It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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I think this is the warlock involved with the red to green binder magic.

Whether you accept their explanation or not, it is media trickery ... ges-color/
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

I don't think Laura Kuenssberg and Liz Truss are the same people, the way Kuenssberg move is particular and they don't cross their legs the same way, as AI said I think she was just there for the Queen death.

If it's not her real face, I don't know how they handle the parliament session:
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

I'm not going to disagree with you on this. If you spend any time watching British politics then you will know there is a massive con going on, and I guess I'm obsessed with trying to work out what exactly it is. I do think technology has a lot to do with it, but on the Liz/Laura front, I might be barking up the wrong tree.

This is an interesting one from 1990, Maggie Thatcher appears to be semi-transparent. How is that possible?

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

It reminds me of the Apollo footage.. The astronauts also appeared transparent.

What's going on here?
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

That's a bit of a weird one, Perry could just be acting, though it's not a natural way to wink, and it seems a very odd thing to spend time perfecting.


Going back to the Margaret Thatcher 1990 clip. It's easy to dismiss it as, 'it's an old recording and there is some burned in effect from the chair because it's a fixed camera'. But that is not what we are seeing. Right at the start of Margaret speaking, the man behind her is wearing a black suit and he is flapping around a white bit of paper. We can see that piece of white paper moving through Thatcher's head.

Oct-24-2022 22-06-33.gif
Oct-24-2022 22-06-33.gif (7.89 MiB) Viewed 1381 times

This is a gif of that part, it cuts down the colour values but it is still clear that the movement of the paper can be seen through Thatcher's head. So it's not a "burned in" effect, instead Margaret Thatcher is in fact semi-transparent. And if Margaret Thatcher is semi-transparent, then she is not really in that scene and has been added post production. Therefore someone has gone to the trouble of fabricating an exchange between her and Jeremy Corbyn, ex-leader of the Labour party.

But not only that, for that video to have been created, the two front bench MPs and the three behind, purposely sat and were filmed pretending to listen to someone speaking at an empty dispatch box. So the fakery and fabrication goes back to as long as the House of Commons has been televised, which started in November 1989. And really, can there be any members of the House of Commons who are not in on it? Can there really be?


Is it possible that Jeremy Corbyn does not know there is a fake piece of footage of him asking Margaret Thatcher a question? ... Can we not then make a leap, that footage was created specifically to give Corbyn some fake credibility ready for him putting his name forward for being the leader of the Labour Party, and it was always written in the script that he was going to win? I know from the leadership competition, the other four contenders each promised big nothing-burgers, you had a choice of one.

Corbyn was one of those people no one had heard of prior to him putting his name forward to run for the Labour leadership after Ed Miliband lost the 2015 General Election. I was a Labour member posting a blog on politics from around 2012, and in those three years but to the election, I never once heard his name mentioned. We therefore are forced to take on trust from a small section of Labour members that Corbyn was indeed always working in the background for social justice. ... Was he though? Or is he yet another face brought to the frame with a fabricated back story? This video would suggest it's part of a fabrication of events that never happened. Is the Corbyn we see in that video really a young man, or is it a modern recording of him in a wig placed into a past event?


We can guess, like the MPs around Margaret Thatcher, the MPs being filmed here are also pretending to listen to someone speaking as they are being filmed. I have a hunch Jeremy Corby and Diane Abbott, the woman behind him were not really there. It's something about what Diane is dressed in, if feels contemporary trying to look like the past and going a bit OTT.

...And now in exactly the same way with regards to the new PM, youtube does not know Rishi SUNak prior to him being selected as Chancellor of the Exchequer in December 2019, and he is another person who made no column inches before that point in time.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

I was focused on the bench so I didn't see the paper through the head of Thatcher.

I think you are right, this event probably never happened, I don't really follow UK politics but it is safe to say that nobody remembers that particular parliament session except people that could be in on it (Corbyn, the MP's and some old journalists). I have the same feeling with all the old footage from the 19th century (or older) that came out recently, I assume archives exists somewhere but it could have been a fabrication as well.

I'm not sure if the footage from the angle where you can see all the House of Commons matches the one where we see Thatcher. The color are not great but I don't see the MP wearing green, I can see Corbyn wearing the same clothes though. Anyway, they are going far if this just to add some credibility to a MP from the Labour Party but that's how they rewrite history I suppose.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

I agree with you with regards to the shot of the cross view; the full view does not appear to match the two side views in the video. What I'm trying to work out; is the corruption of faking video there from the start, that would be 1989 when cameras were first introduced into parliament, or is it post-digitisation of film production. The description on the video states it is from 1990, but is not more specific. That is a little unusual. It's on a channel called 'my favourite clips', you'd imagine if someone is going to put a clip up as a favourite they would go to the trouble of referencing the debate so people can look it up in the Commons Library.

There seems, on the face of it, no good reason for Thatcher to be edited in the way she is. If it was produced to give Corbyn a backstory, then only his side of the debate really needed to have been swapped out. So why did they do what they did? And on that, I realise why I am so convinced Corbyn's question was filmed in 2015. I previously mentioned Diane Abbott sitting next to him and what she is wearing, but there is a greater indication, it is his diction. He is not speaking in the way someone in the Commons in 1990 spoke, listen to Thatcher as an example of the style, instead Corbyn is using circa 2015 diction.

Back to Thatcher speaking, either someone else is playing her and what she was originally saying has been replaced. This idea does not fit the evidence, removing the section of a video would leave a data hole, you are therefore not going to get a piece of paper moving through someone's head as a result of your editing. We can dismiss this out of hand. The other idea is that she is indeed saying these words, but the person creating the fabrication removed the real people sitting around her so they are not incriminated, or have no reason to sue for misrepresentation. This is a better fit.

I don't know who those two people are sitting next to Margaret Thatcher, but I was under the impression only Cabinet Ministers sit on the front bench and I don't believe Thatcher had women in her Cabinet, not at least in 1990.

Margaret Thatcher's 1990 Cabinet: Where are they now? ... y-now.html


Having a little check, that looks like Angela Rumbold MP. And from the video clip below, the BBC 1992 General Election results programme, you'll better understand what I'm saying with regards to circa 1990s parliamentary diction.


That video itself is telling because Peter Sissons confirms women were not in Thatcher's Cabinet with the question, "Is it time for a woman in the Cabinet?" - The timeline, Thatcher was PM from the 4 May 1979 to 28 November 1990. She was deposed as PM by her own party, Boris being removed mid-term mirroring it. John Major won the next 1992 election with a small majority, the next five years were a string of clusterfucks which should have ushered in John Smith, but he died two years before the 1997 election and Tony Blair stepped in gaining a supermajority.

This suggests a woman should not be sitting next to Prime Minister Thatcher on the front bench, and it also strongly suggests that clip was fabricated using background footage from when John Major was PM; that makes sense because John Major was brought in to destroy the Conservative party ready for Tony Blair's premiership. Note the messaging in the Labour 1997 election video, was it produced by politicians or entertainers?
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

Now I'm not saying Jeremy Corbyn didn't exist before the 2015 leadership election, but looking at the body of photos involving him as an MP and comparing it with how other MPs are pictured, there's a missing black hole. There are no pictures of him interacting with his constituents in meeting and greeting shots. I mean, that's what he is employed to do, represent his constituents, yet even though he's been an MP since 1983 there are no photos reflecting this reality. Instead there's the odd picture of him swanning around with IRA members, and a couple of protest pictures, him giving speeches, and then the rest are him in the singular.


It's all very suspect, and even more so when it comes to Rishi Sunak. He was elected in 2015, same year as Jo Cox, and there is no column inches on him until in December 2019 he becomes Boris Johnson's Chancellor. And likewise, look at the photos of Rishi, and again none exist of him meeting and greeting his constituents in the four and half years prior to him making it big time in the second most powerful post in the country.

And what's even more bizarre, they are photoshopping pictures to pretend he is a midget. Apparently today he "stood alone" giving his first speech. Not surprising, because if he stood next to someone it would blow the whole 'tiny person' thing out of the water. I'm guessing they wouldn't want us thinking he's the exact same height as Ed Miliband.


That picture is a joke and looks more like 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids'. Look at the size of his head compared to the other people.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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He's Rishi with his wife, she must be four foot five, oh wait, she reminds me of some one.


Good old anti-Brexit court case Gina Miller. Fancy that.

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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