For the record: Of "planehuggers" in 2005

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For the record: Of "planehuggers" in 2005

Unread post by SaiGirl »

(And for Misom)

Some history.
Before it disappears down the memory hole.

I should note that 9/11 "no planers" had been publishing their work since at least 2005, and Holmgren even earlier than that, with his documentation of the absence of Flights 11 and 77 on the BTS database.

I started looking at the stills and videos in 2005, and found both the CNN-Hezarkhani and the ABC-Fairbanks digital cartoons, to be more than enough evidence of a psyop hoax on major media "news" networks.
Whenever I engaged in discussion or controversy with anyone about this, I immediately referenced those 2 clips.

To my astonishment, frustration and sheer exasperation, "normies" (even so-called "truthers") twisted themselves into the most convoluted arguments to try and explain away these transparently obvious digital FAKES.

We had a term for it.
I think Holmgren started it; then Nico Haupt and the rest of us picked it up.
We called this "body guarding the media" (as in "mainstream" media).
Alex Jones was the absolute worst.
But so was "" and "9/11blogger".
"No planers" and adherents of the "TV fakery" aspect, were savagely denounced, ostracized, smeared and completely misrepresented.

Rosalee Grable (the "WebFairy") labeled these normies as "planehuggers",
for their stubborn delusional clinging to the core of the psyop: the "hijacked planes" narrative.
Especially in the face of so much naked evidence PROVING network TV news involvement in the 9/11 psyop.

https://americanvoicesfor911truth.blogs ... salee.html
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Re: For the record: Of "planehuggers" in 2005

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