NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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the millennium falcon became the millenium fall-con
24 years before 911 all the stories were told ,including soloman building 7 returning

the millenium falcon spaceship is designed with so much magic and visual psychology story telling and it,s impact on society that admitting it,s existence as the alchemical vehicle for 911 and preconditioning children to accept psi fi and fantasy would retire 99.9 percent of shitbag truthers,try it disney asthma permitting hhaahhahhah

this cannot be discussed by charlatans as it proves the collapse and models were filmed years before in order to drip feed the myth that will be 911
Last edited by napoleon on Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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trauma has a name ,oz
OZ is the fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-wald-apollo13-oz c-o2 crisis ,oz-one layer ,ozama becomes osama, got to ask yourself will they use oz again to scare people
Sars cov Oz, is the scarecrow that kept you in doors
Blistered feet,the ruby slippers
Yellow brick road, yellow card reporting system
If I only had a brain the clarts
If I only had a heart , myleyo-cyrus america is run by luciferians who pay masons to talk about anything else apart from the oz bad guy and mind control

kubrick didn,t need oz in his 2001 space odyssey a few things to pack before we get to oz,the journey implied it enough , from kubricks version of dorothy,s ruby slipper heel clicks,(the stargate smh) to the tin men heading for a giant tinman with a heart (jupiter),even rain-bowmans quilt had yellow bricks ,and any dumb cunt knows flying monkeys are straight outa oz,(nasa)yellow blue and red space suits ,fucking emerald city in the tycho crater as marked by the monolith and three tinmen having lunchpail rations yeah i reckon throwing oz in might have been too much,

especially as he,s gonna get the blame ,a fiction cemented in the minds of the gullible through psi-nema .
hi masons
With its stark white walls, luminous floor and ornate Renaissance decor fit for Louis XVI, the room is instantly recognisable

Louis XVI
Reign 10 May 1774 – 21 September 1792
Coronation 11 June 1775 Reims Cathedral
Predecessor Louis XV
Successor Louis XVII (as disputed King of France) Napoleon I (as Emperor) Louis XVIII (as de facto King of France)

bowmans final resting place in 2001

chamber of reflection

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As Dorothy walks down the dark, scary hallways of the institution, we can hear “patients” screaming and lamenting. This place is nothing less than an MK ULTRA programming site. Mind control did not exist in the 19th century (the time period where the movie is set), and this entire part of the movie was added by Disney.

After being kept in isolation for a while, Dorothy is forcibly strapped to a bed.
Dorothy is taken to a room where the head doctor (aka head handler) is waiting with his ECT machine.

Dorothy is being prepped for electroshock.

Dorothy, however, appears to be lucky. Right when Dr. Worley turned on the ECT machine, the power goes out. At this point, we are under the impression that Dorothy avoided being electroshocked due to a perfectly timed power outage. However, as the rest of the entire movie will clearly tell us, that is not the case. Dorothy did, unfortunately, get electroshocked, but it is subtly implied. In fact, the shock was so violent and intense that it caused her to dissociate from reality.
The lights going out in the room symbolize her core personality going out. From this point on, Dorothy’s “adventures” actually represent her going through the motions of mind-control programming while being completely dissociated. What happens to Dorothy immediately after the blackout is relevant.

Oz – The Land of Dissociation
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Ozma leads Dorothy to the Land of Oz – which represents the inner-psyche of the dissociated slave. Completely created and manipulated by the handler, Oz causes Dorothy to be a stranger in her own mind. The things she sees and perceives are a thoroughly distorted version of the reality lived by Dorothy at the mental institution.
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Several clues indicate that, despite being in the Land of Oz, Dorothy is still physically in the mental institution.
First, all of the people we see in the institution exist in the Land of Oz … as a crazy scary version as perceived by an MK slave who has dissociated.

The head nurse of the institution becomes Mombi the evil witch in the land of Oz. The male nurse who tied down Dorothy to a bed is a “Wheeler” in Oz.

“Monarch slaves are taught to “follow the yellow brick road.” No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master. For some slaves used as track stars, their Yellow Brick Road was the track they had to run. The Yellow Brick Road is the runway in which alters were trained to fly off from to exit their internal world and take the body. The Yellow Brick Road also pertains to the assignment that an alter is given. To follow the Yellow Brick Road is to go down the road that has been assigned by command. The Yellow Brick Road programming is placed into the child’s mind via the Yellow Brick Road of the Wizard of Oz story. Remember the key words, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road.”
– Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave
so that is why nolans movies are basic wizard of oz programming .

inception which is the acuteness of star wars and its obtuce angles put into a dream world where the goal is to put an idea in someones head without them knowing you did it , inception is an homage to the lucas implanting new york architecture into his psi-fi

prestige is about the filming of 911 and the fact that everything was doubled right down to the smallest detail , cloned by tesla ha ha ha just a miniature probably 1/38 size , the answer in the prestige is there was a double all along shhh, the prestige

tenet is inversion we get oz programming ha ,mask wearing . gun grabbing in fights .i dont wann ruin my vids , cant ruin tenet theres people whov seen it and dont know what its about . its finale is in an abandoned mine yellow in colour with agreenish mountain next to it ,emerald city? with trump ozs tower being rebuilt and demolished by red and blue flying monkeys , tenet,the return to oz has a wheeler that briefs dorothy ,same as tenet ,protagonist gets briefed by ........yes wheeler,mk ultra homage to the fake war coming tenet starts in kiev ,
and clear showcasing of magentatainment industry.
interstellar is the an amalgamation of different hustlers and predictions , from onestone to clarke but because of the coming covaids No-lens adds a bat spaceship doing a leap into the blackhole social distancing especially at the new york base ball game and an effort to save theworld called lazarus ,( operation warpspeed)

interstellar No-lens 5 th wizard of oz film the baseball game has social distancing until they all have to put on masks because of global warming dust cloud ,and then incidentally heading back to judys farm, they chase the drone(tinman)to embark on project warpspeed ,i mean lazarus (interstellar) is a work of genius and the scarecrow with a diploma piloting a spacebat "the lander"fecking bat into a psi fi wet dream black hole surrounded by a yellow brick road is a good metaphor
( same visuals as were expected to believe a virus phage takes lol(but lets get it straight the wizard (film maker is given key words and images to incorporate in a film or in No-lens case the entire batvirus script is in the batmans, inception , interstellars dying planet earth narrative and last but not least michael caines deathbed confession is so close to pasteurs its not even funny,
and who could forget the ruby shaped ranger rockets clicked together to send the scarecrow with a diploma (mconohey) to oz after he jettisoned the carbon spacebat (alchemy for the injection-graphene/batvirus)through the brane!! barrier event horizon (nolans yellow brick road )i shit you not ,space metaphors for ozmas magic are tight!, global warming made the tinman michael caine heartless,C0z (so he lied) and said it was true.
kubricks magic
lucas magic
No-lens magic
isis, ra ,el ,egyptian magicians used in 911,well agreed upon conditioning used on weak minded fools,by the magic cirdle
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a country named after 3 masonic magicians ,pack it in
solomons temple was the palce to show a magic trick and solomon always saw the truth,
thoth in the city

they told you the truth on 911 ozma was to blame ,solomon would be proud

models made by i.l.m (ozma construction)so ozma bin laden the new oz as kubrick called lucas was telling the truth .

september the 11 2001 certainly was a space odyssey wasn,t it !!!!!i,d ignore me if i was a half ass truther or houseclowns
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