NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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The Theatre of Camillo is described in considerable detail in The Art of Memory by Frances Yates so I will only point to some of the most striking parallels between the two constructions:

Camillo's Theatre of Memory Rosicrucian Vault of C.R.C.

1) 7 passages with seven steps 1) 7 walls with ten squares with
on each, surrounding the gates on each, surrounding the
central "stage", central altar,

2) the gates have "images" or 2) the squares have "figures"
"emblems" and "mottoes" and "sentences" on them, on them,
3) below the "images" there 3) below the "figures" there are
are chests hiding books, boxes or drawers containing books
and manuscripts, manuscripts and mechanical
4) the structure represents 4) the structure represents
"everything that can be "Compendium of the Universe",
comprehended by the mind
and everything that is
hidden in the soul",
Danny's imaginary friend is called T❤️NY
secret messages from t❤️ny
it's called the shining for christs sake !what shines ? stars dickhead.

TWINS IN THE SHINING SAY ? "come and play with us Danny" Danny also has 42 or inverted 24 jupiter ,giant with a heart .

jupiter did the rounds on 911 ,same as Danny on his bike till he met the twins ,on the top floor of the overlook hotel with a sneaky cut kubrick puts danny in the heavens

come and play with us Danny !every child should have a millenium fall-con
gullible as fuck
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The Chamber of Reflection is an important symbol. It represents a womblike state, where the aspirant is to participate in his rebirth as an initiate, to indicate when the candidate emerges from the chamber, in the same manner as being born a new man.
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The Chamber of Reflection is exactly what it implies, a quiet room where the candidate is to meditate before his initiation.

Isolation in this cavern-like room is where a symbolic metamorphosis is experienced, the neophyte emerges from this chamber symbolically transformed into a new person.
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It serves to separate the candidate of all earthly things, his family, his job, the superfluities of daily life, and makes him consider the notions of his own mortality.

The Chamber of Reflection was intended to be the candidate’s very first experience in Masonry.

However, it is important to note that the Chamber of Reflection is a preparation tool, and not part of the degree itself.

According to Albert Pike, the Chamber of Reflection ‘should be one story below the lodge room; and if possible, underground, with no window.

The floor must, in any case, be of earth. On the walls should be brief sentences of morality, and maxims austere philosophy, written as if with charcoal.’ The room should be completely dark, and the walls painted black or made to look like the interior of a cave.

In the center of the room is placed a small wooden table, accompanied by a stool or uncomfortable wooden chair for the candidate to sit on.

On the table the following items should be sombrely placed: a single lit candle, a human skull and crossed tibia (leg bones), an hour-glass, a small bell, a small loaf of bread, a basin of water, containers of salt, sulphur, and mercury, a mirror, papers, a quill pen and ink.
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In some chambers of reflection, there may be a picture or representation of a rooster instead of the mercury.

Lastly the alchemical cipher V.:I.:T.:R.:I.:O.:L.:, and the words ‘Know Thyself’ should be written somewhere on the wall.
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🌈Return to Oz was custom-made to become an ode to mind control. Based on L. Frank Baum’s The Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz (books 2 and 3 of the series), the Disney production added several key elements to the tale to make it about mind control. For instance, in the books, Dorothy is not sent to a psychiatric ward to get electroshocked.
Why was this unsettling bit added to the movie? Return to Oz follows the same basic script as several other movies used in mind control such as
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Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, and even Coraline: An inquisitive young girl escapes reality to explore a fantasy land filled with fun and adventure, where no rules apply. However, in the world of MK, that fantasy land is actually a symbol of dissociation – the place where the mind escapes to in order to cope with trauma.
Walter Murch & Disney's Return to Oz gets a new documentary, ... Coppola and George Lucas (remember this, it will come into play later).
another homage to ozma programming

The journey of a girl who dreams of traveling somewhere over the rainbow?🌈 Sounds strangely familiar. The story of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz actually shares many similarities with Rey’s story in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Dorothy’s main companion in this film is Toto, a dog that she befriends in Kansas. The protagonist then tries to save Toto from the hands of Miss Gulch. Rey’s main companion in her film is BB-8, a droid who finds her on her home in Jakku. She saves BB-8 from men who try to capture him and sell him.
Another large comparison is the color scheme of both the protagonists’ homes. Following an incident with a tornado, the story of Dorothy takes viewers to the magical land of Oz. This is a colorful world outside of her home in Kansas. When Rey first travels outside of Jakku, she immediately notices the change in scenery, saying, “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.”
Roger Ebert noticed the differences and similarities between the two fantasy tales when Star Wars premiered in 1977.
“Star Wars is a fairy tale,” he wrote, “a fantasy, a legend, finding its roots in some of our most popular fictions. The golden robot, lion-faced space pilot, and insecure little computer on wheels must have been suggested by the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.”
The Cowardly Lion and Chewbacca, The Tin Woodsman and C–3PO (both enjoy some oil for their joints) and the unintelligible Toto and R2-D2 (Two-Two). And where Dorothy follows Toto when he runs away, Luke follows R2.D2
and that that’s how he came up with Luke’s friends and companions. Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion. Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
Dorothy is taken to a room where the head doctor (aka head handler) is waiting with his ECT machine.

Dorothy is being prepped for electroshock.

Dorothy, however, appears to be lucky. Right when Dr. Worley turned on the ECT machine, the power goes out. At this point, we are under the impression that Dorothy avoided being electroshocked due to a perfectly timed power outage. However, as the rest of the entire movie will clearly tell us, that is not the case. Dorothy did, unfortunately, get electroshocked, but it is subtly implied. In fact, the shock was so violent and intense that it caused her to dissociate from reality. The lights going out in the room symbolize her core personality going out. From this point on, Dorothy’s “adventures” actually represent her going through the motions of mind-control programming while being completely dissociated. What happens to Dorothy immediately after the blackout is relevant.
Dorothy’s alter persona appears out of nowhere to retrieve her.

The entire castle is plastered with mirrors – even the floor.

The castle represents the inner-world of the MK slave that is programmed to mirror itself ad-infinitum.

“Mirrors, and lots of them, are important in occult programming because they make images. They create so many internal images one doesn’t know which way to go. In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind.”

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Christian Rosenkreuz

Christian Rosenkreuz is seen to have been Lazarus/St. John in his previous life, the Beloved Disciple whom the Christ had "raised from the dead" and who would remain active until the Lord's return.

rosencreutz tomb
The opening of Rosenkreuz's tomb is thought to be a way of referring to the cycles in nature and to cosmic events,hence the monolith from 2001 dimensions match the date the tomb was erected 1409 and 1-4-9, kubricks narrative of wizard of oz and rainbows plus his schema of using wizard of oz ,from 68 onwards ."My god, it's full of stars" is a phrase associated with a scene from the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film "2001: A Space Odyssey"
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the twin tower complex was built to emulate ruby rosicrucians founder Christian Rosencreutz tomb ,all the 7 buildings that george lucas used to create the millenium fall-con spaceship were and are the walls etc and the doorway or mirror to see this alchemy was highlighted in 2001 a space odyssey ,when rain-bowman (rosicrucian oz schema and rainbows) when bowman enters the monolith on 2001 ,and where was the monolith on 2001 in a basin like neew york's counterpart the millenium hilton,not really to cerebral there.

totally off limits, but not too cerebral.
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The Chamber of Reflection is an important symbol. It represents a womblike state, where the aspirant is to participate in his rebirth as an initiate, to indicate when the candidate emerges from the chamber, in the same manner as being born a new man. the rebirth of america relies on these fucks romantically named starchild, i call them fucks houseclowns ,maison entertainers
"My god, it's full of stars" is a phrase associated with a scene from the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film "2001: A Space Odyssey"
They entered the vault. It had seven sides and seven corners; each side was five feet wide and eight feet high. The sun had never penetrated this tomb, but they claimed it was brilliantly
illuminated by a mysterious light ? i can only guess .
In the center was a circular altar. In each of the seven sides was a small door. When these doors were opened, they found a number of boxes
filled with books, secret instructions and a record of Rosenkreuz‟s life and travels.
Throughout his life, Francis Bacon's fondest hope was the, creation of a Utopia across the Atlantic, the realization of his "New Atlantis" in the form of a society of free men, governed by sages and scientists, in which his Freemasonic and Rosicrucian principles would govern the social, political and economic life of the new nation. It was for this reason why, as Lord Chancellor, he took such an active interest in the colonization of America, and why he sent his son to Virginia as one of the early colonists. For it was in America, through the pen of Thomas Paine and the writings of Thomas Jefferson, as well as through the revolutionary activities of his many Rosicrucian-Freemasonic followers, most prominent among whom were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, that he hoped to create a new nation dedicated to his political philosophy.
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In his Secret Destiny of America, Manly Hall, Bacon's most understanding modern scholar, refers to the appearance in America, prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, of a mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher, a strict vegetarian who ate only foods that grew above the ground, who was a friend and teacher of Franklin and Washington and who seemed to have played an important role in the founding of the new republic. Why most historians failed to mention him is a puzzle, for that he existed is a certainty.

He was known as the "Professor." Together with Franklin and Washington, he was a member of the committee selected by the Continental Congress in 1775 to create a design for the American Flag. The design he made was accepted by the committee and given to Betsy Ross to execute into the first model.
A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document which Thomas Jefferson wrote and of whose ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was the true originator.
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A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document
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The coinage that Christian Rosycross gave to alchemy is described in the ‹Confessio›. Rudolf Steiner described this change as follows: «Looking at this substance clairvoyantly the formation of such a gaze in an increased effectiveness of the moral forces of the soul, which then made this substance visible.
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The Emerald Tablet is said to be a tablet of emerald or green stone inscribed with the secrets of the universe. The source of the original Emerald Tablet is unclear; hence it is surrounded by legends. The most common story claims that the tablet was found in a caved tomb under the statue of Hermes in Tyana, clutched in the hands of the corpse of Hermes Trismegistus himself.
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there are many explanations of what the monolith represent's
Christian Rosenkreuz, the putative founder of the group of clever apes Rosenkreuz was born in 1378 and lived for 106 years. After visiting the Middle East and North Africa in search of secret wisdom, he returned to Germany and organized the Rosicrucian order (1403).
He erected a sanctuary (1409),
monoliths dimensions are 1-4-9
where he was entombed after his death in 1484.
The Chamber of Reflection is an important symbol. It represents a womblike state, where the aspirant is to participate in his rebirth as an initiate, to indicate when the candidate emerges from the chamber, in the same manner as being born a new man,a starchild
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rosencreutz tomb
The opening of Rosenkreuz's tomb is thought to be a way of referring to the cycles in nature and to cosmic events,hence the monolith from 2001 dimensions match the date the tomb was erected 1409 and 1-4-9, kubricks narrative of wizard of oz and rainbows plus his schema of using wizard of oz ,from 68 onwards ."My god, it's full of stars" is a phrase associated with a scene from the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film "2001: A Space Odyssey"
2001-a-space-odyssey1 (3) (1).jpg
the twin tower complex was built to emulate ruby rosicrucians founder Christian Rosencreutz tomb ,all the 7 buildings that george lucas used to create the millenium fall-con spaceship were and are the walls etc and the doorway or mirror to see this alchemy was highlighted in 2001 a space odyssey ,when rain-bowman (rosicrucian oz schema and rainbows) when bowman enters the monolith on 2001 ,and where was the monolith on 2001 in a basin like neew york's counterpart the millenium hilton,not really to cerebral there. 7th heaven, metatrons cube, solomons temple ,the millenium fall-con spaceship fuck all the houseclowns past and present

,oh and i say don't tell rob ager ,but i will throw a few of robs videos in ,he's not a fakeologist ,so don't hold it against him!
he doe's show the chamber of reflection tell from kubrick
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why so serious
told ya theres no money in truth ,i fucking proved that by making all frauds ignore me for years
i am a fakeologist
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napoleon wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 2:57 pm square them circles and you got ground zero
i even finish with dorothy on mount olive looking at new jerusalems temple
Sefer Zerubavel , also called the Book of Zerubbabel or the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, is a medieval Hebrew[1] apocalypse written at the beginning of the 7th century CE in the style of biblical visions (e.g. Daniel, Ezekiel) placed into the mouth of Zerubbabel,[ who laid the foundation of the Second Temple in the 6th century BCE. The biblical leader receives a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel,(Star Wars) the End of Days, and the establishment of the Third Temple.
What is Nineveh called today? Nineveh - World History Encyclopedia Mosul, Iraq = Mos Eisley
Mosul, Iraq = Mos Eisley

What was the sin of Nineveh in the Bible? (20-9) An Epitaph for Nineveh Her lies, rape, and sorcery; her prey in thousands slain; her harlotry and witchcraft and the seduction of the nations all are told. Because of all this, the prophet says she shall become detestable.Nineveh at times was called “Old Babylon” Babylonia under Nebuchadnezzar.
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"Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
Luke Skywalker met Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine when he and Ben Kenobi were trying to book passage off the planet
Han Solo father of Ben Solo.
Ben Solo's sith name kylo wren (new york annagram)
temple_2-768x492.pngIn all of the accounts in the Hebrew Bible that mention Zerubbabel, he is always associated with the high priest who returned with him(obi wan)
There he finds in the marketplace a "bruised and despised man" named Menahem ben Ammiel ,temple_2-768x492.jpgDocking_Bay_94_SWI95 (1).jpg
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The Rosicrucians hold as a very important part of the teaching the occult doctrine of Metempsychosis, Reincarnation, or Transmigration of Souls, the essence of which doctrine is the survival of the individual soul after it passes from the physical body in death, and its reembodiment in a physical body by rebirth after a sojourn in the resting place of the souls.
The doctrine of Metempsychosis is one of the oldest of the human race. Traces of the teaching are found in the records of practically every one of the ancient races in all parts of the globe. In one form or another it has existed in the esoteric circles to be found at the heart of each of the world's great religions, including Christianity. It has always been a cardinal doctrine in the religions of the Orient, and during the past twenty-five years has attained a wonderful revival of popularity among the thinkers of the Occident. The Rosicrucians’ teachings hold that the Evolution of Man has been accomplished not alone by the general evolutionary trend of the race by which it moves forward from generation to generation, but also by the advance and ascent caused by the improvement in the reincarnating individual soul, each step of rebirth tending upward and onward. As a writer has said: "The teachings hold that Evolution
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Force spirits, also known as Force ghosts,[5] were beings who gained immortality through the preservation of their consciousness after death. When lifeforms died, they became one with the Force. Through special training, however, deceased Force-sensitives could retain their identity and, therefore, communicate with the living. By achieving spiritual immortality, a person's physical form would vanish upon their death. This knowledge could be learned only by those who fully embraced the light side of the Force, such as the Jedi who lived by a code of selflessness and sacrifice. The followers of the dark side of the Force, such as the Sith, were incapable of learning this power, though there were many techniques open to them that offered similar benefits.
Although Anakin Skywalker—a fallen Jedi Knight and the Chosen One of the Force—never received the training that allowed his mentors to become Force spirits, his redemption and sacrifice made it possible for his consciousness to be preserved after death by Kenobi and Yoda,
From Nikolai Fedorov to the Cosmists of the 1920s

One of Russian cosmism’s main motifs – immortality – is manifested in its aesthetics. Fedorov and his successors assumed that art is the product of “the son’s grief over his father’s death” and can thus be understood as the attempt of an “imaginary resurrection.” This explains why they turned real innovation and transformation into the “art of the future.” Cosmist thinkers thus perceived human beings as both creative subjects and as objects subjugated to artistic energies. They replaced the “art of the image” with a new “art of reality,” insisting that the laws of artistic creation should be transformed into actual laws of reality. For them, human creative practices would not only defeat entropy and death, they would also lead to the spiritualization of matter and finally to the triumph of beauty in all realms of the natural universe. Cosmists further argued that the shift to a harmonious synthetic practice, which would be both artistic and hold the power to newly rearrange the world, demanded a close intertwining of art and science. It is for this reason that they introduced the idea of an theoanthropological art, in which Godly and human creative energies would together restore the world to the condition of “immortal glory” that it had been in previous to its decay.
Nikolai Fedorov’s Philosophy of the Common Task draws upon Christianity, proposing contemporary means to fulfill the ultimate end: the resurrection of the dead and the continuation of humanity’s course on the principles of kinship, solidarity, and love. Fedorov understood the achievement of an intellectual level that would enable mankind to accomplish these scientific and technological advances as the utmost duty of mankind. His ideas culminated, however, in two major challenges: bringing back the dead and achieving immortality would first of all imply the merging of the past, present and future, and would thus also initiate a fundamental shift in the notion of time. Secondly, the relevance of space becomes evident for practical reasons: the earth would no longer sufficiently accommodate the resurrected, the living, and future generations all together, which is why the infinite cosmos would have to be explored, conquered and colonized. For this reason, the Common Task demands humankind not only to transform itself internally, but also to reconfigure its relation to nature as well as the conditions of its own physical presence in it.
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