Was the Dublin Stabbing Incident a Hoax?

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Re: Was the Dublin Stabbing Incident a Hoax?

Unread post by pasterno »

I personally think most of the stabbing attacks are not hoaxes.

(hard to say in general)

I took quite some time diving in the Brussels one and I think that one is not a hoac.

I think psychosis is a reality, man deciding to listen to the devil, an uncontrollable anger that he lets out.

I think the psy-op is more in the media response.

Incident happens and within hours it spreads all over the world.

A friend of mine works in law and in my country there are daily attacks on spouses and husband in a relationship. These incidents never reach the news.

I think the system run on fear. So any event that can push fear goes global nowadays.
E.g. a stabbing. This one in Ireland is seen in the US, Germany, Poland, South-Africa, goes everywhere.

Everywhere fear is pushed, as maybe today it's Warsaw, or Madrid, you never know....

And it's also marketing; this global marketing for stabbings, marketing manifests a reality.

I think this ^^^^^^ is the general reality, but I'm also convinced hoax stabbings are done.

But the big hoax is the media spectacle.

Similar to when someone paints on a synagogue in Miami. (if it is true, which I doubt) I need to hear that via 20 news channels in Europe.

That's just plain crazy.
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