xileffilex wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:37 pm
Of course, all the above in this thread really did happen, otherwise you might be guilty of October 7 denial and end up in prison....
PEN America Responds to Passage by Knesset of Law Criminalizing Minimization, Denial, or Celebration of October 7 Attack
https://pen.org/press-release/pen-ameri ... -7-attack/
While minimizing or denying the suffering of Israeli civilians on October 7th is repugnant, it does not meet the test for limiting speech and should, therefore, not be punishable by law.
[which obviously includes fingers being shot off]
In the end, it doesn’t really matter what they do.
God has given us the freedom to think, to question, and to speak. No law, no authority, no force on earth can take that away. They may pass “laws” to convince us otherwise, but a law that dictates what one is allowed to think or say is not a real law—it’s a tool of control, a construct of power, designed to serve those in charge, not justice or truth.
They might fine you. They might jail you. They might even crucify you.
History shows that human laws are always abused. They are not written to protect the people, but to protect power. So we need not fear them, and we need not fight them either. They have no real meaning.
This is just man being man—grasping, controlling, afraid. But truth does not belong to them. It never has, and it never will.