production is not a Richplanet video, but is important because it explains how the internet and internet platforms are now fully infiltrated by governments and various billionaire henchmen. As the mainstream media has become less and less trusted and irrelevant, social media is now being controlled surreptitiously by a hidden network. Controlled opposition "characters" have been rolled out to mop up and steer internet based audiences in order to continue to mould and control public opinion, which used to be done using mainstream media. The establishment have moved into and infiltrated internet platforms and created anti establishment impersonators. They are attacking free speech on the internet from multiple directions, firstly with new legislation such as the "Online Harms" bill (top down visible attack), and secondly by nefarious infiltration of Twitter and other platforms, (bottom up invisible attack), using many fake role models. Dr. Shiva spells it all out in this interview. "The grand deception IS Elon Musk". One thing which is not discussed in this interview are the A.I. algorithms which are built into Twitter and into other platforms which manages all the supposed "free speech posts" made by the public, ensuring that anything which the establishment want to suppress is either deleted or moved to where it will not be seen. If you want to have your alternative opinions suppressed and not read, keep using Twitter. Twitter or 'X' is a cess pit, it is not a trustworthy platform for free speech.
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Birth Certs, Estates and Legal Fictions

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We are all Paupers according to the law, presentation by Mark Windows, Windows On The World.

Being Competent - Birth Certs, Estates and Legal Fictions
26 Dec 2024
Are you a Pauper? A show from the archive. This show also includes information on competence.
It is not legal advice but is legally correct and everything stated has been tried and tested.
This show covers Birth certificates, Estates and liabilities the use of Admiralty Law since the 1200’s along with The creation of legal fictions and how remedies may be hidden but are built into law.
This show covers a lot from how courts operate to what is behind Council tax, the connection between the modern passport, the Poor Laws and Certificates of Settlement of the 1600’s.
The Registration of you as an Estate on a roll or register by a Parish ties into today and what is happening with the devolution of councils and conversely the creation of more Parish Councils over the last 15 years which has lead now into huge Unitary devolved bodies.
This is useful for anyone who wants to manage their business to their own advantage rather than for the sake of financial parasites whose system is based on fraud.

Links, the related articles: The article What is common law? contains many more links including the “Freeman” Argument.

Global Governance – How it works
24 Nov 2024
An introduction and short talk which describes Global Governance and how to understand it and keep individual freedom. Links to the bigger picture and shows which contain information:

As mentioned by Mark in the previous video:
rachel wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:07 pm

A series of shows describing how the system of governance is imposed.
This is a follow on from previous shows which have covered many aspects of this subject.

Full series Here:
  1. The Protocols of Power
  2. Purpose and Protocols
  3. Protocols of Freedom
  4. The Big Lie
  5. Protocols of Power – World Governance
  6. The Protocols of Distraction
  7. The New Utopia
  8. Control of Evolution
  9. The Force “They” Fear
  10. The Genius of Purpose
  11. The Community Gulag
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Property Ownership & Trusts

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A nice little nugget from the following video, the last Workhouse, also known as the Poor Law Institution in Britain closed in 1948, which was the same year the National Health Service and the UN were legally incorporated.

Own Nothing - Be Happy
6 Jan 2025
A look at what this actually means and how to advance the mind.
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