It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show! - Neil Ferguson

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Thanks for that @Marfer . From it I managed to find a September 2016 event. ... s-diseases
Predicting and preventing infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Understanding what factors shape how they spread in populations and the specific processes of how individual pathogens take effect are essential to tackling infectious diseases.

In the third event of the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) seminar series, two experts will talk about their research into the spread and prevention of infectious diseases.

Neil Ferguson.jpg

The talks will be delivered by Neil Ferguson, Professor of Mathematical Biology at Imperial College London and Sarah Fidler, Professor of HIV and Communicable Diseases at Imperial College London and honorary consultant physician in HIV and GUM at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Professor Ferguson will discuss his research modelling the spread of infectious diseases, such as zika, ebola, BSE and flu. He will discuss how his analysis can help optimise both clinical and policy interventions.

I'm not convinced the guy above is the same individual as the poor quality webcam footage we continually see from 2020 onwards each time Neil Ferguson is paraded by the government/media as an expert.

Photo from 2007 BBC article:
Neil Ferguson BBC.jpg
Neil Ferguson BBC.jpg (5.93 KiB) Viewed 6378 times

Current photo on Imperial College London website:
Neil Ferguson portrait.jpg
Neil Ferguson portrait.jpg (22.7 KiB) Viewed 6378 times

Twitter photo, update unknown:

I would say the first and second are the same person, the third is hard to tell, it's almost the face of the ones before, and the hairline of the one after. The fourth I think is a different guy, taken from the Neil Ferguson twitter account. What I've discovered from that is quite interesting in itself and I'll discuss in the next post. But what stands out to me here, the lens magnification on his glasses appears to be greater on the fourth image compared to the previous three, and I think that goes hand-in-hand with the poor quality webcam recordings, and it's about someone else pretending to be the person in the earlier pictures.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Marfer »

@rachel no problem. I often wonder if the ridiculous mask wearing and zoom calls with 'bad connections' was an agenda to swap actors playing multiple characters in and out of different acts.

All the world is a stage after all.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show! - Neil Ferguson

Unread post by rachel »

I thought I'd have a look at the first picture via FotoForensics to see if anything stood out. I was actually looking to see if there was any indication it was an AI generated photo. This turns out not to be the case. But the software does show it is likely a composite image.

I've uploaded two test images created by a Random Face Generator; what I've noticed on previous tests, invariably little jpeg noise is evident on computer generated artwork. There is a very slight purple in places, but otherwise it is black. Sometimes it will be completely black, and that's inconsistent with jpeg compression. All cameras apply some sort of jpeg compression to captured photos, even if you take the raw file it needs to be converted into something to be viewed, and jpeg is the intermediate step. In the same way, although computer generated, these pictures are output as '75% quality (JPEG Standard)', so I suspect that's why they are not completely black. ... 1&show=ela
ff-e1.gif (72.51 KiB) Viewed 6348 times ... 0&show=ela
ff-e2.gif (79.69 KiB) Viewed 6348 times

I'm not particularly an expert using this software, but if you compare the links above with the one below, it's chalk and cheese. Link to fotoforensics upload of Neil Ferguson image. ... 2&show=ela

I know the animated gifs can be irritating, but it's useful to see the difference. Let's get the still up and I'll suggest what it indicates to me.



What the ELA map picks up is places where there is a change in jpeg compression compared to the overall signature. This will naturally appear on edges where there is a direct colour change. If it is all one picture, then the type of pattern/colour is usually quite consistent. So we see in the background lines that are red and purple, but Neil has white outlines, and that indicates he comes from an image with a different resolution, he's probably been scaled down to fit. The chair might be part of his image and the mass white is a result of its texture, or separate to both. It also looks like the map image has been added to the screen behind him, neither the black or white consistent with the background noise.

Looking at the picture's actual edges, I do think that background is not the original to Neil Ferguson, and I'm not convinced he's sitting on that chair. Also the cup with 'Flu flies.' doesn't look properly three dimensional to me. And finally, checking the Metadata and Strings sections of the fotoforensics analysis, we see the metadata confirming this image has gone through photoshop, - CreatorTool="Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)" - but doesn't seem to hold any similar camera EXIF data.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show! - Neil Ferguson

Unread post by rachel »

Going back to twitter, this is Neil Ferguson's account, he has 51 tweets and 133.6K followers. He apparently joined in March 2008. And he hasn't tweeted since 25 Apr 2020.

I was interested to see, since the account has apparently been active from 2008, if there were any Wayback grabs. The first is 10 Mar 2020, at that point the account had 24 tweets and 18.5K followers. ... l_ferguson

If we were assuming this is a real account, it looks like he set it up, did one test tweet (one of those 24) "Having lunch before (yet another) meeting" and then left it for over a year before tweeting again. Meanwhile a Jeni Williams joins twitter in April 2009, a year later where she mostly retweets theatre info. Her first tweet is at 11:25 PM on Apr 5, 2009 stating: "Listening to Jonathon Ross on I-Player in my room at Oriel!"
Jeni Williams 1.png

And within 36 minutes at 12:01 AM Apr 5, 2009 Neil happens to check his twitter account and somehow finds Jeni's first tweet and responds to it with his second tweet: "@YeniW
Hi there! We're both glued to our computers as usual. Sleep well

Jeni Williams 2.png

But Jeni doesn't bother responding to him. But we do find out Jeni and Neil are each others first follower and following. The upshot is, I'm unconvinced this account was created when the timestamp says. It seems more likely from replies on Neil Ferguson's account, it didn't exist before January 2020, or maybe it was created in 2008 and never used, and then turned into Ferguson's account. I personally think they can place tweets into the past; technically it's easy enough, it's having the correct admin rights to do so.

This is Neil Ferguson's third tweet: "Am Zombie expert now - see" on Aug 18, 2009 at 4:02 PM.

nf-tweet-zombie.png (28.24 KiB) Viewed 6328 times

Linking to a BBC Radio 4 Today section on infectious diseases versus zombie attacks where Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson is interviewed. The conclusion we subconsciously draw, this is a real guy with a real life.
The infectious nature of zombies
Page last updated at 07:13 GMT, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 08:13 UK

Mathematical researchers from Canada have tried to model the epidemiology of a Zombie apocalypse in an attempt to understand the spread of infectious diseases.

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, discusses whether there is a useful comparison between zombies and swine flu.

And a link to this BBC news report of the same day, 18 August 2009.
BBC News: Science ponders 'zombie attack'
Page last updated at 13:26 GMT, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 14:26 UK

zombie film.jpg
zombie film.jpg (13.93 KiB) Viewed 6280 times

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada....

...Even so, their analysis revealed that a strategy of capturing or curing the zombies would only put off the inevitable.

In their scientific paper, the authors conclude that humanity's only hope is to "hit them [the undead] hard and hit them often".

They added: "It's imperative that zombies are dealt with quickly or else... we are all in a great deal of trouble."

According to the researchers, the key difference between the zombies and the spread of real infections is that "zombies can come back to life".

Professor Neil Ferguson, who is one of the UK government's chief advisers on controlling the spread of swine flu, said the study did have parallels with some infectious diseases.

"None of them actually cause large-scale death or disease, but certainly there are some fungal infections which are difficult to eradicate," said Professor Ferguson, from Imperial College London.

"There are some viral infections - simple diseases like chicken pox have survived in very small communities. If you get it when you are very young, the virus stays with you and can re-occur as shingles, triggering a new chicken pox epidemic."

Professor Smith? told BBC News: "When you try to model an unfamiliar disease, you try to find out what's happening, try to approximate it. You then refine it, go back and try again."

"We refined the model again and again to say... here's how you would tackle an unfamiliar disease."

Professor Ferguson went on to joke: "The paper considers something that many of us have worried about - particularly in our younger days - of what would be a feasible way of tackling an outbreak of a rapidly spreading zombie infection.

"My understanding of zombie biology is that if you manage to decapitate a zombie then it's dead forever. So perhaps they are being a little over-pessimistic when they conclude that zombies might take over a city in three or four days."

This has the smell of a BBC media production all over it, which leads me onto something rather special, and that I think is an absolute goer.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show! - Humza Yousaf

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I haven't finished with Neil Ferguson, but this is more pressing and relevant to something I've just discussed above. I came across a reminder of this abortion issue from March.

Humza Yousaf commits to introducing abortion up to birth and sex-selective abortion in Scotland ... o-scotland
Humza Yousaf, who is running to be the next First Minister of Scotland, has committed to removing abortion from the criminal law, which would introduce abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth in Scotland – along with legalising sex-selective abortion.

The three candidates for the next First Minister of Scotland were approached by campaign group, Back Off Scotland, asking them whether they supported three changes to abortion legislation. Back Off Scotland is the Scottish arm of the Back Off campaign, which is run by the UK’s largest abortion provider, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS).

The third of the three proposed law changes is “removing abortion from the criminal law”.

Humza Yousaf then announced on Twitter that he would support all three changes, including “bringing forward decriminalisation proposals in current parliament term”.

Now, if you look back to the previous page, you will know I'm already very dubious about Scottish First Minister, Humza Yousaf. I suspect he is using race-swap makeup and is in fact white, but also, there is some indication there is a gender-swap going on. As I noted earlier, I think he wears made-to-measure suits designed to give the illusion of a longer body. That being the case, it points to Humza possibly being female, because women have shorter upper bodies than men. Which in itself has a bearing on the abortion issue he is pushing. And I think we have a right to know if this is a woman wanting to cut babies in half.

Note, every time I type this stuff, there is part of me thinking I've entered la-la-land. But the point of a magic trick is to do something that is so absurdly improbable it is dismissed as being impossible. In these pages, only if I've seen a proof of concept that something exists do I then use it in my consideration to explain what we might be observing.

So, looking at some pictures of Humza, I noticed the standard motion blur/depth-of-field blur they add to politician's hands so you can't get a good look at them. They do it a lot, it's another one of those indications that not all is as it seems, because otherwise, why bother adding a selective blur to the hands?

So I saw this picture, and I thought, there is something odd about that hand, have they replaced the original?


That seems a very awkward bend at the wrist, it doesn't look attached to the arm correctly.


So I thought I'd stick it in fotoforensics and see if there is any indication it has been replaced. And guess what...


I know what that result says to me. See the post above regarding my tests on AI created images. ... 8&show=ela

I'll have to do some tests on raw images saved from a camera to examine their footprint. But if this is a real world picture it suggests there is zero editing at all on it and it's been saved out from a raw file. But against this premise, there is no EXIF data, camera model, shutter speed, etc. But we do have a fair amount of data to do with who it is and where it was apparently taken. Also, it is unheard of for a photographer not to adjust contrast levels and add sharpening to a finished image, but these would show in the ELA.

There is some information in the String data of interest:- "JPEG APP13: Photoshop 3.0". It confused me a little as the Towers were still standing when Photoshop 3 was out. But checking, what I can say, the image was saved from an application that uses the Photoshop 3 de-facto standard. Further, this application is not Photoshop or an Adobe product as there is no reference to recent Adobe application numbering. I'm more and more convinced regarding what this actually indicates. We are getting to the stage where politicians are no longer required, they can all be AI generated. And this is why there was no pushback to lockdowns, because there is nobody there. This is also why they need the pandemic excuse for politicians appearing on screen only. There is going to be another pandemic with a permanent lockdown as soon as the WHO: International Health Regulations (IHR) is made international law.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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I haven't really put up much on gender-swap transformations. This one is from 2009, I think techniques have gotten quite a bit more hyper-realistic in quality in recent years. But this one is good, as it shows how sections are added, this is missing in a lot of the newer examples I have. - UK TV channel Five commissioned Celebrity Swap. In the first programme shown on 3rd October 2009, Rebecca Loos and Darren Day swap genders. Rebecca becomes a balding builder through an extensive makeup process; highlighted in the stills below.

Celebrity Swap fakeover: Rebecca Loos


A life-cast is used to mould the sections first in clay, then a reverse mould is created so the clay parts are recast in latex, they therefore fit the face perfectly.


The mask is stuck to the face with latex glue; the joins are melted into one another using a alcohol solvent. See how the nose and forehead are their own sections, so could equally be applied alone.


A wig is then added. and finally makeup is applied to give life and depth to the latex.

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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I feel pretty confident with this one, and it gets a whole lot more interesting with regards to the Doctor Who connection.

I used to be a Who fan as a child, so I watched with interest the 2005 relaunch with Christopher Eccleston. Somewhat strangely, he only did one series, but more-so, he announced he wasn't doing any more the day after the first episode aired. So much hype before it, then an instant anti-climax. And then when asked in every subsequent interview, he was quite prickly about answering.

Christopher Eccleston's First Scene | "I'm The Doctor By The Way"

Why did he leave so abruptly? I think it was because he never wanted to be Doctor Who, I think he was required to take the job and do the first series of the reboot, and then after that, that's why he left and why for many years was quite obtuse when asked about it in interviews.

This falls into the category of Michael J Fox and his Parkinson's. He hasn't got it, it's impossible to act tremors, so if you watch, they cut them in. He's just a Big Pharma drug pusher, but I think he's required to play the part. So back to Christopher Eccleston, this is why I think he had to play the Doctor, some sort of contract commitment and it is directly related ti this.


The glasses are designed to make his eyes look smaller. I've listened to their voices, and while they have different accents, the pace, tone and strength of voice are in the same ballpark. And Eccleston does do accents because he says American is hard. It's easier to see it's him in movement. Look at the way he shakes his head and screws his eyes.

nf-1.gif (3.37 MiB) Viewed 6045 times
ce-1.gif (6.15 MiB) Viewed 6045 times

And we've already seen from his background, Neil Ferguson is a SIM. So the controllers wanted a direct link from Doctor Who to the Doctors at WHO. But this is not where this stuff stops. To finish here, interview mentioning accents and a comparison.

Christopher Eccleston Interview Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

UK Covid-19: Professor Neil Ferguson says UK cannot afford huge winter surge
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

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Taking this a little further, I now doubt anything we know about Christopher Eccleston being genuine. And we do see a pattern. I'm not a Lorraine watcher, just from looking previously at Robert Webb and now at Christopher Eccleston I see something of a pattern.

Apparently Christopher Eccleston has suffered anxiety and depression since childhood and is flogging a book to tell us about it.

Christopher Eccleston on Suffering Anorexia Since the Age of Six | Lorraine

Apparently Robert Webb has suffered anxiety and depression since childhood and is flogging a book to tell us about it.

Robert Webb Discusses Masculinity and Mental Health | Lorraine

Apparently Dr Hilary has assured us the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective even though it's now been withdrawn from most countries.

Dr Hilary Discusses Blood Clot Concerns Related to the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine | Lorraine

And the link that binds them all together.
Marfer wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:16 pm Essentially 'Lorraine Kelly' was determined to be a persona or actress and won an appeal against a £1.2m tax bill based on self employment earnings.

We did not accept that Ms Kelly simply appeared as herself; we were satisfied that Ms Kelly presents a persona of herself; she presents herself as a brand, and that is the brand ITV sought when engaging her. All parts of the show are a performance, the act being to perform the role of a friendly, chatty and fun personality. Quite simply put, the programmes are entertaining, Ms Kelly is entertaining and the “DNA” referred to is the personality, performance, the “Lorraine Kelly” brand that is brought to the programmes. We should make clear we do not doubt that Ms Kelly is an entertaining lady, but the point is that for the time Ms Kelly is contracted to perform live on air she is public “Lorraine Kelly”; she may not like the guest she interviews, she may not like the food she eats, she may not like the film she viewed but that is where the performance lies, as no doubt with other entertainers such as Ant and Dec or Richard and Judy. For that reason, we have no hesitation in concluding that Ms Kelly is a “theatrical artist” and the legislation is satisfied such as to make the expenses deductible.

I wonder what Neil Ferguson is up to these days, from ten years silence to him being interviewed by everyone, back to utter silence, Bing appears to be burying his name in search results, when searching 'Neil Ferguson', all the video hits are for 'Niall Ferguson'. Meanwhile...

Christopher Eccleston Reveals Why He Returned to Doctor Who Now ... hy-reason/
Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston has revealed why he has chosen to return to Doctor Who now after spending over fifteen years estranged from the hit sci-fi series. The actor played the Ninth incarnation of The Doctor in the first season of Doctor Who after it was revived by Russell T. Davies in 2005. Nine and his companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) re-introduced the Whoniverse to the small screen, modernizing the classic science-fiction drama and sparking the imagination of a whole new generation of fans.

Despite the success of the Doctor Who revival, Eccleston infamously left the show after just one series due to frustration and disagreements behind-the-scenes with producers about how the show was run. Eccleston has spoken out many times about his strained relationship with the series and its production staff after his exit. After he declined to appear in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary special, it seemed clearer than ever that the actor would never return to the series again – until Big Finish announced that Eccleston would star in a new series of audio dramas titled Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

What's up with this dude?
Manasseh Sogavare, PM of the Solomon Islands
No offense but I thought of this when I saw him
It could be his real face but then it's not common, his brow ridge is also peculiar.

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

Maybe my post is just rude but I haven't seen this often:
Manasseh Sogavare.jpg
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