Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Here we go, US style
https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/23/heal ... index.html
July 24 2020
Shut down the country and start over to contain Covid-19, US medical experts urge political leaders **
More than 150 prominent US medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses and others have signed a letter urging political leaders to shut down the country and start over to contain the surging coronavirus pandemic.

"The best thing for the nation is not to reopen as quickly as possible, it's to save as many lives as possible," they wrote in the document, which was sent Thursday to the Trump administration, leading members of Congress and state governors.
"Right now, we are on a path to lose more than 200,000 American lives by November 1st. Yet, in many states people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities."

"Our decision makers need to hit the reset button," said Matt Wellington, the public health campaigns director for the advocacy group U.S. PIRG,which joined with health experts to draft the letter.
The criminals hold all the cards - supine media, fantasy testing results, unverifiable death statistics.... the bottom line is that all deaths are "preventable" in this new religion - and must be prevented at all costs. The same mantra from March 2020.

The list of medical non-entities who have signed the letter may be seen here - nobody would have heard of it if CNN hadn't puffed it.
https://uspirg.org/resources/usp/shut-i ... o-it-right

** this organisation Public Interest Research Group, funding not known, wants to shut down the country.
At U.S. PIRG, our mission is to champion the public interest — to speak out for healthier, safer, more secure lives for all of us.

From their website, their agenda seems clear...
We need more testing, not less
The Trump administration wants to zero out funding for coronavirus testing, even as cases continue to spike, and the death toll grows. Tell your senators to demand that funding for testing be included in the next stimulus bill.
i.e. no testing --> no cases --> end of plandemic H1N1 style. We don't want that, do we?
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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An article in Wired, pushing the ZERO COVID eradication narrative is in Wired, August 3 2020, which, while trying to drive a wedge between the England and Scotland [Wales doesn't seem to exist] , hails the crackdown in NEW ZEALAND which has produced the alleged figures we can see below

From Wired

https://www.wired.co.uk/article/zero-co ... limination
Lockdown provided New Zealand with the time to put in place the intensive measures necessary for the pursuit of Zero Covid – such as contact tracing and isolating, an intensive quarantine for people entering the country (which is now the subject of some controversy). None of these measures have been thoroughly implemented for England.
You have to laugh at the narrative for a scaremontering re-introduction of Covid into New Zealand , reported on June 16 2020 [CASES, of course..]
The cases relate to two women from the same family, both of whom had travelled from the UK and were given special permission to visit a dying parent.
suuuuure. better put a stop to any of that dangerous activity. Indeed, it looks like the resurgance of the low level of Covid "cases" followed on from these two "typhoid marys" [see below]
from Wired
at the end of July, New Zealand’s death count stood at 22 confirmed Covid-19 deaths.
, despite borders being closed [pace the above]
New Zealand - current situation Aug 4 2020
[https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/dis ... rent-cases
Interestingly, the highest number of cases is in the 20-29 age group , which probably equates with the vulnerability of this group , theo succumbing to testing. Indeed the 20-60 age range in New Zealand has the most "cases" - best remedy, shut down the economy, I guess, this being the normal working range of useful eaters. 55 per cent of cases are female.
Why are we not given data on the sex and ages of those tested? All healthy people, I guess.

Almost 500,000 people in NZ have been tested.
As at 9.00 am, 4 August 2020
Total Change in last 24 hours
Number of confirmed cases in New Zealand 1,217
Number of probable cases 350
Number of confirmed and probable cases 1,567
Number of recovered cases 1,523
Number of deaths 22
Number of active cases 22

So half a million tests and fewer than 1600 "cases", whatever they are testing for.. Wouldn't it be interesting if thousands of swabs were exchange between, say, England and New Zealand under double blind conditions and the results made public....

A further source of NZ data, which reported on "new cases"
https://www.health.govt.nz/news-media/m ... covid-19-8
Media release
02 August 2020
There are three new cases of COVID-19 to report in managed isolation in New Zealand today.

It has been 93 days since the last case of COVID-19 was acquired locally from an unknown source.
The first case we are reporting today is the child of a previously reported case. They arrived in New Zealand on July 14 from Pakistan, via Dubai.

The second case is a woman in her 30s who arrived in New Zealand on July 28 from Los Angeles. She has been staying at the Rydges in Auckland and tested positive for COVID-19 as part of routine testing around day three of her stay in managed isolation.

The third case is a woman in her 40s who arrived in New Zealand on August 1 from Manila, via Hong Kong.

These three people are all now staying at the Auckland quarantine facility.
all unverifiable, naturally.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Australians have been filled 'with fear and alarmism': Alan Jones

The consequences to be inflicted on the personal wellbeing of Australians, business viability, the national economy, and mental health are far beyond what could be described as responsible management of the situation says Sky News host Alan Jones.

"The nation is swimming in debt, kids are out of school, people are locked up while all along the mental anguish of what is taking place is beyond calculation," Mr Jones said.

On Monday, Premier Daniel Andrews outlined the details of his stage four lockdowns which will affect Metropolitan Melbourne for at least six weeks in a bid to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Mr Andrews ordered all non-essential workers not to leave their homes from Thursday but promised people they will not need to bulk buy food as supermarkets, grocery stores and pharmacies would stay open.

Mr Jones said if lockdowns were the answer, why do deaths continue to escalate around the country.

Mr Jones discussed the issue with Garrick Professor of Law at the University of Queensland.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Corona Committee


Lawyers discussing the total useless nature of Covid testing.
German with English subtitles:
https://web.archive.org/web/20201101140 ... /443416775

The question: Who is profiting?
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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More on this Ardern creature in New Zealand who has been a key world figure in the scam, pushing out her nonsense from "facebook".
March 26 - how touchy-feely, after putting the children to bed. So credible. *vomit*
This is pure psychological targeting. Note this comment, Aug 3, at Stuff.nz: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politi ... ok-account
Livestreaming on Facebook, in a casual green sweater from bed, or describing life in her “bubble” and toilet training her daughter, her cosy chat style both reassured and built trust.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/video ... -bed-video
Describing the modelling she's been listening to [sources not disclosed]

"Cases" will go up and then come down.
...telling the New Zealanders that will be their job for the next four months [taking us nicely into....the August lockup in Auckland], staying home, following all the psychological programming, and locking up the country for four weeks.

June 8
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... d-no-cases
Jacinda Ardern says she ‘did a little dance’ when she heard there were no cases of coronavirus left in the country
[so the script went]
22 people had died "of" Covid in New Zealand. Allegedly. Then the prophecy -
“We almost certainly see cases here again,” she said. “That is not a sign that we have failed; it is a reality of this virus.”

New Zealand is now part of a small group of countries that have declared themselves free of Covid-19
Strangely this "recurrence" hasn't happened in China among 1.4 billion people.

So how did the "virus" re-emerge in Auckland, NZ, as predicted so accurately by Ardern?
https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/20 ... -pead.html

New Zealanders were too SMUG and COMPLACENT. Covid just came out of nowhere because of smugness and complacency. We need a policy of zero smugness.

August 18
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/arti ... d=12357328
When the country eventually moves back down a level, [Director of Health, Ashley] Bloomfield said normal life might look different that it did before the second outbreak. **

He said the aim should be to get back to "life as normal" as soon as possible.
"But the new normal [may] include perhaps a little more physical distancing, more frequent use of hand gels [and] possibly even the use of masks in some settings."

....The mortgage deferral scheme has also been extended until March 31 next year.

** the whole purpose of the fake "second wave" of "cases".
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Independent news clip, Ireland:
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/13 ... oqdIVT.mp4

Document referenced in the report:
Report: Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Ireland

Page 11 reads:
Total number of deaths = 1777
Number of cases with underlying conditions = 1677
Total deaths attributed to Covid only = 100
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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An excellent analysis of deaths, especially excess deaths around the world. It seems that 2018/9 had really low excess deaths, producing a more susceptible population for the 2019/20 flu season. And then add the various governments' euthanasia attempts...and hey presto...a "pandemic" [although nothing like 1919.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Drj-2w ... FrBYF/view

source - Ivor Cummins
https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1 ... 4270163968
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus- ... d-12069788

Coronavirus: More than 200 arrested during first yellow vest protest since France lockdown lifted [12 September]
The number of new COVID-19 cases in France rose by 10,561 on Saturday - the highest daily number since the pandemic began.

The last Gilets Jaunes demonstration had taken place on 14 March - three days before France went into lockdown.
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/f ... 46331.html

France reaches record-breaking 10,000 new Covid cases in 24 hours [1 hour ago]
France has confirmed 10,561 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours, according to health authorities.

This is the first time the country has passed the 10,000 mark in a single day, prompting concerns about a resurgence of the disease in the region.

Authorities confirmed in the last week 2,432 people were admitted to hospital with 417 patients being treated in intensive care.
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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Same old process in the Netherlands
https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/worl ... -in-a-row/

The Netherlands breaks daily infection record for third time in a row
September 17 2020
according to reports...The percentage of positive tests went from 2.8% last week to 3.9% this week, according to the country’s National Institute of Public Health and Environment

hmmmm whose "reports"?
“The reproduction rate has risen to 1.38,” the institute added. “That means that 100 people infected together infect 138 others.”

The Netherlands is approaching 90,000 infections since the start of the epidemic. At this rate, the country is expected to pass 100,000 cases next week.

“Because it is likely that not all people with COVID-19 will be tested, the actual numbers in the Netherlands are probably higher than those mentioned here,” the institute said.

100K perfectly well people "testing positive".

Quick, lock the country down. But we need more testing first...
September 23 2020
https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/belg ... -capacity/
The Netherlands currently carries out 28,000 tests per day but the daily demand by health services is 39,000 tests, discussions are underway with Belgium to use some of its laboratories and to increase the Dutch testing capacity in a sustainable way.
So what's happening in Belgium, to be able to "lend" Netherlands its excess "testing" capacity?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_ ... resurgence
Mid September, an average of 1,100 new infections per day were counted. Belgium had then passed the milestone of 100,000 confirmed coronavirus infections. However, also the number of testing was now much increased. In September an average of more than 30,000 tests were carried out daily compared to ca. 5,000 tests daily begin April. The increased number of tests could partially but not fully explain the increasing number of infections. The percentage of positive COVID-19 cases of all samples taken has risen in September to more than 3%. It was more than 5% at the peak in April and less than 1% at the end of June. Nevertheless, the number of hospitalised coronavirus patients had continued to remain at a low level. On 18 September, a total of 260 patients were receiving hospital care due to COVID-19, compared to almost 7,000 at the peak of the epidemic.[82] Overall [ b]mortality was again at a normal level in Belgium[/b]. Esteemed Belgian virologist Marc Van Ranst *** advocates against easing and in favour of stricter measures, calling the situation in Belgium on September 15 a recipe for disaster. Other experts reacted in the media and questioned whether the situation had to be seen as alarming.
*** experts like that found round the world who are making their careers out of this phoney pandemic through their fearmongering.
It seems you can produce any infection rate you require from the PCR test.
The cycle threshold (referred to as the Ct value) is the number of amplification cycles required for the fluorescent signal to cross a certain threshold. This allows very small samples of RNA to be amplified and detected.
source - Jefferson, Heneghan et al [Oxford] Aug 5 2020
https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectiou ... -covid-19/

Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19?
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Re: Other countries Covid-19 and all deaths data sets and graphics

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An analysis of Non-phamarceutical interventions *** in Switzerland relating to this alleged pandemic based on officially released data

https://twitter.com/Rapatauxx/status/13 ... 4350909443
22/23 Conclusion: We can say that most NPIs *** had no short term effect on the epidemiological course of SARS-CoV-2. R_e did not seem to be clearly influenced at any time. The measures might perhaps have helped to keep R_e down for a longer period of time.
𓅓Ramon @Rapatauxx
Replying to
23/23 But even this statement is weak, because the increase in late summer fits exactly into the seasonal pattern and was expected. (Graphic about Germany made by
The German graphic

The same author has just published an analysis of over 30 developed countries - the results are amazingly varied, with some countries showing no change, or even less mortality than in previous years, others with massive spikes. This is very unusual
https://twitter.com/Rapatauxx/status/13 ... 6808072192
2020 was a strange year. A different year... The worst pandemic since 1918 hit the world. Everything came to a stop. Life wasn't. To see how terrible Covid19 was, I looked at the mortality of over 30 countries.
let's get in to this:

4:40 pm · 3 Oct 2020
why are countries so different?
one sapient comment
mikehl70 @mikehl70
Replying to
However why does it behave that different. As often said Covid19 is a syndemi it need assistance co-impact. General lockdowns general rules are wrong. We have to investigat what the co-impacts are? e.g. vaccination programs?
....or even how the health care systems operate and operated in each country as well as the NPIs.

Here are the authors' tweets and graphs on the UK [see separate thread also]
https://twitter.com/Rapatauxx/status/12 ... 0046559236
29 Aug 2020

They note that the UK doesn't have a particularly elderly population - correct. Also considered - degree of urbanisation, air pollution, obesity, Vitamin D deficiency/migration, social status,
They also consider the lethal effect of lockdown [as noted particularly by UK Column **] but don't distinguish between "With" and "uniquely from" Covid without other co-morbidities, following the deliberate 'easing' of death certificate completion in March 2020.

** citing a Telegraph article
𓅓Ramon @Rapatauxx
Replying to @Rapatauxx
last but not least
Lockdown has killed 21,000 people, data suggests
Restrictions have had 'significant unintended consequences' such as lack of access to critical healthcare and drop in A&E attendances
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/0 ... y-experts/
July 29 2020

...thus showing how different nations can produce widely varying sets of statistics, and for only a few to create the headlines around the world to produce the pandemic of fear.
The UK was the centre of pandemic promotion, truly, but is that any surprise?
https://twitter.com/Rapatauxx/status/13 ... 7063629824
October 3 2020
𓅓Ramon @Rapatauxx
Replying to @Rapatauxx
UK: Epicentre in Europe. Flu peak in January, COVID peak in March. Highest peak in the last 40 years
UK Deaths per months per million, Can this really be verified? Or is there some simulation going on?

https://twitter.com/Rapatauxx/status/13 ... 4802371590
Replying to
If you liked the thread or if you learned something please retweet the first post. So more people understand that this pandemic was as bad as a flu season!
4:53 pm · 3 Oct 2020·Twitter Web App
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