It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

For You, Charlie. xx

We Are Sheep | Ep.6 - Conformity Unto Death?

Sounds like it is Hannah narrating. Small world.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

You think Jesus hasn't got a sense of humour, Charlie?

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Jeremy »

That's a great one. They all share the same distinctiveness to me. Good that he lost weight, his cheekbones now coming through. Looks like it's a case of no prosthetics needed here, it's mainly different wigs, eyebrows, eye colour, and personalities. He's a good actor.

I doubt MI5 or 6 exist in reality - cold war, terrorism - it's all part of the panto. Tice's boss at Reform - Farage - is Andrew Wakefield.
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"We wear the mask to protect others" (by deceiving them?)

Unread post by SaiGirl »

The masking is "to protect others".
At least that's how it's explained, justified and rationalized.

It's Plato's "Noble Lie".
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

You know what I really think the COVID masking was about. People like us here and elsewhere, Jake for example, had begun talking about latex masks, so there was a chance we could be found by googling the term. ...But not since COVID, a massive load of chaff was introduced into the search results. Would the UK and U.S. governments do something like that? I think so. I also think that's why news reports and even alternative media sources started using terms like the "theatre of war" and calling politicians and other characters "actors on the stage".

I've never thought the point of posting here is to wake up everyone. It's rather to remind the people at the top, they are not infallible. They have to do better than just constantly taking the piss.
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