Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

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Re: Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

Unread post by xileffilex »

Bad old Hamas, shooting a young woman in the left hand, causing her to lose two fingers. Bad bad bad.

Said "hostage" is released after more than 16 months. How's the hand-injury coming along?
Excellently! Released after 471 days of fabulous medical care.

which is a still from a tiktok video release by the Israeli military

[laughing at us with the devil's horns]

story - ... ted-family
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Re: Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

Unread post by xileffilex »

What was once bound is now, thanks to the wonders of Israeli medical care, unbound

source - mum's twitter

we just now need to see the inner, Churchillian side of the hand in video format.
What do you think, internet friends? Egypt and Jordan are encouraged to accept the Palestinians decanted from that amazing piece of Mediterranean real estate which was once part of Egypt/ The United Arab Republic, endorsed by Trump to "create Middle East peace" lol! ... n-out-gaza
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Who pumps out the dead rubber baby videos ?

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Who or what is "Shadi JArar’ah"

It’s “Al Jazeera”. ... ch-outpost

What is "Al Jazeera":

If you were ever to nail some authentic "shape shifting reptiles" in human bodies, it would be the ones who script, finance and manage "Al Jazeera".

I have no problems calling them "satanic", in terms of their willingness to not only twist reality into a pretzel, pervert the "news"; but to fabricate it from nothing (the simulacrum).

These are the people who generate a "war" narrative or "humanitarian catastrophe" on a daily basis.
And they are the ones who first broadcast the "COVID" videos from Italy.
Not to mention the Italian media whores who worked with them. ... gn-in-gaza

There's nothing "Arabic" about "Al Jazeera".
It might as well be CNN or the BBC.
What would it take to really expose these globalist pimps for Big Pharma?
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Re: Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

Unread post by xileffilex »

Of course, all the above in this thread really did happen, otherwise you might be guilty of October 7 denial and end up in prison....
PEN America Responds to Passage by Knesset of Law Criminalizing Minimization, Denial, or Celebration of October 7 Attack ... -7-attack/

While minimizing or denying the suffering of Israeli civilians on October 7th is repugnant, it does not meet the test for limiting speech and should, therefore, not be punishable by law.
[which obviously includes fingers being shot off]
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Re: Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

Unread post by pasterno »

xileffilex wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:37 pm Of course, all the above in this thread really did happen, otherwise you might be guilty of October 7 denial and end up in prison....
PEN America Responds to Passage by Knesset of Law Criminalizing Minimization, Denial, or Celebration of October 7 Attack ... -7-attack/

While minimizing or denying the suffering of Israeli civilians on October 7th is repugnant, it does not meet the test for limiting speech and should, therefore, not be punishable by law.
[which obviously includes fingers being shot off]
In the end, it doesn’t really matter what they do.

God has given us the freedom to think, to question, and to speak. No law, no authority, no force on earth can take that away. They may pass “laws” to convince us otherwise, but a law that dictates what one is allowed to think or say is not a real law—it’s a tool of control, a construct of power, designed to serve those in charge, not justice or truth.

They might fine you. They might jail you. They might even crucify you.

History shows that human laws are always abused. They are not written to protect the people, but to protect power. So we need not fear them, and we need not fight them either. They have no real meaning.

This is just man being man—grasping, controlling, afraid. But truth does not belong to them. It never has, and it never will.
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Re: Israel-Hamas-Gaza 2023

Unread post by xileffilex »

Thanks to the last substack in Francis O'Neill's excellent series "Victims or Actors" ... rs-part-12

we are reminded of an earlier trope in this oh-so-real October 7 event, the very last instagram post from the "beheaded" Shani Louk -
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